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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Thinking this was not exactly the time or place to have to deal with this, right after having a nightly fling as it were. This gave the girls an extra burden but also the sight of a way out as it were as well. The Scum girls would be left without a protector, but the Amazons also had no intention of bringing the squidcat home with them as it were.

The thought of having the Scum come with them as servants was certainly worth considering. Maybe they should all end up being one happy family, but the downside would be that the only reason the Scum were interested in Foxy was that she became impregnated by the Aboleth. The Scum recognized the Aboleth as their master and Foxy was now carrying the spirit of the Aboleth inside her womb.

Foxy having a lasting relationship with anyone other than Flame has never really turned out well for her. Oracle had her uses and all, but she was a novice as she just joined up with the other two not too long ago. The decision was not easy, as there was another area the Amazons wanted to explore within the temple.

Knowing the likelyhood of the Scum letting their master out of their sight was close to zero, Foxy would try to convince them to come with them into the remaining areas of the temple that were yet to be explored. At the end of it all, the plan was to get the squidcat hooked up with these Scum so that they could be left behind in peace once the Amazons were ready to leave. Maybe not the best thing in the world, but if the Scum recognized the squidcat as their master now it could benefit everyone.

(Prepare to leave into the unexplored area)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The scum women were far to scared to leave their home cavern. It seemed that the aboleth had never let them out before, and they had almost no knowledge of the cave system they called their home. With promises that they'd be back to deal with the girls, the amazons left, lowering themselves down the crevasse by the entrance, into the dark cavern below.

Blind white fish fled from the girls' torchlight as they landed on a slimy, algae covered platform. Crystal clear cave water ran in slow currents between stony platforms and stalagmites, and stretched down into the unknown depths below. The stones narrowed and became less frequent towards the far end of the chamber, where under a layer of milky stone gemstones glistened tantalizingly. On one the the easier paths, the azure glow of healing moss cut through the darkness, and on another some heathen idol moldered, likely still protected by hidden magics. A final path was more solid still, and led back to the other chamber where the girls had defeated the dire barnacle.

Room Actions:
---DEX+Physical DC 15 to cross the stones to the jewels
---MND+Survival DC 14 to collect the healing moss
---MND+Knowledge DC 16 to defuse the magics surrounding the idol
---STR+Subterfuge DC uncover a secret
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(HP and stats of the girls is? I guess I thought you were going to handle the rest rolls.)

Oracle would notice a magical field surrounding the idol. Making an attempt to diffuse it, she would of course to do so. Flame being the only one not pregnant out of the three would attempt to use her natural agility to get to the jewels, her attempt to do so. Foxy was rather pregnant, but this would allow her to focus on looking around the area. in finding something that was out of place (I think). Kalna would see something familiar to her in the healing moss, and to gather any.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(To keep my sanity, we'll deal with the two failed rolls in sequence: Oracle, then Kalna. Select which of Foxy and Flame will help which victim in your next post. You're going to have to smut/roll your way out of both; the other girls can help with both, but also risk the smut themselves)

Flame watched as Oracle rocked and swayed. The girl had strayed to close to the cursed idol! Shadowy energy poured from the strange molten statue, flowing into the eyes of the pregnant priestess. Oracle's mouth dropped open in horror as the visions overtook her, and she collapsed to the ground on her back, arching her back and spreading her legs.

"This bitch is already knocked up!" growled the sharkman, as he threw Oracle onto the table, where she squeaked with shock. Suddenly she found herself on a ramshackle pirate vessel, with the burning remnants of her hometown still smoldering on the horizon. The deck was filled with the sobs, screams, and moans of women, and the grunts and roars of the beastmen busily raping them. "That's why the captain gave her to us, Longfang!" another, a frogman, laughed, shoving the sharkman aside, his warty already hard as he shoved Oracle's legs apart with some force. The young priestess screamed as another fishy cock slapped against her face, trying to force it's way into her mouth.

Oracle writhed and screamed on the ground, someone had to rescue her!

[Roll 1d20 each smut round round. Substantial smut make the roll easier!]

: 1d4+4 7 1d4+4 7 1d4 3 1d4+4 7

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 12/20 HP; 7/14 STR)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 21/22)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Flame was too far away to do anything as she had hopped across to the other side of the room. Watching in fear as Oracle was enveloped by a shadowy energy that looked to invade her body through her eyes. Foxy however was close nearby as she was searching the area around the Idol and was also affected by this shadowy force that had now invaded the pair of women. Whatever fate had befallen Oracle would now be Foxy's as well.

Within moments, the pair were both overcome with visions. Their bodies dancing to the whim and will of this dark force. Their backs would arch and legs spread as if something were raping them both. Flame could only watch in horror as the girls were manipulated by this dark force. Kalna seemed to be struggling with something while she was attempting to gather the moss and Flame would need to help her if neccesary. Foxy and Oracle were on their own now.

As Oracle was able to see again, she would be thrown ontop of a table with Sharkmen around her. She was on a vessel in the water now and in the distance she could see the village she called home burning to the ground. All around her was the screams and moans of other women, some she recognized as friends and neighbors from her village. Oracle would now look up and see that a sharkman was the one who had thrown her on the table and none too pleased that Oracle was already pregnant. Another beast, a frogman laughed and flung the sharkman aside.

Oracle seemed to be the catch of the day as it were. This frogman was going to have her now. Spreading her legs aside as Oracle was powerless to stop this rape from happening. Her arms bound behind her back, she could do nothing but offer up a token level of struggle and wiggle her arms about a little. As she started to struggle in vain, Oracle would realize that another one of these creatures was going to take her in the mouth as well.

With no way to prevent any of this from happening, Oracle was going to be violated again. Fishman, Sharkman, or any of the other pirates could freely have their way with her. Unable to get herself free of the shackles, Oracle was going to be little more than a toy for whoever wanted her.

(next episode, enter Foxy!)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The stench of the fishman's cock made Oracle retch, and the pirate took advantage, shoving his large member down the poor girl's throat. She shut her eyes as the thick cock began to pump, feeling every scaly bump rasp against her moist cheeks. Oracle's tongue tried to dodge away from the invading manhood, but the dick was too thick, and she ended up inadvertently fellating the corsair.

The frogman chuckled as he stroked his suction-cup-lick cock head up and down Oracle's already soaking slit as she choked on his fellow pirate's cock. "I dunno who put his kids in you girly, but you're pretty lucky. Every girl I fuck ends up popping out a whole bellyful of my tadpoles!" he said as he plunged into the priestess. "Yer full of shit, Sesqual!" came a cry from elsewhere, to which the frogman threw up a rude gesture. "Watch me make this bitch scream!" he roared, as he began to thrust brutally into Oracle, every stoke pulling on her insides like a vacuum.

A cry went up from the gangplank of the ship, "Ha! This preggo cunt thinks she can save everyone! Let's teach her a lesson!"

Foxy? Could it be...?
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(lol.. those dicerolling skills. Getting a horrible roll exactly when I want one. I am a master at random dice.)

Oracle was revulsed to say the least that the fishman had rammed his member into her mouth. Her struggles only served to add to the enjoyment of the fishman as her gagging only made his cock go further into her throat. With the enlarging member invading her mouth, her tongue had no choice but to perform fellatio on the fish. She was barely even aware of the fight that was raging on between the pirates that had taken her as to who exactly would plow into her womanhood first.

The infighting was fierce, with multiple pirates pushing each other out of the way until another frogman had decided Oracle was his and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Thrusting himself inside of Oracle, her already pregnant body would act as a cocksleeve for the frogman's member. After a short while there would be an uproar coming from elsewhere. It seems Foxy was on the ship and making an attempt at rescuing Oracle.

This attempt was futile at best, as she was also pregnant and unable to stop the swarm of pirates that simply rushed her. She did get one or two of them before she was overwhelmed, but when there are easily 20 of them it was simple numbers. Foxy was quickly subdued and would suffer the same fate as Oracle. The previously shoved aside Sharkman along with another Frogman would start to have their way with Foxy as she was simply double teamed by the pair as another would collect her arms in a set of shackles. Soon Foxy would be bound not only by her arms but her feet as well.

Oracle and Foxy were now captured and simply toys for the amusement of the pirates that had destroyed Oracle's village now. Oracle was pleasing a fishman as it finished inside of her mouth. The frogman still having its way with her womanhood. Foxy would join her in short order as the sharkman was taking her from behind as she was bent over forward. Now perfectly lined up to have the frogman's member rammed down her throat as well. Standing and bent over, Foxy was in no position to fight back herself now. Her attempt at saving Oracle extinguished before it really ever had a chance to get started.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy roared with fury as rough and wet hands seized her arms, pulling her into the melee of rapacious pirates. Tossed about and manhandled, the amazoness found soon found herself being forced towards the riggings, where the was lifted, struggling all the while, her arms and legs lashed to the rope lattice, spread like a starfish.

The pirates backed away, laughing and leering lewdly at the pregnant girl. Oracle chocked on the thick fishman jizz sprayed down her throat as she turned away. She could see it now: the horrible monkey creatures descending from the crows nest, crawling dexterously down the very rigging to which Foxy was now lashed! Foxy struggled and bit as the black furred simians began to molest her; their long, body fingers caressing her thighs, probing her pussy, and squeezing her milky breasts.

Oracle was so entranced by her friend's peril that she hardly noticed the frogman continuing to violate her love tunnel, and she blinked as she suddenly felt the pounding cock removed. She turned to look at her rapist as a jet of seed sprayed across her face, with the subsequent sticky strands coating her swollen belly. It was all Oracle could do not to sob: her rescuer, whom she admired so much, was about to be violated, all because of her own incompetence! Maybe she should just give up, and become a fuck slave for the rest of her life...
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

At least I can have 4 rolls total up to 20!

Oracle would get herself finished off, both swallowing a load from the fishman that had taken to her mouth and being showered by the frogman that had used her as a cocksleeve. Choking on the load delivered down her throat, Oracle barely even noticed that she was being sprayed by the other rapist. If this were simply a nightmare, then Oracle would have woken up already. Unfortunately for her the assault on her mind would continue as Foxy would appear in an attempt to rescue her.

continues the streak with a 3.

This attempt was futile and now Oracle's idol was the subject of of the pirate's desires. Being latched up to the rigging on one of the masts, Foxy was spread out wide as her legs and arms were pulled away from her body. The only support being the mast she was pinned against. Smaller apelike monsters would start to have their way with the completely defenseless Foxy now. The assault on her body would begin with some modest foreplay, simply feeling around her body as the mass around her would start to again fight over who got to go first. The previously denied sharkman started fighting to the front casting aside all that he could in his attempt to get something when he was previously denied.

The only thing that was working in Foxy's favor was the sharkman was so furious that he was denied Oracle that he was very much fighting to be the only one to have a go at Foxy. Knocking aside the simians as they descended from the crow's nest and the rigging above, the sharkman would not be denied. Once the dust settleld, the sharkman would have his way with Foxy's folds ramming his member inside of her. The simians would continue to crawl about her body and fondle her breasts at every opportunity they could. One happened to be at the right place at the right time and would take the opportunity to start humping Foxy's face as she let out a yelp from the sharkman's member entering inside of her.

Oracle could only watch on in horror as she would start sobbing. Both at her own uselessness and the situation that she had gotten her friend and mentor into now because she was unable to do anything right. The thoughts of just giving up and becoming a slave to her captors started to creep into her mind. Was she truly a liability to the team that would only hold them back as a whole? Oracle had to do something, but there was almost nothing that she could do with her hands shackled behind her.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

A great crash drown out Foxy's scream as the sharkman began to rape her. The pirates not otherwise occupied cheered, and some of the more savvy girls screamed in horror as they saw the souce: a great golden gong, rung by a mighty sea troll, at the stern of a massive longship, lit by pale blue ghostfire. Demons rowed the dark vessel, and at the helm stood no one other than the black god of the sea, the king of monstrous pirates, Arhoth the Rapacious. His six horns curled about themselves into a silver-grey crown, and shark teeth filled his minotaur life mouth, and gills huffed on his muscular neck. Arms like tree trunks were crossed over his chest, and he stared disdainfully at the ship the girls lay captured on. On eight octopus tentacles he walked across the plank as his dread ship came to halt by the victorious pirates, and he surveyed the prizes. His eyes fell upon the cum-coated Oracle, and the furious Foxy, bellowing her hatred as the sharkman exploded in her pregnant depths.

"Bring me the sows." rumbled the dark godling, his voice like thunder. Absolute terror ran through Oracle as her bonds were cut, and she was lifted up. Pirates groped her jealously as she was forced forward, and shoved to her knees before this monstrous lord. Oracle look over as Foxy suffered the same fate, held down by the might of a brutal pirate as she glared at the king of her captors.

"Useless to us like this, are they not? Let us remedy that." Arhoth said with a cruel grin. The pirates chuckled and cheered as the amazons were forced onto their backs, their pregnant pussies presented to the corsair king. He lowered himself on his disgusting tentacles, caressing Oracle's belly with a rough hand. "Let's see just who's whelps you have in there, girl." the cruel lord sneered as a foul red rune appeared on Oracle's bloated belly. A massive, bull-like member emerged from Arhoth's loins, and lined up with Oracle's virgin asshole. "You will not enjoy this." he whispered evilly.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

A wild 16 appears!

Oracle was in a bad way. About to be taken in the ass by the pirate lord. A red rune was cast over her belly which was not something she needed to decipher to know what it's purpose was. Arloth would have Oracle's ass and force out the babies from her womb in the process.

Foxy was all but ignored now. This would give her more than enough tume and a distraction to get herself free. Oracle had unwillingly or desperately cast a spell on her as well, boosting Foxy's power to the point that she was nigh unstoppable.

Freeing herself from the rigging rhat bound her, this would give her two advantages. The first was that the mast of this vessel would crash into the main sail of Arloth's ship. The second was all of the debris provided her with enough improvised weaponry to take down a small army. The smaller simian creatures wrte simply cast aside and any that dared get in her way were punted away. Foxy had a purpose and she would not be stopped.

In an attempt to buy herself enough time, Oracle would attempt to dispel the rune cast over her. Successful or not was not important. Buying the extra few seconds for Foxy to save her was the important part. Getting the rune to flicker a short while was enough as Arloth took the bait. Slapping Oracle with enough force to knock her out, the decisive blow was struck by Foxy immediately after.

Foxy had run Arloth through with one of the pirate's blades. Nowhere near a fatal blow, it was enough to break the runic spell over Oracle. Seizing the opportunity, Foxy would ram herself into Arloth knocking him off balance and crashing into the side of the ship. Having a clear path to one of the smaller boarding ships that the pirates would use to go ashore, Foxy would take Oracle over her shoulder and start her descent.

With both of the pirate ships unable to pursue, the girls were able to narrowly escape a grisly fate at the hands of Arloth the Rapacious. It would seem that as they escaped the pirates, both Foxy and Oracle would overcome the controlling influence of the idol that had attempted to trap them in this dark dream.

(on to chapter 2, Kalna and Flame now?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko


Kalna cried out her feat stuck fast to the ground, help by some clear organic slime. The valkyrie felt a cold, wet sensation climbing her legs as some disgusting ameboid because tasting it's prey. The almot transparent gel slipped beneath her makeshift clothing and brushed against her blonde crowned snatch, tasting the wonderful fertility wafting from the pink slit. Pseudopods reached out to bind her arms, the horrible ooze seeking to immobilize his new breeder.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Kalna seemed surprised by the fact that her feet were stuck to the ground. As she attempted to gather the Healing Moss around the area, she had quite literally walked into a trap. A translucent amoeba was laying in wait for whatever had wandered into its path. Kalna had no chance against this thing as by the time she even realized what was going on she was already immobilized by the monster.

Flame however was close enough to start hacking away at the slime like creature. Dagger after dagger would shred through the amoeba in an attempt to liberate Kalna from the trap. The race for Kalna was on, as Flame was trying to get her free before the monster would have its way with Kalna. After a few well placed strikes and many random slashes, Flame would emerge victorious as Kalna was able to get herself free from the amoeba. Knowing it was there now would allow her to gather the Healing Moss without any more issues. Flame staying nearby to assist if the amoeba got any ideas of attempting to attack again.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy and Oracles groggily shook their heads as Kalna and Flame made their way over to check on them. The idol stared at the girls, the milky stony stone seeming uncannily sullen from it's failure to break it's victims. Some strange liquid leaked from the defeated statue: a dark violet salve that smelled viciously alchemical. Oracle somehow knew exactly what the substance was: drow draught, a naturally occurring compound found in deep caves. It allowed a pregnant girl to carry her child to term within minutes, and quickly restore her body to full health afterwords. Useful stuff for adventuring girls, and very rare and expensive.

[You got 3x Healing Moss, which heals 1d4 per dose to any stat. Drow Draught allows a girl to immediately give birth and suffer no further pregnancy penalties. It's very rare, and might be worth saving, since you're close to the end of the dungeon now.]

(On to the temple, or want to do something else first?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The idol itself would be seemingly off limits to the girls. Was a shame to leave it behind, but there was simply nothing they could seem to do that would allow them to get near enough to it. The idol would however produce a substance that Oracle knew of. It was called Drow Draught, and its usage was fairly straight forward. Using it as an applied medicine it would aid anyone who was pregnant in carrying their child(ren) to term. It would also restore their health, which was probably the most relevant part in a pinch. Kalna had succeeded in gathering three doses of Healing Moss after she got herself free of the amoeba that tried to snare her.

Foxy noticing that she along with Oracle were already pregnant would move into the resting area for a short while. There they could rest themselves back to full health and prepare for what was likely the last area of the Temple they were exploring. Unless that area they left unexplored previously had lead into another area thereafter, this was almost likely to be their last rest before finishing their exploration of the place as a whole. Whatever lay before them in the next area, Foxy made it clear that she wanted everyone to be in the best possible shape they could be in before venturing forth.

(Go to resting area, rest back to full with Oracle using CLW if need be to speed up the process. Approach the temple once all of them have healed to full.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

[You're actually not bad on hp atm, and the final battle is getting harder with every rest. You sure you want to risk it?]

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 12/20 HP; 7/14 STR)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 21/22)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Hmm I thought it was worse off than it is. May as well just go for it then.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The eerie howling gave way to ominous chanting as the girls moved back down now familiar hallways to their final destination. The hallway came to an abrupt halt, the fall of the temple had created a significant rift between the passage, and the dark temple below. While the girls could drop in without harm, escaping in combat might be another matter...

The scene below was grim: a great green stone statue of the hideous Arhoth towered over the cold, slimy floor of the destroyed temple. Fog poured from the demon statue's mouth, and his one good eye, a massive emerald set into the stone, gleamed with malice. Three dark robed sharkman priests, long since dead and zombified, chanted about deep pit, in the deapths of which swirled the grey waters of the netherworld, interspersed with fell shadows.

Some of the shadows had already made themselves known: the sea devils, the sharkwolf demons of the watery hells, stood around the priests, growling with impatience. From the thick red rods jutting from between their legs, they awaited their feminine offering that would never come. Would never come, that is, if not for the adventuresses now waiting in the ramparts above. To make matters worse, whatever what now swirling in the hellbath between the priests was larger, and a horrible sense of raw malice issued from the watery portal. If the girls didn't disrupt the ritual, and fast, they might be contending with a demon that was out of their league entirely...

[The girls are currently hidden in a dark passage above. Three pirate priests surround the portal, and are guarded by the sea devils. The girls could drop down and have surprise against the sea devils this turn, but unless they can open a path through them, they can't reach the priests at the moment.]

---Zombie Pirate Priest x3 (HP 21/21; AC 14; Toughness 15; Cleverness 15; Will 16)
---Sea Devils x6 (HP 19/19; AC 16; Toughness 13; Cleverness 12; Will 14)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(uhh.. 114 hp worth of bad guy.. But wait there's more.. )

Foxy would entertain the possibility of a surprise attack. When she went to act, the Aboleth spawn inside of her started to react to the dark energy paralyzing her before ahe could make the mistake of jumping down.

Kalna and Flame were still eanting to seize the opportunity to strike, but Oracle would interdict causing the squidcat to restrain both of them. It was decided that whatever was being summoned into this world was just going to happen as there was nothing the girls could do about it.

So long as they did not jump down there, and they were not spotted. Flame might be able to pluck off a guard with the Kidnapper's Harpoon. Aside from that a straight up fight here was simply suicide.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The girls could only watch as the black ritual beneath continued, and the shadowy cauldron boiled with demonic force. To make matters worse, one of the sea devils was sniffing the air. Had he smelled them? The scent of sex was still heavy around them, after all.