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B&B Group Arjay OOC

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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I claim this OOC thread in the name of Arjay, and boars.

Also, since I got asked a question and figured I should answer stuff, I shall explain how some mechanics shall work in my game.

All things are rounded naturally with .5 being rounded up unless stated otherwise.

tl;dr version
You can use Heroism to boost your shitty rolls by +10
You decide how hard the game is, not me. Get rewards for doing risky stuff. Get pennies for being a coward.
Enemies can rape you by passing your Grapple DC
Your Grapple DC is lower when you have lower HP
Add Grapple Mod to your sheet: Grapple Mod = (MaxHP/20) ; do not round


Skills and Their Usage:

Physical: Anything that uses your muscles or reflexes. Gotta climb, jump, or hulk? Physical+Str. Gotta dodge an aphrodisiac tipped dart? Physical+Dex. Getting tickled, whipped, or sexed? Physical+Mind to endure such shenanigans. (I'll talk about sex rules as well, maybe)

Communication: Are you using your mouth? Probably involves communication. Gestures are also included in here, as well as any interaction that doesn't involve magic or punching. A pretty important skill if you like information and friends with benefits. Any check involving Communication will also almost always involve Mind.

Knowledge: "What/who is that?" A question answered using Knowledge. If it has any significance at all that you might possibly know, we roll Knowledge plus whatever most pertains to the subject at hand. Usually Mind. However, other stats might be used if the character might know something specific about a particular thing. A warrior might know a mastercrafted weapon and the area in which it was designed, using Knowledge+Str since it pertains to their own personal knowledge (GM decides when this makes sense). Usually though just Knowledge+Mind.

Subterfuge: If you don't want someone to know something, Subterfuge is your go-to. This pertains to sneaking, bluffing(using tricks of the hand), stealing, and whatever a thief would do. Usually paired with Dex, but sometimes Mind as well (Setting up a clever trap). Honestly whatever makes the most sense. (A liberty I will take more often than not to allow justification for things.)

Survival: If what you're trying to do can apply the word Survival, this probably fits. Survival in the wilderness, surviving a crippling wound, surviving a disease, etc. This is a measure of how much you have trained to be a very healthy and resilient person. Since skills for foraging and generally knowing what is poisonous and what isn't can be covered by knowledge, this skill features both that and your ability to survive whatever you might get hit by. This skill can even be used to help others suffering from ill effects. (Some effects are delayed, others are instant. A successful Survival test on an ally can prevent a lasting effect entirely.) Probably a good idea to have someone with a lot of Survival, for all your survival related needs and to have someone who's almost always standing.

Heroism: You basically have 3 uses of heroism throughout a mission. They're emergency dice roll boosters that you should only use to either finish a mission flawlessly or to save your ass from something really bad. Microlite20 is different from how my heroism will function, as heroism will always give you a flat +10 to your dice roll, no matter what your level is. So it's [almost] always an assured success when you use it. And my missions will be long enough that you cannot abuse them, while also giving you a sense of power that I'm sure everyone enjoys. The ONE exception is in the event you use a Hero Token for Damage. Instead of +10, just treat your damage roll as if you had rolled max on your dice. So it's like a soft crit.

There are five things you can use Heroism on, and once you use one of your Heroism Tokens (Trademark) on one of these items, you CANNOT use a token for that feature again. This will be added to the character tracker I'll be using for your characters.
Heroism Tokens: 3/3
1. Attack Bonus
2. Damage
3. Saving Throw
4. Skill Check
5. Spell DC

Experience&Rewards: Monsters and Traps will all have a Level associated with them, and these levels will vary depending on where you are and how much of a risk you're taking. I'll generally open doors for you to pick fights with things within your league, but if you're feeling cowardly or foolish, there might sometimes be alternative paths for you to take to adjust your level of risk. Though you will only know those paths if you find them, so that's what utility characters are good for.

It takes [10*yourlevel] experience points to level up. Experience is shared to all party members who participated. So someone who is removed somehow will lose out. All experience points earned in an encounter is split evenly. When they CAN'T be split evenly, I hold those points in limbo until I can disperse them. Since decimals hurt some people's heads. So, fighting four level 1 goblins means that you all get 1 exp each, with an extra shared between you until I can gather more leftover exp.

You can complete levels as quickly or as slowly as you like. Just like Darkest Dungeon I'll allow you to be greedy or cowardly. There will ALWAYS be more than enough experience to level up in a given dungeon, allowing you to acquire your level up and then some for the next level. Same goes for rewards of treasure and trinkets. There will always be lots of little pockets of gold and jewels as well as magical trinkets scattered about. But none will be readily available to you as your missions will have their own reward. Finding these little extra treasures require you to go off the beaten path, or through luck find them hidden away. You never know what evils I place down though, so watch your step.

Leveling: When you level up, I'll be doing a few things to make sure you don't get ripped off. First though, let me go over what you get for leveling up.
+1d6 HP + STR mod (Not counting level 1)
+1 To attack rolls (to-hit)
+5 Skill points to disperse among your five skills.
+1 Stat Point IF your new level is a division of 3 (3,6,9,12,15,18)

A few things going on here. Yes, the HP you get IS random. However, depending on your roll, you will either get a bonus or reduction on your next roll for level up so you'll always be getting the average amount of HP you expect to. At level 1, you get the default 6HP as a freebie. Should you level up to Level 2 and roll a 1, your next HP roll will be 1d6+2. Should you roll a 1 AGAIN, your next HP roll will be 1d6+3. So, now you're at level 3 with 4 extra HP. You SHOULD have seven instead, so that's why you're getting +3 on your next roll. In addition, Boosting your Strength mod retroactively gives you more HP depending on your level.

Next, is skill points. Unlike Micro20, you will not just get a flat +1 to everything because that is boring in my opinion. Instead, you can choose where those points go with one limitation. You cannot spend more than 2 points on a given skill per levelup. That's it.

Sex: So, Fighters get lots of HP because of their Strength. While sex attacks do deal a slight amount of HP damage (since HP in this game will be a measure of your ability to keep fighting), actively receiving pleasure will cause you to take Mind damage. This doesn't actually lower your Mind stat, but when the amount of pleasure you've taken is equal to your Mind stat, you climax. Climaxing causes you to suffer an hour-long debuff that lowers your Str and Dex both by 1d4 each. Losses to Str also reduce your HP, devastating to fighters! In addition, when an enemy's Mind stat runs out, they also climax, suffering similar debuffs but also having a chance to impregnate when possible.

Grappling: I'm using some custom rules for grappling here, that you're free to critique. Enemy grappling is done entirely for the sake of sex, and impregnation. However, if you're perfectly healthy then you are very easily going to refuse the advances of the enemies trying to rape you. Be aware that 'teasing' is a standard attack that doesn't require a grapple and deals reduced HP damage and [1d4 + Bonus - Survival] Mind damage (If survival is greater than the bonus, then pleasure is simply 1d4). 'Sex' requires the enemy to first grapple you (passing an AC that ignores armor), and then pass a Grapple DC that is between 1 and 20 depending on how much HP you have. The enemy rolls an unmodded 1d20 die, and if their roll meets or beats your Grapple DC during a grapple, your character has been penetrated and is now taking [2d4 + Bonus - Survival/2] Mind Damage and half HP damage every turn until the one penetrating them fails the DC check to rape you, or successfully cast a spell that also deals with the situation. The spell DC will be at an applicable penalty depending on how much Mind Damage you've taken so far in this encounter.

Pregnancy If during penetration the enemy climaxes, a 2d6 is rolled. On a roll of 10, 11, or 12, you are impregnated. The pregnancy will progress through 3 trimesters. Each trimester causes the character to look more bloated as time progresses, and suffer a 2d3 Str penalty and a -1 to attack rolls, stacking for every trimester. The character will then give birth to a number of spawn relating to the Str penalty they've acquired at the third trimester. (6=Minimal amount of spawn ; 18 = max amount of spawn)


Resting causes time to pass on its own. And naturally, monsters will move around during that time. Since dungeons operate on a map with cells, this means that monsters will migrate from cell to cell throughout the day. Most of the time they will just move around aimlessly, but in some instances the heroines must prevent the enemy from sounding an alarm that will alert all the other monsters in the mission that there are intruders of note. A monster lair on alert means that resting is almost impossible without being ambushed (unless you've already done quite well with their extermination). Should there be no alarm and the enemy is unaware of your presence, you may rest in two ways: A short rest or a long rest. A short rest is generally an hour or so and allows minimal healing, but also only allows monsters to move one cell, allowing you to clear the area and surrounding cells and avoid ambush. However, long rest implies sleeping, which means the monsters on the map can move anywhere.

Short Rest: The party sits around for one hour, resting up. You will regain your levelx2 HP for every hour you rest. For spell casters, the HP used to cast spells will be healed first, allowing natural healing to still occur later. Time will also pass, meaning monsters will move around, and the time of day will move on as well. Monsters have different schedules, and the amount of monsters in the area may increase or decrease depending on the time of day. Sometimes monsters even leave the area entirely to go hunting, fighting, or even go to sleep. If you're well informed, you might learn the best time of day to strike.

Long Rest: The party makes camp and sleeps for eight hours, recovering ALL their missing HP. In order to get a full night's rest, armor must be removed. Some characters may choose to wear their armor, but they will not get rest. If a character goes 24 hours without rest they will take a 1d4 penalty to all stats due to fatigue. It is assumed the characters will find someplace safe to sleep, so monster movement is treated differently. But the general rule is: The less monsters in the area, the better. Traps can be made to deter ambushes. If a character has been impregnated, their pregnancy will also develop during this time.
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Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Two questions:
1) Does the Sex Damage is the same if the enemy casts magic, like Evard's Black Tentacles?
2) Pregnant woman receive some kind of Berserk feature if they are in a shitty situation, to save their child's live/themselves? Like, basic instinct?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

To make things easy, any attack used erotically will deal at most, half HP damage.

They would, if the situation was life threatening to either of them. I offer bonuses for good roleplay, so that's covered in that.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

How far prepared (?) are our goal must be? I'm thinking in starting a chronicle about the monsters' "gifts" if Celeste ends raped by some. Like, I think some of them can do other things to snatch a victim, like numbing fluids or whatever. :cool:
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Believe me, I'm a master at getting PC's raped and making it completely their fault.

How far prepared (?) are our goal must be?

No idea what this means.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Well, you definitely are.

BTW, how is metamagic going to be handled? Expend heroism to use?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

There's a section in micro20 for empowering your spells at the cost of more hp. Since metamagic deals with feats in normal dnd and this has no feats, spell empowering is basically what you get.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Technically it's a feat, and then it makes your spells take higher level slots. So an Empowered Fireball has to be cast as a level 5 spell instead of the usual 3. Since we use hp to cast spells at all in M20, it comes out the same way. If arguably more punishing.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Well, this is gonna suck then. Not much point to casting until I get a few more levels in.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I think thats the intention. The game seems to operate on the idea that magic should be used incredibly sparingly in order to make the more martial characters better by comparison. Since otherwise magic is sorta the solves all problem. It's also simpler to govern this way.

Favored Class makes it a little easier though. Course I'm kinda forced to put it in the cure spells mandatorily.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I think thats the intention. The game seems to operate on the idea that magic should be used incredibly sparingly in order to make the more martial characters better by comparison. Since otherwise magic is sorta the solves all problem. It's also simpler to govern this way.

Favored Class makes it a little easier though. Course I'm kinda forced to put it in the cure spells mandatorily.

Yeah, my problem is I get several spells per level I am likely to be making use of. And at high level favored spells still take a lot of HP to cast. Spellcasters don't have it easy here for sure... Though at least there's no weapon proficiency feat to get in the way of swinging whatever you want, so I can at least hit reasonably hard in melee. Lack of armor kinda sucks, though.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

You can probably acquire some Strength boosting gear. I'd allow that to cause your HP to go up. Then you can use that extra HP as magic juice or something.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Oh, stat boosts were my goal at some point or another. Right now I'm just picking at issues I will be addressing later as wealth and levels permit. I expect to get some mileage out of Vampiric Touch to be honest, I assume you'd allow casting costs to be paid out of temporary HP first?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Well, magic paid for with HP is a permanent reduction that can't be healed normally. So any magical spell you cast, according to Microlite, is basically reducing your max HP until you can sit down for a moment and rest. So in this case it seems like it wants to eat your actual HP while Temporary HP just kind of is there to take normal hits.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

It's very dangerous to be ANY kind of mage in M20, but it pays off in the long run. Not always, but...

About goals: forget it, I already have something in mind.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

If you mean goals as in, some long term goals for characters or the entire party, you can do what you want. I'll put things out there that you can choose to care about or not.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I understand. ;)