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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Aya takes her breath and soon as she starts to try to take a breather she hears a noise from the side and turns as she thinks she sees something move out of the corner of her eye. Though when she turned the only thing that is near her is her shadow. She takes a sigh of relief but it wasn't second later she felt arms grasp her arms, pinning her tightly to the person. When she gets a glance behind her, she sees that the shadow is what grabbed her and within a few seconds the shadow takes on her appearance. The double of her smiles and says, "hi."
ENCOUNTER: Doppelganger(Aya Morioka), Level 1, {[Health:][125]}

{Trigger Trap} {Attack} {Wait} {Try To Escape Pin}

(Haha, its for humor and if you're crazy. XD I usually add the 'trigger it anyways' if they find it :p just for my own humor if they'd dare pick it. haha.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She blinks rapidly at... herself? "The hell? What are you?" She was too surprised to try and escape, and thus waited, curious.

Action: Wait (and see if the doppleganger will say anything back.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Gripped)

Doppelganger(Aya Morioka), Level 1, {[Health:][125]}
Aya's curiousity got her nothing but a mimic, "The hell? What are you?" It said before it started to grope Aya's breasts, holding her arms with its arms while its hands worked on Aya's breasts. It was seemingly like all other creatures. It made no other movement but it would mimic every word she spoke and on top of that, it sounded exactly like Aya as well. She literally would think she was listening to a recorder if she hadn't seen the words leave its lips.

{Trigger Trap} {Attack} {Wait} {Try To Escape Pin}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She barely suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. The damn thing had to be some kind of mimic demon or something, although this was very very bad for her. She wasn't at full strength, and it was, which left her at a serious disadvantage, especially with it having her pinned. She barely stifled a moan as her mimic started feeling her up, and groping her breasts, realizing she had to at least get away. Perhaps she could get away, and even the odds out at least a little here. She chose to headbutt her mimic, hoping to at least do some damage, if not maybe knock her back onto the trap with it.

Action: Attack (and maybe knock the doppleganger into the trap if that is possible with the attack, if not, sheer headbutt attack.)

((Poetic justice that I become the first to fall prey to my own evil idea for an enemy.:D :p))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][74-5=69/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Gripped)

Doppelganger(Aya Morioka), Level 1, {[Health:][125]}
Aya's headbutt fell short as she felt a hand brush into her pants and stroke her womanhood, the mimic was distracting Aya from her assigned attack but she didn't force anything more upon Aya yet. It was as if the mimic was trying to warm her up for what was to come, literally. The mimic held her with her right hand up Aya's shirt, caressing her bare breasts while her left hand was down into Aya's pants, her arms were grasping Aya tightly so she couldn't escape the touching so easily.

{Trigger Trap} {Attack} {Wait} {Try To Escape Pin}

(haha. >.> Wonder how a doppelganger creature will turn out. XD)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She barely suppressed a gasp as the mimic of herself put a hand inside of her pants, stroking against her. She was dangerously close to being unable to fight here, this one of the few things she knew would eventually get to her. Once more, she tried to attack, this time attempting to bring her legs up and wrap around the neck of her mimic in an attempt to snap it.

Action: Attack.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][69-6=63/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Being Raped (Gripped/Fingered)

Doppelganger(Aya Morioka), Level 1, {[Health:][125]}
Aya attempted to shift her weight to get a blow and even snap her doppelganger's neck but everything was brought to a halt as one of the doppelganger's fingers slipped through the lips of aya's womanhood and started to tease her inside. Not one finger, but two of her fingers going inside while the hand caressed her womanhood from the outside. Aya's doppelganger's other hand still wroking on her breasts and now even starting to kiss her neck. The kiss going into a small suck before she moves to kiss another part of Aya's neck.

{Trigger Trap} {Attack} {Give In} {Try To Escape Rape}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She let's out a stifled moan as her mimic thrusts her fingers inside of her, shuddering from the sensation. She started once more to try and attack, even despite the pleasure she felt from both the breast massage and her fingers inside of her, but when the mimic started kissing and sucking her neck, her arms and legs just simply turned to jelly on her, refusing to obey her mental commands right now. She started thinking of something else she could do, since brute force wasn't working, but for the moment, she had no choice but to see how much further this would go.

Action: Give In (for now)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 94-5=89/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][63/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Stunned (Orgasmed/Winded)

Doppelganger(Aya Morioka), Level 1, {[Health:][Pleased and left]}
The mimc felt Aya's body stop resisting, which is when the mimic really started to have her fun. She started to suck on Aya's earlobe, while her fingers continued to massage her breasts and finger inside of Aya. The mimic's hand on her breasts would slip every so often to Aya's nipples, clenching the nipple within her index finger and middle finger, tugging but just lightly enough to cause a small sensation within them, before moving back to massaging her breasts. The mimic would remove her fingers from Aya's womanhood, licking and sucking on her two fingers before moving back and sticking the wet fingers inside of her. The sensation becoming too much for Aya to handle as she came from the mimic's touches. Though before the mimic left Aya, she laid her down on the ground, away from the trap and let her tongue lick Aya's womanhood clean while she fingered herself, which didn't take long for the mimic's juices to flow down her leg. Though as fast as the mimic came, she seemed to slip back into Aya's shadow and the shadow slowly moving back to being Aya's real shadow.
Lost 5 experience.

{Unable To Move Due To Orgasm}
(Give in = risk of exp loss, pregnancy and no loss of hp/stamina. One time kinda shot. :p If you give in, the creature has fun with you and then leaves. So give in is only for the one creature encounter. So theres no 'for now' :p)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

The sensations were just too much for her to take, and with a semi-scream, she orgasmed. Her eyes shot wide open, and her hands clawed at the wall behind her. When the tongue came into play, she arched her back, moaning the entire time, completely lost in pleasure. She was almost disappointed when the mimic left, but her mind cleared quickly, even though she couldn't move just yet.

Action: Nothing, can't move.

((Yeah I realized that after but didn't bother editing. Ah well, it worked out here in the end though. Didn't lose as much stamina as I could have, and with the dopple at full strength and Aya not, it wasn't going to be much of a fight anyway. I'm assuming you took the whole thing literally and the dopple had the same other stats as well? Makes sense to assume that since she had the same max health, which actually was how I had hoped it would get used.))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][103/125]} {[Stamina:][63/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Winded)

Aya slowly came to her senses, even through all of the pleasure, glancing at her shadow almost as if she was waiting for it to attack again. Though the shadow remained hers and it didn't reappear.

{Move On} {Wait}
(Yep, exact stats. Hp, con, str, spd, and int. So whatever you can do, she can do. lol *feels like putting in a humor action of calling for the mimic again* hahaha. :p)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya shook her head, clearing it again. That had definitely been an eye raising experience, and while she was afraid if she waited that the creature would come back, she wasn't in much of a position to do anything else right now. At least if it came back she'd be raped technically by herself though, which wasn't as appaling as someone else doing that to her.

Action: Wait

((Haha that would be funny!))
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][103+4=107/125]} {[Stamina:][63+15=78/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Winded)

Aya waits in the room, watching her shadow incase the mimic would decide to return but it never did and she was able to catch her breath and rest successfully.

{Move On} {Wait}
(lol Hence why I was tempted. xD)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She looks around, and decides to take the chance one more time, trying to regain a little bit more of her breath, worried that the next room might be worse.

Action: Wait (one more time)

Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][107+9=116/125]} {[Stamina:][78+6=84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (A Bit Less Winded)

Aya continued to rest and take her chance and feeling a bit more recharged yet again. As well as the mimic hadn't returned, maybe she had worn it out too much for it to return, who knew.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She decided that she was rested enough now, staying any longer would probably lead to bad things and she did want to get home eventually. That decided, she headed for the door, making sure to move around the area she had seen the trap near before.

Action: Move On.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][116/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (A Bit Less Winded)

Aya continued on to the next room to find that there wasn't anything in obvious sight. She had started to feel a bit stronger from her resting but she still was a bit weak, but at least back up to over fifty percent. She just hoped she wouldn't find any more creatures anytime soon.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She was still a little tired feeling, but she felt well enough to look around this new room. If it proved to be clear, then she could try to relax a little later. First though, she had to see if there was anything she might have missed with a quick glance.

Action: Examine Room
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][116/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Half Energy)

Aya examines the room, searching the nooks and crannies but she doesn't see anything out of the norm. The room looked like any other of the dungeon rooms. Stone filled, dark and horrible as always.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She shook her head, wondering if she would ever find anything BUT things wanting to rape her. She decided to rest for a little bit before going on again, wanting to feel a little bit better than she was right now.

Action: Wait