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Battle & Breeding


Tentacle Monster
Oct 23, 2015
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"Ey, lookit tha one," slurred the dwarf as Arkeia slung off her cloak. It hadn't stopped raining for days, and the trade caravan she had arrived in Rimseta with didn't have much room for passengers under the wagon covers. Even with her oiled cloak, she was soaked to the bone, and wanted nothing more than a hot bath, no matter how much the thieves out here in this border town might charge for it.

"Gotta real body, donshe boys?" And now there was the dwarf and his chuckling companions, a capstone to the day's misery. Arkeia felt keenly aware of the stares being driven into her. Women adventurers weren't uncommon, but neither were prostitutes; sometimes the same individuals when they were down on their luck.

"Lookin' for a taste of adventure, are ya? Ever had a dwarf?" Drunk as they were, Arkeia could almost certainly escape if it came to that, but would that really be the best option.

Alia peered over at the newcomer watching the room carefully. She had gotten the same treatment when she hard arrived, of course. Worse actually; there were far more of them that night. It might have turned ugly if not for that lizardwoman. She'd never seen anyone knock an orc out cold with a single blow before. Alia glanced over towards the fire. The lizardwoman was still there, soaking up the furnace heat; the days of cold rain had been hard on her.

Alia hear another lewd comment from the dwarf, and refocused her attention on the newcomer. What to do?

---Rimseta: A large, fortified town in southeastern Roathland, and seat of the local Lord. Though it's more than fifty miles from the ostensible border of Roathland, it's the last real bastion of civilization. Beyond it's protection, only small, fortified outposts survive.

(You can invent names, descriptions, and customers for the tavern and hostel you're staying at, or anything else you want really.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Far more than enough for my life!" Arkeia spat jovially in the direction of the drunken dwarf while she shook out her cloak, paying little heed to the lout's lewd remarks. It was hardly a proposition she had never head before, but she wasn't nearly desperate enough to take it. "Any decent men around here I can fuck for a few drinks? No? Well, guess I'll just pay of them myself then!" she said, grinning as she walked over to the bar with a noticeable strut, and upon her arrival she flicked a coin onto the table, "for enough ale to wash away the cold," two more, "for a double measure of whiskey to make it work a little faster," and then three more, "for a bed worth sleeping in!"

She spun from the barman and braced her back against the bar, sitting on a stool and crossing her mostly bare legs, letting any onlookers take an eyeful if they pleased.

Assuming SRD prices, ale is 4 copper for a mug, I think liquor is just a little bit more, I'll assume like 6 cp for a shot, and rooms at a common inn are 3 sp. You can give me changes otherwise, but that totals to 5 silvers all told for two ales, two whiskeys, and a room. Tips to be handled depending on quality of service.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna shivered, staying real close to the fire. While she was no stranger to wet cold places by any means, she usually didn't have to worry about cold clothes sticking to her back home.

She didn't have many choices for staying places. It was here or the streets, she couldn't afford much more. Course, they learned to let her be once she floored an orc straight out. Despite being less the juggernaut one of her more pure blood, or giant blooded sisters were, she still inherited the strength of her mother, and it served her well.

The commotion behind her drew her eyes. The new woman was certainly in her element it would seem. Pretty hot too, for a human. Still, she wasn't about to go propositioning random humans, especially in a place like this. Plus after the response the dwarf got, she didn't want to encourage the drunks, or seem to be a member of them. Plus, she was leaving when the rain stopped. Leaving a thin scaled hatchling somewhere with no support didn't sit too well with her. A full blood lizardfolk hatchling could fend for itself, but 3/4 human wasn't likely to be so lucky.

She stoked the fire a bit higher using the fireprod, seeking more warmth while she considered her thoughts. If her gold was spent before the rain stopped... What then?
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Hrodar, enough," came a rich and exotic voice from a cowled figure sitting further down the bar. The figure set down it's cup, which sloshed with... milk? The voice sounded like it belonged to someone from one of the southern trade nations; one of many independent coastal city-states that sold the rare products of the deep deserts beyond. Save for the flash of iridescent eyes somewhere beneath the shadows of the hood, no other facial features were visible, and the kind of baggy clothes preferred by the desert people obscured the speaker's body.

"Ah ta hell with ya, Maram! We want sommthin' better than that gutter trash they calls whores here, right boys?" the dwarf spat,wavering with drunkeness, not noticing his companions sudden intense interest in their drinks. "Aaaargh!" the dwarf continued a few second later, "Lass you look like a fighter, why don't me and you go upstairs, eh? Maybe I could get you a job with us?"

The cloak figured identified as Maram watched impassively.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia initially watched the situation with bemusement. The drunk dwarf was, sadly, not the first and probably not the last of his kind she saw acting like this. The orc from the day of her arrival came to mind immediately. Thankfully that lizardwoman was there - despite not looking like much compared to the man, she put him down so fast the mage found herself blinking. She was immensely grateful for that, too. The newcomer, at the very least, looked like she could take care of herself all too well, though. An adventurer, probably. And not a very shy one, the blonde woman noted dryly.

The interruption made by the strange man in a cowl suprised Alia. The reaction of the dwarves even more so - they seemed suddenly very interested in not being a part of the conversation. Only the drunk kept raving, but then again, he was drunk. Probably too stupid at the moment to know better. Still, Tervin felt curious. Very curious. Who was he? He sounded like one from the merchant nations. What was he doing here? Who was he? What was up with his eyes? The mage kept watching the man, interested in seeing what he'd do next.
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"Oh, yeah, I'm sure it'll be a job you're lookin tah show me up in your room!" Arkeia replied blithely, taking a swig from one of her ales. "Right after yer done showin me yer shriveled lil pecker! As if ye could still use it in your state!" she responded scathingly, taking another swig. "Why, I bet.... She's got more to work with than ye right now!" the sailor woman only happened to point at Faeyna with her ale, singling out the lizardgirl by pure happenstance, and mostly ignored her after that unless she opted to respond in some way to her accusation.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"You bitch!" the dwarf sneered as he launched himself from his seat, stumbling for a moment before finding his balance. He chuckled as he swayed, clearly thinking himself impressive, as he simultaneously drew two small axes from his back. He spun them with a flourish, or at least attempted to, but moments later the axes slipped form his hands and clattered to the floor.

The cowled Maram watched Arkeia impassively, waiting to see what would happen.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Oh joy, she was involved now. The drunken dwarf drew weapons on the woman. No. Not in the mood. She was cold, wet and cranky.

Faeyna got up and swiftly darted to moved behind the dwarf, and promptly grabbed him into a sleeper hold before he could get his weapons back.
"I am sick of this nonsense in here, every day. You take a nap and quit irking me with you and your lot's bothering every woman who comes in."

She looked over his shoulder towards Arkeia, studying her more. How'd she know about her being a forktail? Was it something she did? Or was it a lucky guess? She was hoping the latter. Well, no matter. She was tired of this conflict and sassing in here, and she'd cease it swiftly. He could sleep off his alchohol.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Akreia sneered at the dwarf, underestimating the situation somewhat as she grunted; "Ahhh, siddown short stuff! Ye ain't got the stones to... Aye!" She rose as he drew steel, a much more serious threat than the barroom banter had earned, at least in her estimation. She began picking which of her array of weapons she would use to respond when he promptly dropped the paired axes, causing the piratess to burst out into rich, uproarious laughter.

It seemed that she wasn't the only one who had lost patience with the drunk lout, however, and in a flash the lizard she'd point out was behind him. The drunk dwarf was lifted in a sleeper, and she laughed again without touching a weapon of her own, instead raising a glass and watching the man get choked out. "Cheers to that scales!" she called when Faeyna looked over her shoulder, downing another healthy swig of ale. "Ye can prove yerself more a man than that one in me bed any time!" she joked heartily, though she followed it up in a more genuine tone; "or come by an' share a drink if that's yer preference!"

By that point, however, she had noticed the hooded man's interest, and moved with somewhat more caution as she turned back to the bar, ready to order a drink for Faeyna if she took up the offer or to ignore the man - while at least partially bent over the bar of course - if she didn't.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia's hands twitched as she saw the dwarf rise from his seat and draw his weapons. Well, considering how the pirate woman just insulted him, it was kind of understandable why he'd do that while in such a state. Still, this made him a threat to that woman and potentially others. Or so the mage thought at first. Apparently the drunk bastard couldn't even hold his weapons straight, much less use them. And while he failed to do anything at all, the lizardgirl apparently decided she was sick and tired of his rambling and was currently busy choking him into unconsciousness. A good deed and one Tervin decided not to interrupt.

Situation pacified, Alia turned to look at the drinking woman more carefully. She could definitely drink, she'd give her that. She could probably handle herself in a fight, and with that outfit... She could be anything, really. At least she seemed friendly, if sharp-tongued. Glancing around, Tervin noted that the cowled man started paying close attention to the woman too. She briefly wondered where that interest came from. Oh well, she could take a little time now to see how the situation would develop now that there was no urgent need to intervene.

(Last post for now, back on Sunday evening.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Got yerselves an admirer," the barman grunted as be put two glasses of golden cognac before Akreia and Faeyna. It was expensive stuff, not the kind of thing a tavern like this would sell much of. One of Maram's iridescent eyes winked at the women. The cloaked figure stood. "I think I will have a bath," it said, placing a small handful of coins on the bar as it walked from the room, nodding her head invitingly at the two women as she went.

That swinging of the hips... could Maram be...?
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna set's the unconscious dwarf down in a chair, taking his axes and setting them on the bar. "Ugh, he smelled like a beer barrel. Here, Bartender, keep these safe for him will you?"

Once done, she turned to converse with the admiring, boisterous woman and get her drink, when suddenly they both received one from the mystery person in the cloak.

Faeyna blinked, then picked up the drink, and downed it, not having any familiarity with expenses or rarities of alcohol. She then blinked as the, she was guessing woman, headed upstairs. She looked at the other woman being invited then to her.

"...I admit to only having a moderate understanding of civilised customs... So Do I uh...?," says Faeyna a bit awkwardly, gesturing vaguely in an attempt to convey whether she should follow her up or not.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia quirked an eyebrow at the barman as she was given a drink far more expensive than the one she'd just downed. "Well then..." she said, eyeing the brandy for a moment before downing the bitter beverage. "Why... That's quite elementary my dear reptile!" the boisterous pirate said, "someone has offered us a most pleasant invitation to join them! It would be most unseemly to ignore it!" She rose from her stool, gave the lizardgirl a playful pinch on the rear, and started sauntering after this "Maram" person.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The bath was more impressive than expected, given the inn. A light fragrant haze of steam filled the small stone walled room, and the large copper basin in the center of the room foamed slightly with soothing herbs. The room was small, but well worth the high price Maram had paid.

The women suddenly noticed their host, or at least specific parts of her. She was a slender woman, with the lean physique of an acrobat. She was bent over, folder her long robes on a small bench, her tight, dusky brown ass wriggled with each movement, and the dark crack of her smooth muff peered out from between her toned thighs. She finished, and turned towards the women, greeting them with a faint grin on her elven face and a noticeable hardening of the dark morsels topping her small, firm breasts.

Wordlessly, she beckoned the women as she lowered herself into the warm, scented water, and spread her legs invitingly. The heat in the room was sweltering, and not all of it was a product of the stove heating the bath.

[In the interest of wrapping this up so we can start the dungeon, you guys have full authority to write Maram's actions during the Ero scene.]
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia watched the proceedings with interest. This Maram didn't seem to be what she expected her to be at first glance at all. Now the mage was really interested. Inviting the two other women for a bath, she made it quite clear she was curious about the two in some way. The blonde human could try and join them if she wanted to. Question was, should she attempt to squeeze her way into that arrangement? After considering the idea for a moment, she decided that hey, if that Maram didn't want any extra visitors, then she should have said so. "I'll take a bath as well." The mage told the barman, handing him the required number of coins before going upstairs, following the others. "Good day, ladies... Room for one more?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

One comment about short stuff caught a perhaps unwanted ear. Karaz was drinking on the side on her lonesome when some human took to trying to put herself on a pedestal with those sexy long legs of hers. She was about to make like the other dwarf and fumble around drunkenly and fall, but seeing him do it made her sober up a bit and realize she should steady herself first. She already quaffed the day away with some coin she pocketed form the local lord. Who knew he had a fetish for cute dwarves of all things?

But that was then, this is now. She had to have a stern talking to with that human girl to teach her some respect towards dwarves and their size. As the trio went upstairs, the drunken Karaz walked with slow steps. To others it'd look like she was walking a tight rope, but to her she was walking in a world that wouldn't stop shifting in every which wrong way. She would have fallen over, but the thought of teaching whoever that person a lesson filled her with Determination. The only issue was that she completely forgot who it was that she was going to lecture. Looking up the stairs, she saw the lizard. Yes, had to be her. It was always the scalies smack talkin' about. That pirate woman though... She didn't need to be anything more than tipsy to want to hit that.

So, she went up the stairs, going on all fours like a dog, until she reached the bath where the other women were. All train of thought left her when she saw the impressive bath. The thought of taking a lovely dip overpowered her, so she stepped forward.

Should anyone move to close the door, they'd find that a dwarf woman had followed them in. Her face was deep red, an indicator that she was completely smashed and definitely followed them in without having a clue what she was doing.

"Oy... Mind lettin' a kvinn share the water with ye..? I ain't no grobi." she stated, loosely asking to bathe as well.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Maram chuckled melodiously, the rich, manly voice displayed out in the bar gone. "Quiet the budding party we have, don't we?" she said, her sultry voice resonating somewhere deep inside of the gathered women, that magic in her words arousing them like a lover's caress.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz looked a bit shocked at Maram's voice, before chuckling and patting her belly. "Yer voice makes me belly feel funny like I drunk popper ale!" Karaz said with celebration. Taking that as meaning she was accepted, Karaz strips her armor off, and dips into the warm water, instantly relaxing and splashing her face with the water. Because it's warm it didn't do well to sober her up, but it did seem to allow her to operate with a little more sense. However she looked twice as unbalanced. She wasn't so delirious that she couldn't tell the signals that Maram was giving. "Oy, Maram, if yer feelin' froggy, ya better be ready to jump!" Karaz chuckled.

(Assuming I can take control of a few things at this point, like you said. Feel free to consider stuff past this point in the post the potential retcon zone.)

And jump Maram would, springing on the drunk dwarf and capturing the small fighter in her arms and lips while Karaz took to drunken flailing in panic and surprise, before slowly settling down and melting into Maram's embrace, returning the kiss before Maram would break the embrace and let the dwarf free to catch her breath, Maram now available to play with the others, if they so wished.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna blinked at the boisterous woman eager to head up, giving a hiss of shock as her rumps pinched. She smirks a bit, as hr tail whips about and gives the pirate a light spank back.

"Don't poke the froghemoth, dear.," she smirks, following her up and into the bath. She was a bit surprised they had tag alongs in the form of the human girl from her bludgeoning the orc earlier and another dwarf, this one female, albeit no less drunk. She had to wonder if that was the norm or something.

She slipped out of her cloak, and from the rough leathers and tribal fetishes she wore, revealing her half breed form, as she slipped into the water, very at home in such. The warmth was quite pleasant for her. And didn't help the woman's voice seemed to speak to her.

As the dwarf and woman seemed to throw themselves at each other, she settled to the side, biting her lip, breathing heavily and watching. She was trying not to erect, her vent bulging again her muscular control. Still, she couldn't help but watch the passion involved, it so very alluring and fascinating to her.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Freed, the dwarf looked to the lizard kin, equally if not more excited than her. "Huh... You cursed, gor, or izzat natural?" she inquired, before grinning and coming forth a bit, eyes locked on her crotch. "Not right there, obviously. I'm well aware of what that is~" she cooed, smiling at Faeyna as if waiting to see if it'd pop out, wanting attention. "So what's yer name, drakk? Me name's Karaz Drengi." she introduced herself, her drunkenness evident on her face as it fueled her sex drive.