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BD 218 - Jackson


Apr 14, 2009
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Jackson pushed the door open and hap haphazardly toss the backpack and suitcase in corner of the room as he walked to a bed. There wore two beds meaning he might get a roommate if he was lucky or they wore unlucky but he didn't spend time think about it.

He dropped his body on a bed next to the wall almost passing out as he hit the thing. He was so tired that he left the door open a crack but he didn't give it the slightest of thoughts. Just the soft bed and the quite room mattered. Not even the itching could keep him up.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson woke up not feeling fully rested due to itching he was feeling but he would at least be somewhat understandable. He jumped out of and took a look at his schedule for classing and his eye light up a bit as he saw Chemistry starting at 9 AM and running to Noon.

He quickly took a shower but it did nothing for itch but at least cleaned him of the sweat from yesterday. Jackson changed in to the school uniform but kept his only little style as he wore his sliver jacket and sunglasses still. Looking back at the schedule he saw the class was held in L building room 314. He assumed the first number to be the level with the number after the room it's self. He fished a small ipod out of his backpack and looked to his watch. It blinked 8:15AM.

He placed on the left ear bud and grabbed the pack as he headed out the door.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson pushed the door open and dropped the backpack he carried next to the door as he entered. He looked to the bed he wasn't using and saw the large box laying on the bed. It was a lot wider and then it was higher. He still questioned what his adopt... parents had sent him. But still needed to unpack all his clothing and such so it could wait a little longer.

He pulled his large suitcase and starts to pull out all his shirts and such and tossed them on to his bed and at least get them out of the suitcase. He opened the closet and started to off the hanger and started of hanger the joke shirts he had. A lot of them had jokes from games or movies or even inside joke from the online gaming communities. One of the shirts had of the front " I ALWAYS follow THE RULES" on the front and the thirty-three rules on the back. A few of the other to note joke shirts wore a old nes game cartridge with "BLOW ME" right under it with the other being a bad joke on how messed up a friend he had played a drunk Cleric for a D&D game once. Along with the joke shirt wore a few normal white dress shirts for going to class an other he need to serious.

After placing all his shirts away he picks up a white plastic cover hanger with a crimson res suit and black vest which he had planned to use for the dance if he had gotten to the place on time. But it was no use worrying about it now as chances wore there would be a dance some where down the line.

With all his shirts and pants put away he turns to a dresser and just starts to put all his boxer and socks in to the bottom drawer and uses the top drawer for his shorts. He now turns to the box and see a note taped to side. He took the note and started to read it.

Dear Jackson,
Myself and your father have raised you for the past six and a half years as our own. Meeting you have changed the both of us in ways we could never think we would as I'm sure you have changed as well. We decided to send you a gift for all the time and memories you have helped us have. We hope you have a fun time at The Gosamer Falls boarding school as that is where you father and I met. I hope you meet someone you feel like you can spend the rest of your life.

Much love,

Jack put the note down and opened the box slowly still think what it could have been. His eyes saw the Ibanez S 2008 S series guitar sitting in the box undamaged. The seven strings seeming to shine. The Mahogany used for the guitar have a very fine healthy color.

... You have to be kidding... Jackson said a loud as he stumbled back on to his bed. His jaw seeming to be locked in place as he sat there just looking at the guitar.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson sit in the dark of his room looking at the guitar for easily an hour. The thought about having the instrument... just didn't seem to be real. Part of him thought it would melt in to smoke if he picked the thing up.

"I must be dreaming.... or something. No way in hell mom would get the Ibanez." He said to himself. He ran his hand thought his hair and give it a firm tug at the end. His head snapped back due to the force he used and gave himself a small case of whiplash.

"OK.... maybe... just maybe it is real." He said aloud again holding the back of his head. He felt stupid now for whipping his head back. He looked out the window it was starting to get dark and he was already tired from getting very little sleep. He took the guitar and it's box and slides it under his bed. He was on the verge of passing out but before he did he tossed his sliver coat over to the desk and chair and lay down on his bed not even pulling the covers over himself. He quickly drifted to sleep.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

~~~The guitar, the guitar! It was gone! Jackson stared hard at the now empty case. His dream come true Ibanez that was right there a second ago had disappeared. He looked frantically around the room, trying to think. Clearly he'd just put it on the bed for a moment. No. Against the wall. No. By the desk. No. In his pockets. No no no!

Just as confusion was starting to turn into disbelief and panic. He heard it. It was playing. Or being played. Turning to face the origin of the music he heard, he found the corridor side wall of his room was missing. It expanded out into a brilliant open white space. Far into the space he could vaguely see a figure, though they seemed strange. Stepping into the space his room faded away, and he strode forward toward the figure. It was a sketch. A living sketch, of a girl playing his new guitar. The guitar was normal and looked solid, but the girl was nothing more than pencil lines and rough shading, yet moving as if alive. He immediately recognised the piece they were playing. One of his favourites in fact. And very skilfully.

As he got closer to the figure, the space around him seemed to spring to life with drawings as well. Shapes, objects, plants and vague people started growing out of the ground, all like a growing sketch, and all in time to the music. As Jackson neared the figure he could see more detail. He felt that she wasn't who he thought it was. Who would that be anyway? (dreams can be confusing) She had long straight shaded hair, and a slim build. One obvious thing stood out. Though she was almost purely black and white, the eyes were a bright purple in colour. Coming to the end of the song, she stops, and looks up at Jackson. Yume says nothing, but seems to be offering the guitar back to him.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

As Jackson walked towards the girl he noticed the drawings seeming to leave a path for him to walk. His head swiveled back and forth as the things seemed to just grow out of the white void he now walked. All of the growing in tune with an purely acoustic version of "Trail of Broken Hearts". As he stepped closer and closer he thought the one playing his guitar he thought it might have been... the name escaped him right now. The artist would do for now. As the song came to it final chorus verse he couldn't help him self.

"Fly away down the lonely roads of yesterday~,
We close your eyes to see the light of brighter days~,
And all alone we'll be where time can never heal~,
With the trail of broken hearts flying free~."
He sung as he closed the last ten feet to the girl.

"The trail of broken hearts flying free~~~..." He sung the final line as the girl stroke the final cords of the song. His green eyes lock on to her purple orbs. They alone gave away the fact she wasn't who he thought she was. As she offered the guitar he took it in his hands but kept his eyes locked on her's.

He stops the stare to look over his guitar. It didn't seem to be damaged at all. He strikes a cord and finds it's sound was perfectly tuned.

"Would you like to tell why you took MY guitar?" He asked as he started to play with the stings up along the neck. If he started to strike the stings around the base he would be playing another song entirely different then the one the girl played.
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Re: BD 218 - Jackson

The girl doesn't reply, only answering with a shut eyed smile. But then begins to sing...

"Lost in a dream, finally it seems,
Emptiness and everlasting madness,
See the sadness grow, watching as we know,
Blinded for our journey for the world,
Call for us, the power in all of us,
So far beyond the blackened sky tonight..."

She sings it a little more softly than normal, though at full speed still. Jackson doesn't recognise the voice. As he plays, finding it surprisingly easy right now, the girl does something else. Eyes still closed, she throws one arm out to her side as if to grasp something, when a violin draws itself into existence. The bow sketching into her other hand, she begins to play along to the same song. The speed of her movements leave something similar to pencil smudge marks chasing and erasing around her arms and fingers. The scenery around redraws itself once more and expands out into a wide mountain valley. The both of them are standing on an outcropping of rock overlooking a dense natural pine forest. As the song draws to its end, the girl takes a step back lowering her instrument, and opening her eyes again. She bows to Jackson, and before he can realise what she's doing, leans back and plummets suddenly over the edge of the rockface. As Jackson dashes to catch or see where she fell, the whole world seems to stretch and fade into nothing.~~~

((Up to you if he wakes up or not, but Yume has left.))
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson woke up with his arm reaching out to grab at something not there. His breathing was heavy and he was covered in a cold sweat. He sits up and look about the darkened room looking for some who was not there.

A dream... What the hell is with all the messed up dreams I'm having? He asked himself in his mind. He's always had dream with some deeper meaning he could make out with some meaning but this... Nothing to it made any sense to him.

The girl seemed like Isabella at first but her eye and the ways she seemed more opened then Isabella was. She even seemed happy to see him. However the dream world he found himself in his last dream seemed to hint something about Isabella but it could just be him over thinking it but his mind couldn't come up with anything else as to why the dream seemed drawn.

The songs also held a lot of meaning for him. "Trail of Broken Hearts" was a song he and friend he had a crush on had more or less learned by ear as they both took turns playing off her guitar. She had been the reason Jack at first began to like the idea of playing the guitar. Jackson never told her about his crush as he felt she held no feeling like that for him. Something he hated himself for as she committed suicide. As far as he knew it had something to due with her old ex. At her burial he played the song one her guitar on last time before placing it on the coffin before it was lowered.

"Heroes of our Times" was something that he felt related to him getting over her death. the year that passed after her death he had more or less fell from the straight edge life he had to falling into a drug addiction as he tried to drown himself. He lived more or less six months on a constituent high. A near overdose was the only thing that knock him to his senses. The oddest thing was no seemed to notice he off his game and seemingly always starring off in to space during this time. He also didn't show the physical signs of addiction.

He tried thinking about the rest of the dream but his mind kept running over the three thing he knew had some meaning. But he could place how each thing meant to him now. Jackson stand and heads to the bathroom for a shower. Maybe a hot shower would help him think better.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist as he tried his best to dry his hair with another towel. Main problem with having such long hair, as he did, was trying to dry it out without a hairdryer. He tossed the towel as side after getting a good more then half of his hair dry, with only the ends having having any type of moisture left. He drops to his bed, laying back looking up at the ceiling.

"Much... much better." He said to himself. He still had not gotten any better ideas when it came to the dream but he at least felt clean and focused. He stood to get a change of clothing. He was still wide away from the shower and his thinking on the dream so he felt like getting some air would do him some good... but walking in the buff would not be the best idea. He grabbed his "Rules" t shirt and a pair of black shorts along with some boxers and socks. He put them all on and slide out his guitar from under the bed.

He admired the solid wood the guitar had been made out of along with it's masterful coat of paint. He picked it up along with the pick which was a made from a simple plastic and was sliver in color. It had "Far away, but always in our hearts" printed on it in black. He starts of the door heading to courtyard of a tree he saw close by the dorms. There he wouldn't bother anyone with his playing... at least he hoped.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson woke to beeping watch. He look about the room wondering how he got here. Did someone walk him hear or did he himself.

"I really need to found out why I black out like that..." He says aloud. But he could not worry about it now. He started to get ready for class. Math was first on his plate today. As he dressed his mind kept wondering about what might have happened when he blacked out.

Once down with the uniform he grabs his backpack and ipod and dashes out in to the Communal Room grabs an apple to eat as he walked to class.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson stumbled about still having a hard time to see anything without a blur due to his power. He used the walls to help guide him to his room. Making things a lot easier was most of the other students seemed to out of the dorm and doing things. As he wondered up the stairs to his room he noticed a room up ahead from his room open with a few people talking but it wasn't anyone he knew off hand so he didn't bother to get involved.

As Jack reached for the door handle the lock popped open due to his powers still going out of control. At least the Area of effect, however, was only extremely close to him and not like it had been back at the lab. He opens the quickly and enters to relax on his bed and hopes to gain back his clear sight and for his power to return to normal, which with any luck will not take more then a hour at most. What Jackson didn't notice was his power broke the lock on his door. It would close but anyone could push the door open now.

(( Just to make it clear the people Jackson saw talking wsa the group over in BD213 ))
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson pushed the door open with his good arm. The burns wore starting to really effect him now. The pain was starting to get worse and the burn itself was becoming a deeper red. He headed straight for the bathroom and turns the sink cold tap on and places his burned forearm under the cool water. Jackson ground his teeth in pain as the water hit the burn but he forced himself keep his wound under the water. He forced himself to stay like that for at least a half hour, letting the burn cool all the while.

Once he pulled his forearm from the water he quickly cover it with clean bandages. He made sure to keep the bandages a little bit loose as not to slow the time for the burn to heal. Their was ointments in the bathroom he could have used but for burn it's more of a fool's idea to use them. Ointments only sure to hold heat in the wound causing permanent damage to the skin.

With the burn not covered and taken care Jackson moved to lay on his bed. The pain kept him up for a better part of the night but after he pushed the pain out of his mind he fell to sleep.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jonathan looked around the room as he entered. He spared only a short moment on familiarizing himself with the place. He didn't intend to stay here for long, and he doubted he'd have to live here. Bird opened the closet and picked one of the spare uniforms, then paused. He briefly wondered what to do with his own clothes. He could transform them, but unless he found a way to manage the extra volume and mass, it'd be a problem. Jonathan sighed. He'd just have to go and stash them in his backpack, it seems. He left the thing at the communal room. Bird quickly changed into the uniform and left the room as he found it, making sure to close the door.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson pushed open the door to his room with such force it slammed into the wall leaving a hole in the wall the same size as the door nob. Lucky for him the dorm was close to entirely empty for lunch. He made his way for the bathroom to deal with his arm. He quickly found a simple pair of siccor to cut away the now slightly bloody bandages.

As he pulled back the bandages to the sight of the badly burned arm. What was left of the top layer of skin about the burn area was black, showing the skin was dieing if not already dead. He shook his head that the sight of the blackened skin, knowing what was needed to be done to make sure his arm would not have to been amputated. He grabs a small bottle of painkillers and down double the standard douse. He did have some drug us so the douse he took was nothing to worry about. It would be the glossily look to his eyes he would have to worry about but that could wait. He then turned to the shower and turn on the water as hot as it could go. Jackson sat there waiting for the water to fully heat up and for the painkillers to kick in.

Once the room was full of steam, he knew it was time. Jack grabs some towels and places them on the floor where he would be once he starts to clean his arm of the dead skin. He dropped to his knees and took a few clam breaths before reaching out and grabbing the hand hold on the inner wall for the tub and forces himself to hold on as the burning hot water over the wound. The dead skin started to be peeled back out of his arm and gushes of blood quickly followed as the skin came free. If it hadn't been for the painkillers, which wore starting to kick in, it would have been impossible to handle the pain. The water it's self also helped to clean the wound of bacteria. Once he feels like the wound has been fully clean out and quickly drys it off with one of the towels he had ready. He then tosses the bloody towel aside and bandages his arm up again. Jackson forced himself to stand up and to get changed seeing as he had class after lunch ended but before leaving the put on his sliver jacket over his uniform to hide the bandages and found an unbroken set of shade before he left for G building.
Re: BD 218 - Jackson

Jackson rolled out his bed with a confused look on his face as he looked about the room.

How the hell did I get here....Did I black out again? He thought as scratched his head sleepily. The black outs fits of his had always been a problem but he had never lost close to half a day to one of them before. He ran his hand through his hair trying to see if he could remember anything that had happened. Nothing came to mind until he looked to his arm and saw the burn he had was gone. He quickly moved to the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror.

His black eye had... "healed" far sooner then he every thought possible but he also noticed his was far more pale then he should have been. His eyes showed not sign of being glossy which meant he wasn't drugged in any way. Jackson then checked himself over before finding a cotton swab on his anterior forearm ((where the elbow folds)). He quickly moved the swab and saw there was a tiny healed puncture.

"Someone.... took my blood?" He questioned aloud without really thinking about it. It was the only thing that would make sense. He tossed the swab away before jumping in the shower and gets clean before changing leaving the communal room.