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BD 213 - Art and Corax

Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"Well, we don't know for sure it was him. If it wasn't, perhaps he could make up for his last little scheme by helping us out."

Corax hastily pulled on some clothes and made his way to the communal room.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"And if that fails at least he'll be itchy as well." Art says as he follows Corax to the communal room.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Art walks into the his and Corax's room, a piece of bread hanging loosely from his mouth. As the sun is now completely set the lights are on in the bedroom.

"'Ey, 'Orax," Art says, his speech somewhat muffled by the bread. He quickly makes his way to his desk and scoops up some Mythril before heading back to the door. "'Onna do a checkup on th' buildin's. Be back la'er." With that Art leaves the room to check the buildings.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Corax nods in acknowledgement, before returning his attention to his computer.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Maria appears in the room with a flash.

"There could be trouble. Art's up to something. Somewhere near the N Building."

"He might just be messing around with a girl again."

"I doubt it. It's getting stronger every second. Whatever it is, he's serious."

"We'd better go have a look, then."

Maria nods and teleports away again. Corax runs to the window and climbs out, closing it behind him. He leaps off the wall and begins flying toward the N Building.
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Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Pushing the door open Art walks heavily into his room, and makes a beeline for the bathroom. Spending a long time in the shower Art eventually comes back into the room and dries himself off before putting on a teeshirt and shorts and climbing into bed.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Art's alarm goes off, and he begrudgingly climbs out of bed. Grunting slightly he hits the off button on his clock and makes his way to the bathroom to do his usual morning stuff.

Once he's finished in the bathroom Art puts on his uniform, taking longer than usual. He then picks up his bag and heads out to the communal room.

If Corax was awake he'd notice that Art looked a little worse for wear, his complexion was very pale and he had dark bags under his eyes. He also lacked his usual amount of energy, instead it appeared as if he hadn't even slept a wink all night though Corax would know that Art had slept at least some of the night as he was asleep by the time Corax had come back.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

After splitting up with Siphon in the communal room Art made his way back to his room to mull over what Siphon had said and get some much needed rest instead of calling his mother.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

There's a knock on the door, Ian leaning against the frame as he waits for some form of confirmation that Art's even in there. Having tracked down the other's professors, he'd managed to get all of Art's assignments for the day, and the next, given the way he'd looked. After he dropped this off, it would be to the cafeteria for dinner. Granted, he could have hit there first, but he also wanted to check in and see how Art was fairing.

"Anybody alive in there?" he called through the door, knocking lightly once more. "Or shall Ah send for a zombie extermination squad?"
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

The door opens, but it's not Art. Corax appears in the doorway, looking a little suspicious.

"You're... Ian. I've seen you with Siphon a few times. Can I help you?"
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Ian arches a brow, but doesn't seem put off by the look. Not uncommon for roommates to look out for one another. "Just droppin' off Art's daily dose of banality, courtesy of his teachers. T'day and t'morrow's assignments for the invalid. How's he doin'?"
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Fully aware of Ian's powers, Corax considers the situation.

He seems to know about Art getting hurt. And he mentioned zombies. So he knows about what's going on.

If he knows that much, then Art and/or Siphon trusts him. There's no harm in filling him in, then.

"Art's missing. No-one's seen him since lunchtime."
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Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Ian definitely gives Corax a skewed look at that one. "Well, when Ah left him at lunch, he said he was goin' ta come back here and phone his mum. Ya think she might have ordered him ta a hospital or somethin'? Course, Ah can't imagine him goin' without leavin' some sort of note."
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Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Siphon had gone into town to pick up a few things and had dropped them off with a friend for now, returning to the dorms to check in with Art. However, he took note that Ian and Coraxus were standing outside, and could hear something about someone missing, but not whom. He decided to speak.

"Hey folks, you stopping by to check on Art too? How is he Coraxus?"
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"Not good, or so I assume. He's disappeared."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Siphon blinked in surprise.

"He's done what? Shit, that's ... not good."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"I saw him briefly at lunchtime, and he didn't look so good. Since then, nothing. No one's seen him, and there's been no word from him."

"Thinking about it, we might benefit from the presence of a certain person right now. One moment."

Corax turns back into the room and creates a huge spinning cluster of metal.

"That'll get her attention."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Ian lets out a bit of a surprised sounding curse as Corax creates the cylinder. He's not utterly shocked and crying bloody murder, so that can likely be taken as a good sign, but it's pretty clear he obviously wasn't aware that Corax had that particular talent, at least up until a few seconds ago.

(Yes, Ian knows about the weirdness that happened before, but I honestly don't recall if he met all of the players or not. I don't think he interacted with the twins much and thus didn't get to see what they could do, hence surprise.)
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Corax notes Ian's reaction.

"Ah, you haven't seen my abilities before. I'm capable of creation, destruction and manipulation of metal. And that's odd, she should have noticed by now..."

Corax reaches for his phone, but at that point there is a flash, and Maria appears in the room.

She looks exhausted, and even more unkempt than usual. She is pale, and breathing heavily. After teleporting in, she almost collapses and has to steady herself against the wall.

"Are you alright? What happened?"

"I don't know. I don't know what's happening to me, but I've been getting weaker. My powers, too. I haven't been able to detect power use like I normally do. I could only just feel yours, it was faint. Teleporting's been getting harder too. Just then took nearly everything I had. I just need to rest for a minute."

Corax turns back to Ian and Siphon.

"So we can't find him through his powers. But I don't like what's going on here. Art goes missing, and Maria's getting weaker for no apparent reason. Something's wrong."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

((Guessing this is part of things and since he SHOULD always have a faint sense of the ascended ones, even though he can't interact with them, because he was once ascended, I think it's time to play along and have that connection poof.))

Siphon seems to pause for a moment, as if he was testing something, then staggered in abrupt shock. It took him a moment to recompose himself, which Ian in particular might find a bit off about him.

"Indeed something is. Do you remember Coraxus and Ian my telling you because I once died and ascended that I always had some form of connection to the others, could always feel them even though I couldn't actually interact with them? Well ... that link is gone. I can't sense them at all."

Then he was quiet for a time, before finally speaking.

"Alright, we can't track him by power and he's gone missing, Maria's getting weaker here, and I've completely lost the link I had to the others. Which likely means something is causing this to happen. I would have felt it if they had been wiped out, I probably wouldn't be standing actually. So something is dampening it, which possibly means my summon ability will be weakened as well. Now Art was weak earlier, looked sick. He and I were wondering if perhaps the zombie cursed him somehow during the brief scuffle last night, but I'm doubting very much our zombie has the ability to weaken Maria or my link. Which means my earlier thought that there may be a very powerful Lich around is starting to make a comeback."

Another pause then he spoke carefully.

"Ok, you two know him better than I do for sure. Is there any place he might have gone to in order to relax, some place he goes to just to unwind when he can't here? I wish we could find a footprint trail, I could probably track him that way. We need ideas, and we need them soon."