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BD 127 - N.O.V.A's Room


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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As the amber rays of sun peered through the pried blinds the room was given an earthly red glow. The room looked like it was to belong to a professor not a student, a full bookshelf organized alphabetically, a desk beside the bookshelf in middle of the east wall with a half burned candle on top. A beautifully decorated chair was tucked away under it. And behind it was a slightly larger bed then most that occupied a large portion of the room with a black comforter that had a red dragon embroidered in the middle.

Down the hall a shady figure turned the corner, walking like an inebriate the figure somehow kept quiet and his balance. Stopping at this door he produced the key unlocked the door and entered, taking a final two steps before falling on the floor passed out.
Re: BD 127 - N.O.V.A's Room

Getting up out of the uncomfortable position he was in, Nova groaned and rubbed the back of his head. Tapping his door with his foot he almost closed it completly.

Getting to his feet he set out for his bathroom for a shower.