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Bermuda Triangle

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Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris shrugged.

"I didn't know she was until today. Until today I didn't even think they existed. There's been a lot of new things popping up lately, and there's been rumors going around. Not all of them good ones either."
Re: Bermuda Triangle

“Like the mention of ‘above ground‘, hmm?“ the woman agreed. “I think i recall being told some of that at least. Refugees hiding from vampires at the height of their power, or something similar.“
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris paused for a long bit, seeming a little disturbed as he thought over things. Finally he replied to her, though it might not be what she was expecting.

"Well, the rumor I had heard came from a couple of very reliable sources, ones that don't say things unless they have some kind of source, though they never revealed where they heard this from. Supposedly it wasn't refugees. According to the rumors, there was a race similar to humans, but as advanced as the vampires who vanished a long time ago. They were the mortal enemy of the vampires, and fought a war with them for several centuries. One of my sources believed they might have been the basis for the rumors of Atlantis. The belief amongst some is that they used their advanced technology to hide themselves some place the vampires wouldn't, or couldn't travel to. Now if there's any truth to these, and now I have to assume there might be, could they have created this parasite? Pair that with finding out Juliara is of a race that every rumor I've heard about them suggests doesn't come from the surface ... Well, that makes things very interesting."
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Winona nodded. "Far as I know, we figured they had tech stolen from vampires. They'd certainly have the ability either way. Though that begs the question; What would be their purpose in doing so?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe they were experimenting with something and this was the result, and it got out. Maybe this was an accident, maybe it's a test for something to wipe out humans and abnormal alike. It could be an answer to the Cabal's activities, perhaps they've pissed them off enough to want to erase the entire planet of life?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle

"I'm not sure that's the case, unless their general disposition has changed radically since their interrment. If they are indeed underground, heading there was a defensive action, and a rather radical one at that. They seem Isolationist, which tends towards non-agression."
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris shrugged again.

"I don't know then. Maybe someone stole technology and has their own agenda, though that seems unlikely too. Still, someone made that thing, the questions are who, and why?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle

"Well, we have a sample now, we'll just subject it to every test we can come up with until we have some idea. Between that and my check-in, we should have something to run with." Winona answered, taking her previous seat at the side console, now that they'd reached the bridge again.
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris nodded slowly.

"Yeah, hopefully we do come up with something. I've sent out a message now to get a clean up crew here, what's say we go ahead and contact the Sanctuary?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle

"I believe we shall, yes. I'll put them on, one moment." Winona answered, working the controls she sat beside. Once the connection was secure, she gave Chris a hand motion, indicating he was on.
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Winona found though that for some reason, she couldn't raise the Sanctuary at all. In fact, none of the frequencies were working at all!
Re: Bermuda Triangle

"Hmm. Seems we may have a problem." The woman said after a minute.

"I can't raise the sanctuary. Or anything, for that matter. Pretty sure we aren't too deep, we must be getting jammed from somewhere."
Re: Bermuda Triangle

Chris frowned as he walked over to her.

"That's odd, it was working earlier. Alright, let's do a sonar ping, let's see if there's anything out there now that wasn't there earlier when we did get in touch with them."
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