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SIM NTR [Beelzebub] コンビニ少女Z / Convini Girl Z (RJ280974)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

Not sure if it's possible to search by id on dmm like you do with RJ code for DLSite so I'll ignore that.

A new game from Beelzebub, author of Homeguard, Hypnos Fuck and a few other less memorable stuffs.

This time you play as the manager of a not-7/11 who during the prologue suddenly get some enlightenment moment that kickstart the story.
Plot - Basically catch shoplifters, do things (you can even let them go) Though in the sample image there's one of them working so either they can come work there, or one of the option is forcing them to work at the store...the trial doesn't go far enough to tell.

Control - while you can move around with arrow buttons, it's best to just use the mouse and click various menu options.

Gameplay - So imagine Homeguard's house patroling + putting up cameras but instead of collecting blackmail materials, you try to set up where they'll shoplift to catch them. Unlike Homeguard's 24 hours system in this one there's just turns (or rather, shifts) and usually camera can last enough for most of the day so it's a lot more forgiving.
Each shift you have a stamina bar that dictate how many stamina consuming actions you can do (in the trial it's 3, represented by a 'phone battery' line)
But the 3 main locations that matter the most are:
Backyard - 3 boxes icon, go in there and click on the orange icon to adjust what quality of items you want to put on certain shelves in the store (for example, the red head milf prefers cheaper stuffs due to her family's financial situation)
Office - computer icon, this is where you can save/load game, 'hire'(gacha) a new employee to fill in the shifts, order items from Anazon (more cameras, cleaning liquid for better cleaning of the restroom) and some one-off super rare items.
Register/Cashier - when a girl come in, you can go man the register and you can play conversation game with them that can lead into you being able to ask what they want (probably the thing they'll stela)/their favorite stuffs (probably what will keep them coming back) are.

Aside from your current fund there's 3 stats to keep track of, I didn't bother checking what the other 2 are but the last one is cleanliness which you can improve by cleaning the toilet (by default you basically have to do it each shift, but with the cleaner liquid I assume you don't have to do as often)

In the trial there's 4 girls with picture + voice (oh yes, the girls are voiced)

I tag it as NTR but it's Netori since the red head is married.

There's currently a 'review campaign' that runs until March 29th where they ask people for things they want (who should get more scenes, what kind of situation, costumes, etc) and they'll implement the top 10 into the game.

Fetish: Blackmail/Coercion, Rape, Netori, 7/11.

Info from:
To get a girl to steal, their wariness should be at 0 (play the conversation minigame to drop it)
Gonna copy the 'category' + 'quality' from the guide so you can compare it here :v
Note that 流行品 category requires you to go outside the store and observe what seem to be popular to be added to your stock.

For all the girls, after getting rape level 4 you can start talking erotic stuffs with them, and at 6 with sadistic touch.

Idol Girl
Appearance: Morning, Night
Conversation type: Twisted/Dark
Lv 0: 文具・高級品
Lv 1: 文具・流行品
Lv 2: 日用品・通常品
Lv 3: 日用品・流行品
Lv 4: 日用品・高級品
Lv 5: 書籍雑誌・流行品
Lv 6: 書籍雑誌・高級品
Ending item: 神の雫 , camera on 酒

Appear: Noon/Night
Talk: Be nice to her.
0 菓子・すべての品質
1 菓子・高級品
2 アイス・通常品
3 アイス・流行品
4 アイス・高級品
5 アイス・流行品
6 アイス・希少品
ED: 海原家のおにぎり, 弁当惣菜

Appear :Noon/Evening
Talk: Sympathizing

0 弁当惣菜・激安品
1 弁当惣菜・通常品
2 加工食品・通常品
3 加工食品・高級品
4 冷凍食品・流行品
5 冷凍食品・高級品
6 冷凍食品・希少品
ED: るろ件の有害図書, 書籍雑誌
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Seeing as how the player character is an old ugly fat fuck, I don't think anyone is gonna be perceiving it as netori anyways. Whatever, don't really matter.
I've always wondered, do they share the same artist as Peperoncino? I've always felt like they're basically the same company at times, except peperoncino is usually more reasonable with their pricing, while Beel has better gameplay. Well, I said that cause I loved the Chikan game.
Seeing as how the player character is an old ugly fat fuck, I don't think anyone is gonna be perceiving it as netori anyways. Whatever, don't really matter.
It's been a fat guy for a lot of their games. Sadly I despise said characters, but I'm in love with the gameplay... So it's a love-hate relationship. I wish they did throw the ugly bastard themed character, but one can only hope :c
the first adition of the campaign is the girl from st_011_00d.png with a blowjob scene
Wasn't this a game on DMM? Browser game, same idea and etc.
Is there any way to translate it into english with google translate? like replace the interface text with tl text?

and is there any way for us english speaking people to vote? whats the current voting look like? I really like the red haired girl the most and hope she wins but anyone know how the polls look like?
Thanks, didn't realize the thread was posted until today and I ended up spending the last hour or so making a short overview of the game in preperation to make a thread. Feel free to add anything you missed to the thread.

store z 1.png

Top left stats
Money (Increased by sales and increased by making thieves pay for stealing, middle button on punishment screen for non-heroines)
Sales (Depends on what type of product you choose to show)
Customers Attracted (increased by letting thieves go, left button on punishment screen for non-heroines)
Cleanliness(increased by reporting thieves to police, far right button on punishment screen for non-heroines, also can clean toilet to increase it)

Non-heroine stealing punishment
right: report to police
middle: negotiate funds with the shoplifter and get them to pay
left: let the shoplifter go and increase customers

Caught heroine stealing - Interrogation
Left: take off clothes - where did you hide it - takes off top - takes off bra - play with tits - lick nipples
middle: take off skirt - checks bottoms - takes skirt off - fingers - removes panty - fingers again - licks pussy
right: show belongings - once undressed enough seems like it will blink bright pink meaning you've cracked her
-These interrogation scenes seem to differ, sometimes I can't even get her to take off her top but I get her completely naked below her waist, sometimes I can't get her fully naked except her bra and panty, and sometimes I get her completely nude. Seems to depend on pressing the belongings button(far right) between slowly stripping her with the first two buttons

Heroine stealing punishment
left: purposefully miss the shoplifter, number of customers increase
middle: instead of negotiating for funds you negotiate for a sexual act
right: report to police, cleanliness is increased

In storage area you can choose what type of products are sold, far left is fancier for that genre of products and far right
is cheaper, can only have one on sale for each genre

In manager room(check image):
use J to hire new people
PC to see what supplies you have
blue paper for employee schedule (shifts are morning, afternoon, evening, night)
ana->anazon to buy supplies,
medal for achievements?
love book -> details on current corruption levels of girls
coffee -> take coffee break
green door -> go back to store

at end of day: You count money and see how much you've not accounted for and have to pay for it out of pocket
at start of day: set up location of security cameras and set what products you want to sell

at register you can work there and talk to customers(includes girls) be sure to click on register twice in a row, you can see when girls leave and enter store
- girls will not show on map until you talk with them at cash register, once they're on map you can set up your cameras on their usual positions in the morning, this will change every time you catch them stealing
- girls that have had the same dialogue will show bad responses the 2nd time so you don't misclick a bad option, same with good options
- talking to girls enough will eventually show you what products they like when selecting what products to sell that day
- sometimes if you talk to them 3-4 times in a row and complete the dialogue you will stop them at the door and interrogate them.
Also the cashier girl has the thickest ass I've ever seen. 🙌

There's currently a 'review campaign' that runs until March 29th where they ask people for things they want (who should get more scenes, what kind of situation, costumes, etc) and they'll implement the top 10 into the game.

Do you have a link to that to see who is on the campaign? Manager lady definitely needs scenes.
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Well, I played it blindly, managed to recruit all the 3 girls into working in the minimart and I got the first end with the underground idol girl.
Wonder how to get the harem end though.

Edit : nvm, guide already up.
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Well, I played it blindly, managed to recruit all the 3 girls into working in the minimart and I got the first end with the underground idol girl.
Wonder how to get the harem end though.

Edit : nvm, guide already up.

So, some stuffs from there (haven't gotten the chance to play the game myself so something might be slightly wrong)

To make a girl work at the store, you have to get her rape level to 6, and after a conversation you'll have an option to ask how much wage they want.
If you make the girl work at the store, they will no longer visit as guest, so be careful of that.
(There's 2 H scenes you get out of it by walking around the store when they're working until you randomly find them)

There's basic endings for each girl
The 'normal' ending, where after you get to level 6, do one more H scene, there'll be a scene after. Then put a specific item on shelf, catch them shoplifting it and choose to report it.

The 'pleasure' end is just reaching day 30 with that girl on level 6.

Then there's the harem end that requires seeing all 3 normal ending for the girls first.
Then with them all at level 6 then follow the idol girl's normal route and when you choose to report her there'll be something, pick the right options and it'll get this ending.
Yep, I think all of them makes sense.
Haven't tried the pleasure, harem, and the 2 bad ends though.
Does anyone knows which item you need on display to trigger the Normal Ending? The guides says that they are "るろ件の有害図書 ", "海原家のおにぎ and "神の雫 ", but I just can't find them, and I can't trigger the pleasure ending neither, I got level 6 with the redhead doing every H-scene 3 times and still didn't get it... I don't know japanese so maybe I'm mistaking something...
Does anyone knows which item you need on display to trigger the Normal Ending? The guides says that they are "るろ件の有害図書 ", "海原家のおにぎ and "神の雫 ", but I just can't find them, and I can't trigger the pleasure ending neither, I got level 6 with the redhead doing every H-scene 3 times and still didn't get it... I don't know japanese so maybe I'm mistaking something...

The items should be in Anazon page so buy them first.

Not sure about the 2nd, did you wait until the 30th day? Or did you trigger something else since there might be higher priority ending.
The items should be in Anazon page so buy them first.

Not sure about the 2nd, did you wait until the 30th day? Or did you trigger something else since there might be higher priority ending.
Oh, thanks, they were really at Anazon, didn't saw it earlier, my bad.
I don't think that I did something that triggered another one, because I always get the ending for reaching the time limit without meeting the requirements for another ending. I'm thinking that maybe I need to not do level 6 scene more than once, because after the second time there's a little dialogue... But I really don't know...
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anyone have a save files? i have no clue how to play this game, since i dont know japanese =P
The items should be in Anazon page so buy them first.

Not sure about the 2nd, did you wait until the 30th day? Or did you trigger something else since there might be higher priority ending.
Nvm, I figured it out, I wasn't getting a "did nothing" ending, it was the prison ending, it seems I was grabbing too much money from the caught clients..,
anyone have a save files? i have no clue how to play this game, since i dont know japanese =P
Mine is almost 100%, the only things that I didn't get was the "did nothing" ending, because it doesnt add any H-scene, so I don't care, and the scenes with the girl from "Hustle Time" because I don't know how to register the data from that game to this one... I can send it to you or to anyone else via PM, it seem that I'm not allowed to post it here yet.
Ah shit, you need data from another game in order to watch the ending? I never saw Shieri's ending in Homeguard 2 because of that, as well.

I ended up translating (poorly, I must say, why are names so damn hard?) names, item classes, and rare items. Maybe I should make a [Partial] thread or something, idk.