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BD 153 - Ian and Siphon


Nov 10, 2008
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This double room is likely a good study in polar opposites, given that the laid back Ian is sharing a room with Siphon, who is known for leaving unusual pieces and parts lying around. The Australian keeps mostly to himself though, and doesn't think much of Siphon's odd hours.

Ian's textbooks and several different decks of playing cards are stacked on the main portion of his desk while the top has been relegated at a book shelf holding a small, well-worn library of books he has no problem reading over and over. Sitting on one edge, making a very poor bookend, is a kinetic pendulum, the kind with the balls that clack back and forth. On the other is a picture of a slightly younger Ian standing with his arms around the shoulders of a man and woman whom he seems to favor in looks. A reading lamp is fastened to the headboard of the bed and there seem to have been a nest of pillows added to the thing as well. At the foot sits an old steamer trunk, laden with stickers from various locations. From the wear and tear on it, it's clearly something of a heirloom and the way it's situated, it's a treasured one. Instead of posters on the walls, there are puzzles that have been assembled, glued together, and framed.

As he enters the room, there still seems to be that lingering smell, though thankfully not as bad, given the habit both he and Siphon seem to have of leaving the window open for fresh air (and sneaking in and out, he thinks, as far as his roomie is concerned.)

"And thank goodness for plastic seals." He crouches down beside his bed and slides out a tote, popping the lid to find that the smell hadn't seeped into his dress clothes. Taking them into the bathroom with him, he headed in to get ready.

Some time later, after showering, grooming, drying, and dressing, he gives himself one last once-over in the mirror. Tugging on his jacket, he gave a satisfied nod and headed out for the dance.
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Re: BD 153 - Ian and Siphon

Returning to his room and doing his best to rub at the itches all over his body rather than tear up his skin scratching, Ian retrieves his laptop and calls up a browser to begin searching for solutions to itches like this.

"Tried that, tried that," he mutters, scrolling down through the various solutions. "Not possible. Not helpful. That's not what's itching. Ugh." He shifts his back against the chair he's sitting in. "Guess Ah'll try a compress. Maybe soak a blanket in the showah and use that." And he does, indeed, see if a little more washing will help, otherwise, he wets a washcloth, wrings it out and lays that against the worst of his itchy spots, seeing if that helps any either.
Re: BD 153 - Ian and Siphon

Siphon walked in, having been checking around.

"Ya know, I wonder if Matt had anything to do with this. I'm tempted to go hunt him down. Strange though, if I'm itching I don't really notice it that much."

Unspoken was the reason he knew it wasn't really bothering him much, but he hid it well.

((Yeah Oni, not exactly sure how that would all play out with Talvesh being there, though unless it's supernatural in occurrence and bypassing him altogether, he probably wouldn't even be affected, and even if he was, he'd be able to pretty well keep it off his mind.))
Re: BD 153 - Ian and Siphon

"Crikey," is about all Siphon can make out before Ian just settles into grumbles from under his breath. "Got ta do somethin' ta get my mind offa this. Washin' it off isn't helpin' in the least. Can't believe he'd pull somethin' like that. Wait, yeah. Yeah, Ah can."
Re: BD 153 - Ian and Siphon

Siphon quietly entered his room, and began jotting down a note for his room mate. When he was finished, he left it sitting directly in front of the door, so that it could not be missed.

When Ian entered, he would find the following note left for him.

Something happened to me, I'm not fully sure what but I believe I have been changed into some form of vampiric life form. My thoughts are semi-jumbled, hard to concentrate, so I know the change is not yet complete. Until it is, and I know if I can even trust myself, I dare not be around any of you. Please let both Aya and Sho know for me. I would do it myself but I fear for their safety if I suddenly lose control, which is a possibility. I know not when I will return, but now clearly is not the best time. Only attempt to contact me if the situation desperately requires my presence, and only do so with someone whom you know I will recognize and trust. I've filed for a direct leave of absence due to a 'family emergency' with the head of the school directly, I'm not sticking around to see if it's granted. I wish you all the best of luck, and please convey my deepest regrets to Sho, I shall greatly miss her.

There was nothing left, and no location that he could be found given, so one would be left to assume he did not wish to be found.
Re: BD 153 - Ian and Siphon

Returning to his room, Ian's almost immediately struck by the emptiness on the other half of it. "That can't be good," he mutters softly to himself, foot causing the paper on the floor to crinkle a bit as he passes it. Bending down, he flicks on his lamp and then heads over to sit down to read what it says.

Oh, right. You tell the girls I have to leave. Thanks a lot, mate. And here I thought we were friends. They'll put me in itty-bitty pieces. He shook his head and folded the note up, tucking it under the corner of one of the books on his desk. Maybe showing them that would be easier than trying to explain everything that was said in the note. Usually you didn't get a sense of feeling from something like that, but this seemed different.

Stretching out, he didn't even bother changing out of his clothes and into something more comfortable to sleep in. There was just too much going on to worry about something like that, especially not with his head and everything that had happened.

Tomorrow. There'll be time to piece things together tomorrow.