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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D > B

You really haven't talked with fiends before that much, you know that they are quite.. verstile fellows. Couldn't hurt to ask these guards if they know anything about tentacle stuff, now would it?
You approached the two guards which shifted their attention to you, the other one stopped playing with the disc thing and took into a swift tight grip with his hand.

"..Excuse me? Neither you wouldn't happen to know anything about.. uhh.. Awakening these tentacle artifact thingies?"

You waved the staff a bit as you asked.

The guards seemed bit so-so about your question.

"gee, do we look like we do?"

"hey maybe you should try fucking it, that's what your kind does best right? "


The two seemed to snicker and make smug grins a bit.

"...oookay. bye."

geez, that was usefull.
Well you figured you might aswell go see the secretary in here, maybe whomever that might be could be an useful information source?

So you decided to step into the office.
As you walked into the neat little office, you felt a familiar aura in the air..
The aura that really, really made you feel all tingly and..

Oh crap, the secretary is her?

"Well hello daahling!"

Yep. It was the succubi mistress alright, this time with a secretary styled outfit with a very, very short skirt and a very cleavage open business shirt that her hard nipples slightly showed underneath the fabric.

"Uhh hi I..-"

"Oooh, coming to report progress on your advances aren't we dahling? Ooh that's just so cute, our little lesser Azeleila all growing up to the big succubi crew~. Isn't that exciting?"

"Well I guess but I..-"

"Oh yes I can see you've advanced a bit dahling. That's staff's a good find, surprisingly good for someone of your luck, eh, EH? And do I sense a little magic aftermaths? Oh yes I do, fiery even~"

Good grief do you not get any talking chance here at all?

"and even adventure with portals! My! Find anything good exotic experiences yet? I bet you might have~"

How unnerving. Your tentacle staff was appeareantly really distracted and turned on by this mistresses presence. And you were getting a bit annoyed by not being able to really get a chance to say anything.. But better just wait and hope she shuts up soon.


Time went by as she talked all sort of succubi stuff, pretty much assuminating everything you might or might not have done, but you really don't think you learned anything new about this, you just were getting more restless with this time going by..

It was starting to look like you might soon reach your boiling point but then..

".. And so I think we can make a summary that you are about 10% done for becoming a full pledged succubi. Congratsulations. Would you like a little task to help you speed up a bit, hmmm dahling?"

"..Uhhh yeah sure I guess? I was also gona ask if..

"Very well then! Here, have this little jar. Fill it with a very.. Exotic semen of a creature. Something big and very powerful. Impressive even and I might give you a little boost if its really good~. "

The succubi mistress gave you a jar, actually she pretty much jammed it between your breasts and it went right to your succubi safe.

"...Uh okay. Can I now a-"

"Now chop chop dahling, get a move on girl~. I don't think your little timer ball is gonna give you much time here anymore."

The mistress pretty much pushed you outside her office, hurrying you around for pretty much no reason.

You soon found yourself back in the room with the two fiends guarding the same old door.

You just stood there for a bit with a dumbfolded look as the two fiends seemed to snicker and giggle a bit.

well atleast you seemed to get a little quest and learned atleast something little?

Scratching your head a bit you kinda wondered a bit about the whole "10% from becoming a full pledget succubi thing.."
Guess thats a good thing atleast?

But oh well. You knew it too that the time in here is about to go up soon cause that mistress sure kept you for a long while.

You sat down on one of the free chairs in the pathway hell of a room as the fiends were still just doing their thing.. guarding like always.
Wrapping your head on these things you figured you might aswell try the book of skills again.

Surprisingly it seemed to have text again!

You could have time to read one topic.. But which one?

The topics were..

A) "Just Submit, Don't Cover"
B) "Do you even notice when you start doing it?"
C) "How to keep yourself turned on in every situation"
D) "Rain clouds indoors"
E) "How to fight anti-spiral beings"

F) Actually lets not read any of these.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

-A) "Just Submit, Don't Cover"
Likely a negative modifier to running away.
-B) "Do you even notice when you start doing it?"
Masturbate without noticing it.
-C) "How to keep yourself turned on in every situation"
Horny constantly
-D) "Rain clouds indoors"
Personal raincloud
-E) "How to fight anti-spiral beings"
Teaches us how to pilot Gurren Laggen

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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

but I really like A too...
E is interesting...
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Sorry for the long delay time but december is busy busy.

4F ... 4C...

flippy flip..


All these articles felt really unappealing to you. As much as the whole whole "how to keep yourself turned on in everysituation" article for some odd reason gave you the interest, you figured it was better to just leave it.

You closed the book and put it back to your secret compartment..


It was then when the world started to disorder around you.. A dizzy feeling made you feel absolutely, horrified, confused.. You know the usual stuff of feeling like being ripped apart.

A black out and then..!


"... Ow. ...Oh..!"

Yep, seems you were back at the weird tentacle room again.
The orb had vanished, and the two paths, tech and empty were still there.

But wait, where was the plantgirl?!

"..Is she not back yet?!"

However, you started to take notice onto some.. Noises in a direction of the room. Bit of slithery, splashy like sounds, the type that when something slimy hits something like...

...Oh crap.

You turned towards the sound and you saw the plant girl lying there, she was forced down to lie next to a wall by tentacles.
She was all out surrounded by small purple tentacles that were forcingly penetrating her sweet holes, tangling around her.. Smothering her chest like no tomorrow.

The floor underneath was like a puddle of slimy tentacle cum that her backside was on.
Her belly was back to normal, seems her's had hatched up while you were gone.
Those tentacles were quite small, but certainly bigger than the hatchling from your eggs. And there was quite a bunch of them..

The plant girl was quite exhausted and unable to shake em off.

"Aw hell. Now what..?"

Guess you could try scare em off somehow..?

A) Fire a bolt with your staff near this lewd scene. Maybe the tentacles will take the hint.
B) Go smack those things away with your staff. Shoo shoo!
C) Get seducive, try lure the tentacles to enjoy your body instead~ "I must be nuts.."
D) Leave her be, take one of the two paths in the meantime.
--1. Tech
--2. Empty
E) Other clever action?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C - we're a succubus, we need to start practicing this seduction stuff.

And maybe if we flub it badly enough, the tentacles will get completely turned off and leave our plantgirl friend alone anyways... :D