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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Coming into such a scene, Karaz's mouth went agape at the sight. "... What in the flyin' fuck." was her response to the scene. "What the bloody hell is goin' ON!? Am I still unconscious from that explosion!? Or am I high from that fuckin' Djinn dust?" she inquired, before the woman spoke to Karaz. Her words caused both confusion and anger. "Test? Limits of my fuckin' will? What a loada krut! Most people who ask me to get naked have the decency to pay me first! What say you, eh? You ready to scrap with this dawi if I tell ya I don't take orders!?"

(Karaz was poised, suspicions were high, she was ready to react to any sudden movements.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

"What's going on!?" Arkeia said, hurrying back down the stairs despite her discomfort in the cavern dungeon.
Re: Battle & Breeding

At first, it felt normal, but it couldn't be if she passed through it. But soon it all changed, revealing something to her. A totem spirit?! Rare entities, every tribe dreamed to have such a pure fragment of the goddesses will. Faeyna could only feel shame at her inferior form compared to the glorious creature before her.

But... This couldn't be. A totem spirit in a place full of demonic writings and essence? How could it stand by as the rampages above took place by the defiled? Why had it not called to her first? While Karaz had several qualities that spoke of carrying a shard of perfection, she clearly had many flaws too. Plus, Faeyna was a shaman. In training, but still as a forktail it should have at least let her be called.

No this was far too suspect. It seemed far more likely to be a trick, a mixture of magic and hallucination to take advantage of these things. She decided to clear the vines and approach warily, but not before casting Detect Magic. If this spirit was an impostor, this would show the truth of the matter. A real spirit would not need to cloak itself in deceptions. Unless it had become truly defiled as well. A tragedy if so...
Re: Battle & Breeding

Having stepped away from the alchemical solution she had been examining, Alia was still stewing on the implications of finding such a substance down here. This was the reason why she was slow to react to Karaz and her outburst, as well as slow to follow Faeyna as the lizardgirl ran after the dwarf. Glancing back as she heard Arkeia shout, she motioned at the pirate to follow her. "Karaz ran after something and just disappeared in a wall!" She explained, hurrying after the rest of the group. "We're trying to follow her. Faeyna, did you find anything?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia reached the bottom of the stair just as Faeyna collapsed against the far wall, next to the already snoring Karaz. Alia was beginning to slump as well as she mumbled with dim eyes, already on her knees and pressed against the wall. Some demon must be taking advantage of their hallucinations, and if Arkeia wasn't quick, she would be next!


(From this point on, Alia, Karaz, and Faeyna are all seeing the same events playing out, though the exact nature of them is different. Karaz is seeing the goddess on the rotunda, Faeyna is seeing the spirit in a root cave, and Alia is seeing a succubus in a summoning chamber)

Faeyna pushed the false wall out of the way, and Alia followed her. An involuntary gasp escaped her as she saw the hidden chamber. Karaz was standing in a pentacle, opposite a summoning circle from which a stunning red-skinned woman arose in a cloud of pale, yellowish mist. The woman was stark naked, and a barbed tail swished back and forth as she grinned at the dwarf and the newcomers. Two thin black horns wrapped around either side of her head, forming a circlet crowning a cascade of pure white hair that flowed all the way down to her ample hips.

"Oh dear, is the cruel old Mother Superior not even telling initiates about the test anymore, I wonder?"

"Or are you here without permission? None of you look like the nunnish sort to me... How exciting..." she muttered coquettishly.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Stumbling upon the rest of her group unconscious, Arkeia stopped short. This was some sort of magic, a spell to put them to sleep and... Was she feeling drowsy? Why were her eyes suddenly so heavy? "Well... To hell with this," she shouted, and moved to try and kick the other members of her group to wakefulness, trying not to make her blows harsh enough to cause any real damage. She might have only met these people a few days ago, but one never kept a crew if they didn't stick by them, and abandoning them to whatever was happening would leave her alone in this place anyway. She kept as much distance between herself and the wall that they all seemed clustered around as possible, not entirely sure if it had any sort of connection with what was going on or not, and if none of them seemed likely to rouse themselves she would try to drag Faeyna away from it. The lizardgirl seemed to know what she was about, and unlike Alia had the muscle to try and drag the others out was well if she could be awakened in the stairs or up out of this fucking cavern.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Bah, Alia has a respectable STR score! Bigger than Arkeia's, even.)

"What the Hell..." Alia muttered, watching the chamber with a look of utter suprise on her head. A succubus? Here? And what was with that circle? She couldn't quite make heads or tails of it, for some reason. Shaking her head, the mage stepped forward, preparing to confront the demon woman if need be. "Let's just say there's been an incident and mother superior doesn't exactly forbid anyone from entering here anymore." The mage declared, eyeing the white-haired devil. "She can't really inform people about the test either. I don't suppose you'd be willing to explain what it is? Or who you are supposed to be, for that matter?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Oh? The old hag is dead then? Who is now the holder of my contact? Surely not any of you..."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"If yer lookin' for a nun, there's still some left." Karaz indicated. "But, a contract, ya say? A contract for what?" Karaz inquired, having no idea what the purpose of this woman was.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"A pity. My contract belongs to the senior nun at this convent. If none of you are the senior nun, I see no reason to tell you anything."

A wicked grin crosses the woman/spirit/demon's face.

"In fact, I see no reason I shouldn't have a bit of fun with you. The nuns are always... so stoic. A real slut would be a wonderful change of pace. Or perhaps you could, ah, convince the senior nun to release me from service...?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

By this time Arkeia has manged to drag Faeyna out of the cavern, and she is coming out of her stupor. She can wake up at any time if you wants, or continue the conversation.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Well, considering she's dead, that'd be kinda difficult to do." The mage replied dryly, shaking her head. "However... There's a possibility that your contract remained back in her quarters. Perhaps we could go and find it for you... Though personally, I am wary of releasing something I do not recognize or understand." Alia stared at the succubus before her, not quite liking that grin. "So how about a little bargain? Tell us more about yourself. If you make it worth our while, I wouldn't mind making a little detour for this. Not like we haven't been sent here to check this place thoroughly anyway."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Yeah, bitch is dead." Karaz said flatly. "So, I'd suppose that who you serve falls to the next in command here. Or..." Karaz grinned. "You could do what I say, and you'll find me far less stoic." Karaz offered.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna frowns, looking between the exchange of the dwarf and the so called spirit. Even her spell didn't seem to work right now. Instead of showing the glow of the goddess' will, it was showing butterflies. Something was strange...

But the creatures comment put the truth of the matter out there. It was most definitely a defiled. And given the nature of the convent with the demons comments, she knew why.

"You already said as much. You're a test. Probably to see if their members can retain their so called purity and chastity against you. To prove their strength of will or whatever sort of thing. I'm guessing this is all a twisted attempt at mimicking the ways of the Forktail Shamans like myself and as per usual, outsiders missed everything important in the process.," growls Faeyna, stepping forwards beside Karaz.

"Now the way I see it, you're stuck if everyones gone. Trapped in a secret room in a ruined convent. So unless you enjoy the boredom of being alone for who knows how long it's in your best interest to be open and cooperative is it not?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"If a nun of this convent still exists, there is a senior nun, love." the entity said with a wink.

"I am a noble spirit of the astral realms, under contract with the senior nun of this convent to test the spiritual fortitude of their initiates in exchange for whichever sisters' dreams suit my needs. If the nuns are dead or missing, the contact no longer suits me, and I wish to be released from it."

"Well, I have no intention of letting any of you go until one of you chooses to entertain me. Who shall it be?" the feminine spirit finished, beginning to look hungry.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Oi! Wake up!" Arkeia grunted, panting from the effort of heaving the lizardgirl up the narrow steps without letting her drag too much. She would have to forgive Arkeia for the bruises on her ankles... And the sting of the slaps she was delivering now in an effort to get the druid to wake up so they could go get the other two out of the basement.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"If that's the case... We might be able to deal with the senior nun problem." Alia nodded, thinking back to the nun they've saved. She most likely had the seniority here now. There was also the newbie, if they managed to rescure her first. First, however, they had to get out of the spirit's dream. "Fine. If you want one of us to stay with you for a while, I can do that. I'll entertain you while my friends get a senior nun to release you. Does that sound fair?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz threw her axe in front of Alia to block her. "Fuck that krut! You want us to entertain you because you said so!? No sex without payment, or are ya fuckin' deaf!?" Karaz roared. "If ya won't accept my offer and obey me, then down here you shall stay forever, demon!" Karaz declared, before turning, and looking to leave.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Wonderful" the succubus all but moaned as she waved her hand dismissively. Karaz and Faeyna were suddenly thrown back by a wild gale, and found themselves beginning to stir. The last thing they heard as they were propelled out of the phantasm was: "Don't try to be clever, or I will shred your friend's memories. Bring the nun."

(If for some reason you want to resist this dismissal, you can stay here with a MND+Survival DC 13 test)

"Now," a suddenly very close voice whispered into Alia's ear, "let's play our little game." The succubus' lips ran sensuously across Alia's face as a razor-sharp nail quickly cut a long, thin lined own the young mage's clothes. With a rush of fabric, Alia suddenly found herself mostly naked in the creature's grasp. She gasped as she felt something hot at her ankles, and looked down to twisting chains emerging from tiny fiery portals, wrapping around her legs firmly. The succubus lowered herself, breathing tantalizing breaths across the mage's nipples, smiling as the pink buds became erect.

"I have no body, you understand. My pleasures aren't quiet like yours." the demoness said as hot chains emerged from the ceiling, entangling Alia's wrists, pulling her curvy body straight and holding her in the air before the demoness. "We astral spirits deal in dreams; we yearn for the powerful, complex emotions intelligent, physical creatures are capable of." she continued as a chain wormed it's way down Alia's back sliding between her shapely ass cheeks, pulling between her legs so that every link pushed into her pussy lips. "I've developed a taste for erotic embarrassment and fear, and for sexual agony, for orgasm denied." The spirit ran a hot tongue across Alia's flat belly.

"The nuns were ideal for these things, and they could be quiet productive. But alas."

The red-skinned woman smiled at the mage sweetly as the chain continued its exploration of her loins. "How would you like a small bargain? I know much magic, and can teach you a spell not often learned by those of your discipline if you win..."

"Produce some spectacular emotions for me. I will teach you, if they are at least as good as the pretty little virgins I've grown used to. If you fail, you will agree to allow me to... keep you company in your mind until you give me the emotions I long for.

[If cross_grave writes up a sex scene focused on erotic embarrassment/fear and/or orgasm denial, Alia can learn the Illusionist spell Silent Image. The other players should PM if they think it was good enough for the prize. If you get at least 2/3, you win. If you lose, Alia becomes perma-Aroused (-3 AC and Saves) until she gets raped (but not necessarily impregnated). You still get the spell once you are raped though, if you agree to the deal but lose.]
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Failed resist: )

Thrown back into the world of reality, Karaz rose to her feet, before letting out a . "FUCK YOU! I'M DESTROYING EVERYTHING HERE! ALONG WITH YOU!" Karaz screamed, first giving Alia a kick before swinging her axe at literally everything in sight that looked remotely significant, smashing everything in sight that looked like it might even loosely connect to the spirit.