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Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Baker's Ranch

Baker's Mamono
Angel: Grade C
Mamono Level: 213
Life: 70
Power: 38
Intelligence: 132
Defense: 74
Skill: 165
Speed: 185
Loyalty: B
Tech: C
Special Trait: Performing good deeds raises loyalty Grade to A, and bad deeds to C

Minty Blade
	Mag 8

Lucky Star
 	Mag 17

Werehound: Grade C
Mamono Level: 204
Life: 64
Power: 105
Intelligence: 76
Defense: 93
Skill: 132
Speed: 140
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: More loyal than other Grade C mamono.

Playful Lick
	Mag 8

 	Pow 17

Baker's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Baker's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Baker's Money: 4850G
Baker's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: None!
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Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"I'm sorry, but we can't give you a Rancher's license..." Those were the first words Daniel heard when he stepped into the glorious building of Venice's fame, the most famous Rancher who was known around the world as the best trainer, and the greatest hero. The words were instant, as if the woman at the counter knew exactly why he had come.

"Due to the recent influx of hopeful Ranchers... We have no mamono available who are waiting for a partner. And the ones who were waiting have left some time ago before the influx started, as they were getting impatient to find a partner... I'm sorry, but only hopefuls who have already found a partner beforehand may sign up. Again, we at IMA(International Mamono Association) deeply apologize for this inconvenience."

And as such, Daniel was chased out of the building by the guards inside, a couple of Salamander girls dressed in frightening armor and wielding deadly blades that seemed to constantly be ablaze. Everything that he had hoped to do on this large island was suddenly blocked by a most difficult situation. None of the mamono that occupied the city wanted to be his partner when he asked. They were either too peaceful to even consider being apart of Ranching, or they simply viewed Baker as just another hopeful, and worse, a man, who likely would fall short before he ever reached fame and money.

While kind and welcoming, the city seemed more and more unwelcoming to him, and it was clear he couldn't stay there, within a place were many already had their lives set, and didn't need to be apart of Ranching... Until one day, when he was forced to leave the city lest his funds run out, he suddenly came upon a large explosion of magic.

Colors of blue, red, and black vapors suddenly went in every direction over a small stretch of trees as a terrible shiver went through Baker's spine from the presence of powerful magic suddenly booming through the atmosphere, before he heard the cries and shouts of two women apparently in conflict, having a desperate battle against one another.

"Surrender to the darkness! Just give up your soul, you slut!" announced a demonic voice.

"Fallen like you never get it, do you!? Get a load of heavenly PAIN!" a sassy girl's voice replied.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel Baker was officially out of options. He had come here to make a living for himself as a Mamono Rancher in what appeared to be a booming business. Too booming, it had turned out as the IMA, the organization running the licensing, had no partners available and little patience for someone like him.

His only option to proceed was to try to find a mamono to agree to be his partner. Unfortunately, this path too was blocked as everywhere he looked he could only find at best pitying looks and at worse open contempt for him.

He had set out from the city in equal parts desperation and depression. His savings were at their all time low and unless a miracle happened he would be forced to throw in the towel on this entire endeavor. He had paused to think about what few options he had left when an explosion almost took him off his feet.

Without even thinking about it, Daniel found himself rushing toward the disturbance fearing that someone had been hurt by it. A shudder traveled down his back as he felt the magic in quantities he had never felt before. Strange hues traced the tree line in his vision as the sound of what he could now identify as a battle took place before two voices reached his ears.

“What's going on over there!?” Daniel shouted even before he had made visual contact. He hoped that whoever was the aggressor would flee before she realized that the 'reinforcements' was only one guy without a single fight under his belt.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

As Daniel happened upon the scene, he saw two girls, one with celestial white wings, and the other with gloomy black wings standing apart from one another, each looking highly dangerous.

"Oh-ho!" the fallen angel announced upon Baker's arrival. "Thanks for showing up, bait!" she exclaimed, before charging up a dark energy in her right hand, and hurling it at Daniel without a moment's hesitation.

"What are you doing here, you idiot!?" the angel announced with a start, before moving quickly to intercept the sudden magical attack that happened and moved too quickly for him to dodge, and did just that as the dark energies struck her angelic body, before the angel sank to her knees, a dark aura hanging over her.

"Too easy!" the fallen angel laughed. "I'll leave this situation as-is! The magic will eat away at your soul until you will rape that fool proper for interrupting our fight!" she announced. "Enjoy her, stud!" the fallen angel laughed, before turning tail, and springing high into the air with her legs, easily making thirty feet into the air with a small gesture, and flying away.

"Dream! You bitch...!" the celestial angel cursed, trying to give chase, before letting out a pained grunt, and falling forward as she visibly was tortured by the dark energies that engulfed her from the magic that struck her.

While one ran away, the second angel laid on the ground before him, weak, and helpless. They were the only two in the forested lands near the IMA capital, with no one in sight.

"Fool... Help me...! This succubus magic will consume me...!" she urged Baker.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Oh fuck, this was a bad idea!” Daniel repeated his life’s catch phrase as the fallen angel directed a bolt of darkness at him. He recoiled, half in an attempt to brace himself and half in a barely thought out attempt to run away before white wings filled his vision. And then the vision of an angel was distorted by darkness as she was forced to her knees by the dark energy.

“Are you alright?!” He was at her side before he had time to even think about it as the fallen angel's taunting rang through his head. He had at best rudimentary first aid skills but he had no idea of how to deal with the effects of a magical attack. He felt a surge of hope fill him when she rose to try and give chase before it was crushed as she fell forward to the ground.

He felt a cold pit form in his stomach as he stooped by her side and cradled her weak form in his arms. He was responsible for this, it was his fault that she got hurt. He listened to her urgent words and forced himself to calm down before he replied, “What must I do? How can I help?”
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Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Take me to IMA... Hurry!" she urged him, and groaned and moaned the whole way as he carted her to the city, where a dullahan guard saw the angel in her condition, and directed Baker quickly to the church of Pandora, as they would gladly remove the danger of her affliction.

Taking her there, a figure flew down from the sky as he reached the steps of a fairly sized church constructed of black marble, and stood in his way. With one black wing, and one white wing and a crooked halo, the woman from the sky inspected Baker's luggage in his arms. "She looks in a bad way... I shall cure her!" the black haired woman announced, before winking and placing one hand over the angel, before a whirlpool of dark energy was vacuumed out of her body, and into the mixed angel's arm, directly absorbing it.

"All done! Thanks for the meal!" she announced, before flapping her wings, and flying gracefully up the steps, her back to Baker.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Alright!” Daniel hoisted her up into his arms and quickly turned back to the city. He traveled as fast as he dared while trying to keep the suffering angel in his arms from being harmed any further from his actions. He wasn't out of shape but by the time he made his way to the city gates his lungs flailed for oxygen and his legs burned from the hard pace he had set for himself. He caught sight of a guard and made a beeline for her.

“She...” Daniel gasped out. “She needs help!”

The Dullahan Guard at the gates quickly pointed him in the direction of the Church of Pandora and he quickly carried the angel off toward it. Mentally, he kept yelling at his legs to shut the fuck up and keep working even as they screamed at him. As he approached the black church, he didn't notice the figure flying down toward him until she was practically upon him. He could only look up at her as she inspected the angel in his arms and utter, “Please, help her.”

He caught his breath while he watched the black haired woman pull the darkness out of the limp angels form and seemed to absorb it into herself. She then oddly thanked him instead of the other way around and flew off. “No, thank you.”

Daniel looked down at the angel in his arms to see if this 'treatment' had helped any.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Once she was cured, the girl opened her eyes, and looked over to Baker with a frown. "... You know, you cost me a bell, which I would have gotten for apprehending that fallen angel." she said flatly, before flourishing her wings and launching herself upright, out of Baker's grip. "... But I guess you did make up for it by taking care of the damage, somewhat. And I guess you had good intentions... So.. I guess... I guess I can't punish you..." she hummed, debating on what she should do with him as she rose a hand and put it to her chin in thought. "... Fine, for your good intentions, I'll reward you with a kiss," she announced, leaning forward, and planting a small, quick kiss on Daniel's cheek.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel smiled and touched the cheek she had kissed before getting a bittersweet look on his face. “I don't deserve that. It's my fault that you got hurt protecting me.”

He straightened up and bowed to the angel. “I'm sorry that in my rush to try and help I wound up not only getting you hurt but lost you the very thing you were seeking... My good intentions... always seem to hurt the people I seek to help or even aid their enemies.”

An image flashed through Baker's head bringing a sad look to his face. That of the fallen angel and the look on her face when she realized she had been handed the means to her victory. Then of the angel in front of him falling to the ground. He took a moment to clear his head before speaking again.

"I forget my manners. My name is Daniel Baker, may I ask for yours?"
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

The angel shrugged. "Good intentions are good intentions... And us angels gotta reward good will, so it's in the job description. Hang in there little guy," she said with pity for Baker. "Anyway, nice to have met you, Daniel Baker. My name's Star, even though my mortal life was under a different name most likely. I'll be off now, see you later," she said, before turning and fanning out her wings.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Hello Star. It's nice to meet you.” Daniel said, and as Star began to get ready to leave he suddenly spoke up. “Star... I know this will sound kind of desperate and is probably ungrateful, but... do you know any mamono who would be interested in partnering with a prospective Rancher? It's... part of the reason why I was out there.”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Star suddenly closed her wings, and let out a thought. "Wish upon a star." she said suddenly. "Go ahead, make a wish. Angels grant wishes sometimes you know. And in exchange, you have to perform a task for me. This task will be challenging though, so you better make sure you're ready." she warned him.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Wish upon a star.” Daniel repeated her words to himself. “In exchange, a challenging task.”

Daniel looked off into the distance for a moment. He then turned back to Star and spoke, “I wish for a Mamono to become my partner so that we may start a Ranch together and live honest lives upon it.”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"... I don't appreciate being associate with that word, but whatever. I'll help you, and in return, you must do all you can to help me capture that fallen angle." she stated. "Alright, let's go. She won't capture herself." she announced, following Baker to the IMA building, where the lady at the counter gave a surprised reaction.

"Oh... You did quite well for yourself in such a short time!" she complimented him, before pushing forward some paper. "Just sign yourself up at the top half, and let your friend fill out the last section with all her information." she instructed.

"... Name, race, and food preference? That's all they really need?" Star inquired. "I'm not a pet."
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Then I'll just call you 'partner,' if it pleases you?” Daniel asked, a heartfelt smile on his face before he considered his task. “So I must help you on your mission to capture that fallen angel. That makes sense... shall we register, then?”

Daniel waited for her assent before he began leading her to the IMA building. Internally, he was screaming in joy and relief but this just translated into a small skip in his step. As he entered to building, he could swear he could feel the eyes of the guards on him once more before Star entered the building from behind him.

“Ah yes... this is the paper work I need to fill out?” Mr. Baker said, trying not to comment on the fact that no one here expected to see him again. He looked at the standardized form and filled out all of the standard information that one would expect to find on this form. He quizzically filled out a few odd ball questions that had found their way onto the form as well before he passed it over to Star.

He listened to Star's valid inquiry before he voiced his thoughts. “I think... when they made that form, they made it with those who might have trouble with paperwork in mind.”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Call me Star. Just, "Star"." she instructed Baker, before filling out the form in a quick moment, though what Baker had to fill out was much more complicated. Not only his personal information, but his personality, what he wanted out of being a Rancher, and how he would handle a stressful situation. And once he wrote everything down, the girl at the counter read over it 'very' carefully.

"... This seems fine... You may perhaps be a bit too nice. And many mamono will take advantage of that. But being mean will just result in something far worse, so this is for the best. You pass enough to get your E license." she announced, before pulling up a camera. "I'll just be taking your pictures, and then hand over your license." she sad, before the camera flashed, and Baker was handed his license of orange color, with his full name on it, and a large, bold letter E in the corner.

"Let's hurry up and get out of rank E as soon as possible. From what I understand of Ranching, that's a most miserable rank of lowest quality. We need privileges to go wherever we please to hunt down that fallen, and E Ranchers have just as many privileges as a civilian." Star said with dissatisfaction.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Alright, Star.” Daniel gave her a placating smile, even as she began filling out her part of the form. He paused to recheck his answers before he passed it back to the girl at the counter.

“Too nice... I get that a lot.” Mr. Baker said, more to himself than anyone around him. He straightened up for his picture and blinked a little at the flash. When the license was printed, he held it in front of him briefly as if amazed that he finally had it before he turned to listen to Star.

“Well, that's going to have to be our first goal then. Getting out of E rank so we can start hunting down that Fallen Angel you were after.” Daniel stated, before turning back to the girl at the counter. “Excuse me, but what are the requirements for advancing in rank? And is there anything else I need to know?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"You must defeat the member of IMA who sets the standards of strength for that particular rank. In this case, in order to raise yourself to D rank, you must defeat the IMA member, Oakley, who is mostly the manager who takes care of many of our city's finances, but also is the one you must defeat in order to pass to D. She is a Tanuki who is supposed to see if you have the mental ability to handle the higher ranks, and is especially unkind with her tests. This is good for our organization, as it weeds out all of those who are not fit to be a veteran Rancher. But even after you defeat Oakley, there are many other challenges that will test your ability in every single way before you are given the chance to face the head of a particular Rank." the woman at the counter announced, before giving Baker a bow of her head.

"I am Rank D, IMA representative Jessica Carmine. Should you do well, I will be your opponent." she said with a smile. "I look forward to testing your ability one day."
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel Baker listened carefully to Jessica's explanations and warnings about what would be required for advancing to Rank D. He blinked as surprise when she introduced herself as his final opponent in rank D and he quickly returned her bow. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Carmine. I hope to meet... exceed your expectations.”

He raised his head before asking a new more questions that were nagging him. “Also, is there any additional training I must go through myself? And... is that complimentary ranch offer still available? I understand if, thanks to the boom, land might be scarce...”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Mamono were the only things scarce, especially what you wanted. Angels are... Not even especially mamono themselves, but are considered mamono when they come into contact with succubus energy and as such... Become a bit assertive." she said, looking to Star with a knowing look.

"... I'm not a monster. This is starting to get annoying." Star said to Jessica's look. "Yes, I came into contact with succubus energy... But I'm not gonna jump just any guy and violate him." she stated. And being rather tall and powerful looking, Daniel Baker would realize that he wouldn't be able to fight off such an advance easily.

"Yes, there is some training." Carmine announced. "Venice will personally visit your location and tell you all you need to know to start your journey. Your Ranch will be number 142, which you can find on the map," she pointed to a rather large map of the city and the many, many surrounding Ranches about it. "Venice will be waiting for you, as she likely already knows of what has just occurred... She's rather efficient like that."