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Blackcorner Hall

Re: Blackcorner Hall

Once again Brizzaer opens the door and gives Vandoris a cold look. "Ah, bringing your belongings. VHARYA!" She calls out into the hall, and shortly after the minotauress arrives. Her eyebrows rise as she beholds Van's three bags. "What's all this then?"
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris smiles and replies "Toys, clothing, and some decorations for the room I have been given." She shrugs her shoulders, indicating the big bag on her back held the decorations for her room.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vharya nods and takes the two bags out of Vandoris' hands. Briz gives a nod. "Well then, hurry along. Mister Quinn asked for something with meat today."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris smiles and says "Thank you Vhar. Meat? Okay Brizzaer." She would heft the bag on her back and walk towards her room remembering the way.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

As Vandoris enters Quinn's private dining room she can't help but notice the man-sized box standing in a corner. Mister Quinn stands before it and studies the intricately worked box, another glass of iced tea in hand. As the lioness comes into the room he turns and gives her a smile, his emerald green eyes sparkling in the magic light. "Ah, fillet mignon. Thank you, put it down on the table."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinking, nodded her head, and decided not to ask how he knew sent Vhar had warned her about this. She would place the smooth wine and fillet mignon down onto his place. "Dinner is served Mister Quinn." With that said, she would move to the servants mess hall with the other undesirable food.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

"Just one moment, Vandoris." Even if the lioness would have dared to disobey, she would find the doors of the room won't budge. She can almost feel Quinn's dark brown eyes in her back. "I want you to see my latest acquisition." He motions over to the box, which Vandoris can't help but compare to a coffin, even though the wood is painted red and is decorated with fine copper works. With slow, sure motions, Quinn walks over to the box and grabs it's handle.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinks and waits, balancing the platters while she felt really disturbed at the moment since it seemed to her, Mister Quinn was singling out the new employee for some distubing, er, reasons.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

"Don't be silly, Mister Quinn murmurs. "It's just not fun to show off if nobody is around to see it. ET VOILA!" With that he opens the box.

Inside the box lies a strange being - at first Vandoris is reminded of a golem, yet not quite. Parts of it are most certainly fleshy, while other parts have large glass plates installed to show the thing's insides: No bones, not organs, only gears and rods. Where it's face should be sits a large metal plate, decorated much like the outside of the box, with a keyhole in it. Mister Quinn takes a step back to marvel at the bizarre creation. "Amazing. A true masterpiece. They have really outdone themselves."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinked and looked at Mister Quinn, disbelieving for a moment as lightly rebuked what she had been thinking without her saying it aloud. She shook her head, slightly confused now by this strange employer but none the less she watched as Mister Quinn opened the box.

"Wh-what is that?" Vandoris said in a surprise, the flesh parts throwing her a little off due and with the gears she was even more confused, looking at her employer with bewildered eyes, looking at Mister Quinn for explanation.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

A grin spreads on Quinn's face. "This is a Puppet Servant. Don't worry", he says with a swipe of his hand. "This flesh didn't belong to anybody. The company just chooses to grow it over the skeleton. I don't know why. His name is. . ." He leans forward to inspect a tag on the creature's pants. "Ah. Artanus. Good good."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris nods her head and wonders if she can leave now, since the puppet was becoming slightly disturbing from the way Mister quinn was drooling over it.
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Unconsciously Quinn reaches up and wipes over his mouth. "You may leave now. The rest of our employees will meet Artanus as soon as I have activated him. Good evening."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris blinked, how did he- She stops thinking right there and asks bluntly "How did you know what I was thinking Mister Quinn?"
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Mister Quinn stops for a moment and chuckles. "It's something I do. Over the years I have become very good at keeping secrets. And I won't dig around in your memory." He turns to her and gives her a wink out of dark brown eyes. "Go ahead. Have dinner with the others and enjoy the rest of the evening."
Re: Blackcorner Hall

Vandoris nodded her head and lightly curtsied before leaving Mister Quinn's presence and going to the servant's eating area to serve dinner.