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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

but only by two, dunno if it gets set off, she doesn't know she failed and it stabs us all as we go, or something horrible happens immediately. I suppose it's up to you!

"Uh oh..." Most of the somewhat dire news about the secret nature of this convent was received with relative neutrality from Arkeia. While she could certainly understand revulsion at what these women were trained to be, particularly from Faeyna, she preferred to look at it as pragmatic preventative violence gone to the extreme, the acceptance of often necessary duties taken too far in an effort to prevent... Well, exactly this sort of thing from happening actually. Men and women of all races had done much worse to try and prevent suffering, usual by causing suffering in others. Such was the way of things.

Of more immediate and pressing concern to her was the trap they had seemingly activated by opening the secret door, of which she had no immediate idea on how to disable. "Looks like we tripped somethin ladies," she announced, and then began to climb towards it in an effort to get a better look... Only for her foot to begin to slip as she let out a squeaked curse!

(Go check on the goblin methinks, and if that's alright go to the hospital next.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(I am writing this on the assumption that Athletics = Physical and that everybody gets to try.)

Alia was also frowning as she finished reading the books, closing the last one with an audible snap. "This... This is something we better not speak of. I'd rather not have one of those xenophobic killers out for my blood because we spilled their secrets. Guards this knowledge carefully." She looked at the rest of the library, then shook her head. "I'd have suggested setting this place on fire and blaming the invaders or a monster, we'd have at least one potential witness to deal with somehow." The mage was now quite grateful for the fact she let the others persuade her to leave the spirit behind. "Such a waste. Promising lives turned to butchery. You do not defeat an enemy like those they've sought to destroy by imitating their methods. At most, you just replace them."

Shaking her head, Alia went to search through the library once more, finally pinpointing the source of magic from earlier. A few flasks of Holy Water, that'd come in handy. She pocketed them for later, then turned her attention to the trap that barred their way. With Arkeia failing her attempt to disable it, the mage opted to take matters in her own hands. Pulling out the rope and crowbar she had kept in her backpack, she fashioned it into a very makeshift grappling hook, spun the thing up, then let loose with intent of lodging it into the mechanism...

And managed to just barely lodge the thing into the gears. Smirking, the mage began to climb up, using both the rope and enviroment to support herself until she reached the top. Then, she just held onto the bookshelves while she forcibly yanked the crowbar out, causing a small shower of delicate parts to fall out of the trap's inner workings. She wasn't done yet, though. Holding onto her ledge, Alia began to vigorously and repeatedly apply the crowbar to the mechanism, demonstrating perhaps the most unrefined, boneheaded, muscle-brained, barbaric and effective example of successful trap destruction. After she was done viciously brutalizing the damn thing, she climbed back down, untied the rope from the crowbar and put both items back in her backpack.

"Well, that was satisfying!" Tervin declared with a smile, shooting Arkeia a smug smirk. "Not too difficult either. Anyway, we should probably check up on the nun and our greenskin friend. Last time we saw her she wasn't in a condition to fight and that divine intervention makes me think she hasn't fully abandoned the ways of her goddess, but better safe than sorry." The little tyke had been very useful so far and it'd suck to lose him just because they've had no idea there was such a hidden dark side to the convent. "We might have to decide what to do with the nun once she wakes up, though. Even if she is one of those assassins, killing her might not be a good idea."

(Check the goblin.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Arkeia got to her knees and offered both hands cupped, helping Alia up a little higher after she had fallen and bruised her ass, and then watched the crude trap destruction with a disapproving frown. Damn amateurs.... She glared flatly in response to the mage's smug look, "Oh aye, fine monkey's work!" she said sardonically, though winked if Alia offered any sort of offended look to signal that her comment was purely in jest.

"Naaaah, we shouldn't kill 'er, that's just all sorts of improper," Arkeia agreed, though she quickly added, "less she tries ta kill us first anyway. Even if she is a cold blooded killer, doesn't mean we've got much right to pass judgement, specially when a lot of what she's supposed to be doing - barring the sort done 'gainst yer people o'course Fain' - is about the same sort we've been doin' for money all morning. Now, tyin her up afore she awakens, that's an idea I can get behind!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"She better not be touchin' my only minion. Lest she find herself bound and gagged and made to be a factory for my future minions." Karaz stated as she pocketed the books. "Lets go, Ungi. I've had just about enough waitin' for her to wake up. Time for the nun to wake up to a dwarf's kiss." she stated, and oddly enough, her tone did not suggest a lewd or lovely affair in regards to her kiss. Rather, it sounded like something to be avoided.

(Save minion #1)
Re: Battle & Breeding

The girls slipped down the rope one by one, and felt the fear of something very wrong happen as soon as they hit the ground. The corpses of the nuns who had committed suicide were... gone. Something might have taken them, or worse, they might have joined the restless dead...

[Faeyna, roll MND+Knowledge to see how effective your prayers over the bodies were. Everyone else, you are at the back of the room, and you cannot see any enemies. How do you prepare for possible combat with enemies who may be stalking you?]
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Where.... Where did the bodies go?" Arkeia asked aloud, backing towards the nearest corner and drawing her rapier. Her other hand went empty, at least for now, but it was on her belt where her myriad of weapons lay.
Re: Battle & Breeding

( Well... Maybe?)

Faeyna blinks as they come down and hisses in distaste. "Well. Either a scavenger came by, or they have become Lost. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter given their hateful natures. And yes I heard your comments before, Arkeia, but there is a difference between fighting those who assaulted others and seeking to silently murder those who MIGHT be a danger and categorize anyone not of the so called civilized races as threats."

She hmphs and watches around warily, readying in case the Lost came forth with corporeal shells.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Oh aye, you can 'ave that conversation with a woman who made a career out of breakin the law," Arkeia replied with a nervous tinge to her jovial tone, eyes darting around in search of threats. "though maybe we can AFTER we find out what happened to them bodies. I don't know of any scavengers what would carry of so much meat without at least takin a mouthful first, and there ain't any sings o' that."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Most likely undead, then." Alia scowled, brandishing her scythe. "Wish I had gotten this thing blessed..." Though speaking of blessings, the mage reached into her pouches and produced all three bottles of Holy Water, giving one each to her comrades. "Here. Take those. It's sanctified, so any walking corpse or demon hit with that is going to have a bad time. Just try to make them count, I don't have any more on me." She hung back, looking all over the room as she tried to spot any potential threats, ready to support her comrades with magic or lay waste with missiles... Though in case she had to face an ambush, she cast Mage Armor on herself to increase her chances of surviving it.

(Give holy water to rest of the group, cast Mage Armor on self.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(MND+Survival tests from everyone, please. Sorry, i forgot to ask before.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(SAN checks! Run fer yer lives!)

, pretty high I think.
Re: Battle & Breeding

( I win.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Tass, you see a zombie nun waiting around a corner for you. Write a cool sneak attack stunt with a free extra heroism)
Re: Battle & Breeding

use that free heroism to try and make that second hit succeed,

Arkeia rounded the corner as the group edged towards where they had left the goblin and nun and imp, found herself faced with something she REALLY hadn't ever wanted to see, not standing at least, and simply reacted. One second she was just standing there, mouth agape and less then two feet from one of the dead nuns who had decided to take an afternoon stroll... And then next her rapier had been driven into its eye socket hard enough to see the blade come out the back of her head, swiftly followed by her short sword in her other hand if the undead monstrosity didn't raise a hand to intercept it. "Fuck! Shit! We're not safe! NOT SAFE!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"This is bonkers! I can't make zombies into my minions! They smell bad! Kill em all! Again!" Karaz demanded, ready to strike out at the first zombie she saw.

Preemptive to-hit roll: 13

Damage: 15
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Sorry, I didn't notice that Zilrax also rolled phenomenally. You also spot a nun and can make an action with Heroism if you want before the battle starts.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Understandable mistake, it's out of character for me.)

Faeyna grimaced as she too spotted one of the Lost. Her prayers seemed to be too weak to guide them to the cycle to prevent this. It would seem her only recourse then was to force their souls back on the right path through violent expulsion.

Faeyna hisses and lunges at another hidden zombie and lashes out with her claws!

( hit 9 damage)