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SIM NTR [Beelzebub] コンビニ少女Z / Convini Girl Z (RJ280974)

Excuse me, perharps do you know how to make the manager become a worker at the shop? I managed to make her a worker once, but I didn't have time to get all of her scenes and I don't know how I did it, I saw that maybe it was something related to the amount of money that the shop is making, but I don't know how to increase it or check how much I am earning... I was get to her last scene, do it a lot of times but I'm never getting the option after...

Finish her storyline. She'll be available as a part time worker then.
Finish her storyline. She'll be available as a part time worker then.
So, to finish her storyline I have to reach at a certain date? or do I have to do something else? In my new playthrough that I'm exclusively trying to do her ending, I've reached an event where she is at some kind of restaurant, did her last H-scene for the 4ºth tiime and nothing changed... Sorry, but I don't know Jap so I'm not sure of what exactly is happening ingame...
you need to clean the store at 100, if you always have clean the store, you can advance quickly with her
So, to finish her storyline I have to reach at a certain date? or do I have to do something else? In my new playthrough that I'm exclusively trying to do her ending, I've reached an event where she is at some kind of restaurant, did her last H-scene for the 4ºth tiime and nothing changed... Sorry, but I don't know Jap so I'm not sure of what exactly is happening ingame...

You'll know you've finished her storyline when there are no more cutscenes after sex. After that the option to hire her as an employee should show up.

Getting the scenes isn't difficult. For the ending, store profit must be a certain level before a choice at the end of the work day is triggered for either the true end or the lewd end.
I'm on version 200526.
The title screen shows the manager holding a sign.

But she NEVER appears in the store. What must I do for her to start appearing?
I'm on version 200526.
The title screen shows the manager holding a sign.

But she NEVER appears in the store. What must I do for her to start appearing?

Keep store repute at 100 throughout the day.
After two cutscenes with the manager at the end of the day, she'll start appearing during the morning and evening shifts when store repute is at maximum.
do you guys use some kind of translator to play these games? its impossible to play a game like this without know what you are doing
the circle has announced that an H animation of the game will be produced


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Not an additional game DLC, so wasn't worth highlighting when the news first broke.

Jitaku Keibiin got an adaptation, so no surprise this one got it as well.
Man this game is pretty good, and its a shame games like these still completely miss most translator's radar. And while at it, can't get any mtl to work, VNR doesn't hook, and while chiitranslite gets the hook it doesn't seem to work with google at all anymore. So how do you mtl a game like this in current day and age?
Also, how do you increase the second girl stat that makes her more likely to comes to the store, the only thing I can think of is having conversations with her at the cashier but skipping the blackmail scenes, and while at that, any reason to chose any other option besides blackmailing her for the scene?
2nd DLC patch coming December 22nd:
Description of the DLC:
Give the shoplifters the hammer of justice. The convenience store will be transformed into a garden of absolution. ......

It will add a blonde character that is detailed here in their latest blog post:
Nice, so I've able to set MTL to work with the game, and now at least I don't have to blindly guess their answers though still sometimes its hard to figure the correct response to those vague conversations.
Anyway, even managed to get one of the girls contracted, but still wondering a couple of things, like is the undressing part just till you get that purple choice, or is there reason to keep pushing to take or their clothes? Anyway to figure which aisle they're working in without having to wander aimlessly? Do you need to keep going out to fetch new items? And how to trigger special scenes, like the OL coming to work with you, or if there any scenes with the girls and their special items?
The latest DLC is now available on DLsite. Looks like the Fantia exclusive agreement expired and the creator is going to the biggest marketplace first.

I'll wait until it appears on Fantia since the page is up but the content isn't ready.

Edit: Now available on Fantia. Same price as DLsite, so pick your preferred poison.
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This thread is for game discussion only.
Man this game is pretty good, and its a shame games like these still completely miss most translator's radar. And while at it, can't get any mtl to work, VNR doesn't hook, and while chiitranslite gets the hook it doesn't seem to work with google at all anymore. So how do you mtl a game like this in current day and age?
People still use chiitrans? That program hasn't worked with google because the API hasn't been updated in like a year. Use Textractor if you want things to work.
Nice, so I've able to set MTL to work with the game, and now at least I don't have to blindly guess their answers though still sometimes its hard to figure the correct response to those vague conversations.
As in patched into the game or via 3rd party program? If you were able to patch the MTL into the game mind sending a patch download link?
This thread is for game discussion only.
People still use chiitrans? That program hasn't worked with google because the API hasn't been updated in like a year. Use Textractor if you want things to work.

As in patched into the game or via 3rd party program? If you were able to patch the MTL into the game mind sending a patch download link?
Yeah I still had chiitrans but hadn't used in ages, I also used Atlas back in a day but had uninstalled it.
Right now what I'm using tho is textractor like you mentioned it works reasonably well with this Kirikiri game, you can even link other threads to get text from answers and other elements on the screen. Together with Translator Aggregator, is the best setup for reasonable mtl, still can be a bit confusing at times.
Also looking now for the new dlc, can you just install the patch with a existing save?
Happens that I just started a newgame plus, and there seemed to be quite a lots of scenes I didn't get in the first, so I'm wondering is there hidden requirements to get those?
Notes for the 2nd DLC:

Pirates are shafted if they install the 2nd DLC and find they can't access the DLC character from an old save. They can from a fresh game, reason being there's a bug with the DLC installer which was only fixed in a later version on the Fantia webpage. Probably the same issue with the DLsite version which was upgraded shortly after initial release day. Workaround posted on the developer's blog didn't help.

Getting the scenes for the 2nd DLC girl is exactly the same for the others. She's got the same number of scenes as Isshiki (1st DLC girl). Her dialogue choices aren't difficult to figure out since it's the exact same system; the only trick is her time shifts are evening and night and she has lower priority than the main game's girls during the night shift.

Unlike the main game's girls, it's NECESSARY to drop shop cleanliness in order to get the 2nd DLC girl's true ending. For the main game, just stocking the right item and having a camera in place was enough even with cleanliness at 100. For Anekawa Shigure, probably safer to not have her as an employee and repeatedly screw her when she's in the shop just to make sure the flag for her true ending does trigger. Removing staff for the evening and night shifts did the trick for me as far as dropping cleanliness quickly was concerned. Aiming for her at the expense of all the others should see her true ending by day 13-15 thereabouts.

As for her story, it's indirectly connected to the main plot as well as the first DLC. An interesting thread and I didn't expect the twist at the end either. Again, the store manager is being used by others but at least he's satisfied with the compensation he gets.

This is the last DLC since Beelzebub is working on a new raising simulation game featuring Ninjas. I'm expecting a similar system to the previous adventurer games (the inn and the academy) based on released blog and twitter posts to date.

Edit: Post #27 save file has been updated. Usual disclaimer: No Hustle time, don't want to know and don't care what happens to users whose PCs get fried because of my save file. I'm sure the file is safe on my end, no guarantees what happens when it gets copied to others.
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how does one apply the dlc patches if one were to download these from torrents
Hello, at startup such a window pops up and nothing else happens, who knows how to solve it?


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