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BD 213 - Art and Corax

Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"He might have gone to the hotsprings. Perhaps the forest, though I can't think why. That, or he might have had some family business to attend to. Still, what bothers me is that he didn't tell anyone. No message, no note, nothing. And no word from him. Unless it was extremely urgent, that's not like him. And that still doesn't explain Maria or Siphon's problems."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Siphon shook his head.

"Last time I saw him, he wasn't really in a position to be going anywhere any way, not without help. And with all the people in and out of these dorms all day, no one saw him leave? Only way that's possible is if he went out one of the windows or was beamed out of here. The second being pretty well impossible to manage. Still ... The obvious is he isn't here. I suppose we can check the forest and hot springs though. If it was family business and urgent, we may not be able to ...."

He trailed off suddenly, as an idea formed.

"Ok this is a long shot and a half, but do either of you know how to get in touch with his folks? Maybe at least find out if they know where he is, or if he's been recalled as the saying goes. If we could somehow reach them, at the very least they could help search for him."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

And Ian's eyes widen a bit more seeing Maria simply blink into the room. More surprise that she's doing it, since, well, he's been rooming with Siphon and he's used to things sometimes just...appearing.

As Maria mentions needing to rest, one of the chairs in the room, unattended, scoots over and gently nudges her on the backs of her legs, allowing her to sit before she collapses.

He listens to the exchange, getting out "Zombeh?" when that's brought up. Whether they choose to explain is up to them. Art seems to be more of a concern right now.

"Right, callin' his folks is likely the first and best course of action, if we can. Then we need ta figure out what's happenin' here. First Art, then Maria, then Siphon. Whatevah this is, it's obviously affectin' only certain individuals, since Corax, ya seem well enough and Ah feel just fine. Maybe it has ta do with," he glances up and down the hall, making sure they're in the clear, "the nature of a person's powahs? Maria seems ta have a link with somethin' higher. So does Siphon. What about Art? Maybe it's somethin' at the source of the link? Or, like Siphon said, somethin' blockin' it? And if the source is cut off, that could explain the weakness and gettin' sick. Though what's a Lich? Ah mean, ah've heard of 'em in stories, but...real world context." He grins, as because only here could something fantastic be considered "in context."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Maria, gestures thanks to Ian for the chair. By this point, she is in a bit better shape.

"I don't have a link to anything, as far as I know. I'm just capable of sensing superhuman activity. Plus, teleporting's getting harder too. Whatever it is, it's draining me completely."

"I don't have his parents' number, but..."

Corax grabs their dorm phone and starts browsing through some menus.

"What? That's interesting. All our incoming and outgoing calls are saved. His parents haven't phoned or been phoned at any point today. Whatever's going on, it doesn't seem like they're involved."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Siphon shook his head.

"Hmm, ok so we can rule them out unless he has a private cell he called them on, which I doubt very much. I'm definitely not liking his vanishing act though, something is wrong with this picture. I just can't quite place what though."

He pauses then replies to Ian.

"In basic principles, Lich's are very powerful magic users, some even more so than my own people were, and we were very advanced ourselves. I've heard of Lich's who were capable of performing spells able to disintegrate one limb at a time for torture, as well as a few capable of turning mortal beings into sheer abominations simply by laying eyes on them and wishing it. Back on my planet, there was at least one Lich controlling all the zombies that attacked us. As far as we know, he created all of them, as well as created the dimensional rifts they used in their attempt to follow my people here. Ultimately we managed to kill him, but not before our numbers dwindled from billions to a mere three thousand. It's a major reason of why I stayed here, is because the rifts have been opened to this world, and future rifts opened by another Lich to avenge the fallen one would likely open here. Has to do with the dimensional barriers being the weakest here now."

He then fell silent, watching Maria for a moment to be certain she would be alright, despite what she had said.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Ian inclines his head to her, listening as she explains her ability. He's mulling that over when Siphon starts going on about the Lich.

"That sounds charmin'," he responds with heavy sarcasm. Huffing out a sigh, he turns his thoughts back to the block. "Right, then. Ya don't have a link but ya are sensitive to when people use their powahs, so maybe someone's using somethin' constantly, ta keep up some sort of block. If it's cuttin' Siphon and Art off from their source, maybe that's what's makin' you wiggy. And if teleportin' is a drain, maybe this block's affectin' how that works. Ya gotta cut through a lotta static ta get from one place ta the othah.

My suggestion would be seein' if there's anyone with powahs similar ta these two and see if they're havin' trouble too. Then we'll know if it's somethin' wide-spread or contained."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"Finding Art is a priority, I think. We ought to know what condition he's in. It might shed some new light on whatever's going on."
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Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"Well, if you've got an idea how, Ah'm all for it. Outside of scourin' around the campus ta see if he turns up." Ian held up his hands. "Anywhere he might have gone? He didn't seem like he was in too good'a condition ta make it off-campus. Least, not by himself."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"The Hotsprings seem like the most likely option. I suggest we head there first."
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Siphon nodded.

"Agreed, let us get moving then."

He turns and heads for the door, making his way to the hot springs unless stopped.

((I'll wait for you Bartnum and for Copper to reply to this before moving him there.))
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

"Lead the way, then. Ah've nevah been." Ian makes a sweeping bow-like gesture toward the end of the hall, motioning for one of the other boys to take the lead.
Re: BD 213 - Art and Corax

Maria pulls herself to her feet, and moves to head out with the others.

"I should be alright for a while. I'm going as well."

Corax nods and leads the others out of the building. They get a few odd looks due to the presence of a girl, but neither Maria or Corax seems to care.