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Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][116-13=103/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Half Energy)

Aya takes a breather only to find her last step before she stopped triggered a trap and she felt the floors below her poke up in about a million small needles all over the floor, completely covering the floor with them before they sucked by into the floor. She could hear a small timer, ticking somewhere off in the walls or floors. No doubt the timer when the trap would spring again.

{Out Run The Timer} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She let out a quick curse, and ran as fast as she could, hoping to outrun the damn timer that thing was on.

Action: Run Like Hell to Outrun the Timer.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][103-5=98/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Half Energy/Feeling Sore)

Aya's dash for the exit came to a sudden stop as she felt needles pierce her feet again, making her trip on her way to the exit. Her feet becoming sore from the sudden small thin needles being stung up into her feet and back out at a fast force. Immediately after she started to hear a small ticking.

{Out Run The Timer -again-} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She didn't waste any time, making a break once more for the exit.

Action: Attempt to outrun the timer again.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][98/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Half Energy/Feeling Sore)

Aya's makes another rush without haste and finds herself in the next room, she stops only to pant and rub her sore feet but upon bending over to rub her foot she sees a trail of holes in front of her. She can only assume it to be a trap and as such she is very careful to examine this side of the holes. Upon seeing nothing else she takes a torch off the wall and places it next to the holes, just about and waves the torch around. ALmost instantly spikes rise from the holes and impale the torch out of her hand and into the cieling, as they slowly go back down she uses the chance of them being reloaded (hearing springs to retract the back), she takes a leap over the spikes that were still exposed but low enough to get over them successfully.

{Move On} {Wait}
(Aya saw that trap luckly :p)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

After the narrow miss there, she made sure she was out of range of the trap, then stopped in the corner by the door, trying to calm her nerves. That had been too close for comfort.

Action: Wait.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 1
Experience: 89/100
{[Health:][98/125]} {[Stamina:][84/145]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Half Energy/Feeling Sore)

Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][20]}

Aya's eyes grew a bit heavy and she closed them for only a second but she was quickly jerked alert as something wrapped around her wrists and kept them tightly together. The creature was snake-like in appearance and as soon as it latched onto her, she felt a small stinging on her skin as if some needle was injected into her and then pulled out. Though it wasn't painful it was very obviously there. The creature's skin was completely green.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait} {Attack}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She let loose a snarl at the pin prick, and slammed her wrists down to the ground as fast and hard as she could, trying to crush the little bastard under them.

Action: Attack (by crushing it, since hands are tied, can't exactly grab it)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 2
Experience: 177/250
{[Health:][108/135]} {[Stamina:][104/165]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Half Energy/Feeling Sore)

Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Aya's hands came down hard, crushing the tentacle spawn under her hard thrash. The smash caused the tentacle's body to ooze out some slimey substance out onto her wrists. Though scanning around, she couldn't see anything else within the room.
Gained 88 Experience.
Level 1 >>> Level 2
Health 98/125 >>> Health 108/135
Stamina 84/145 >>> Stamina 104/165
8 free stat points to distribute as you like.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya had the sudden urge to flip the finger to the oozing corpse, and did so for only a moment. That done, she decided to try and rest one more time.

Action: Wait

(Distribution: 5 Speed, 3 Strength.)
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 2
Experience: 177/250
{[Health:][108+10=118/135]} {[Stamina:][104+15=124/170]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Feeling Better)

Aya's waits successfully with nothing more to approach her luckly.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

She breathes a sigh of relief, then makes her way for the door, moving out.

Action: Move On.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 2
Experience: 177/250
{[Health:][118/135]} {[Stamina:][124/170]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Feeling Better)

Aya slowly moves on to the next room, finding it looks exactly like any other room in this dungeon. Not much of anything to see. She wonders if maybe she is missing something.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya blinked at what seemed to be an empty room yet again. She was starting to almost get bored with this whole empty stone wall room thing, and decided to have a look around, hoping to spot something of use.

Action: Examine Room.
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya Morioka
Level 2
Experience: 177/250
{[Health:][118/135]} {[Stamina:][124/170]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Trapped (Binding Trap/Feeling Better)

Aya slowly examines the room but it seems that she hadn't missed anything until her foot triggered a button which in turn triggered a thin wire to come out from the ground and wrap around her foot, it wrapped around her foot tightly and swung her up, dangling from her one foot. She was bound in the room now, only possiblity would be if somehow she could break free, otherwise she may be here for a passing creature.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Aya Morioka [SiphonTalvesh]

Aya let out a soft, "gah," as she was snagged, immediately setting about trying to break herself free of this stupid trap.

Action: Attempt to break free.