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Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

Whe Azhaline saw inside the cabinete she reach to see a little pink box and a little notebook, both hidden between the clothes of the girl, the way that she left her precious objects were proof that the family leave the house in a hurry without take all the values of the house.

The creature look to her for a time still feeling the effect of the perfume on him, the Carbunkle remain silent for a time, but he understand that she had hearing all clearly. With his cute voice the creatured answer her Uhm, yes. I can talk, thanks for help me. Are you good, right? The creature was a little scared and tried to mantain his little distance
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

Azhaline plucked up the little box and notebook, eyeing the objects curiously, before being spoken to by the Carbuncle, chewing her lips a little bit. "Hrm... I was hoping to have some fun in this world.", she spoke a bit absently while trying to read the notebook. "I think I'll have plenty fun here, plenty of sexy fun... Maybe I can catch a slave or two...", she coo's musingly to herself.
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

The Carbunkle heardher and decide that it was time to leave the mage in her lecture, the creature expecting to walk until the door and as he do it Azhaline read some realy ussefull things.

After jump the classic family story she read that the fater of the family had losed her wife in a strnge incident close the ruins and he then dont stop to learn about the place, to proceed his research he borrow money from high class people, but the persons start to demand his money, now the two leave the house to avoid them, the diary said that maybe both were in the ruins, it was clear that she could turn them into slaves or take the possible job of bring them to the noble people.
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

Azhaline blinked a little as the Carbuncle got up and began walking off, a small huff escaped her lips. "Where are you going? You're not just leaving me after I helped you, are you?", Azhaline spoke in a stern, reminding tone, the Carbuncle owed her its freedom after all!

As for the information the notebook yielded, Azhaline beamed, she might have some use of this, and decided to pocket the book, but waited with the box until she had dealt with the Carbuncle.
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

The magic creature stop and turn toward Azhaline, his live eyes look to the room and then said in a childrish tone before walk towards the other room But i just want to check once again the other room and... you are very busy reading . Dont worry, i will dont leave you soon, unless i get very bored and even in that case i will talk to you again.

The box had some marks of little fangs and claws. Inside the girl found some gold coins, more photos, some rings and a necklance in form of heart with two photos inside, there were also the rests of an apple, a little notebook with many pages everywhere with many draws in them as if a little child use it. In the pages there were some recipes of dishes and poems in a diferent letter than the diary, some coloures pencils.
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

Azhaline simply nodded to the Carbuncle, and after making a quick skim through the box contents, she'd toss the apple away incase it was smelling/rotting, stashing the book and box and then heading out to find the Carbuncle again, mostly to see what it was doing, and to keep an eye on it, while continuing looking through the small home for anything of value.
Re: Azhaline(Random_Knight777)

Suddenly the entrance door get opened with force Just when Azhaline returned to the room, they were two dark clothed men, but with a strange grey skin and creepy skin look, th biggest of them had a wand and the other an weird web launcher gun . The staff pointed to the magic creature and talk with a tenebrous and low tone There she is, shoot quickly and suddenly the gun shoot to the creature who was jumping in the bed a moment ago, it was very fast for him and was an easy prey for them. They started to get closed ready to take the cute magic creature, even without pay attention to Azhaline.