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Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel tried not to think too much about where that previous bit of conversation between Star and Jessica was going. He hadn't even considered Star in that light it was brought up and a small part in the back of his mind wondered what it would be like to be absolutely dominated by such an obviously powerful, yet alluring being.

He shook his head to clear it before turning back to Jessica. “While I am thankful for the Ranch and the instruction... how could she... we just... do I even want to know?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Because I make it my business to know everything that's going on in and around my city, at every moment in time," announced a strong female voice. When Baker turned to look, he saw a homely girl with pale white skin, and pale white hair, neither really attractive, or really ugly. Modest.

"I was in the area, so I figured I'd walk you to your ranch personally, Mister Baker." she announced. "Follow me, if you would." she instructed him, before turning from the door she stood in, and walked outside, as a powerful figure stood behind her, only glancing at Baker and Star, before turning and following Venice.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any offense. I take it you are Miss Venice?” Daniel bowed to her. “And... you seem to already know who I am, but still, I am Daniel Baker. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Shall we?” Mr. Baker asked politely of Star, before they headed out the door following in Venice's footsteps. He paused to hold the door for Star, even as he noticed the intimidating gaze of the powerful figure pass over him before she turned to follow Venice. The quickly followed suit on their way to their new Ranch.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Walking all together as a group, the dragon girl remained in the back, overseeing everyone, while Venice led the way. "First thing, Mister Baker," Venice began, "Speak with your fellow Ranchers. Get to know them. Friendships are a powerful thing here, as you'll find should you ever cause issues with any one of us. Those who directly help IMA have connections to various special areas that those who make special relationships with them may have access to. For instance, I know where all of my vampire kin like to build their little castles in attempts to gain power, and often kindly employ my own Ranchers to take care of them when they become meddlesome... One of those requests might fall onto you, but that's only if you obtain the high honor of Rank A, which is... Very far away from you." Venice says bluntly.

"Basically, make friends with important people. Most are friendly enough for you to approach, even... The stranger ones, like Valdis."
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“I understand. I was going to speak with my new neighbors regardless and that's just another reason to do so.” Mr. Baker spoke with a nod. “Rank A is far away from me right now, but that's all the more reason to build a strong foundation now if I ever hope to reach it.”

“Valdis? May I ask why you consider Valdis strange?” Daniel asked, trying to be polite but obviously a little curious.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"She fancies the undead, and often employs the use of men for hire to run 'tests' of sexual nature... Most often by using reanimated bodies of those familiar to them." Venice answered him.

Leaving the town, they walked along the path towards the ranch. "There are two steps you must take during any given day," she announced, holding up two fingers. "First, you must buy food for your mamono, and place the funds in the blue box along with the order written down on the blank pamphlet left inside every Saturday. Second, you must write on the same pamphlet, your requests for training lots for your mamono to use during the main five days of the week, leaving any blank for days when you wish to bond with your mamono instead of make it stronger. And bonding is important, as a mamono who does not trust you will not do anything for you, her trainer."

Upon arriving at the ranch, Venice went up to a blue box along the fence that told of the border that was to be Baker's property, and took out the pamphlet she mentioned from within, and handed it to him. "Here, this pamphlet wasn't written on by the last Rancher who left here. He was another male like yourself who thought he could make it to the top... But unlike you, he was arrogant, and did not treat his mandragora properly, and quit from Ranching on the very same day... Poor fool didn't understand how his personality was ill fit for the task." Venice said coldly, before Baker saw the menu of what he could order.

Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“I... I see.” Daniel said, even as he mentally added Valdis to the list of people to be friendly with but not to seek work from. He continued following Venice to the Ranch where he listed to her explanation.

Mr. Baker examined the pamphlet that Venice had handed him and examined the menu. After a moment, he beckoned Star over to him and turned the pamphlet so they could both read it. “What do you prefer from this menu? If you don't have a preference, I was thinking of getting you the Cup Jelly.”

As she considered her options and whether or not to accept Daniels suggestion, he was looking over the training selection. He penciled in what he thought was a good schedule. “And I'm considering this training schedule:”

Mamono Training with: Star
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Study
Tuesday: Shoot
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Study
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Used to eat golden apples in heaven..." Star sighed, putting one hand on her hip. "I guess a cupped jelly will do... peach flavored." she added.

"Wait, what's this? I don't need training!" Star complained.

"Even after you lost so much energy from being struck by that succubus magic?" Venice countered.

Star gave a baffled expression. "How did...!? I... I was...!" she stuttered, before slamming her foot down. "Okay, fine! Maybe I do need to get some of my strength back!" she replied, turning her back to Venice. "This know it all... I never liked those types." she said openly.

"Glad you could see the logical choice, oh holy angel." Venice said with playful respect.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“I'm sorry, but Golden Apples will eat through our budget faster than we could recoup it at this point.” Daniel apologized, before filling an order for her Cup Jelly. “Peach flavored cupped jelly it is!”

“Yeah, I was wondering how she knows that myself. I'm trying not to think about it too much.” He whispered into her ear. “But I suspect she even knows what we're whispering about.”

Mr. Baker straightened up as he addressed Venice again. “So, this form requests time on the training lots? Where might we find them?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"I do~" Venice replied to Baker's whispering with a wink. "The training lots will be in the IMA building. It's simply enough to find, you'll have no troubles." she stated. "Now... Here's what I want you to do. Spend lots of time with your new friend, get to know her, and go to town with her, and chat it up with some of the locals there. If you meet someone from IMA, be especially sure to talk with them. Even though you'll be competing with them, most would gladly like another friend, and someone to hire for work as well if you need money or just want to help out."

She nodded. "And then, next week, we'll speak of combat once I've made the appropriate arrangements. Okay?" Venice asked Baker. "As a man, it will be extremely difficult for you to rise to the top... So be extra careful, okay?" Venice said, before waving her hand at the pair. "I'll be back in a week, so take care, Mister Baker and Madam Star." she bid them goodbye, walking back towards the town as the dragon following her wordlessly followed her, not speaking a word to them.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel tried to not acknowledge just how much her near omniscience was effecting him. He continued to dutifully listen to her answer his questions. Meeting the people and other Ranchers of this island really was going to have to be a top priority for him. More importantly, he was going to have to get to know the beautiful creature that had deigned to help him on his journey.

“Alright, then. I will be careful and I will see you next week, Madam Venice. Have a nice day.” Mr. Baker bowed to the retreating pair before turning to Star. “Well, here we are. Shall we get settled in to our new home?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Star was silent for a moment after Baker asked his question, before she looked over to him with a flushed face. "Don't make it sound like we're married! It's already awkward enough that I'm having to share a residence with a human, and a human of the opposite gender at that... Rare, but when I see an angel prancing about with a round belly full of a human's child, it's the most disturbing thing in the world! So don't ever put that thing inside my pussy!" she said crudely. "Got it?"
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“I wouldn't suggest it!” Daniel replied, his face showing a sign of it's own heat. Of course, this didn't mean he hadn't thought of it before especially from Jessica's previous statements at the IMA. “I wouldn't dream of forcing anything like that upon you... but... is it really that disturbing for you?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

"Forcing?" Star asked, before laughing aloud. "You couldn't force anything on me, even if you tried! I was just talking about when I reward you if you be good, to not get any funny ideas." she informed him, a bit of pink on her cheeks. "I mean, you 'are' a guy, and guys will follow their instincts, so they can be taught to follow the right path if they're rewarded properly. After all..." she trailed off, before leaning forward, and pushing her arms together to put emphasis on her breasts. "I'd be blind if I couldn't tell how aroused you are, just by being near me." she said with a wicked, knowing tone.

Then, she righted herself, ending her seductive display. "And yes, getting pregnant by a human is disturbing. You're a lower species, plain and simple. I love human beings and want to see them prosper, even though society today... Leaves angels like myself jobless. Though I don't want to give birth to some half angel like Melpha, an utter disgrace to angels everywhere." Star said with scorn.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“You're right of course.” Daniel replied to her reminder of the differences in sheer power between them. He found himself flushed as she put on her sensual display even as she talked about his 'lower' instincts. He found his eyes tracing the curve of her breasts before he forced himself to look away with a cough. “I'm sorry, I didn't think I was that obvious. I know I shouldn't be thinking about doing such things to an angel.”

He didn't comment on her addressing humans as a lower species. It was likely true, but it still sucked to hear hit. “Melpha? May I ask who that is? It sounds like she's pointed to as a reason for not allowing half angels.”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Star let out her thoughts on the topic of Melpha, "She's a whore." she stated coldly, "A whore who actively has sex with mamono several times a day, and even boasts about it. Having sex with a mamono as an angel would be the same as if you, even as a human, had sex with THAT!" Star exclaimed, pointing across the ranch to a dog over her food bowl.

Star shrugged, and shook her head. "A dog! It's like having sex with a mutt like that one! Do you understand now?" she asked him, before taking note of something, and looking back to the dog. "... Wait, food bowl, leash... Does this dog live here?"

"Woof!" the dog barked happily at the two new people in her territory.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

“Normally, I'd say that what happens in someones bedchambers is entirely their own business...” Daniel began. “But it sounds like she's going around making it the business of everyone, regardless of whether or not they want it to be.”

“Huh... even the dogs look radically different from the ones back home. Madam Venice didn't say anything about her.” He wondered as he cautiously approached her, and if she would permit him to, scratch her behind the ears. “Hello! Do you live here?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

The pink haired dog looked at Baker as he approached, before grinning, and happily walking on all fours towards him with startling agility, circling all around him, and sniffing his lower body all over, particularly at his crotch, which she buried her face into as he scratched her ears. The sudden stimulation of her face along with the warmth of her breath spreading through the fabric easily brought about another excited erection. And as if knowing this, the dog gave a start at the sudden development. She backed away from his crotch, only to turn around, and bend over in front of him, her clothed ass lifting into the air, facing him, giving him full access. Panting quickly, Daniel would be able to tell the beast woman was excited, if not by her panting, then by the increasingly growing damp spot on her panties. The mere scent of her eager sex hit his nostrils rather quickly, and filled him with a rather odd sensation that caused his heart to skip a beat. She was clearly giving off powerful pheromones to try and encourage Baker to mate with her.

Meanwhile, Star looked ready to throw up, "That's... Disgusting...!" she announced. "Chase it away!" she demanded.
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Daniel paused to stare confusedly at this sudden change in demeanor even as his body seemed to be making it's opinion known. And the dog shared it's opinion with him as it backed away and presented itself to him. He took a cautious few steps back already on an intellectual level deny the possibility just based on the questionable level of consent included in their apparent difference in mental faculties. He shook his head to clear the pheromones that were trying to alter his judgment.

“This is her home, too.” Daniel stated, albeit stepping closer to Star as a precaution against the dog getting any ideas about forcing the idea before looking to her once more. “That being said, I'm not interested regardless of what your pheromones are trying to encourage. Knock it off or I'll be forced to find you a new home. You don't want that, right?”
Re: Baker's Ranch (NorthernCross)

Turning around again, and looking at him, the dog appeared visibly upset at his decision. "But..." she suddenly spoke, "You're in my territory... I have rights to you, so..." she insist, moving towards Baker again as he retreated, barely avoiding getting his pants taken down as she pawed at his pants, and dove forward, sniffing deeply as she seemed intoxicated by the scene coming from his crotch.

Meanwhile, Star watched silently, eyes wide, and a deep blush on her face as she watched the animal, however attractive she may be, sniff at his crotch longingly. There were clear points in her corset, her nipples clearly erect... As if she were turned on from watching this. To help against her case, she didn't say a word, simply watching the animal make advances on him.