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Blackcorner Hall

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The manor in the middle of the Ranch is a two-story stone building with two wings framing a courtyard. A roofed patio runs along it's far side. The entire manor is painted in white, and thick green vines are growing along the walls. The front door almost looks like it should lead into a church or something similar - it was just that big and massive.

The Front Gate leads into a large hall, decorated with a fireplace that's surrounded by upholstered furniture out of dark wood and a green fabric with white seams. A staircase with a wooden rail leads up to the second floor, where a gallery surrounds the hall. A large portrait of August Quinn himself looks down from there.
The left wing is used for the several workers - cooks, farmhands and guards. The first floor contains their dining room and the kitchen, while the second floor holds their bedrooms.
The right wing holds Quinn's personal rooms on the second floor, as well as the accomodation for the Captain Of The Guards. Underneath it, on the first floor, is the ballroom, furnished in dark wood and with a large stage to hold an orchestra or something similar.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris walks up to the large doors and her mouth gaped a little as she was awed by this impressive structure. She grabbed a knocker at the massive door and slammed it against the wood. Calling out "Anyone in there?" Thinking it was polite to knock first before entering.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

A short time later the door opens, and Vandoris finds herself face to face with a Dark Elf. Her grey skin and pale eyes give her an eerie appearance as she eyes Vandoris a little longer than it's polite. "Yes, can I help you?"
Inwardly Briz curses their lack of guards. She has to stand here all day herself when she would so much like to go and punish Vharya for something.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris nodded and simply said "I'm here for a job. Why is a dark elf working as a guard may I ask?" As she showed the drow the papers.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

An especially cold look hits Vandoris. "I am Captain of the Guards. Captain Brizzaer Arabsek. Remember that if you want to work here. These are okay", she adds as she gives the lioness her papers back. "Mister Quinn is on the patio. Just across the hall and down the corridor." As the Dark Elf turns to point Vandoris can't help but notice a slight bulge in the Captain's leather pants.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinks and then smiles calling out to Bhrizzar "Your welcome to my room any time Bhrizzar." As she walked to the patio and looked around for Mister Quinn.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

"It's Brizzaer", the Captain calls out after Vandoris.
As the lioness enters the patio she sees but one man sitting in a chair and looking down on a range containing strange, slug-like creatures. He sips on a glass of iced tea and is completely unaware of her.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris smiles to herself and walks over to the edge of the patio and then closer to Quinn until she asks "Are you Mister Quinn?"
Re: Blackcorner Hall

August Quinn doesn't jump. He doesn't even twitch. But Vandoris does feel something, something hard to describe - like a gentle stroke along her mind. "Yes, I am", the man replies with a smooth voice. "You are Vandoris, our new cook." That was not a question.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinked and her jaw slightly opened before she closed and held out the papers, simply asking "How do you know if I am good cook at all Mister Quinn?" Keeping to herself, a little surprised, at him knowing her name already but shrugging mentally and thought either Burok or Brizzaer had told him Mister Quinn.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Finally Quinn turns around. His skin has a light tan, and his face reminds Vandoris of aristocracy. Eyes, dark as night, take in her appearance with the experience of a man far older. "I wouldn't have hired you if you weren't good", He replies with an amused tone. As he takes the papers Vandoris feels a coldness radiating from his hand. Must be residue from the Iced Tea.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinks staring into his eyes and feeling odd before she looks away, not sure but feeling a cold drop of fear in her. "Erm. That didn't answer my question Mister Quinn but I have a feeling your not going to tell me how you knew that I was a good cook. Well, Mister Quinn, where do I go first? The kitchen?" She snickered mentally to herself at saying the last part. Her tail, was moving a little bit to the left and right.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Mister Quinn chuckles and gets up out of his chair. "Yes, why not. Maybe Vharya is back by now - if the Bluestipe didn't get her. She has been cooking up to now and knows her way around.
I take my meals separately from the servants", he explains as he leads the way back into the building. "It will be your job to deliver my dinner into my dining room. Every Monday Brizzaer joins me. Be sure to remember that, she dislikes failure." As they walk to the hallway that leads back to the hall Vandoris notices a small wooden door. Maybe it holds a small storage room or something similar.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris taking a chance, she ask "What is in that room Mister Quinn?" She pointing to the small wooden door. "A storage area? Also, would Vhareya a minotaur? Because I saw one out in the fields, the bluestipe fields, I think is what you call them." Vandoris looked at the back of Mister Quinn's head, awaiting an answer. She also mentally thought to herself *I thought I would be working with the tentacles, sadly it seems I am stuck for a bit in the kitchen.. I wonder what it has in it..* "Mister Quinn, what is your preferred dish, or are you giving me creative leave to do as I please in the kitchen?" She asked.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

"So many questions. . ." Quin sighs. "Yes, that room is for tools and the like. We barely ever need it though." Why, that sounds like an excellent place for shagging! "And yes, Vharya is a minotaur. Do not call her a cowgirl or she will punch you. As for my preferred food, there really isn't one. I eat everything." He strangely emphasizes that last word. After a moment he looks over his shoulder, his intensely blue eyes focussing on her. "Would you like to do more than just cooking, Vandoris Jinininininini?"
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinks and her jaw drops. "That's the first time I ever heard someone pronounce my last name without so much as a screw up. Would I like to do more then cooking? Yes I would. What do you have in mind Mister Quinn?" She replies to Mister Quinn. She mentally believes that the tool room is a nice place of for some relief. She also nods her head and then asks "So your saying I have creative leave to cook anything in the kitchen? That sounds good for me. Probably not so for you since I mainly like making meat dishes." She also gives him a look at the emphasis on the eat everything. *Is he also meaning sexual matters when he said that?* She thought to herself.

(On ooc note, is August Quinn, two n's right? Telepathic?)
Re: Blackcorner Hall

((Two n. Telepathic and beyond.))

"Oh, we do have a lot to do at the Blackcorner Ranch", Quinn chuckles. "The Khulzas need to be tended to, the house has to be kept tidy. The mushrooms have to be picked for selling at the market." A grin spreads on his face, even though Vandoris can't see it. "Of course, if you don't meet up mine or Briz expectations, we're going to have to. . . punish you", he explains in a suggestive tone.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris tilted her head and looked questioningly back at the back of Mister Quinn's head. "Punish?" She asked cautiously, as she thought of what the dark elves usually do.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Mister Quinn tilts his head in exactly the same manner as Vandoris as they walk across the hall. "You best talk to Vharya about that. She has been on the receiving end of a punishment or two already." He reaches the door on the left side of the hall and opens it up. "This here is the servant's dining room. Ah, Vharya", he says with a grin as he beholds the minotauress walking down the stairs from the servant's lounge. "Just in time. How about you show Vandoris here around in this wing?"

((To be continued in the Servant's Wing. Go ahead and post first.))
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris, somewhat breathing deeply, walks up to the massive doors, reaches up for one of the knockers with the heavy bag on her arm and knocks loudly.