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Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

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Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

*casting eyes to the pistol as its offered she would politely decline the gun and stand from her chair moving to follow chris tot he door*

"thanks but really guns arnt my thing...you better hold on to it it will be safer that way"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Waiting for the two ladies to move in with him, Chris led them down the "short hall" to the appropriate door. Standing for a moment, he briefly considered something, then spoke.

"Small change of plans here. Don't open the door until I give you the OK sign. Just on the off chance ... I'm going to risk teleporting in there instead of opening the door. Zale, that switch to your right controls the door, push up to open, down to close. Sarah, the one next to you controls the external hatch that will jettison that room if it comes to it. Press that down twice, wait for a moment and then hit yes on the override. Only if it comes to it though OK? I did take a bath before leaving the Sanctuary, I really don't need another one if it isn't needed, you know?"

He'd wait to see if they were on the same page, or had anything to voice before going in. It seemed that unlike some people, he seemed to have quite a bit of respect and thought into his actions instead of the usual gung-ho, out to impress whoever types.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah shrugged as the gun was refused, simply slinging it back into her bag and following Chris.

At Chris's comment, Sarah blinked a bit. "Oh, er, right sure... just be careful, ok?" she retorted quietly, still keeping a ready hand on her pistol.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"alright hero-man just go explore already...the sooner we can get back to the surface the better so i wanna get this over with"

*she stood near the switch for the door hand held near it waiting for any kind or command to open it but for now she was waiting*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Nodding once, he teleported to the other side of the door, appearing in a combat ready stance. As they watched him, they slowly would see him relax as he keyed the intercom.

"Alright, no sign of stowaways which is a good thing. Proceeding with initial biohazard scan ...."

He trailed off, working some instrument in the room, and was silent for several minutes. When he finally spoke, it was with a glum tone.

"Alright, the system is picking up something, but it doesn't recognize it. Could be some kind of contagian, I'm not sure. Fortunately, I'm almost certainly immune to it given my ... unique circumstances. Unfortunately, I can't say with certainty that the two of you would be so that being said .... In the compartment just outside, you both will find bio-suits. I need you to put them on before I can move the body out of here, and hello what is this?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Great, biological contamination..." Sarah muttered, putting the guns away in her bag and going to the biosuits. "What's interesting?" She called openly, in an attempt to figure out what Chris had found.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

*giving a stomp of her foot to the plate she was grumbling quietly as she followed after Sarah moving to don one of the suits as well. She was certainly not enjoying being in a giant test tube now.*

"i doubt anythingcan truly be interesting down here right now. Unless its a big clue lets pack up and get the hell outta here"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

From inside the room came the sound of Chris moving something, followed by silence. When he spoke, it was with a calm tone, but something told the others he was far from exactly calm inwardly.

"Um ... it might be a major find. I need to run something I found through a test but at first glance ... I think I know what killed the mer-folk here. They did. They killed each other. Which means ladies, we have a VERY serious problem on our hands."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah was silent, unsure how to remark to that. Even still, her head swam with the implications, leaving her mind scarred and confused. What could have triggered such a mass suicide/homicide? Perhaps it was not the scene of the carnange, but whatever they were experiencing which caused Sally to recoil so much?

Either way, she kept silent and her thoughts to herself as she went to prep and enter. It'd be something she'd check into later, though. "R-ready," she stammered a little, tightening the suit's sleeves and preping herself outside the door.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

*listening to Chris talk she didnt really have much to say thinking about it all just seemed like everywhere else people fighting and killing each other. none of it made sense to her but for now she would stick to her post waiting at the door console in case something needed to be done.*

"welllthat all sucks big time and all...but..what does it mean? a civil war or something?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"No, they are peaceful and even if there was a division, they wouldn't resort to this. They'd communicate, and if that failed they would go their own ways. Hell, they won't even kill to protect themselves, let alone for anything petty. I'm afraid things just got a whole lot more problematic for us. I know of only one thing that could cause them to do this, and that's the Lazarus Virus. The problem with that though ... well ... up until now, they WERE immune to it. Which means something has changed. I hope to god that the virus hasn't mutated, but I won't know for certain until I can look at a sample from inside one of them under a scope and sample analyzer."

There was a pause, and the sound of what likely was the body being lifted off the ground. Then, Chris spoke again.

"Alright, open the doors and lets get the autopsy part under way. For now, you'll have to keep those bio suits on. There's a lot of test to be run, and if we want this done quicker ... we all need to pitch in."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah bit her lip, opening the door while once again being quiet, as she wasn't really sure this was the best course of action. Even still, she didn't argue, still thinking about what else would go on from there.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"we all need to pitch in? ..perhaps i should remind you of my education...never finished highschool..if your expecting much you so brought the wrong girl for this."

*she just shook her head as the door was opened for Chris waiting for him to come in with the body. her knowledge base was from living on the street not school based.*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure sticking a tube or whatnot into a machine shouldn't be too complex. Reading genetic coding would be so obviously that's left to me then if neither of you can understand it. I won't put you in over your head with it. Though ... if this thing has mutated we all could be in over our heads."

Moving onward to the lab, he gently placed the body down on a table.

"Alright ... we start with 'blood' samples, if you can call their internal fluids blood. Not really the right term but ... best I can think of. Although ... Zale, do you remember how the communication system worked?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah almost immediately went to the supplies, finding a clean sterile syringe and prepared to take the prementioned blood sample. Though she seemed no stranger for using a syringe, she still was careful, as she tried to decide where on the mangled corpse would be the best place to get it...
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Yeah sure I guess so. Who ya wanna talk to? And what the heck are we telling them about all of this?"

*she followed along behind the others just trying to stay out of the way as things began to get underway with their tests of the body. A simple shake of her head and the wandering thought ofbeing out of her element.*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris hesitated for a long moment before replying to Zaleia.

"You'll be talking with Magnus again. Tell her ... tell her we have one of the bodies on board and are starting our investigation now, but currently based off of what I've seen ... it appears they killed each other. Prime suspect at this point would seem to be the Lazarus virus, meaning a possible mutation or something that interacted with it that we've never seen before. Whatever the case, their previous immunity to it may have been compromised. We'll advise the Sanctuary as more details come in, but for now I think the best course of action is to quarantine the waters around the area with Sanctuary vessels, human only crews. If Lazarus is in the water and still viable ... we can't afford to give it a chance to spread via any abnormals. Hence the suits. I brought you here to learn and help, not to watch that blasted virus ..."

He trailed off, definitely concerned for their safety, but the two women might detect just a hint of rising anger in his voice, which was quelled quickly, but it had been there.

"Think that you can manage that? It would let me get started on the more ... complex testing."

While he spoke, Sarah would notice that there appeared to be a spot on what was left of the mermaid's left arm where she could extract blood from. It was then she also noticed that the figure on the table was feminine, and while her eyes were totally dead, her face was locked in an expression of horror and fear.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah quietly started to take the blood sample, wincing as Chris started to rant about the strange virus. Making a mental note not to take any injuries in case her own oddness was mixed up by Chris by whatever he was so mad add, she went to work, quietly putting the needle in the artery while partly closing her eyes. Just because she was used to it doesn't mean she enjoyed it...
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

It didn't take long for the vial to fill, and when it had, Sarah could see Chris had already prepared the machine to accept the samples. It seemed pretty straight forward, place it in, close, and push 'go'.

((Waiting on Dreana sort of for anything further big in the line.))
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Quietly, Sarah took the sample, and inserted it into the machine. "Well... let's see what's up then," Sarah said simply, trying to break the ice a little.
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