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Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

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Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

((OK long enough, idk what the situation is with Dreana, will have to try and find out later.))

As the machine started up it's cycle, Sarah could see Chris over with another sample, looking under some kind of microscope. As she watched though, she could see him frown some, a look of disbelief on his face as he seemed to readjust his eyes, then look again.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah glanced over to Chris, stretching a bit while still confined in the hazard suit. "What's wrong?" she asked, her head tilting a little.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

He looked up to her and motioned for her to come over.

"I've been looking at the tissue samples I took from our friend over there. What I'm seeing doesn't add up. I expected to find traces of the Lazarus Virus via the damage it causes to the tissue but ... this tissue is perfectly healthy, minus the fact it's been sliced into from the attack she suffered. Unless Lazarus isn't killing them too now ... I don't think we're dealing with a Lazarus infection. Have a look."

If she looked at the sample, she too would notice that the tissue was, discounting the fact the poor thing's body had been mangled by an attack, perfectly healthy and intact.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Hmm...." Sarah said quietly as she looked over the sample, before her face turned into a twist of puzzlement. "So it is. Odd... Could it have left their system by now?" she asked, before turning to the body and giving a look of disgust. "Or at least, what's left of it?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris hesitated a moment before shaking his head.

"While traces of the virus itself might have, the damage it does to tissue doesn't just vanish. I can't be completely certain until we get the fluid analysis back, but ... I don't believe we're dealing with a Lazarus outbreak here. Which means ... well I have no idea what it means. This may be something we haven't seen before, something that the mer-folk aren't immune to. Which I have to admit, doesn't sit well with me. I have no idea what else other than the Lazarus Virus could cause this. Have you ever seen anything like this yourself?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah bit her lip. "Well... to be honest, back home. Then again, I thought that was the same sorta stuff you were talking about, so I didn't pipe up... cides, in that regard it was possible to revert still..." She looked back to the corpse. "From the looks of this, there's not enough left to revive, to be blunt..."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris regarded her for a long moment.

"OK, do tell? Wait, that wouldn't be the undead project would it? I remember hearing about some project that was ultimately shelved that could make people undead so they could carry out missions and shit, then be changed back, but the problem was they couldn't control what they had made. You had something to do with that?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah shook her head. "My mom was employed at this British company called NecroTech. They started working on this super healing drug, but it backfired into your typical zombie apocalypse. Bloodeh mess, far as I know the military still has the place quarantined. I was airlifted out after like a decade... then again, considering where ya guys found me I'm not sure if it was just looking for test subjects for themselves or what," she adds with a shrug. "All I really know bout the virus is A. It changed people to zombies, B. There was a reverse formula in the labs the populace used regularly, and C. As far as I know, I'm the only out out of Malton with any major notes or anything on it. Think I left my notebook back at base, though," Sarah admitted, thinking a bit.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Hmm, so not the same thing then. Interesting."

And then he went silent, seeming to be lost in thought.

((Have her feel free to break the silence any time, this is just one of those bridge moments where I think on the next thought lol.))
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"...Hmm." That was about the only response Sarah had for the situation, as she glanced at the sample, glanced back, and returned to looking at the sample. This was so weird, why did they all die... she couldn't put herself into the reasoning... unless it wasn't them that did it, but with how it looked, what other option did they have?
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Some time passed, Sarah wouldn't be sure how long, but eventually she heard the ding as the machine analyzing the fluid finished. She watched as Chris went over and pulled out the readout, comparing it to what he had under his microscope.

After several long minutes, she heard him let out a muttered curse as he straightened up, very clearly not happy.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

At Chris's curse, Sarah neared, trying to peek over his shoulder but failing dismally due to her own height. "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris was silent for a long moment before replying.

"Well we were part right about the Lazarus Virus playing a role in this. As I explained before, the mer-folk are immune to it. So ... it seems that the Cabal may have come up with a solution to that problem of theirs."

He indicated she should look at the readout and the slide, and when she did, the computer results might surprise her. He confirmed what she could see on them, before she could say anything.

"A parasitic creature that was infected with the Lazarus Virus got into their bodies somehow. The mer-folk had no immunity to this parasite, so it got past their immune systems. Once in there ... it literally usurped control of their brains, driving them insane and destroying their immune systems. Then the virus took over, flooding their bodies with it. They never had a chance against it. My guess is the Cabal created something they knew the mer-folk would never have seen before, with the specific intent to kill them off. In effect ... we're likely looking at biological genocide. Now we know what Sally saw ... she saw what happened to them, and the ensuing slaughter. Based on the extent of the damage and the high content of whatever traces the parasite left behind, infection was no more than twelve hours ago. Now we know a virus can't vanish that fast, not even Lazarus. So this leads me to think there was some kind of programmed 'erase' feature to the parasite. Once it died with the host ... it released something that began to destroy the virus itself, a cure of sorts I suppose, along with itself. I guess if we'd been another ten or so hours, we'd have found nothing."

He stopped, his knuckles crackling as he made a fist and slowly let it out, though Sarah could swear for a second she heard a primal growl start in his throat that was quickly cut off. When he was calm again, he spoke.

"The entire area has to be closed off until we're sure the virus, and the parasite are completely dead. Fortunately for us, we're protected from it as long as we don't remove these suits prior to reaching the surface. Of course ... before we do, we're going to have to completely vacuum and vent the tanks before making it to port, just to ensure we don't release it into the surface air. Where the hell is Zaleia, we need to bring her up to speed."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"...I can't tell whether to be disgusted or impressed," Sarah remarks, shaking her head and putting a hand on her facemask. "Finding a workaround while also using the pathogens, so it still showed the signs without a direct link. And the killswitch..." Sarah sighed. "Yaknow, if these guys weren't such dicks they may have made a fortune doing proper science research."

"As for Zale, think she's in the main cabin. Want me to look?" Sarah offered.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

*She sat indeed in the main cabin for however long they had been doing their studies of the body. Essentially twiddling her thumbs for now she was sitting in the chair she had been assigned at the start just watching the screen figuring it better just to stay out of the way then to mess anything up while the two little scientists did their work.*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris grunted by way of acknowledgement, clearly pissed off beyond all belief.

"We'll both go. There isn't much need for us to stay here now, nothing that we can really do. We're designed for field work, not bio-contamination clean up. That's in Declan's department. Which means I've got to conference call him while we head for the surface. First though, we'll buoy the area with a warning transmission."

He headed for the bridge, and paused when he saw Zaleia sitting there.

"Any luck reaching Helen, or was there no answer Zale?"

She could tell by the tone he had that they had found something he definitely didn't like, the tone was almost venomous, and had just a hint or murderous intent behind it, though she could tell it was not directed at anyone in the room.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Just waiting on you two. I guess this thing is ready to go. Just figured you wouldnt want her waiting without anything to tell her. I take it you got something you wanna lay on her then?"

*She went about the process again to broadcast a call back to the sanctuary taking just enough time to make sure she was hitting the right buttons*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris nodded.

"Yeah, only that this whole area has to be sealed off and all. The bastards at the Cabal used a test tube parasite to deliver the Lazarus Virus to the Mer-Folk. The Parasite destroyed their immune systems from within, and the virus finished the job. By now though they probably left for Tibet so it'll probably route through to Declan, over in England."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah stood at the wall, letting the two converse and catch up, her head still spinning with the implications and other thoughts of what had transpired...
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Well go ahead then tell the boss lady the system is on and working. I guess we gotta stick around here while all this quarantine stuff goes on? Or are we going somewhere else with your find?"
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