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Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Lazy and slow lurker is lazy and slow. With that said, this is the thread for stuffing all the chat logs relating for characters to see the events of the game sessions, whether to catch up if they missed scenes, enjoy scenes over again, and so on and so forth. BEGIN!


Part 1 - Introductions
Session - 1
Location - Ritzerite, Kalifer

Shadows flickered across the faces of the goddesses, mere facsimiles staring down from their vantage point, painted on the high vaulted ceiling of the Capitol Hall of Kalifer. Their gaze fell upon two groups of petty mortals. At the far end of the hall, upon a raised dias, the monarchs of the human realms of Kalifer quietly took in the measure of the other group. The Rashiah, or Highking, lounged to one side of his throne, his brow furrowed in a thoughtful glare. To his right, the Grand Matriarch of the Wood Elves, arrayed in the finest of green garb, scanned the assemblage before her with her customary stoicism. To his left stood an elf with skin as black as night; her dyed leathers matched her complexion, and her fingers absently stroked a whip at her side. A few feet beyond the dusky-hued elf, a dwarf with a ruddy complexion quietly grumbled to himself, leaning to his hammer and casting the occasional dark glance at the elven nobles. At the dais steps, an orc with a wolf headdress sat hunkered on the steps, clutching a staff adorned with animal skulls, his eyes shut in silent contemplation.
The assembly, standing at a respectful distance from both earthly and divine rulers, was even more diverse. Some four dozen, all told, standing in no particular order. The only thing they seemed to have in common at this particular point was location… and perhaps their interest in the mission. The Rashiah scanned the crowd. A woman with green skin and long, braided hair. The green-skinned beauty wore fine linens, tapping her fingers on crossed arms and steadfastly ignoring the man in the duster coat behind her, casting her dirty looks from beheath a wide-brimmed hat. There was a cubite dressed in a short dress and jacked, bouncing on her heels and humming to an unfamiliar tune. A snow elf stood near the humming cubite, attempting to read and to veil her growing annoyance at the tune. There was a massive bear of a man with an even larger sword strapped to his back—the group gave him plenty of distance, the king noted. A scarred orc was looking balefully at the high shaman, leaning against one wall. An under elf eyed the scarred orc with barely contained hostility. Perhaps it was best that they view each other as competition. Yes. This might work.
The king also noted a harpy, latched on a short ledge and casting nervous looks at the assembly. A massive, four-armed creature, hewn from the rocky earth itself, stood watch over a white-haired woman. The construct created its own light, a white glow coming from its eyes and from the runes that covered its form. A dwarf woman nursed a hip flask. A poorly-disguised (or not trying to disguise itself, perhaps) werewolf was clearly more interested in the flask than in the proceedings, only to have a ranger in thick furs slap its hands away. Flanking the doors was a Shiriti islander, a riot of feathers and cloth and bright paints her only attire. A jet-black plate of armor flashed from beneath the cloak of another figure near the back. So many had answered the summons. The king pondered… how many of them would survive this quest? A dozen? A handful? One? Or would they all perish?
Dressed in her cleanest white lab coat, Kaylia stood among the scholars, scribbling notes furiously. Her red hair hung down, partly obscuring her face.
Alkaia stepped forward. "I will!" A busty dragoness clad in revealing and nearly see through silks stepped forward. Her body moving with a sensual grace and thanks to her attire, and an almost sexual air. The soft tinkling of crystals can be heard as she stepped forward to be the first.
Zizth listened silently, before stepping forwards. She had a large cloak concealing her body, a holster for javelins kept over the back. The face is mostly obscured by a head wrap and face scarf, but orange eyes glowed from within. Zizth simply looked out levely but silently, keeping the cloak fairly tight around her body. She wasn't used to all this attention or this strange setting. All strangesince leaving. She glanced briefly to the side at the walking reptile creature before turning her eyes back to those speaking.
Laani dressed to be like a ball. "Too cold, why isn't it heated? Peh, they must not be rich. . ." The goblin girl puffed with actual breaths being seeable even through the temperature is only 55 degrees. For her, that was cold, but not too cold to where she'd be buried deep into her clothes. Seeing a strange sex dragoness step forward, she shrugged and basically waved a hand upwards shouting "Me! Me! I wanna find a shard!" Her voice carefully calculated to sound to annoy all those around and make their ears want to shut down. Oh she just loved being an irritating bitch.
As many figures stepped forward, some of the king's aids moved forward to help orginize the sorting teams. While Alkaia, Zizth, and Laani all had come readily, Kalia would find the man in the wide-brimmed hat walking behind her as he moved forward, shortly followed by a hard pinch to the backside before he walked behind the plant woman he was clearly escorting. One of the aides, another Kaliferian, glanced between Alkaia, Zizth, and Laani before looking past them. "Right, stand over near that wall for a second, please?" she asked, gesturing towards a bare spot in the east wall, while rapidly ushering other figures around.
Kaylia yelps at the pinch and stumbles forward, finding herself among the volunteers. She looks about. "Aw, crap," she mutters under her breath.
Alkaia nodded at his instruction. She sashayed over to the wall, her hips and tail swaying as she went. A soft tinkling once more filling the air.
Zizth nods silently and walks over to the gestured spot, standing still as she scanned over the area. It seemed she was going to be placed with others. she wasn't sure how she felt about this.
The goblin took one look at the Kaliferian and pouted at her. "Awww do I have too? Can't we just stand where were at?" The goblin gal tapped her foot on the ground, not complying until given a reason to do so. Unasked was the question "Why do I need to go stand exactly THERE?"
"If you wish not to comply you can be stuck here with the other researchers, then. You're the one that vollenteered," the aide reminded the goblin, her face changing from slightly impassive to sour before turning to point to Kaylia. "You too, Miss!" Meanwhile, also joining the wall was the young harpy, skidding in on her talons slightly on the tile and flushing lightly, flicking her brown feathers on her wings idly.
Kaylia finds herself sorted into the weird group with the annoying goblin and the cloaked figure and the nearly-nude dragoness, her blustering protests ignored. "But I... he pinched... dammit." She sighs, nervously tucking her shoulder-length hair behind an ear.
Zizth looked at the harpy, blinking. she'd never seen something remotely like that before. she crouched a bit to try and get a better view of it, staring curiously. Lizards, green skins, these were not new to her, though lizards that moved like people were strange to her. Funny bird people though...
Alkaia gave the protesting woman a kind a reassuring smile as she looked her companions over. Not bothering to hide the fact that she was putting herself on display as she did so. Stretching and unfurling her wings a bit to help ease the tension of the room. The stretching only put her bosom on display more.
Laani tilted her head and said "Why didn't you say that to begin with? Yeesh. Always depending upon seeable body language and other people knowing the context. You should treat all of us as completely retarded and unable to parse what you mean unless you spell it out!" The goblin spoke loudly and annoyedly. She didn't want no stupid double talk going on or stupid body language needing to happen! She wanted straight up words and directions! So with the explanation completed, she stepped over the group. Giving the half naked dragonness a look she asked "How can you stand the cold in this room? It is freezing! And how are you wandering about in that little of clothing? I can practically see frost forming on your bare skin!"
Smiling anxiously, the red-haired human gives a nervous chuckle at the angry female goblin. Then she realizes that the goblin wasn't joking, and claps a hand over her own mouth.
Alkaia looked as if she had descended from a ice dragon at one point if her snow white scales weren't evident enough. The dragoness looked as if she would be content in a much colder environment. "I am Alkaia Rune Scale." Offering her hand to each of them.
With the mouthy goblin seemingly placated for now, the aide rushes off into the crowd, eying them and ushering more to the group. As well as the harpy, soon skipped over the young cubite, still readily humming to herself as her small wings and tail flicked behind her. As well as the short leather jacket, halter top and pleated skirt she wore, thigh-high boots and all sorts of jewelery and bangles adorned her arms, to the point that even her short horns had studded caps on them. As she leaned onto the wall near Alkaia, still humming the strange tunes from before.
Zizth looks at the offered hand a bit warily, seeming to be gauging it for hostile gestures, before looking up at the dragon, standing back up from her crouch. "...Zizth.," she said haltingly, her voice having a strange hum to it.
Kaylia takes the offered hand, giving the dragoness a warm smile. "Doctor Kaylia Smythe, at your service."
"A-alkaia? Rune Scale? Rune? Scale? Alkaia Rune Scale." Laani spoke, rolling the name on her tongue like one sucking on a lolipop. Hearing that strange humming voice, Laani looked at the creature standing up from the crouch. "How do you pronouce your name?" She asked, quite bluntly, towards Zizth. Looking at the two, she placed a finger on her mouth, tapping it there for a moment before saying "M'names Laani. Pronounced La-a-NI."
Zizth looked at the greenskin, staring flatly. She never understood the endless chattering of the small ones. So loud and divisive. She watched before simply said again, "Zizth." She wasn't sure what the goblin was trying to do. She looked over at Kaylia now, blinking. Human, didn't look like a slaver though.
Alkaia gave the wary cloaked woman a kind smile, looking quite small and frail compared to Zizth. "Nice to meet each of you." Smiling at the others in turn.
Kaylia nods politely at the cloaked figure and the goblin. "Zizth. Laani. Doctor Kaylia Smythe, at your service." She turns to the harpy. "And you are?"
As introductions continued, two more figures came to join them- a massive man, with his blade resting over his shoulders, dressed in just a simple leather shirt and trousers with ropes holding it onto his frame. As he arrives, he gives a bit of a sniff with his nose, his tanned skin nearly bronze and long black hair scraggled, like he hadn't kept it neat for a while. Shortly after, the white-haired woman, dressed with a chestwrap and loincloth, followed by the large four-armed machina nearly as tall as the man before. She glanced between the many figures, before deciding to deadpan herself, "I swear if I didn't know better this was the start of a joke."
"Can anyone tell me how to pronounce her name? Cause when I asked that aide from earlier to treat me like an incompetent, I'm not kidding. I don't read into social cues at all!" She beamed a smile at all of them. Then to be spoken to by the red-hair hummie! "Ah! Your at my service? Can you pronouce the big one's name for me? Like drag out each syllable?" Laani looked expectantly at Kaylia.
The harpy gave a bit of a jump when she was adressed, though she turned to face the woman. "M-Mona Spotfeather..." she stammered, clearly looking uncomfortable.
Alkaia turned to the humming cubite woman and offered her hand to her and the newcomers. "Hello, I am Alkaia Rune Scale."
Kaylia raises an eyebrow at the harpy's discomfort. "I guess I'm not the only one who's nervous to be here, Mona. Pleased to meet you." She turns back to the goblin. "As for our cloaked friend's name, I believe she said it was... Zizth? Am I pronouncing that correctly?"
Zizth noted the newcomers, staring over them, before glancing at the strange feather person again. So many here. Zizth's attention was drawn back to the human named Doctor. She tilted her head. again this wording and such. Evidently this was going to be a thing important to them. "...What iz it you are trying to zay?"
"I just wanted to make sure that I was saying your name correctly." Kaylia smiles reassuringly.
The goblin turned and looked at the white haired woman and smiled, showing teeth in a dazzling display, "We all are in for a big joke! Yes! This will make a fantastical story! And if you haven't heard me before, I'm Laani! Pronounced La-a-NI!" Hearing the red head speak to her and answer her question had Laani looking over at Zizth and say "So, Siz-filth? Is that how it's pronunced? Or Zz-Iz-Lith?" As Laani horribly managled the way to state Zizth's name due to that strange muscial hum of Zizth's words created a strange resounding in her hearing.
Zizth blinks, staring at the women, before giving the goblin a flat look before looking back at Kaylia. "...Cloze enouz." She went back to her vigil, studying the creatures surrounding her. So many unusual things. At least she was used to the greenskins. Confusing as the tiny chatterer's were.
The cubite finished the corus of her humming before finally taking Alkaia's hand in both of her own and shaking vigourously. "Oh! I forget that not a lot of people know me around this parts. Jewel Antania, I work in music. Nice to see another one of Cubite blood on the trip!" The white-haired woman was unimpressed, her face giving a half-frown at the goblin's words. Before much else could happen, however, another aide scurried up to the group. "If I may interupt, sirs and misses, your briefing room is awaiting you. Please, follow me," the Orc woman was dressed similarly to the other aide from before, and bowed before going to direct them gathered force onward.
"Jewel Antania! Oh wow. I didn't think that could be you! I'm a big fan of your work, particularly that last album, 'Breeder!' But we'd better go to this briefing room." Kaylia shakes the cubite's hand eagerly.
Zizth looked up, a greenskin asking them to follow. She nodded and walked the way she was directed, finding it easy to follow and listen to this. It was not as brief or succint as she'd have preffered, but she understood. If she wanted to help, she had to listen to the strange humans here. Simple.
Laani purposefully kept a beaming smile up towards the white haired woman and then slid behind Kaylia, walking behind the red-hair woman and purposefully eying the red-strands of hair.
Alkaia chuckled at the vigourous shaking of her hand. "Not many can tell I am half cubite. I am a dancer and singer. Though I do have some practice as a sorceress." Smiling at the other a moment. "Though I guess this outfit is sort of a big clue." Following after the aide as she spoke. Turning to the goblin. "Try saying sisth, but hum it instead. Zizth." Nearly nailing Zizth name perfectly, though had she known Zizth native tongue, it might very well have been.
The goblin looked at the dragon lady that made her burn in envy at the way she could dress in this COLD weather! Then she stated something and her smile disappeared, a frown on her face as she said "What?"
Alkaia simply smiled at the goblin. "Sis-th. Hum the first part. "
The goblin cocked her head and spoke "Slither? You want me to hum slither? Okay!" "Sliitheeerrr! Slittheerrr! Slitherree! Slitheerree!"
Jewel beamed a bit at Kaylia from her recognizing the starlet, but she didn't reply more than a short nod and a flick of her own tail. The party was quickly ushered into a side hall, the palace's architecture matching the hall in splendor and detail, before soon moved into a meeting room. The large golem following the white-haired woman was a bit too broad for the single door, but everyone else managed to get into the short room, with a wide banquet table running across it, forming a barrier from the other side of the room. Sitting there, flanked by guards, was the Rashiah and Grand Matriach, looking across the group. "Please, sit down..." the king offered, giving a direction at the many chairs on their side of the table. Almost immediately, the large man on the group stood near the wall instead, giving the bare glance at the small chairs clearly not built for his bulk.
Alkaia shook her head. "Like so. Zizth." Speaking the word with a soft hum.
Kaylia produces a small notepad and pen, taking a seat at the far end of the table.
Alkaia sashayed over to a chair and sat down. She looked across at the others already seated.
Zizth glanced back at the chatter box then looked at the big lizard trying to instruct her, the creature seeming to be very good at talking. Soon they ended up in a new room though, it having strange things in it. Shaped rocks everyone was sitting on, and the two leader humans with their warriors. She looked at the awkward shaped seating rocks and simply crouched by the floor instead, not well suited for sitting.
Laani sat on the table.
The others quickly seated in no particular order, Jewel almost immediately leaning back a bit in her chair, while at least Mona and the white-haired woman having found sutable seats and respectfully looked to the royals. The king glared a bit at Laani before giving a short shrug, clearly used to goblins by now. "Right then... As you are all aware by now, I'm sure, these new sightings of Blackshards was found in the coastal town of Spire of the Abyss. Your task that you have been gathered for is to head to the town and try to surmise both why the shards showed up there, and if perhaps the shards actually came from that location in the first place." He paused for a moment, waiting if perhaps anyone had any questions.
"Your Majesty, if I may. Doctor Kaylia Smythe. Do we have any specific contacts or other persons of interest in the town?" Kaylia rises to address the monarch.
Alkaia waited for him to continue, having no question at the moment. Her tail idly playing with her skirt as it sat in her lap, clearly an unconsious gesture on her part.
"IF we run into any shards, do we get to keep them?" Laani asked hopefully. Before blinking for a moment and then continuing with her questioning "How quickly is this suppose to be done? Minimal Fanfare? Lots of Fanfare? Do we need to strip search the town and surrounding area? Salt the ground and make it unhospital?"
Zizth reached into the bag on her belt under the cloak and pulled out her map, looking over for where this Spire of the Abyss place was. Her arms, now visible easily are thick and covered in brown chitin, well suited to blending with wasteland rocks and cliffs, though marred by white scar lines. If anyone moved to in front of her and went low enough they;d likely be able to see further within the cloak.
As Kaylia asked her question, the king nodded in respect back at her rising. "Your best contact there would be discussing things with the mayor and the townsfolk of the area. It is a small town, and the only reason we were informed was the scyer located there. Antoria Rystweaver by name, I believed. We don't have much details beyond that on the situation." At Laani's question, the Grant Matriach frowned heavily. "We would suggest discreetness at the very least," she replied, her soft voice having a bit of a harsh tone while addressing the goblin. "There is no need to disrupt the settlement more than you are already are. You are seeking information more than anything." After those two questions, Jewel waved her hand a little, the jangle of bangles filling the air. "How's transport options? I have a airship if that helps!" The king focused on her and shook his head a little. "The town doesn't have a dock suitable for much larger airships. The nearest dock capable would be Cradleforge, and that would be a even longer trip than just traveling from here."
At those words, the goblin wilted. "So we have to be subtle, sneaky, and thiefy. Oh this isn't going to end well. There are going to be others just like us there, and probably already set up and their going to use us and throw us into the dangerous places and use us as a distraction. But if you are going to pay us more to be discreet, then sure!" The goblin spoke happily and also tacking on payment.
Kaylia smiles, resuming her seat. "Guess I'll have to get used to riding saddle again."
Zizth put her map away, before looking over and nodding. She understood discretion. Discretion was survival. She looked over and spoke simply. "Azter we zind the zhardz, what then?"
"Transport will be provided, as will payment upon the completion of your tasks," the High King remarks, leaning backwards in his seat and crossing his fingers. Jewel does seem to figit a bit more and looks to her toes, clearly getting upset at hearing she couldn't travel in style. The Grand Matriach looks over the table slightly at hearing Zizth's question, though. "If you are to find the shards, try to contain the situation, and request for aid as quickly as possible. We need to keep the situation from spreading, and even worse, ensure that no cults get ahold of the creatures, should try try to replicate the Blackshards from the Rift Wars with them."
Zizth nods at the orders. Made sense. Contain, destroy, deal with. No more slave monsters. She settled down, knowing all she felt she needed to now.
Alkaia nodded. "Alright. Anything else we should know?"
Laani rolled onto her back on the table, the large amount of clothes she is wearing serving to make her roll around like a ball. "Okay, so call for aid okay okay. So! When do we leave? Now? I hope it's now! Screw any thinking and let's go immediately!" As the Goblin bounced off the table and hit the floor before getting up and looking around for one of those nifty little servants to immediately direct them to transportation.
The man standing behind the others gave a groan and clutched his face with his free hand, mutting about 'annoying pipsqueaks.' The Helius woman spoke up real quick before the rest of them commented from there, however. "And what of the people? Are we allowed to give a proper burial to the victims?" The Grand Matriach nodded slowly. With their questions sated, however, the king nodded again himself. "In that case, it is time for you to depart. Feel free to familiarize yourselves with your companions, I will have an aide to deliver you to your transport shortly after. Good luck," he states, giving a respectful bow of his turban before leaving in the door behind him, shortly followed by the elfqueen.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Alkaia stood up with a grin. "Guess we should get to know one another later. We will need to get ready."
Zizth tilted her head. Bury bodies? Well, she supposed any that had been slaved may no longer be edible. Best not to risk it. She settled in and waited for this transport. She rather run herself.
Alkaia turned to Zizth with a curious look. "So, are you going to stay hidden? Or are you going to show us your face too." Giving her a reassuring smile. "I am not hiding anything." And other then a small pouch at her hips, Zizth would be able to see she wasn't really except for three intimate spots.
Mona sighed slightly, the slight fluffup of the feathers on her body starting to calm down now the royals had left. Jewel flicked from her seat and stretched, giving a huff. "Great, road dust and elements, my faaaaavorite..." she muttered. The white-haired woman sighed as she too got up, ruffling her hair a little with a sigh. Meanwhile the man gave a soft mutter of his own, sliding his sword to rest the cloth-buried point onto the floor, lost in thought. The door on their side of the room was still shut for now.
"Hiding iz life. You live az long az you keep enemiez guezzing. Dizcretion. I reveal nothing I do not have too. Your dezire to reveal all iz your own.," says Zizth simply, watching about.
"Fair enough. To each their own." Smiling at Zizth before looking at the others. Stretching out her wings with a grin, quite eager to take to the air.
"Right. We might as well introduce ourselves properly. I'm Doctor Kaylia Smythe. I have an academic interest in the expedition. I'm a decent shot with a rifle, too. Oh, and I tend to get a bit... well... let's just say that things get interesting as the moon waxes." Kaylia looks around the group, smiling nervously.
Zizth stares at Alkaia's wings, feeling a slight twinge of jealousy, before suppressing it, getting up and looking around, watching about, and looking the walls over curiously, studying them. Such strange designs. She glanced back as Doctor mentioned the moon. Maybe she could camouflage in moonlight. That would be an interesting hunting tactic.
Laani just seemed to barely keep in her excitement, looking around. Listening to the conversations going about shouted loudly "I'm Laani! Pronounced La-A-NI! I like shooting and blowing things up! Ripping interesting stuff apart and making it into boomy things! I'm also a goblin! A greenskin in case none of you know! And I also hate- absolutely hate- anybody that touches my guns! So don't touch them!"
Alkaia nodded and grinned. "I am Alkaia Rune Scale. I am quite apt at singing and dancer. And am a quite a sorceress in my own right. The reason for my name will become quite clear in time." Her white scales showing no signs of runes at the moment.
Mona's talons tapped together as she held her wings closer to her chest, idly looking between the group. "M-Mona Songfeather... I got sent here from Herdspire... N-Not sure why, but still..." Jewel's mood nearly 180'd at the introductions, and slid into the middle of the room. "Jewel Antiana, the best songstress and one woman show on any side of Braxil! Don't worry, I'm no delicate flower!" The white-haired woman crossed her arms a little, giving a bit of a nod to the group. "Kalia Athelia, I was sent here from Helios to try and figure out just what happened to our people." The man gave a grunt, fingers tapping against his sword hilt. "Halfdan. All you need to know. Just stay out of my way if those monsters show up."
With impeccable timing, there is a knock at the door.
Alkaia bounced over to open the door for their guide. Giving them a large smile as they entered.
Zizth hears the knock and promptly bolts up the wall, latching onto the stone and glaring at the door, having been startled by the noise.
Laani squealed happily at the woman that stepped into the middle of the room and "SUNG" aloud about who she is! "You! You you you! I pick you to be in the front and take all the attention off the rest of us! Use this time to go on a tour and wowzer the people on that coastal town!" As the goblin didn't hear any knocks from the door.
Kaylia sits down amid the chaos, suddenly wishing she had invented a serum to cure headaches.
Alkaia's responding to the door was left revealing the Kaliferian aide from eariler, eying the group. "Are you all ready to go? Your caravan is waiting for you," she asked. Behind her, the golem peered back in, the glowing ports focusing on Kalia with it's blank stare.
Zizth heard the aide's voice and calmed down, dropping off the wall and landing in a crouch with a very heavy sounding thud, much heavier than her size should dictate, before moving to follow the aide. "Yez."
"I am." Smiling at the guide and the others.
"Wait, we're leaving now? I have my gear back at the inn!" Kaylia is a bit panicked.
"I am sure we can grab it on the way out."
The aide bowed a little. "Don't worry, you'll have time to gather supplies and belongings before you depart. This is more to point you to the caravan, at which point you can gather your things." Jewel shrugged a bit as she passed by the goblin, reaching down to ruffle at her hair. "Hey, not like I can drop down and do a concet whenever I want, I'm already prosponing one for being here!"
The goblin girl pouted miserably at getting her hair ruffled even as she followed behind, but stopping once more to purposefully sit behind Kaylia.
Alkaia followed after as well. Aready ready to continue on.
Kaylia nods at the aide. "Alright then, lead the way. What is your name?" She notes the goblin following her. "Um... can I help you?"
Zizth nods. "I have all I need. Zhow me your caravan." She traveled light, anything she couldn't carry wasn't worth bringing.
Laani looked up towards the red head and spoke "Your smart. That means you know where not to be." The goblin smiled up at her.
The aide was soon leaving them out of the room, back down the hall, and into the throne room, the large crowd that was originally there having dissipated during the short meeting with the king. Back out of the throne room doors, they are soon in the sun-drenched streets of Ritzerite itself, the heated air a minor difference from the temperment insides. The aide continued moving, however, leading them towards the gates of the courtyard ahead of them.
Alkaia followed along. Humming softly to herself now that she was outside in the sun. Her body dancing a little bit as she walked.
Zizth barely noticed the climate. while a desert dweller, her nature made her fairly adaptable to a variety of environments. It'd need to get really extreme to make her note it much. She followed along, though if anything inorganic was in her path, she'd simply climb over it.
With coming outside, Laani shedded all of that bundle of clothes, revealing herself to have been wearing a long overcoat, and also revealing her overly curveaceuous figure on that of a goblin. "Ahhh! So much better out here!" As Laani let out a happy breath of relief.
Halfdan didn't seem to bothered with the tempeture change, though Mona's feathers fluffed up a little as she tried to vent the heat out, the other two looking slightly uncomfortable but not saying much. The patch continued out of the palace grounds and through the bustling streets of the human capitol, market stalls set up through the streets offering all sorts of food, spices and concoctions for the right coin around them. Still, the aide worked her way through the streets towards the east gate, the large group- or more specifically, the golem and Halfdan- ensuring a wide berth through the crowd
Alkaia's grin got even wider as she sashayed down the street. Happy to let people notice her.
Zizth purchased and took nothing. She understood trade in the most limited sense. give stuff for other stuff, coins made so don't have to carry big stuff to trade. She didn't have any coin anymore after getting the map though so went on. Most of the stuff being sold were beyond her understanding as it were. She appreciated the big path the large not-person was making, as confusing a thing as it was.
Kaylia smiles at the half-dragon. "So... Alkaia. What's your interest in the Blackshards? Or did you just come here for the bounty?"
Laani happily trailed behind Kaylia as she looked around the city, trying to keep as much of the town in her sight and memorized. Ticking off boxes in her head at where the more sound stuff laid.
"I came to give them a study. And see about making a good version of them if it is at all possible. You?"
"Mostly academic interest. Mostly. There's also the small matter of a plea bargain with the government of Braxil. I may have had a few... minor scuffles with the law." Kaylia bites her lip for a moment--why the hell did she just mention that?
Zizth paused and looked back at Alkaia. "Good verzion? There iz no good verzion of a zlaverz tool. They take otherz livez and make them their own. They muzt be deztroyed."
The trip slowed down as they reached the east gate, the aide stopping and nodding to the guards stationed threre. Next to the guards, four long wagons were sitting, each with a pair of horses lashed to them. In theory there would be more than enough room for all eight of them to use them as sleeping arrangements and storage for the several-day ride ahead. "His Highness has already seen fit to acquire food storage for your travel, although if there is anything special about your diets you'll have to provide it for yourself I'm afraid. If you need anything else for the trip, I would suggest now to be the time to speak."
Alkaia gave Kaylia a kind smile. "I am sure this will let them forget it." Briefly looking her over and clearly wondering if it was for streaking or something.
Alkaia nodded. "I am sure my appetite can me seen to." Grinning as she ran a finger along the side of her bosom.
Zizth looks over the caravan, nodding. She didn't climb in, able to survive on most things, and was more than ready to move along side the wagons. She was used to harder exertions than simply following horse carriages around, and she didn't much like not feeling in control of her movements.
Kaylia raises an eyebrow. "Your appetite... OH! You mean..." The human blushes bright red, her voice raising almost an octave. "SoI'mgonnagrabmygear, justgivemetenminutes." She nearly stumbles over herself heading to the inn.
Alkaia grins at the human's response to her appetite.
Zizth blinks, watching the reaction that the human had to the lizard. Did she think the lizard was going to devour her? She didn't really understand any of it, but it seemed to have resolved itself.
Alkaia looked to Zizth curiously. "Curious as to why she left in a hurry?"
"Zhe thought you were going to eat her.," said Zizth in response.
She nodded. "Sort of." Grinning to Zizth. "She realized I meant something else. Her hearing I was a cubite earlier likely help her realize that." Looking to see if she understood.
Zizth stared flatly, and simply responded with "Okay." She had no idea what a cubite was, she supposed that's what the big lizards were called. She didn't really know what she was getting at but she didn't really think it mattered. Long as she wasn't trying to eat her.
Alkaia frowned a moment, not getting the reaction she usually did. She stepped closer to try and peer into the hood. "She realized I get nourishment from sex."
Beyond, she can make out her glowing orange eyes and the brown flesh around it but not much else. "Oh. Okay." She didn't know what she meant by that either but it still didn't much matter to her. She was pretty sure she wasn't a sex.
2Alkaia frowned. "Do you know what that means?" Wondering why she hadn't freaked out. Being the response people usually have outside of her home isle, or cubite settlements.
Kaylia returns a short time later. The lab coat is nowhere to be found, having been traded for a suit of well-worn but maintained leather armor, and a pair of goggles resting over her red hair. A pair of bandoliers hang upon her chest, containing various steel and ceramic vials. A rifle with attached scope is slung over her shoulder, and a rapier swings in an ornate scabbard, attached to a belt full of rifle cartridges. She's also wearing a leather backpack.
"No. But it doez not matter.," says Zizth simply, "I am not food. Zo I am not zex. Zo it doez not matter to me."
She chuckled. "Sex, mating, or trying for children. Things I am sure you understand. Such things nourish me." Looking at her with a grin. "To me, you are food."
Zizth looks at Alkaia blankly. "I am not. Iz you try to make me zuch, I will eat you inztead. I am no onez food. Are zimply bigger lizard then I am uzed to eating." She said it simply and without malice, like a statement of fact, before looking at the horses. "You could maybe eat thoze."
Kaylia is at a loss in this particular conversation, having missed a great deal of the context. She merely stands nearby and listens attentively to the exchange.
She shook her head. "I do not eat in that way. Think of it as taking milk from a mother. Though in my case, it is more of an energy and comes from men or woman. I do not get anything from beasts. And neither do I need to consume my food pyshically."
Zizth looks at Alkaia like she's speaking an entirely diffrent language and shrugs. "I am not zood. Iz that zimple."
Alkaia frowned a moment. "Hm... Seems you don't understand. Here I will show you." She grins and moves right up to Kaylia. Leaning in quickly to kiss her, as a hand lightly ran it's fingers up Kaylia's side.
Kaylia's eyes widen, as her heat was diminishing but not quite over yet. She shivers for a moment, involuntarily, then pulls herself back with an immense show of will, blushing. "H-hey!" She nervously looks about at the assembled adventurers, many of whom are openly staring.
Alkaia grinned and turned back to Zizth. "See, now had I laid her down and got her squirming and moaning my name, that would feed me." Winking to Kaylia as she said the last part.
Zizth looks at the pair, blinking as Alkaia moves to eat Kaylia's mouth. "Iz you do not wizh her to eat you, zight back. Prove you are predator, not prey. Otherwize, you are zood to her. Like zhe implied before." She dropped into a crouch, seeming to be watching more clinically, "Zo you are poizonouz. And you feed from poizoning them and making them deliriouz."
Alkaia chuckled att her response. "No, no poisons. Those I feed on always enjoy it. If I were to promise no pain, would you allow me to show you? The other will prevent me from harming you." Looking up at her curiously.
Thoroughly flustered, Kaylia tucks her hair behind an ear and crosses her arms over her chest. "Yeah, Zizth, go ahead. Predator or prey, right?" She smirks.
"Though you will need to reveal your face to me to prove it."
"No. One doez not need pain to harm. Perhapz you are benign but I do not wizh to rizk it. Ezpecially with a zhaman.," says Zizth before glancing at Kaylia, "Iz I prove myzelf predator, I would be devouring her flezh. I have no interezt in doing zo. Pluz zhe ztill could be poizonouz. Or I might be."
Alkaia grinned. "Scared of little me? Surely you are capable of overpowering me should you need to. Amd I am not poisonous." Slinking closer to Zizth with a grin.
"Mhmm." Kaylia turned with some effort from the pair, turning to the aide. "This won't do. We only need one wagon for gear storage, and some of us can make do with backpacks and saddlebags." She unhitches two horses from the first wagon. "I'll take this black mare." Kaylia rigs a saddle on the horse's back.
Zizth looks at Alkaia flatly. "Yez. You are zhamen. You cauze wrongnezz, like the not man of rock there, or mind chainz, or making zire zrom air. Zhamen are dangerouz. Kill them firzt, before they know you are there. Iz bezt way. Only dead do not zear zhamen. And they zhould. Dead walk zometimes. Zeen it." She looks over. "Horzez are zlow. I will run."
Alkaia frowned. "Give it a try? I promise, no shaman powers or poison. The others will stop me if I do."
"No. I am not zood. Zeed on otherz. I have heard theze wordz before. They were liez. Truzt iz earned. I watch. Zhall zee.," says Zizth firmly. The lizard wanted to make better slave tools. Until she saw otherwise, Zizth would watch this one warily.
Alkaia shrugged. "Very well, I am sure Kaylia wont mind." Smiling as she stepped closer to the human and rubbed a leg with her tail. "Right?"
Zizth nodded, shrugging. "Iz on her to not be eaten or not, to truzt or not."
Kaylia's eyes open wide. "Um... this is generally the sort of thing you ask about in private, Alkaia... not with a dozen of your friends and colleagues watching you." She mounts her horse. "Er... what should I call my horse?" She indicates the black mare.
She chuckled at her response. "I don't mind. It likely wont stay private later tonight." Grinning up at her.
"Hrm. I think I'm gonna name her after my home town. Brisco County. Brisco County, Junior." The mare snorts and shakes its mane. "That's settled, then."
She looked to Zizth. "And I do not eat flesh or plant."
Zizth got distracted, looking at the horses with distaste before getting up and wander the carvans proximity, watching for danger. She looks over to Alkaia again. "That iz nize. More for me."
She stretched her wings. "All set?"
"I pretty much like the usual human food. Eggs, turkey, pork, fruit. The standard stuff." Kaylia smiles at the cloaked Zizth.
"I am ready to leave anytime. I zimply wait." zizth looks to Kaylia, only really getting eggs from that. "Yez. Eggs are good."
"I kind of miss normal food." Frowning at them as they talked of eggs.
Kaylia produces a map and compass. "Okay then. Shouldn't be too long of a journey." Tucking them into a side pouch, she gives Brisco County, Jr. a quick kick of the heels, starting her horse at an easy walk down the road. She transfers her rifle into a side-holster on her mare.
"Zuch a zlow beazt, horzez.," says Zizth with disdain, "Doctor, wait for otherz to be ready. Could out run lot anywayz."
"Anything you two would like to know before everyoone is all geared up and ready?"
Kaylia reins back Brisco County, Jr. "Oh. I figured we were ready to go. Sure, I'll wait. So... any of you guys ever seen a Blackshard before?"
"No. Though I have seen pictures and sketches of them. Even had a lesson on some of the theory on how they were created."
"No. But I have heard of zem. Weaponz of zlaverz, they cover you, take away dezire to zight, make zlave to them. Zlaverz die, zlaver toolz zhall be deztroyed. There iz nothing elze to them."
"I've also done a great deal of reading in preparation for the mission, but no firsthand experience, obviously. I will admit, I figured they'd have me in a library or a lab, not setting off on another adventure."
"You have deathztick. Will be zine.," says Zith, looking at Kaylia's rifle.
Alkaia nodded in agreement with Zizth. "I prefer to learn out in the field." Giving Kaylia a wink. "It is fun to be hands on."
"Oh, my rifle? Doesn't have to be fatal. There are plenty of ways to use it to merely disable or neutralize an opponent. Generally I prefer not to kill. In fact, I even developed a couple of custom non-lethal cartridges, back when I was... well, in my less-than-legal days." Kaylia displays the rifle, crafted from nullmetal with a flarestone power source.
"Unlezz it workz zazter than killing, iz worthlezz.," says Zizth simply, "Death iz natural. Kill to feed, kill to zurvive. One day, I zhall be killed too."
Alkaia frowned a moment. "Not everything kills to feed or survive."
"You are only ezeption I know. And I do not zully believe it."
She grinned. "If you let me later, I can prove it."
"Oh, I have killing cartridges too. And I don't mind killing if it's in order to eat or survive. In general, though, I try to avoid killing if I can. Especially when I can accomplish my goals without hurting anyone... permanently."
"You know my anzwer.," says Zizth simply, shrugging, "I do not know what you mean, Doctor. You kill for zood, you kill to zurvive. Only other thing worth doing iz kill zlaverz. Or..." She frowns and gives Kaylia a level stare. "Zlaverz uze zuch thingz to take zlavez. Are you a zlaver?"
"No. Never took any slaves, though I had associates who dabbled in that kind of thing." She looks at Zizth for a moment before continuing. "No, I used to be a sky pirate. We'd steal money and cargo, looting towns as we went. I joined because I was bored... and I stayed because it was exciting. Nothing felt so invigorating as pulling off a heist."
Zizth gives an inhuman hiss a bit, glaring at the Doctor, but doesn't attack. "...Zlaverz die. You zay you're not one. Zine. You zhow me who iz after zhards are deztroyed."
Alkaia grinned. "And I simply dance and sing for people's enjoyment."
"Oh, I've been out of the sky pirate game for a few years now. Wouldn't even know who's doing what, any more. I never stayed with a crew if I found out they had slavers."
Zizth looks at her flatly. "Don't care about anymore. If they ztop, then they knew who haz not ztopped."
"So either of you have family or lovers waiting for you to return?"
"Not really, no. What about you? I'm sure you have at least a dozen lovers, probably unrequited." Kaylia smiles slightly at the half-dragonkin.
Alkaia smiled at them. "Quite a few. Several are still sleeping off my affections in my room. Though nothing serious yet."
"Aww, their poor hearts are going to simply break when they realize that you've moved on." Kaylia feigns a sympathetic look, mockingly.
Zizth watches about still for dangers, fidgeting a bit and often switching positions
She grinned. "After last night, I doubt they will be going home alone." Looking to Zizth. "We are perfecty safe inside the walls."
"Zafety iz a lie."
"Not here it isn't. At least for the moment. You should try to relax, save it for the journey ahead."
"Never hurts to be watchful, even within city walls," the human nods at Zizth. "Our safety will only be as sure as our vigilance, especially in a few hours."
"Doctor zpeakz truthz."
"Still, this close to the wall and the men stationing it, we are safe."
"Unlezz the men attack. Or zomething worze then them comez. Or zhamenz."
"Magic users must really frieghten you?"
Zizth looks at Alkaia flatly. "Yez. All fear zpellcazterz." She snaps her fingers beneath her cloak. "and now zomeone iz on zire. Or covered in azid. Or worze. Zhamen made Zhardz."
"Magic users can be a bit frightening, but a well-placed round or the point of a blade can still put them down."
Alkaia nodded. "Or they could snap their fingers and induce lust, or heal broken bones and wounds, regenerate lost hands and feet. Some can even form things and materials from nothing. Magic is not something to fear. It should inspire awe and wonder."
"Doctor continuez to underztand. Yez, zhamenz can do thoze thingz, dominate mindz or zix zlaverz bodiez. Can make thingz zrom nothing. There iz little cannot do. They change what pleaze, like little godz. Zhamen are zeared becauze iz are ready, little can do about them."
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

"You wont have to worry about me. Besides some lust spells, I know only a few spells to hurt people. Most either bind them, or slow them in some way. Though should we fight another mage, I am well adept to fighting them. So I can protect you." Giving Zizth a smile.
"Modern technology can also mitigate or duplicate most of the effects of magic, with some exceptions. I've made a study of both fields, though I don't have any innate magical ability."
"I have quite the affinity for it. Just not on storing it though. Though I have found was around that." Grinning at Kaylia.
"I kill many zhamen. I am zine.," nods Zizth, grimacing a bit, "Yez. Deathztickz and ztone zlave houzez that cannot be cut. World becomez worze and worze. Zlaverz harder and harder to touch. Now they even zly... Zly where I cannot reach!"
Alkaia smiled at Zizth. "Don't worry, if that happens I can fly you up." Stretching her wings out fully a moment.
Zizth stares at alkaia's wings a moment then looks away. "..No. I will zind my own way up. Doez not matter now. More important thingz. Muzt ztop zlaver zhardz. Zlight not required. Now we run there."
The werelioness gulps nervously at the half-cubite's implication. "Well, we'll just have to shoot down slavers as we meet them. No problem there. I do have conventional rounds."
Zizth nods, glancing at the four javelins in the holder on her back. "Yez. Though I rather uze on zhamenz. Juzt need good meat zhot."
Alkaia grinned at Kaylia. "I am sure you wont need to waste them with me and the other wizard in our group."
Kaylia raises an eyebrow. "With this rifle and scope, I can pick the eye out of a raven from a speeding airship at a range of a half-mile. I don't think we need to let our enemies get within easy spotting distance, let alone range of their spells." She grins--this is perhaps her second-favorite thing in the world.
Zizth nods. "Deathztickz." She let one of her arms slip through, showing several blast marks that likely were once holes in her armored arm. "I never zee who did thiz.
Kaylia frowns at the holes. "Bastards. We ever find them, they won't get to see us."
Alkaia frowned as she lightly tried to examine the scars wuth her hands.
Zizth rolls her eyes. "If never zaw them, will never know who did. I lived. Learn to watch more carezully now, alwayz. Good lezzon." Her arm is clad in hard chitin with some soft spike like nubs, though full, a few seeming to have broken at some point or other. Many white scars mar the brown color. They look quite strong though.
Kaylia looks at Zizth thoughtfully. "Have you ever thought about... reinforcement?"
Zizth looks at Kaylia blankly.
"You have chitinous armor. An exoskeleton, if you will. A decent dwarven armorer could craft thin plates to reinforce your armor--you'd be a LOT tougher. If you've got the cash, you could even have it made from nullmetal, rendering you much less susceptible to magic. Or shamans."
Alkaia decided to give a small grin and run a finger along Zizth's arm. Using a bit of her magic, she decided to help her relax a little. Ketting the magic seep into her and leave a pleasant feeling behind.
Zizth looks at Kaylia flatly. "Why don't you let them do it to your flezh? Thiz izn't armor, it'z my flezh. I am not going to let them bolt rocks onto my flezh. Bezides-" She feels the touch on her arm and pulls away with a hiss, leaping back, looking ready to bolt or fight.
The leap throwing zizth's cloak up a little, showing similarily plated and insect like legs, just as marred by scars.
"Just... thought it might be helpful." Alkaia gave her a reassuring smile. "I meant no harm. Only trying to help put you at ease around us."
Zizth hisses back, glaring darkly before moving around to put the wagon between her and Alkaia.
She followed after. "I am sorry." Frowning deeply.
Zizth maneuvers to keep the wagon between her an Alkaia. "Ztay where you are. Next time you uze zhamen trickz to control my mind, I'll take your armz."
Kaylia looks over to the white-haired woman with the Golem. "Kalia, is it? From Helios?"
"I have no such skills." Frowning as she fleed from her. "Tell me, did it feel bad or wrong? Or seem to alter your mind?"
During this time, Jewel would be at her airship 'getting stuff', Mona watching all of this from perched on the wagon they decided to take, and Halfdan leaning against a nearby wall. Kalia would be coming back from the Inn right about now with her own pack, nodding as Kaylia spoke up. "Yes, what is it?"
"You already admitted to doing zo and I felt it. They uzed zame trickz on me before! Zo no! No trickz! You are warned.," snarls Zizth angrily
"So what brought you here on our mission? Any experience with these 'Blackshards?'"
Alkaia frowned. "It was no trick and was only to help you. Would you feel better pinching me or something?"
Zizth looks at Alkaia with a flat glare and says nothing more, simply keeping her distance and glaring.
Kalia shrugged slightly, moving against the wagon and watching the bug and succudragon wander around it. "I'm here more about the fact my own kin were found with these... abominations than anything else. I'm sure you would understand, clearly."
She quickly flapped over to Zizth and looked up at her. "Fine, how about a punch?" Putting her arms down to hersides and leaving herself open.
Zizth leapt back, hand going to a javelin with a hiss as Alkaia flew over towards her, chittering warningly, dropped into a fighting stance, looking confused, suspicious and clearly feeling threatened.
Alkaia remained standing in front of her. Her hands remaining unthreatening and at her sides.
Mona would give a loud squeak as the javelin was drawn, fluttering back several feet from the potential projectile patch.
"Of course. What about you, Halfdan? What brings a big fellow like yourself with a sword THAT big to examine items like this?" She smiles at the hulking warrior.
Zizth stays back, not budging as long as Alkaia doesn't. In this pose, the cloaks shifted enough to see a curvy female body beneath to a degree, Zizth compeltly naked except for a belt with a pouch on it, an arm on what seems to be a very poorly maintained copper cutlass, a second there as well.
"If I had really meant you ill, wouldn't I have already done so? Plus, we are not fans of slavery in the in the Scaletail Ilses. We veiw mind control as an evil thing, and do not learn it."
Halfdan gives a grunt of annoyance, not replying. Mona does flutter to the far side of the wagon from Alkalia and Zizth, hugging close to it and watching the dragon and insect talk.
Zizth doesn't budge, watching Alkaia suspiciously still. "Liez and dezeit are nature too. Your wordz are meaninglezz. Leave me be."
Kaylia shrugs, moving to stand near the nervous harpy. "Relax. Nobody's gonna get hurt here. They're just... figuring each other out." The werelioness watches the two figures. "Very, very slowly."
Alkaia frowned. "Not lies. Feel free to ask the doctor. My people value freedom. Comes with being able to fly. We see how cruel chains can be."
Zizth looks flatly at her. "Doez not mean much. Not all humanz zlaverz, but zome are. Maybe you are ezeption too."
She held out a wing to Zizth. "What do you think would happen to my wings if I were chained and forced to stay on the ground?"
Zizth glares, shifting away again. "Meaninglezz. The onez who plaze chainz are never chained themzelvez. What happenz to wingz iz irrelevant."
"So... Mona, what's your story? Here for the glory? Or to study the shards?"
The harpy's feathers kept fluffing up slightly, making her look somewhat like a flustered owl. "Oh? Er... well I kinda got told to by some of the others..."
"To my kind it isn't. Chains destroy freedom for all. And it is often my kind taken, as we are quite rare in these parts. So we do like slavery as it takes the one thing everyone shares." She lifted a hand slowly and pointed to the sky.
"I see. So what's your specialty, besides the obvious flying ability?"
"Er... I'm ok with identifying herbs... And flying..." She seems a little bit confused still, figiting with her claws.
Zizth grunts, "zo you zay. But what your kind believez and what you believe dizzer. Iz not zame. You are not like otherz. Zo. Az I zaid. Wordz. Are. Meaninglezz."
"You alright? You seem a bit nervous." Kaylia puts a hand on the harpy's shoulder, smiling warmly.
"And I have offered to show you and prove you wrong. But still you say no." She gestured to the others nearby. "With them around, how would I do something bad?"
"You are zhamen. Eazily. And I told you no and you keep doing thingz.," snaps Zizth.
Mona visibly jumps at the hand on her, before managing to calm herself down a little. "J-j-just nervious... First time leaving town and not going to the forest..."
"Relax. Nobody here's gonna hurt you. In fact, maybe you could tell me a little more about your work with herbs? I'm a student of alchemy."
"Fine, if you don't believe me a good guy, so be it. But you will not get far if you do not trust me, or the others in our company." She turned abruptly around and walked to the otherside of the wagon where the others were.
Zizth let go of her weapons once alkaia walked far enough away for it not to be a trap, visibly reverting back to normal stance and emotional state as she stands up and resumes observing for threats around.
Mona took a second to watch Alkaia return to the side of the wagon, before focusing on Kaylia again. "Well, mostly I just collect them for others in the town. It's hard to do much with, well..." she starts, figiting with the long talons that made up her fingers with her wing joint.
Kaylia chuckles." I see. Well, let me know if I can help, okay? You find the herbs, I'll be happy to mash em up for ya."
Alkaia looked to Kaylia and the harpy a moment before looking at the beast of the man. She gave him a grin as she offered him her hand. "Hello again."
Mona nods a little, just in time for a minor commotion to come down the street. Jewel is back, carting behind her three sizable trunks on a luggage cart. Halfdan takes one look at her and rolls her eyes. "Sorry it took so long, I couldn't decide what conditioner was good for cutting out road dust," she replies rather chipperly. As if to help blind out the Cubite's youthful ignorance, he focuses on Alkaia and gives a bit of a affirmatory grunt.
Alkaia turned to Jewel. "There isn't. So what brings you hear with us?"
The werelioness stands aghast at the luggage trunks. "So... maybe we DO need four wagons, "she remarks.
Zizth notes the commotion, standing up and peering, looking at the woman flatly. Zizth didn't even pretend to understand what any of that was about, and simply returned her attentions to watching around.
"Are you kidding!?! This is traveling light!" Jewel argues, her arms flailing lightly. "Cides, I gotta look good for the press if they stick thier noses after us. All publicity is good publicity!" Probably luckily for everyone, her luggage looked like all it would take up is a cot space, and good that she didn't take even more.
"No it'z not.," says Zizth simply, watching about.
Alkaia looks about a moment, before she decided to sneak of into one of the nearby alleys.
Jewel huffs a little. "Clearly what we have here is a species and culture gap, then," she calls over to Ziz's location, working to get the luggage into the wagon with much grunting and complaining. The alley Alkaia slid into would be relatively empty at present, though occasionally figures would be coming and going near the far opening.
"Maybe." Zizth shrugged, before noting Alkaia slipping off. She frowned and moved over to the building and scaled up it to the rooftop, wanting to watch what she's up to from above, moving stealthily.
Kaylia rides up to help Jewel loading the luggage. "Not sure how much press we're going to encounter, traveling through the wild."
Once in the alley she found a secluded spot before beging to undress and stow her dancing outfit away. After a few moments she pulled out a simple leather top and skirt and began doing up the buckles on them. Though she grunted as she tried to secure a strape between her wings.
"Never know! Cides, doesn't hurt to have a few extra changes of clothes, beutification tools, a few tomes for reading and writing new songs down..." she rattles off a ever-growing list of petty creature comforts as the luggage is slid into the cart, Halfdan pointedly avoiding helping out until the last trunk. "I swear, women never change..." he mutters, using one hand to lift it up by the handle and slide it into place. Mona notices Zizth wandering off, giving a flick of her wings and joining her on the rooftops as well. For the most part, her claws only gave a quiet tic-tic noise as she followed the bug woman. Again, at least for now Alkaia wasn't noticed, or at least openly.
Zizth stared silently, not seeming bothered in the least by seeing the lizard woman nude, and simply waited to see what happened. She goes even more still at noticing the strange bird thing land by her, eyes glancing to watch it warily, but she didn;t seem to be giving her away or meaning her any harm. She seemed flighty, like prey.
"Hold your horses, there, mister." Kaylia's tone grows sharp. "WOMEN never change? What exactly are you implying, beyond your obvious lack of any practical experience with my gender?" Her eyes narrow at Halfdan, despite how very much larger the warrior clearly was.
After a moment she finally got the strap done. She then pulled out two sheathes studded with metal on the inside. She then began to spin about in place as she tried to buckle them into place on the first section of her wings to protect them from getting cut off. It was readily apparent why she had hidden, as the struggle was quite embarressing as she spun and squirm to reach behind herself.
Halfdan paused a little, giving another bit of a huff. "Wasn't meaning it like that at all. Just saying that this kind of remind me about my wife..." he muttered. Jewel gave a odd look at Halfdan a little, but didn't stand in his way as he shoved the last trunk into place, while Kalia tilted her head a little, standing off to one side as she watched the three of them. Mona, sitting with Zizth, bit her lip and suppressed a giggle with one of her wings, keeping the worse of her laughter muffled at least.
Zizth does not laugh or make a noise. she appreciated the tactical sense it made to do so. Though she was already thinking of ways to circumvent it if need be. Still her gaze lingered on those wings, one of her arms subconciously reaching back and rubbing against the stumps where hers should have been.
It was clear that without help, it would like take several more minutes of trying before she would succeed. Though it didn't stop her from trying.
Kaylia gives a little hmph of her own, crossing her arms. "Your wife, huh? I can't imagine she lets you get away with saying things like that." She looks disapprovingly at the huge warrior, but feels that she's made her point.
Zizth observes quietly but makes no move to assist in the least. They were waiting already, and she had no desire to get near the lizard shaman. She could jsut magic it better she figured anyways.
'Can't imagine she would allow you to jump to conclusions like that either, if she wasn't dead," Halfdan pointed out simply, moving back to where his blade was leaning and joining it against the wall. Jewel looked flustered and embarressed, though Kalia seemed lost in thought all of a sudden. Mona certainly wasn't going to assist at the moment, still supressing giggles at this silly situation.
Halfdan's comment effectively wipes the smug look off of Kaylia's face. "Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. Is... is that why you're here?"
She paused a moment, and looked down the alley. She then continued to struggle with her wing guards. "Ha!" Smiling as she finished one the hard way. She then went back to struggling into the other one, akin to a woman trying to slipp into a pair of pants a few sizes to small.
Zizth wasn't sure what the lizard woman was laughing about, but stayed put, eyes glancing at the giggling bundle of feathers beside her. She felt out of place here indeed, too many people. but if it was for the same goal, she;d have to manage. And she had to watch to see if any meant to turn the slaver shards to their own uses rather than their destruction.
He shrugs. "Happened a long, long time ago. Don't worry about it. Certainly isn't helping matters." The light bulb seems to go off, and quickly she taps on both Jewel's and Kaylia's shoulder for a second. "Can I have a word with you two? Alone?" Mona managed to get her composure finally, her wild giggles now to light chuckles. Still, she didn't move from her spot either, wiping tears from her eyes.
Kaylia raises an eye, then nods, dismounts, and follows Kalia to a secluded area.
After another minute she finally manages to get the second on in place. She gave an experimental flap, before yelping a moment for them to hear. She then began to shift and wiggle the guards about, trying to get them comfortable on her wings.
Zizth blinks, tensing at the yelp before calming again. She looked to Mona again, blinking a bit. Such a strange creature, she was having trouble fathoming her existance and position in nature.
She gave another flap and grinned once more. She then pulled out four more, and began to repeat the process all over again. Though this time involved trying to move the wing around as she worked and making her hop about and spin. Looking even sillier then before.
Mona finally got her composure, looking down at the small yelp. "I-I'm just gonna go back to the wagon..." she mutters, quickly flicking the short distance back, leaving the insect woman alone. Kalia quietly moved Kaylia and Jewel back into the street a little, before turning around to face them. "Ok, this is gonna sound a little wierd, but are either of you familiar with the story of Hring the Cursed? I remember my mother telling it as some of the stories she learned on the surface..."
Zizth half paid attention to the dance below, watching Mona leave then going back to watching Alkaia spin and dance.
"Halfdan Hring? That was almost a century ago... that can't be right." The werelioness looks skeptical. "But he DID carry a massive sword."
Laani, all during this time, the goblin gal had learnt the meaning of being quiet, mostly luxirating in the warmth of the outside and still wishing it was warmer.
She would continue to struggle in her hidden part of the alley. Spinning and dancing as she switched to put a guard on her other wing.
Jewel looks confused between the two of them. "What the bloody hell you two on about?" Kalia ignored the demands, however. "I know, and yet... I dunno, I'm getting the impression there's more to him than just the name. Guess that comment kinda opened old wounds..." Meanwhile, Mona landed back on the wagon a little, stretching her feathers in the warmth a little and giving a sigh. "God, hope it's snowy again wherever we're going..." she mutters.
Zizth observed, noting this seemed very inefficient, but then she knew nothing about wing care and defense. She supposed it might be to fool her, but it seemed unlikely. It could also be some shaman ritual. She had no idea. Either way, she hoped she;d hurry up. Zizth was feeling pent up and wanted to run, climb and stalk.
"Hrm. Well, I guess we know better now. Best to avoid the subject in the future, I suppose." The doctor looks at Jewel in a mixture of incredulity and amusement. "You're a famous bard, and yet you've never heard the tale of Halfdan Hring, the Cursed?"
"The Jewel is a famous bard?" Laani pipped up from behind Kaylia as the goblin grinned wildly! "So she can dazzle the audiences out there and be the perfect distraction when called for! YAY! Who is the cursed? Suppose to be that guy?" She pointed at towards Halfdan.
After a few moments she grinned as she got the second one one. The last two were quite simple as she was able to bring that section around to her front. After a few moments each section of her wings were protected, though her joints were still open to allow them movement. She began to stretch and flex them, making sure they woud still move right. With a grin she jumped up, and flapped her wings to hover a few feet above the ground.
Kaylia claps a hand over the energetic goblin's mouth. "Yes now HUSH, we don't want to be rude to the large berserking warrior with the giant sword, now do we?"
Jewel figited, tapping her fingers together a little. "Hey, I'm a little busy writing ballads, and I grew up in Braxil, a better question is how you know it..." she muttered slightly. Kalia chuckled slightly. "Well you'd learn it eventually, wandering around here. Quite a few have dramatized it eve-" she starts, only for the goblin to pop up again. "Are you kidding? I'd need probably half my equipment to really put on a show!" Jewel objects. Back down near the wagons, Halfdan was raising his eyebrow a bit before shaking his head, chuckling. He wasn't able to hear what all four of them were talking about, but perhaps he knew at least what started it.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Zizth nodded silently and scaled back down off the house to the caravan, in case the dragoness started flying. Everything seemed fine here, so she walked over to Mona, crouching down to look at her. "What are you?"
"MMMmhmmm! Mmmm mmm! Jjggll!" A giggling in her throat, Laani licked the hand covering her mouth, uncaring if Kaylia was wearing leather, but hopefully getting the hand off of her mouth! Once the hand is gone, she giggled out "You didn't grab my hand!" Which was still pointing and amusing herself as she nodded her head saying with a still happy tone "If you have any knickknacks, I can rig you up some booming stuff that'd be sure to get attention!"
Kaylia shakes her head and walks back to the wagons, joining the harpy and cloaked figure.
After a few moments she returned to her companions wearing leather armour over her breasts and heart, a leather skirt hanging to almost her knee and guards over each of the three segments of her wings. Though the other would still be able to see the straps of her g-string just sticking up above the edge of the skirt.
Jewel gave a bit of a huff towards the goblin, her tail flicking with a angry jiggle of bangles. "I'm not all pyrotechnics here!" she mutters, returning towards the wagon with Kalia behind her, chuckling slightly at the goblin's words. Mona blinked a bit at the hooded Zizth's question. "You've not seen a harpy before?" She bends downward slightly, peering at about level with the insect's hood. "I thought you were monsterkin too...?"
"But but boomy stuff! Boomy stuff is always amazing!" Laani spoke even as she walked to the wagons, carrying the bundle of clothes she wore into the palace and towards the wagon.
"Zizth, Mona is a harpy, and a very... talon-ted alchemist." Kaylia grinned at the cloaked figure.
"I am Zizth.," says Zizth, her face obscured by the scarf, only her eyes and surrounding features on display. "No. There are no harpiez in the desert. That I zaw anyways." She loos over at the Doctor and look at her blankly, clearly not getting the pun
Mona groans, smacking her face with the claws on her wings. "That was bad..." she muttered, before focusing on Zizth again. "Odd. Though I guess not everything can live everywhere," she comments with a bit of a light smile. Jewel shrugged and flopped onto the tail end of the wagon with a yawn. "So, one wagon and a few horses. Do we even got one for the big guy?" she asked, thumbing towards Halfdan. He simply grunted in response.
"I do not require a horze. They are zlow and lumbering. Cannot even zcale a cliff. Mona doez not require one either.," says Zizth simply, standing up again, watching around, "Harpiez... Harpiez zeem good."
"I can fly and wont need a horse." Looking at the others curiously.
"Horse horse? Can someone lift me up onto one of them? If you can, then I can ride one! I just weeelll, can't get up on one of them easily." As Laani looked hopefully around.
Alkaia nodded and easily picked the little goblin up and set her on a horse. The dragoness being stronger then she looked.
"AIE! HEY! Say something don't just appear from nowhere behind me and lift me up and plop me onto a horse! My hearts beating a mile a minute!" As the goblin dramatically held a hand to her chest, pressing her cloak downwards and revealing more of her curves for a moment as her overcoat pressed inwards. She settled in on the horse awkwardly. Her feet and legs too short to properly fit into the stirrups.
Kalia bows slightly. "I can ride, though I am more used to the constructs of my home, I admit." As if to emphasize, she thumbs her necklace and the many glowing crystals hanging from it. Jewel sighs a little bit, her tiny wings flicking behind her. "I can't talk you all into letting me ride in the wagon...?" she asked, her tone obviously expecting the negative reply. Mona flushed lightly, her feathers fluffing up a little. "Well, I do know that some of my nestmates were a little on the grouchy side..."
"Hrm. Would you prefer a pony, Laani? I'm certain our friendly ((insert name of aide)) can make the arrangements. Or a war dog, perhaps?" Kaylia looks to the goblin on the clearly too-big horse.
Alkaia grinned. "Sorry."
Looking at herself on the large warhorse that made Laani look positively small. "Doggie. War Doggie. I think I'd hurt myself If I got off. . . I don't need to be bruised or worse, have a bad fall from dismounting!" As Laani begin to slowly edge herself off of the horse, one leg helplessly kicking in the air as she tried to touch the ground, kicking the air and trying to stretch and touch the ground.
"Then Mona iz good.," shrugs Zizth, nodding, looking to the tiny wings on Jewel, blinking a bit. "Your wingz are little. Why?"
She once more picked Laani up and set her gently on the ground. Grinning all the while.
The aide, who had been hanging around, manages to get ahold of a small pony and bring it around. "I apologize, we had originally planned for you to take all the carts but if you want to roam horseback this should better fit the goblin." Jewel shrugged. "Jus how I was born, yaknow? Not all cubites are alike and all that. Some have big wings, some have big boobs. Stuff like that."
"I also think that Halfdan would make the best wagon-driver, for two reasons--one, he's probably the most intimidating-looking among us, and two, I'm not sure I trust a horse to carry someone that big. I think Jewel should ride shotgun, so to speak."
Zizth blinks in confusion, looking between Alkaia and Jewel. "...Zhe zays zhe'z a cubite. You look nothing alike. Are you diffrent caztez?"
"I am half cubite and half dragon." Wandering over to Zizth and Jewel.
Zizth adjusts positions to maintain some distance between her and Alkaia. "Oh. Okay." She guess dragons were lizards.
Being picked up once more and plopped onto the groudn had the goblin nodding imperiously, having expected something like this with the show she was putting on! "Thank you very much! . . . When did you change?" The goblin gal asked a bit cluelessly at Alkaia. With a pony brought around, Laani quickly skirted around the pony to the front and staring at it in the eye. "Hmmmm. You'll do!" As the goblin gal quickly begin saddling down the pony with her gear before saddling up onto it herself with some practised ease. It was just the right height for her!
Halfdan smirked a bit. "Should hold up, used to run wagon trains for a while once, but that was several dozen pounds lighter" he mused. Jewel seemed relieved at hearing she wasn't gonna have to touch a horse saddle for one reason or another. "Musta been one kinky dragon," she muttered.
"While you were gathering your stuff and getting ready."
"Oh. Why did you change? Do you expect us to get ambushed by monsters? Or bandits? Oooh! I hope we get ambushed by gnome bandits! Their always fun to watch them cry when you break their stuff in front of them!" Laani spoke happily.
Alkaia grinned at Jewel. "From what I hear, it was my mother who seduced my father out of his cave." "Just wearing armour just in case. Can never be to safe once we are outside the walls."
Zizth blinks, looking between the two Cubi blankly before wandering over near the front of the caravan, itching to exert some energy
"Yup, sounds like a typical Cubite. Makes anything with boners squirm if they sashay wrong, or right depending how ya word it. Luckily, I got groupies and birth control herbs for daaaaaays..." Jewel idly mutters, flicking her tail lightly back and forth. Mona shifted her position on the roof of the wagon, her talons holding her still with a hum. Meanwhile, Kalia has gotten onto a horse as well, comfortably riding sidesaddle while the golem moves next to her, and Halfdan as shifted from the wall to sitting onto the front of the wagon, his sword getting slid into the wagon with the hilt facing him.
"So we have Halfdan and Jewel riding wagon, Kalia and myself on horseback, Laani on pony, Zizth on foot, and Mona and Alkaia flying. Can your golem keep pace with horses, Kalia?"
Alkaia chuckled. "I know that feeling. I start dancing and I have at least one meal for the night."
"We don't really have any groupies here, but... I'm sure you guys will... figure out an arrangement. Speaking of which... this is an indelicate subject, but it should be mentioned." Kaylia fidgets uncomfortably.
"Our feeding arrangements?" Grinning widely at the human.
"Shouldn't be a issue," Kalia stated, patting the smooth head of the construct, the lines of energy on the darkened stone seemingly flaring brighter at her bare touch. Halfdan huffs and takes the reigns of the wagon, glancing around at the ones on horseback. "Very well then, may as well get arrangements out of the way before we get too far."
"What arrangements? Like feeding the cubites? How to feed them? I think they know how to feed themselves." Laani piped up.
"Well, it's just that following your... feedings... your benefactor is generally useless for a few hours while they recouperate. I want to ensure that it's only... one person at a time. And someone who isn't on watch that night. After all, we need to stay safe at night, and we're traveling in the wild." She fidgets more, blushing. "I don't care whom you choose, as long as it's mutual, but let's keep it safe. I also have... birthcontrolserumsifanyoneneedsthoseduringthetripokayi'llshutupnow." She stares at her feet.
Zizth listens, though gets half of it. "I will keep watch."
Alkaia grinned kindly at her. "We can likely alternate nights. Though we will be more raveness when it comes to our turn it will be do able. If that person is willing to sleep soundly for that night. Who is willing to sleep with either of us for sustenece?"
Halfdan chuckles lightly. "I'm sure they can survive long enough to last the occasional tavern visit on the way." Jewel herself pipes up a little, waggling her finger. "Don't worry, I'm good for now!" Naturally she doesn't elaborate, probably for Kaylia's benifit. Mona just looks confused, raising an eyebrow.
Kaylia clears her throat. "So," her voice comes out as a squeak. "So." She regains control of her speech. "We ready to hit the road?"
"Yez. Let'z go.," says Zizth, seeming full of energy
"Don't count me in on that! I'ma be tinkering around late into the night and into the morning! I like making stuff late at night." As the goblin gal kept sitting on her pony.
Alkaia shrugged and took off into the air above the wagon. Happily spinning through the air.
Zizth gives a chitter of impatience, walking up and scaling up the gates easily, planning to go over them and wait on the other side.
Kaylia gives her horse a slight nudge with her heels, and Brisco County, Jr. begins an brisk walk down the road.
Halfdan nods, and with a snap of the reings, he urges the horses onwards. Jewel yelps a little as the rough wood starts off under her, and quickly scurries deeper into the wagon, and Mona quickly taking off as well to quickly soar high overhead. Kalia's horse soon follows, with the golem trailing in time.
"Alkaia and Mona, it probably makes sense for you two to take turns scouting ahead, since you can fly." She smiles at her winged companions.
Laani hitting her heels against the ponies side, pressing the powerful, golden brown pony forward, causing it's bell reins to jangle.
Alkaia nodded. "Alright. I will scout ahead first then." Swooping down and flying ahead of the wagon.
Zizth watches the group emerge from the gates and proves her speed, darting ahead to watch about and burn energy, the cloak flying up as she breaks into a full run, revealing her abdomen and curvy but muscular body and swords as she bolts off, though falls back when she ranges too far, generally stalking and scouting about the caravan, watching for threats about on the road.
Mona gives a nod as well, simply keeping level with the group as she catches a updraft to drag her upwards.
Alkaia gave Zizth a whistle and a wave to show that she had someone watching from above as they ranged ahead.
Zizth bristled and glared up at Alkaia, but there was nothing she could do about it.
Kaylia scans ahead occasionally with her spyglass, and consults her map. Apart from that, she gets to know Kalia, Halfdan, Jewel, and Laani a little better. As she's still in heat, though at the end of it, she "volunteers" to feed Alkaia that night.
Zizth noted she needed clothes dyed to blend in with her surroundings better.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Part 2 - Camp Shenanigans is Best Shenanigans
Session - 1
Location - Transit to Swampedge, Kalifer

Kaylia finishes setting up her tent, as the party settles down for the night. She was quite pleased with the team so far, despite the rocky start between Alkaia and Zizth. Still, the lingering effects of her heat had given her an itch she couldn't scratch properly on her own. She looked about. "Alkaia, you got a minute? I could use some help with these armor straps."
Zizth, once camp is made roams about in the dark, keeping watch.
She smiled at the good doctor and nodded. "Must be hard riding in such tight clothes." Undoing the straps happily.
"Oh, it's hard. Very hard, sometimes." A wild glint appeared in the weretigress's eye, and her claws protruded ever so slightly. Her armor undone, she pulled off the upper part, revealing a drow-silk bra over her ample bosom. She looked at the half-dragonkin, her expression hidden in the evening's shadows.
She gave her a kind smile. "All better now?" Watching her curiously, her eyes briefly flicking down to her bosom.
"The lower buckles are tricky, too. Would you mind?" The woman indicates the buckled front of the lower armor portion, clearly within easy reach of the weretigress.
She smiled faint;y. "It take so much effort to get ready. Must be quite the burden every morning." Pressing her large leather clad bosom against Kaylia's back as her hands trailed down her stomach to undo the buckles of the skirt.
Kaylia turned to face the seductress, a sultry smile playing across her lips, even as her leather pants fell down around her ankles. She kicked them lightly off to one side. "What really takes effort is playing nice when you've got a naughty woman teasing you. That takes hard work." She gazes into Alkaia's eyes with a smouldering expression.
She smiled as she trailled a hand along Kaylia's side. "Aw, and here I was thinking of teasing you through to tomorrow." Letting her fingers brush against's the side Kaylia's bosom.
The werelioness seems to shift slightly, taking on a slightly more feline aspect, a furry tail sliding down and teasing the inside of the half-dragon's left thigh. "What are you saying? Are you telling me that after all this..." leaning into the fingers on her bosom slightly, "you're not hungry?"
She chuckled as she traced her other hand to lightly brush against Kaylia's tummy. "Oh I am. But I never listened when my mother told me not to toy with my food." Her tail moving to lightly brush against the werelioness' tail.
Kaylia leans in closer, so the dragonkin can feel her hot breath against her neck. "And your mother... did she teach you how to respond when your food... wanted to play with you?" A single claw traces its way down the side of Alkaia's abdomen and hips.
She smiled as she arched her body into her. "She did." Watching as she undid the buckles of her own armour and swiftly leaving herself bare and only in her g-string. "She taught me to play with them."
The woman gives a slight purr as she presses herself against the cubite for a moment, almost surrendering to her heat. At this point the smell of her estrous is rather apparent. She whispers in Alkaia's ear. "And do you know what a lioness does with HER food, my dear?"
She grinned as she lightly ran her hands down the eager kitty's back. "No, but I am quite sure you are going to show me." The lioness beginning to smell something odd about the dragoness.
Kaylia whispers in a low tone. "We pounce." As she pronounces the word "pounce," Kaylia gives a sharp shove, tackling and pinning the half-cubite on the ground. She straddles her "prey," a predatory gleam in her eye, and runs a clawed finger along Alkaia's left breast, sliding it gently over the nipple.
She let herselft get pushed down. Smiling up and wiggling a moment as she felt her nipple being teased. She slid her hands up Kaylia's stomach to gently grope the werelioness in return. Her fingers lightly flicking the nipples.
The werelioness leans in with a soft growl, grazing her fangs against Alkaia's neck, but not hard enough to puncture the scales. The clawed finger continues its downward trail, sliding down the half-dragonkin's belly, as another clawed hand held Alkaia flat on the ground.
She smiled up at Kayllia. "Seems you are getting quite eager." Letting her hands slip beneath her bra to fondle and tease the kitty's bosom. She shifted her hips slightly to give her better access to between her legs.
"Don't get used to it, my dear dragon." She nibbles at the sorceress's neck. "I'm a lycanthrope in heat. Usually I'm quite happy without all this hot" *nibbling* "sweaty" *nibbling* "business." Her finger continues its downward trail, slipping between Alkaia's legs, but only teasing in the proximity of her womanhood, not making direct contact yet.
She smiled at her. "Though I guess you are in for quite a surprise." Giving a soft moan as felt the finger trail lower. Something pressing against her rump as she straddled the dragon.
Kaylia moans at the contact, then teases her finger about Alkaia's lower lips, sliding over but not into the slick, hot entry. She grasps the cubite's left breasts in her other hand, bringing her mouth to it, her rough tongue sliding up over the exposed nipple.
The were lioness would find a swelling shaft above a moist slit awaiting her fingers. Feeling her suckle from her nipple, she gave a soft moan and arced her body into her mouth. Her hands continuing to tease the were lioness.
"Hrm... interesting." Kaylia growls huskily at the seductress. "But not yet. First... you need to feed." The werelioness reverses her position, placing her soaked dridersilk panties directly above the cubite's face, and reached out with a supple, clawed hand to grasp at the shaft directly, a hungry look in her eye. Her lips hover near the phallus, slightly open.
She smiled as she shifted her panties to the side. She leaned up and began to lightly lick the outer folds of Kaylia's eager pussy. Alkiaia's happily swelled up to it's full eight inches. Small little bumps running from the pointed tip to the bulb at the base.
"Hrm... never seen one quite like this before." The lycan grasps it in her hand, pulling softly until a drop of pre-cum forms on its tip. Her rough tongue softly flicks it up, as her hand continues its measured stroking. The were moves even closer, her breath teasing the cock as her lips hover just millimeters away.
Her tongue lapping up sweet almost candy like pre from the tip. Another bead forming soon after and running down slowly. Her shaft twitching as it felt her warm breath. Smiling she lightly licked Kaylia's little pleasure buzzer, before sliding down to lightly squirm it's way into her moist folds.
The lioness moans at the cubite's ministrations, then leans forward to gently lap at the tip of the cock before her, one hand still gently pumping at the shaft. A clawed finger from her other hand finds its way to the seductress's anus, digging slightly into the opening.
She shivered slightly at the finger entering her rear entrance. Her finger quickly getting moist from the juices leaking from the dragon's own pussy. Moaning into the were's pussy, she began to thrust her squirming tongue in and out of her. Her on hand moving to brush aganst her lips before sliding up to tease at the were's own rear.
The lioness's juices are gushing out over the cubite's face now, and she begins to lose control over her reactions, her hips humping at the tongue of their own accord. Her lips slide forward, capturing the studded cock in their warm embrace, as her finger slides into the cubite's rectum, pressing slowly inside of the seductress.
Her lips were welcomed with even more sweet tasting pre. Her finger easily slipping in due to the dragoness' leaking pussy. Her moans coming in time with each pre eaking twitch of her shaft. Burying her face deeper between Kaylia's thighs, she used her moans to vibrate against her.
Kaylia begins working at the shaft in earnest, taking more in her mouth with each movement, coughing for a moment as it reaches her tonsils, then supressing her gag-reflex to deepthroat the gifted cubite. Her finger wriggles inside the cubite's ass, and she desperately humps at the tongue beneath her, needing the release that the vibrating tongue promised her, coming close to the edge, so close...
Feeling herself get deepthroated, the eager kitty was awarded with a very large amount of sweet cream exploding down her throat. The cubite giving a muffled moan and scream. Her tongue going wild inside of Kaylia's depths.
The werelioness gulps as fast as she can, sputtering, but then loses all control as she reaches her own climax, her juices covering the face of the seductress beneath her, shuddering and growling uncontrollably.
She can feel something within herself grow warm a moment as she rode out her climax. After a moment, Kaylia would feel her depths once more probed by the squirming tongue. And the shaft in her mouth remaining rock hard.
Even as her orgasm was fading, the lioness shifted, placing one clawed hand firmly but gently on the cubite's slender throat. "Don't move, my pet." She moved her body around, straddling the cubite's phallus, rubbing her lips against the base of the shaft. "It's time for my main course."
She smiled up at her. "Are you sure? With your heat and my additions, you are likely to take before you can stop it."
"I use drider-silk panties AND birth control serums. No quest-babies for Kaylia." She smiles, leaning down to nip at the cubite's right breast playfully.
"You sure? We will wind up locked together out of reach of them."
"Well if we're gonna get locked together for a bit... maybe we should take this into my tent." Kaylia leans back and opens her tent door, beckoning the seductress to crawl in first.
She smiled. "I am fine here if you are." Thrust up to brush against the were's lips. Pressing her tip at her entrance.
The werelioness grins and eases her burning snatch onto the phallus, savoring every millimeter of the studded cock. She maintains her grip on the cubite's throat, snarling softly as she slides down the length of the rod, her other hand lightly pinching at the sorceress's left nipple.
She moans softly as she left her lover slowly impale herself on her. Her hands reached up to free Kaylia's bosom from it's bra, letting them hang free as she returned the pinch with two back.
Kaylia moans slightly as she reaches the bulb, easing back up almost all the way and then back down. Her instincts are taking over, the need to be bred, to feel hot seed spilling into her body, but she continues to move slowly, teasing herself worse than she's teasing her prey, her need dripping down the shaft and onto the cubite.
She moaned softly at the slow thrusting. She began to roll and move her hips in a circle as Kaylia continued her slow thrusting. Her one hand continued to fondle a breast, her thumb and forefinger twirling a nipple. Her other hand slowly slid down her belly to where they were joined. Her fingers seeking out the kitty's little buzzer.
The werelioness's body bucks, betraying her as Alkaia's fingers brush against her clitoris. The heat of her opening is warmer than most creatures the seductress has been with. She bites her lip, whimpering with desire, and begins to move faster, riding the cock beneath her, but not yet taking the bulb, allowing it to inflate somewhat first.
She smiled up at her. "Go on, sound out your pleasure with joy." Emphazising her words with a thrust, letting her feel the knot swell and twitch slightly. Her fingers beginning to pinch and roll her clit in the hope of encouraging her to scream.
Kaylia snarls. "It'd take a big, bad lion to make this kitty REALLY make noise." She growls, continuing her measured strokes, though a little more emphatically as the cubite teases her button.
She smiled as she began to thrust up into her, meeting each trust. After a few thrusts, she felt the knot swell up some and beging to prevent her from taking it fully. "Aw... Such a shame, seems you can't take it all." Her thrusts slowing as if she was about to stop.
The werelioness growls huskily. "Oh, you think so?" Panting, she presses herself down upon the knot, her pussy straining, stretching to take it. She eases back upwards, then impales herself with a little more force, forming a deliciously tight band around the knot, the lioness gasping as it nears the middle-point... then with a slorching sound, the knot is swallowed up by the lioness, tying the lovers together tightly.
She moans out as she feels herself once more fully in her. She began to grind up into the werelioness. The knot beginning to grow now that it was inside her. Her fingers continued to play with Kaylia's clit to help ease the swelling of the knot as it grew.
Kaylia's movements are reduced to shorter, jerky movements, riding the succubus beneath her. All semblance of humanity is abandoned, her body shifting into a hybrid werelioness form, and she growls as she holds down her mate for their lovemaking, still pressing down firmly but gently on the cubite's tender throat.
She moaned softly as he shaft began to twitch. Her knot getting larger then an apple before finally stopping it's growth. Her grinding causing the knot to shift and move, preshing against her hot walls. "Go, scream for me." Rubbing Kaylia's clit harder to emphasize her point as her shaft twitch once more, signalling that it was close to seeding her.
The werelioness's growl turns into something half-moan and half-roar, shuddering her way through the first of a set of orgasms, her walls spasming around the bestial phallus trapped in her warmth. Her hips buck, but are unable to move more than a half-inch, connected as they are to the warm body beneath her.
Feeling her lover's tight tunnel contract around her, she gave a roar herself as her knot stoped swelling. With a grunt and a thrust against her, she unloaded an even large load of seed into her depths. Her tummy quickly growing warm from the large amount. Her deposit trapped inside the willing kitty, with no where to go for now.
Helplessly caught in her own mating instincts, Kaylia grinds her hips hard against the cubite, one fist pounding into the earth next to Alkaia's head to emphasize her pleasure. The lioness continues to hold her lover down, thrusting her pelvis against the dragonkin repeatedly, unable to cease her body's movements.
She gave another grunt as she gave another small load up into the squirming kitty, having a small climax from her movements.
Zizth was patrolling and on watch, before hearing the sudden loud roars, ran back to the source of them, drawing her sword and bursting into the tent, skidding to a halt in confusion at seeing the lizard shamen mounted by some fuzzy thing. This was the Doctors tent though... "...Did you turn the doctor into that?," asked Zizth warily, pointing with the bronze cutlass at the scene in front of her.
She gave a soft moan as she shifted to turn her attention to Zizth. "No... This is he other form." Mianing as she shifted about under Kaylia and thrusting into her a moment and making her breasts bounce.
The lioness was initially deaf to the inquiry, her hips continuing to work through yet another orgasm, tongue rolling out of her mouth as she savored the sensation of being so filled with a mate's seed.
Zizth didn't know what the hell was going on but the cat thing looked like she had no mind there, jsut drooling and panting. Zizth glares, tightening the grip on her sword. "Doctor. Are you in there?"
Having filled Kaylia to near burst, she sighed as she relaxed back into the ground. Magical runes appearing on her body as Kaylia felt her energy seeped out of her and into her lover. Leaving her with a tired and very pleasant feeling in it's place.
The hybrid lioness has a glazed expression at first, then slowly focuses on the insectoid female. "Rrrrr-oh, Zizth. Yesh... yesh, I'm heeeerrrrre." She gives the broodqueen a leering grin, looking almost drunk in her state of euphoria. The smell of heat and rut permeate the tent. "Sorrrry. Should have told you I'm a... werrrre-lioness."
Zizth frowns, looking at the doctor, even as she shuddered, feeling weird feelings from the scent. It seemed like some sort of trap. The doctor even acted like a slave too. Zizth hissed and slipped out. Under most circumstances, she;d likely have attacked the lizard to rescue the Doctor but in this situation it was obvious there were factors she didn;t understand. So she decided to go ask Mona if she was over reacting.
She pulled Kaylia down to her large bosom, and let her use them as a pillow. "Get comfy, we will be here a little while." Kind of hoping the sides of her panties had not slipped up into her as well during their mating.
Even more tired than usual after mating, Kaylia lays her head down upon the cubite's bosom, and is blissfully snoring within moments, content to be tied to her chosen mate.
She couldn't help but chuckle softly as her lover was soon asleep. She lightly rubbed Kaylia's back while she waited for her knot to deflate. Being much to energized to sleep now.
After a few moments, Alkaia left cast a small spell on the sleeping kitty. Letting a warmth fill her and making all her muscles to relax. Helping to prevent stiffness and soreness from taking something so large as her knot.
Mona grumbles quietly, stirring in her tent as her feathers fluff slightly with the noise next door. Also sleeping in her tent is Kalia, with the golem creature resting outside of the tent at the other entry, keeping a constant vigel into the plains around the small campsite
Zizth slips into the tent and prods Mona, surprised everyone was still asleep. Such noise could have meant great danger and they rested through it? They;d not live long in the desert.
Mona blinks a little, her eyes hazy. "Whu's going on, some sorta wildcat stuck in a trap or somethinm..." she mumbles partly into her pillow. Kalia is clearly a deep sleeper, giving only the idlest of stirrings at the amount of noise from nearby.
Zizth noted that the other shaman slept deeply before looking at her. "Alkaia turned Doctor into a zuzzy thing then ztinged her groin with a hidden ztinger that'z made Doctor into a drooly vacant mind zlave. Or I am wrong. Am I wrong?"
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

The harpy gave a very squint-eyed blink, kinda giving a look of uncomprehension. "Wut...? C-can't this wait till mornin' Ziz? You sound like you need some sleep too, probably isn't a major concern..."
Zizth frowns and scoops up the harpy under an arm and starts walking for the next tent over, not having patience for this when someones free will was on the line.
Mona gave a loud squeaking noise as Ziz suddenly grabbed her. "H-hey! Leggoz! I want back with me pillow!" she whined, her wings flailing and flapping half-heartedly at the bug.
Zizth grabs the pillow and walks off with it too before opening the other tent where the other two are. "Am I wrong?" She repeated.
Alkaia looked up with a wave at the two. "You will have to wait a little bit if you need me. I am tied to her at the moment." Still gently carressing Kaylia's back.
"Zee. Zhe bound her will to her own."
Still in werelioness form, Kaylia is snoring and drooling a little on Alkaia's right tit, her right hand absently clutching the other breast.
Mona's wings keep bapping at the bug. "H-hey! Don't drag me into this, what are you.." she started in at Ziz, only to glance into the tent, eyes widening and widening while her face grows redder and redder. Nearly instantly after, her talons kicked forward, trying to push herself free. "Gah! You choose the only virgin monsterkin out of an entire town to ask a question like that?!?" If anything, she looks hurt, confused, and just ready to fly away.
"Her mind is her own. We only made love to each other. Though it seems like she doesn't know either." Frowning as she looked at them. "Do you need the birds and the bees explained to you?"
"I don't know what a virgin iz. Iz that relevant?," blinks Zizth, frowning at the struggle, before letting the harpy go and handing her her pillow. "You do not know then? I zuppoze I muzt go azk zomeone elze if I zhould execute her for zlavery." She let's the harpy go and heads over to go try talking to the big human warrior this time.
"Sorry about that Mona. You can go back to sleep now." Gibing the harpy a kind smile. Despite the fact that both of her breasts were on display to her.
Mona doesn't even take time for her to grab her pillow, a fluff of feathers sending her skyword faster than one would expect. Halfdan didn't worry about a tent, having just leaned up against his sword, stuck in the ground and uncovered finally, letting the large blade fully on display.
Zizth didn't understand Mona's reaction and went over with the pillow and tapped Halfdan on the shoulder. She saw humans do that sometimes.
Halfdan stirred, clearly a lighter sleeper than the Helius woman. He turns to face the source of the poke with his head. "Mmmgh? Is there danger afoot?"
Halfdan paused a little as he heard the information, before letting out a dry chuckle. "Oh dear, this talk again... Actually two talks, but that's another story. First off, about the Doctor, I am assuming by a 'fuzzy thing' you mean she appeared closer to an animal?"
"Maybe? Not one I know. But I don't know many thingz."
Halfdan shrugged slightly, and lifted up his arm. Staring at it a little, it would look naturally human for a moment. However, slowly black fur would course over his arm, his fingers growing longer, darker nails. "I'm assuming then you are referring to a werekin at any rate... See, some of us, whether by blood-borne or a incident or another, have a little bit more... beast in our veins than we like to admit. As the moon wanes, it is beneficial, and sometimes even useful, for us to allow the inner beast to walk. But should the moon wax, it becomes nearly uncontrollable what state one can be in.
Zizth nods and looks at his arm curiously but without fear. "Oh. Zo it iz her then. You have zingerz like me.," says Zizth, lifting up her own hand and showing her short sharp claws
Halfdan nods, letting the feral changes revert a little. "As for the rest of your question, I am assuming you caught them mid-coitus, and judging from your tone you have never had sexual experiences during your lifetime. Considering our dragonkin companion is a cubite, I highly doubt she has either enslaved or addled the good Doctor's mind at all."
"Coituz? I guezz not? Cubite can't do that?"
"I'm saying that because I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to do things like that this close to the capitol. And I have never known a cubite to unwillingly find a mate myself."
"People do ztupid thingz all the time. And becauze everyone ezpectz no one will do zo, iz eazy to overlook az not happening.," she says before sighing, "But if you believe I am in error, I zhall let it go. Um..." She frowns a moment, before snapping her fingers. "Ah, yez. Wordz are Thank you, yez?"
"Maybe, but again... I got the impression that Alkaia's a honorable creature. Lecherous and sexual like most of her kin, yes. Dishonorable? I doubt it." Halfdan shrugged again, leaning onto his sword again.
Zizth blinks and frowns. "Dizhonorable? Zhe uzed magic on me to try and change my feelingz.," huffs Zizth, "Zhe knew how I felt about zhamen and zhe did it anywayz. I tell her to leave me alone and zhe followz me everywhere, and then zhe actz like I did wrong..."
Halfdan sighed. "I doubt she even knew she was touching your boundaries. I assume you spent a long time away from humans and other species, so you didn't quite get the amount of education in dealing with them..."
"I told her.," huffs Zizth, "Zhe azked am I zcared of zpellcazterz. I zaid yez. Then zhe goez and doez that!" She sighs, "And yez. I remember... Hatching. Then men. They zay make me feel nize. Zay iz zafe. And then pain. Much pain. zhe uzed zame wordz."
The man's jaw locks up a little, hearing that story. "I see... pathetic creatures, those were. Failures to the species, preying on the weak and unlearned... You have my condolences, unable to learn and grow properly..."
She shrugs. "Zlaverz took me away after. Zlavery took all from me. I only zreed becauze black orcz attacked the caravan and one like me broke chainz. I took the zlaverz weaponz. Now I kill them. I know how zurvive. I know how hunt, how kill zlaverz. Iz what I do. But knowing otherz iz beyond me."
Alkalia lightly kissed Kaylia's head as she slipped out from under her. She removed her panties and cleaned her up before wrapping up the werelioness in her blanket. She settled her undergarment. With a stretch and a grin she slipped outside into the night air.
"They took my wingz, they brand me az Zizth. I take their livez and claimed name az my own. I am Zizth." She extends a leg, tapping at the large 5 branded into her leg.
The werelioness is blissfully unaware of any of this, reverting slowly to her human form as she sleeps the heavy sleep.
Alkaia watched Zizth with the man curiously. Though staying away from them and out of earshot for the moment. She gave him a wave to let him know she was there. Smiling if he reacted to her bare chest.
Halfdan nodded slowly, scratching his chin. "There is much anger in you, admittedly richeous anger for your treatment but anger nontheless. I had to learn the hard way, fury itself will backfire terribly if not vented and controlled. Perhaps it was the Goddess's will that we were to cross paths..." He's a little too busy staring into the woods at present to look behind her at the dragonkin.
"I kill zlaverz, zree zlavez, give them control of caravanz.," nods Zizth, blinking interestedly at the man, "Godezzez? If you zay zo... You had wingz torn off too?" She follows his gaze towards the forest.
"No, no wings. Though considering your species I am sure my own loss could be as grave as such," he remarks, giving a sigh. "Still, if I may... perhaps I can suggest trying to help you? Maybe a bit of a tutorage as we travel?"
Zizth tilts her head. "Tutor? Okay... I do not know what iz. You have lozz. You zay are zame? Then we fight toghether against zlaverz then." She nods, smiling a bit
Seeing that their conversation seemed to be winding down she slowly approached them. "See now that Kaylia is safe and unharmed?"
Halfdan smiled lightly. "By tutor I mean try to teach you more things. So you don't wind up getting confused by other situations that are done different out of the desert. Don't worry, though. Knowing the Nether Cults, there will be plenty of 'slaver' blood to share ahead, should we find them."
Zizth maneuvers around Halfdan, giving an unhappy chitter, glaring at Alkaia, before looking back to Halfdan and nodding. "Yez. I azept. We zhare blood and knowledge. Thank you." She looks back at Alkaia, "Doctor iz not harmed. I ztill do not like you."
Alkaia frowned. "You will see that I mean you no harm in time." Curious to see what her bare breasts caused un Zizth. Looking to Halfdan. "Did you give her 'The Talk'?"
Evidently nothing, as Alkaia's glared at just as much as before.
The large monk simply sighs a little, though he can't help but suppress a friendly grimace as he shakes his head with the confrontation beginning anew. "I gave her 'a' talk. You act like I'd know a thing about such a unique creature's biology."
"Zizth iz heavy, haz hard flezh, zharp clawz, and back part. Oh, and bitez make thingz burn. Zizth climbz and ztalks and huntz and killz.," says zizth, somewhat proudly.
She gave a small nod. "I see. Guess she would need someone more experienced. Though I doubt she will seek advice from me."
"Lizard lookz like food.," huffs Zizth.
"Or at least one who practices regularly," the man mutters almost to himself, before returning to normal voice. "We have several days until we reach our destination, assuming we don't run into issues along the way. I'd hope you two don't try to kill each other until that point is all I'll say on the matter."
"As do you to me." She shrugged. "I could think most things would to your kind." Turning to look at the man. "You wont have to worry about that from me. As you can guess, my interest lays in a different direction."
"Zhe keepz magic to zelf and enzlavez none, then zhe livez.," says Zizth simply, "I do not kill juzt becauze do not like. Iz wazte of energy." She flexes a bit with a grin, "Want to break zlaverz. Watch them ztumble in dark, dizappear one by one. Feelz good."
Kaylia snorts in her sleep, resumes snoring and drooling on pillow.
Looking at the man curiously. "So she really doesn't know anything about her kind besides what she knows of herself?"
"Much like Alkaia doez not know what no meanz."
"I'm sure you're a real winner with traders," Halfdan quips. "But come, tired minds make poor decisions in general. Plenty of time for such speak in the morning over freshly-cooked meat."
"Zome traderz trade. But Zizth haz little to offer. Zizth trade everything for map of not dezert.," says Zizth taking out her map, and showing the crude and not quite accurate thing. "Needed to find king nezt. Waz hard. Never uzed mapz. Yez, I watch. Go rezt. Feed zoon."
"I know what it means. Just only accept it in certain instantances." Looking to the man with a smile. "I don't sleep. Care fore some company to help you sleep?" Watching him curiously.
"Yez, cuz zo honorable.," chitters Zizth derisively, "I watch. Zee well in grey timez."
Halfdan shrugs again, leaning against his sword. "I've slept enough, I can take watch for a while. And thank you but no thanks, my lady..."
"Zizth can;t zleep anywayz. Too ezpozed. No rock hole, Hungry ztorm getz me."
She nodded before she moved to take a seat next to him. "Alright, though the offer will stand if you change your mind." Giving him a smile. "Though I will stay here and keep you company through your watch." Laying down as she gazed up at the sky. "I will be right here if you want to talk."
"The wagon's safe enough. Go ahead, Zizth. Consider this a way to show faith in your comrades for a bit, hrm?" he remarks, shifting a bit to lean onto his blade a little more.
Zizth chitters irritably before making her way for the wagon. "I truzt you all not to eat me. Well zept her. But nobody iz infallible. Not like really zleep..." She mutters the whole way before climbing under the wagon.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Part 3 - Mona is Missing!
Session - 2
Location - Transit to Swampedge, Kalifer

Upon morning's rise, the small campsite would be bathed in the slowly-rising rays in the plains around them. Halfdan was still sitting in the middle of the campsite, the nearly-dead fire smouldering behind him as the rest of the companions began to stir. Jewel in particular gave out a loud yawn from the wagon's interior, while Kalia began to slowly stir. Birds chirped, a few small creatures roamed outside the boundries of the campsite, everything seemed relatively pristine and calm for the nexy day of traveling. And yet, there did seem to be something missing...
Zizth chittered a little, before crawling out from benetah the wagon and adjusting her cloak, before looking around. "...Iz zomeone mizzing?"
Alkaia had crawled back into Kaylia's tent during the night. Having cleaned her while she slept to help ease her likely coming embarressment. She was contently laying under her.
Kaylia opens one eye warily, sees the beautiful seductress under her. Somewhat unused to the effects of cubite-feeding, and with her heat finally over, she feigns sleep for just a bit longer.
Alkaia grinned a moment and happily let the human rest against her. Curious to see her reaction.
Kalia seemed to have finally started waking up, the short jingling of the many crystals on her neck and bracelets heralding her head sticking out of the tent. "Mornin..." she mutters, having slept through the entire events last night. "Anyone seen Mona? Did she go to do her buisness or something?" Halfdan meanwhile was standing up and stretching, a few bones audibly cracking. The wagon echoed a few thumps and bangs, and some curses as Jewel prepped herself for the morning.
Kaylia pops open an eye, regarding the cubite. "You're still here." Less a question than a statement of fact, her tone indicates mild surprise.
"Mona zlew ozz lazt night. Zhe haz not returned. Her zent iz dwindling. I zhall go hunt for her.," says Zizth, looking around and dropping low a bit, "And zor zood."
Alkaia nodded with a grin. "Why shouldn't I be?"
Kalia frowned a little, then glanced around at the current state of the camp. "Something tells me I really don't want to know," she deadpans. "I think we have some food in the wagon, though..." As she gets back out of the tent fully, Jewel also finally came out of the wagon as well, giving a yelp as she flops into the grass due to tripping. "Gggh, I still wish we coulda brought the airship... Not even a good tavern on the road," she whines. Halfdan simply nods to Zizth, moving his sword to his shoulder. "I can accompany you, if you wish," he offers the insect.
The were-tigress grunts. "I need caffeine. I hope that fire's still going." She blearily wrestles on some clothes, stumbling out of the tent to the fire. "Hey, don't put that out yet, I need to make some tea," she mutters to no one in particular.
She watched her put on her clothes as she donned her armour. Crawling out and looking about with curiousity.
"It'z not zrezh." Zizth looks the large man over. "You are very large. Might zcare off prey. Ztill, you mentioned mentoring... Perhapz we can teach other thingz. Let'z go. Zhe zliez zo we muzt hurry bezore the zent blowz away."
She looked over at Zizth and the large man. "Something happen?"
Kaylia shakes her head, blinking at Zizth. "Who's zly... flying? Away? What's going on?"
Halfdan nods, giving a grip on his sword handle and dragging it up from the ground. "Haste in general would be smart, she's been gone for several hours. Even for being upset that's still a long while." Jewel blinked a little bit as she gets up from her tripping. "Yeah, what's going on?" she asks, moving to the group proper, as Kalia starts to stoke the fire back up to cook breakfast
Zizth looks over and clacks her jaws at the sight of Alkaia. "... Mona iz mizzing. I am going to zind her. With Halzdan."
Alkaia frowned and nodded. "Would you like me to take to the air? I may have better luck finding her if she is flying."
"Why is Mona... nevermind. Give me sixty seconds to don my pack, I'm coming along." Hearing about a missing companion had brought Kaylia fully awake, and she rapidly donned her armor, slinging her rifle and gear over her back. "We can leave a couple of our crew here with the tents and gear."
Alkaia nodded and gave her wings a flap to make her hover. "Guess we should hurry before she flees to far away then."
Zizth clacks her jaws again irritably. "Juzt don't zcare any prey off." She looked Doctor over, her seeming to indeed be back to her senses. She looked back to Alkaia. "Ztop zlapping. You're blowing away the zent."
Alkaia took off into the air above the camp. Looking for signs of Mona's passing white Zizth smelled about for her.
Kalia sighed slightly while moving to the wagon, digging around for cooking supplies and so on. "You kids be good, then," she half-teases half-mutters. "Should have food ready by the time you all get back." Jewel bounced around on her heels, looking between everyone, before giving a bit of a nervious chuckle. "I'll help Kalia... yeah, I'll help here. You all have fun now!" Halfdan glanced between the three and nods. "I am assuming it's not gonna be too complex, she couldn't have flown too far away and there's only been sparse tree cover ever since I got to the plains. Finding the one she's flown to couldn't be that problematic, specially if Zizth has her scent."
Kaylia calls up to Alkaia. "Might be a good idea to check back with the base camp periodically--Mona might decide to come back." She turns to Zizth. "Please lead the way."
Alkaia nodded at Kaylia from above.
"I haze everyonez zent.," says Zizth, before dropping low, before moving ahead quickly on all three's, using her other arm to hold her cloak close. She clacked her jaws again. "Thiz cloak ztandz out. Need better color for it. After though."
Alkaia flew above the other three. Keeping an eye out ahead and above for their missing companion.
As Zizth started to move across the short scrubland, she'd almost immediately startle a few birds and other such creatures, her pace being relatively rapid. As Halfdan had surmised, the scent was catching into her nose and getting stronger as it drew towards a nearby clump of trees, somewhat secluded from the main branch of the road where the campsite had been parked. Halfdan was moving quickly behind her, crossing the easy half-mile from campsite to location shortly after her.
Zizth paused to let the others catch up, looking warily at the copse as she sniffed the air, fidgetting a bit. "There. Zhe iz in there..."
Kaylia hustled behind Halfdan, scanning the forest and keeping pace with the other lycanthrope. Stopping, she pulls out her spyglass, examining the clump of trees.
Alkaia circled lazily above them them when they stopped.
Zizth started to cautiously approach the trees, scenting the area before scaling up them, moving from tree to tree carefully. While trees were uncommon to her native terrain, she was used to moving along canyons and tight cliffs and rocky pillars. Truth was she hated moving along the ground in the open usually and this was far more to her liking.
From the outside, the small forest didn't offer too much to Kaylia's spyglass or Alkaia's airiel spying. A small clump of oak trees which had managed to take root in the windswept plains, stretching out for several miles in a haphazard round clump. On the plus side, it would easily provide shelter for a few campsites, but on the other hand, who knew what creatures would call this shelter home? Mona's scent was still strong at least, if anything getting stronger as the team neared the forest, slowly going into the darkened cover of canopys and trunks.
Alkaia landed when they got to the trees. walking along cautiously with the two humans.
Moving up slowly, Kaylia quietly unshoulders her rifle, side-loading a fat bullet and continuing to scan the area.
Zizth scaled up after the scent, moving cautiously as she watched about.
The trees would groan slightly under the weight of the insect pressing along them, the hardened wood not nessisarily designed to take the chitinous mass of Zizth's desert-born form. Still, she wasn't tugging any of them over while they moved, and a few feet into the canopy, they'd notice something, as well as the biggest concentration of the smell yet: A broken branch off of one of the trees, as well as several discarded brown feathers and some flattened undergrowth and moss near the fallen branch.
The weretigress scans the trees cautiously, bringing the rifle to the ready but keeping her finger off the trigger for now.
Alkaia frowned at the sight of the broken limb. She hoped the harpy was okay.
Zizth frowns and get's the feathers, strengthening her memory of the scent before following the broken branch down to where the larva clearly had fallen, watching about for the trail.
Closer examination of the 'crime scene' would offer a few more details. Along the tree Zizth had climbed down had marks not made by her climbing, a few nicks and cuts into the tree about equal to Halfdan's shoulders and chest. Other marks were nearby as well, showing flattened grass and tugged plant life, perhaps the sign of a struggle?
"Zizth, she was clearly fighting whatever it was... can you pick up the scent of her opponent now?" Kaylia continues to keep an eye on the trees, particularly the higher branches.
"This doesn't look good. Perhaps we should hurry."
Zizth gave a quiet hiss as she studied the marks, sniffing them to try and find the scent of the attacker. whatever it was was fairly large. The flattened grass might be signs of dragging. She decided to follow the trail of disturbed under growth.
Alkaia followed after Zizth.
The smell from the mysterious marks was something quite more feral, to Zizth's mind it carried subtle smells similar to Mona, but more... Masculine. Perhaps something that'd twitch something in her mind in a way she didn't like. Halfdan crouched slightly as the they folllowed the dragmarks, tilting his head to try and listen to the forest around them, which was earily quiet now that they payed attention.
Alkaia frowned as she moved along. Letting her nose smell about them a moment.
"Male... Male.. oz her zpeciez? Zomething like her... Makez me zeel ztrange...," hisses Zizth quietly before continuing to pursue quietly, staying low as she moved, watching warily about.
Alkaia gave a sniff herself to try and identify what the other was smelling.
Alkaia may have had more experience with this specific scent: A definate male aroma, tinge of a wild flavor, and a bare tinge to it of something a lot more familiar- pheremones, and a lot of them. As they creeped along the trail, more discarded feathers and matted plant life was found. Suddenly, through the air, came a loud squeal of panic, echoing through the trees before it got suddenly cut off.
Alkaia frowned as she rushed forward heading to the sound of panic.
Zizth hissed as she heard the cry of alarm, before bolting up the trees again and heading towards the source, moving along the upper branches. She may have to hurry but she didn't wish to be seen.
Kaylia slips around to the right of whatever was going on, branching off to come in from the flank quietly.
Somehow managing to not make a lot of noise with the approach, the crew would find a clearing, the sounds growing louder, with muffled whimpers becoming more audable. Upon reaching the edge of the clearing, they found the source: Mona was there, squirming on the ground with two large strips of leather pinning her wings and her light top having been tugged off her small bust. Her legs kicked and twisted, though the creature above her holding her down with it's hand pressing onto her belly and crouched over her face. The large creature was mostly humanoid, with thick course hair and ebony skin, fur over it's legs down to it's hooves and with a large matted mane and beard, two large horns curved from it's head and twisted upwards around. As it stood now, the creature was pushing the harpy down, it's hips held tight to the harpy's face and leaving not much to the imagination what was going on with the buldge in Mona's throat.
Alkaia gave a growl loud enough for the satyr to hear. Her fangs being bared as she moved closer, her claws extending from her fingers.
Kaylia uses a low-hanging tree branch for a gun rest and partial cover, getting a good bead on the beast. Knowing that the others would likely charge in, she scans rapidly for any other assailants and covers the party's approach.
Zizth took a look over the situation and clenched her fists, her rage very much active as she sees the bindings, the mistreatment of the hatchling. the creature was large, so it likely was fast and very strong, but it;s bulk would make moving through the trees a little more difficult. It was also distracted. Still if she attacked now, Mona may get hurt. Of course, any assassination attempt was immediatly ruined by the lizard making a bunch of noise. Well, maybe she could make use of that. she maneuvered so she;d be in the creature's blindspot when it turned towards Alkaia.
The creature stopped, it's pointed ears twitching as it glared over at the dragonkin, the hips that used to be squirming stopping and leaving the harpy sputtering and gagging slightly on his dick. The creature's musk was strong, but nowhere near the dangerous addictiveness of other beastman, while it growled angrily at the dragonkin. More crashing through the undergrowth was coming, however, the noise probably having alerted other Satyrs. Halfdan glared warily at the crashing noises in the forest and darted into the underbrush after one of the sounds, attempting to head off the reinforcements.
Alkaia growled before breathing in a large breath. A moment later, she exhaled a blast of ice and frost at the satyr. Hoping to get him away from mona.
Kaylia quietly curses and loads a magazine onto her rifle--the first bullet was a fat one. The next would be conventional. Keeping an eye open for the other satyrs, she readies a shot at the one raping Mona's mouth... as soon as he pulled out.
Zizth clacked her jaws angrily. Reinforcements. While she had considered the possibility, of course the dragons haste had prevented any checking of such. She clearly had no experience at dealing with slavers. And worse now she was unleashing an attack, an inaccurate attack on the creature assaulting the hatchling! She'd hit them both! Zizth snarled and risked it, using the tree as a spring board best she could she launched herself at the satyr, trying to knock it into the path of the blast to absorb it all and to cover Mona from the splash herself. She just hoped she was fast enough. And that she could get her arms down quick enough not to squish Mona by accident.
Kaylia sees the thrull leaping at the satyr and holds her fire, giving a quick glance behind her for any approaching satyrs and then continuing to cover the party from approaching reinforcements.
The clusterfuck of attacks did at least have one thing, the element of surprise. As the Satyr gave a angry bleat and went to move himself- still holding a grip on Mona's chest, clearly unwilling to let go of it's prize- Zizth's smash into his back cause it to tug back and stumble, the harpy getting released and dropping to the ground, coughing and wheezing as white liquid gushed from her mouth. The satyr a second ago would take the blast of ice, causing it to stumble back and fall over, crystals of ice having formed on it's chest as it went to try and get up. Just then, however, another Satyr charged from the forest, barreling towards Zizth with a angry roar.
Kaylia sees her shot and fires at the charging satyr, using the loaded fat bullet.
Zizth hissed, getting her bearings again after the tackle. It was heavier than she thought. Mona seemed to be ill and throwing up something though. Poisoned? No time to check, another creature was rushing at her. The loud bang of a death stick went off though, making her duck in alarm as she drew one of her swords and hurled one of her javelins at the charging beast.
Alkaia moved to cover the fallen harpy. Her hands beginning and readying a wordless fire spell. Her rune marked scales flaring to life.
The Satyr stumbled as the bullet slammed into his shoulder, but didn't slow until the javelin landed into his chest, giving a grunt as he tugged the weapon free with barely a thought. Before it went to attack, however the bullet's effect started to kick in, the flesh along it starting to balloon from the effect of the mysterious bullet's payload, the creature whimpering as it started to swell to the point it was unable to move. As two more Satyrs leaped from the trees with a angry growl, this time weilding crude iron blades, a massive wolf burst from the trees, giant broadsword held in it's jaws as it collided with one of the charging beasts, getting it's attention and diverting it's trajectory into facing off with it.
Alkaia saw that the new satyrs busy, she unleashed a smal bolt of fire at the satyr that had raped the harpy. Making she she stood over Mona, should something attack her.
Zizth hissed as she got to her feet, watching and hissing in alarm as more came out. However a strange beast came out and confronted them! The blade looked like Halfdans. She guessed that was his full form, sort of like the Doctor's own weird form. Some weird magic was making the beast she struck inflate, making Zizth shudder in disgust. Magic. She decided to distract herself by jumping on the one trying to get up with frost on it, putting all her weight down as she took her second blades and chopped downwards at it;s neck, putting her full force into it to compensate for how dull and dented they already were.
The weretigress gives another quick scan behind her while working the rifle action to bring the next bullet into the chamber, drawing a bead on the last unengaged satyr and squeezing off her next shot.
The creature struggling with the ice gave a terrified goat bleat as the ragged blades held by the bug struck with the power of an avalanche and ripping through it's neck, severing the beast's head as it's body spasmed weakly afterwards. The fireball lit the remaining combatant's head on fire, again leaving to feral screaming that was only added as the bullet struck into the monster's body, leading it to stumble off to one side and drop it's blade. The last Satyr swung wildly at the wolf, who ducked backwards and retaliated by swinging the blade around, letting go of the blade midswing to grip it on the other side of his muzzle.
Zizth snarled and rolled off the beast to her feet and watched about. Halfdan seemed to be engaging one and the other was being taken down. Zizth hissed and moved to flank the one Halfdan had engaged, hacking down at the beasts back.
Alkaia, seeing that the satyrs had been mostly dealt with, she knelt down to free and comfort the likely terrified harpy. Pulling Mona into a hug if she let her.
Kaylia loads another cartridge into the chamber, scanning for any more hostiles and giving another brief glance around her. When she's sure that they're safe, she moves forward to the victim of her first bullet--the satyr should be incapacitated, but alive. And probably scared shitless.
Zizth's flanking would be easy to do, the wolf and satyr's blades clashing angrily against each other before the bug's able to strike back and hamstring the creature, the creature giving a surprised bleat as it stumbled to it's knees, swiftly led with the massive greatsword slamming right through it's belly and clean through it. With a weak gurgle, it grew limp as the wolf dragged the blade three, giving a subtle growl. The creature with it's burning head stumbled back towards the woods, fleeing and somehow managing not to catch the forest on fire. Meanwhile, Mona whimpered and sputtered, finally having managed to clear the beastman cum from her mouth though still looking somewhat out of sorts. Alkaia at least would be able to recognize this as side effects of beastman cum- lethargic, unfocused, possibly suffering slight sexual heat if she wasn't nearly out of breath from having a sizable log of satyr flesh up her throat. Meanwhile, the inflated satyr whined as it's limbs flailed in it's inflated mass, the creature nearly a ball with a few stubby parts sticking free.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

"I will fly her back to camp." Scooping up the dazed and confused harpy. And readying to fly back.
Zizth hissed, watching the fleeing one before wiping the blood off her blades on one of the headless ones, hauling the body onto her shoulder, or trying to, having to drag it a bit with a grunt. "Big. Mona iz poizoned. We muzt bring her back to zazety. Yez, do that. Then we talk." She looked at the inflated one and shuddered in disgust and then starting to walk ehr way back. "I have zood."
"Wow, you are just in a HEAP of trouble right now, Mister Beastman." The weretigress saunters forward to regard the puffed-up satyr, her rifle at the ready. "But you should be able to talk. And if you want a chance at the antidote... before you explode... maybe you'd better tell me how it was that you and your charming companions came across my feathered friend over there." She smiles, a bit carnivorously, at the beast.
Alkaia nodded before glying up into the air. Circling about to orient herself before flying off towards their campsite.
Mona grunted slightly as she was picked up, her face flushed and managing to start looking embarrassed even with her assault and rescue before she was flown off by the dragonkin through the tree canopy. The wolf gave a minor growl at the insinuation at Zizth eating the corpse of the satyr, giving a shaking of it's head. The satyr continued to blubber and bleat in terror as Kaylia's words, seemingly trying to tilt it's head away from it's inflated back.
Zizth looks at the wolf in confusion. "...Not zood? They tozic?"
Alkaia would carry the harpy all te way back. Letting her rest and find comfort in her arms before confronting the ret of the camp.
"Not the speaking type? Damned shame." Kaylia shakes her head. "Relax, you big baby. It'll wear off in a couple of hours." She walks back over to there werewolf and the thrull. "I guess there's not much else to learn here. Back to camp?"
The wolf gave a bit of a growling sigh, before it started to shift slightly, the full wolf's form starting to twist back into that of a muscular humanoid, halfway back human. "Nnnno. It's... not right... for using sentients as food..." Halfdan started to explain once his vocal chords reformed slightly. Mona simply whimpered most the time she was held up, her eyes starting to refocus slowly even as she holds her wings closer to her body and trying to keep away from eye contact with the succubus dragon.
"Why? Zood is zood. They are dead. Iz juzt meat now. You would wazte their bodiez?," frowns Zizth, "I do not underztand."
"Sh... Your safe now." Cradling the harpy to her chest. "You are alright." Comforting her as she flew back slowly so as not to drop her.
Halfdan sighed as he loped to the side of the clearing, grabbing his attire and working it around his wolfen body. "I'm not sure that's the best way to explain this to a creature like you... I am assuming that's what thrulls do with all kills, but us other species do tend to have some respect to opponents. How do I word this..." The harpy continued to tremble against Alkaia, seeminly not willing to say much about what had happened.
Alkaia simply continued to hold the harpy to her bosom. Letting her know she was safe and was not alone.
Zizth tilted her head curiously. "Rezpect? They are zlaverz. They dezerve nothing but the worzt. Well... Maybe not that worzt.," She says, glancing at the inflated satyr and shudders hard again before looking back. "But wazting their bodiez iz rezpect? Bezidez, if we do not eat them, zomeone elze will. Where I am from, any zood wazted might mean ztarving to death."
"Zizth, we generally avoid eating other creatures that think and talk like us. It's close to eating your own kind, what we call 'cannibalism.' Besides, we have plenty of provisions with us." She smiles at the thrull. "No one's going to starve today."
Zizth looks at Doctor like she;s weird. "Why would you not eat each other iz they are dead? Zuch wazte... Maybe not today, but what about later? Zood runz out. You ignore eazily three monthz zood here! I... I don;t underztand you all."
Halfdan grunted slightly, reaffixing the necklace around his neck before forcing himself back to humanoid, quietly sliding the blade back to it's rags. "Perhaps, and I can symphasize, but I admit it may not be a good idea to encourage it. We can assist with provisions, and leave these fools as a bounty for Ashea's needs. I just don't wish to encourage this behavior during this mission, it will drag even more trouble with us to have you poking at the deceased when there is more than enough food along the trail."
Zizth looks at them both, then reluctantly drops the body with a sigh. "Makez no zenze... Zuch wazte, and thiz iz norm out here? Makez no zenze... Letz leave." Zizth sighs and looks at her blades, new dents in the blades. "... I have to hit theze back out again..."
Halfdan gently patted the thrull's back. "I'll have to explain our customs a bit more, it seems. I apologize for confusing you about this," he comments, moving along towards the way they came. Mona's quiet cradling was somewhat interupted as Jewel yelled up at the flying couple. "WHEN YOU'RE DONE PLAYING THE COUPLE IN A BAD ACTION PLAY, BREAKFAST IS DONE!!!" she manges to call through the wind, if anything causing Mona to jump and flush, straightening her top slightly with how well she can reach.
"It's a very different situation out here. We have a much higher abundance of food, so we don't need to resort to... eating others like ourselves. I'm sure it's necessary where you're from, but it's not over here. But I AM hungry." Kaylia's stomach growls in response.
Zizth yelps in a bit of pain at the patting, it hitting the stubs where her wings were, before nodding, pulling the cloa a bit tighter as she went, grabbing two heavy rocks as she went. "We will zee."
Alkaia helped get the harpy presentable. "If you need a shoulder to cry on, don't be afraid to find me alright?" Flying down to the camp and setting her down gently.
Mona simply blushed a little and nods, holding her wings around her slightly as they landed. Jewel blinked a bit at seeing Mona's wings still bound and quietly helped worked the leather belts free. "Beasts snuck up on you? Sucks." If anything it made Mona blush deeper, but she at least nodded at that remark. Halfdan pauses, moving his hand away at the yelp. "Apologies..." he muttered, the crew moving from the wood clearing as they approached the campsite.
Alkaia gave the harpy a kind smle. "Don't worry, it wont go beyond friendly."
"Iz not your fault. No wingz. Torn off by zlaverz. Never healed.," shrugs Zizth, looking over at the camp and seeing Mona, hurrying over with a chitter. "Mona! You are recovered? Don't leave nezt alone again! Not zafe. Okay?"
"Is there tea? Coffee? Tell me you guys made some kind of caffeine." Kaylia digs out her mess kit, producing a clean tin cup and plate.
Halfdan simply nodded in response, not pressing the issue from Zizth should needbe. Mona meeps as Zizth came over and chastized her, giving a light meep. "Y-yes, w-won't happen again," she mutters, blushing again. Kalia nodded, gesturing to some fried ham and a pot of coffee. "Good timing, I see your hunting went well. What was the opposition?" she asked, trying to sound casual.
"Several goatmen. At leat I think they were goat. Or maybe sheep." She gave a shrug and sat down next to Kaylia.
"Good. I am glad you are zafe.," says Zizth, hugging the harpy enthusiastically then setting her down and looking over at Kalia. "Hunting waz bad. Had to leave lot'z of zood behind. Zor reazonz. They were zlaverz and they died like zlaverz zhould." She moved over and looked at the ham. "...It zmellz ztrange."
Kaylia pours herself a hot cup of joe. "Very, very unlucky satyrs. They won't be causing any more trouble." She cuts herself a decent-sized chunk of ham, digging in enthusiastically.
Alkaia smiled as she watched the others eat.
Kalia seemed to raise her eyebrow at the comment of missing food, before Halfdan simply shook his head slightly. "At any rate, I've cooked one of the hams we had, added a bit of spare spice to it as well. Don't worry, I left off the drakespice," she commented with a nod to Alkaia. She slices off a few slices and hands them on a plate to Zizth. Jewel nodded a little. "Sucks when beastman have more testosterone than mental capacity, but I guess not all of them can be civilized." Mona simply took her offering of ham and dug in, chewing through it readily.
Alkaianodded in thanks. "That is good to hear. I don't need to need to get extremely high, and over feed myself on everyone." Looking to Kaylia with a grin. "Right pretty kitty?"
Zizth looked at the meat confusedly before pulling down the scarf around her face, showing off a fairly human looking face, though when she opens her mouth and takes a bite it shows her many sharp fangs and long and somewhat unusual tongue as she feeds, the meat sizzling a bit where she bit it.
"Taztez ztrange. Not inedible though. Thank you, huntrezz.," says zizth, nodding to Kalia respectfully.
Kaylia raises an eyebrow at the obvious dig, then nods at Zizth's... compliment? "I think it's delicious, Kalia. You sure know your spices." She smiles at the woman.
Kalia smiled lightly. "I'm not the best cook, there's a lot of things I usually don't got access to back at home, or the other way around. But still, I know my way to do some basic cooking." Halfdan too dug into a few slices, giving a minor growl during his chewing. "Clearly domesticated meat, I'd have thought the king would have chosen some of the wild boars they keep to the north populated for his table." "Probably just bulk-bought for the wagons," Jewel explained. "Cheaper at any rate, specially if you're sending a half a dozen people on potential wild-goose chases..."
Alkaia simply shrugged. "Though at least it is better then simple trail rations."
Zizth looks to Halfdan, nodding in agreement that it tasted diffrent, devouring her plate easily. "Not much there though. I could eat this whole thing by myzelf. Though iz good to ration it. Hm." She set the plate down and took out the bronze cutlass' of hers, and places the blade on one of the rocks she brought, then started hammering it with the other one, using rocks to crudley hammer the many dents out of the sword best she could.
Kaylia finishes her ham as well, then moves over to the thrull. "You know, I've got a few alchemical honing solutions that you could use to put a slightly sharper edge on your blade. Probably make the metal easier to work, and last longer."
Alkaia went over to check on Mona. Making sure she was alright now that her mind wasn't occupied with other thoughts such as food.
Zizth looks at Kaylia flatly, like Kaylia had just started speaking in tongues, giving the bronze another beating towards a crude dull edge.
Kalia nodded in agreement. "More or less, yes. Trail rations are made to last though, we may need to restock in Bitterwater with how many we have in this crew though. Still, it's workable." Halfdan bent downward as he looked over the cutlasses, watching the swords getting straightened. "Hrm. You're resourceful, I'll give you that," he comments with a wry smile. Mona watched the crew as well a little ways back, blinking as the dragonkin came to sit near her again.
Alkaia remained silent as she sat next to her. Letting her make the first move or sound. Though she let her know she was there fore her by being close.
Kaylia produces her rapier, demonstrating the use of a leather strop to straighten the blade, then treating the edge with an alchemically-enhanced honing oil, scraping it against a whetstone to ensure a razor-sharp edge.
"When have nothing, you learn to make do. Or you die.," shrugs Zizth, "Live becauze I make do bezt I can. And try to make ezzizient dezizions." She gives Alkaia a slight glare before looking back to the Doctor, tilting her head in confusion. "That blade lookz zlimzy. How do you uze it on anything?"
Mona stayed quiet, her talons twitching slightly and pointedly tries to look away from the dragoness's face. Halfdan simply nods again, letting the bug and doctor talk now.
"A thin blade is quicker. In my experience, it isn't the strongest or bravest who win the battle. It's the agile fighter, the fastest attacker, who generally comes out ahead. It takes less than a pound of pressure to pierce flesh, as long as you strike at an exposed area." She continues to hone her blade. "Strength is good, but speed wins most of the time."
Alkaia lightly patted Mona's hand before starting to get up and moving away. Though giving her some time should she say something.
Zizth chitters, looking at Kaylia amusedly. "Ztrength iz zpeed. Need muzlez to move zazt. Your blade iz zharp. but is zlimzy. My bladez znap it like twig. And it needz to ztab. No good if I ztand here." Zizth hops up and stands right inside of Kaylia's guard. "Now zlimzy blade doez nothing and mine still chop good like thiz. Get real cloze, can't put ztrength againzt me, and I can chop and hack."
Mona simply nods lightly at Alkaia's words, her wings holding her tight as Kalia and Jewel finish up a little with breakfast and start to pack the cooking utensils away again.
"If I let you get that close, then I deserve the end that I get." The weretigress smiles at the thrull. "Half of the fight is proper footwork. If you fail to anticipate your opponent's movements, you might as well wear a blind-fold. But I suspect that you and I have very different experiences in battle. Maybe we should practice together at some point, with sticks instead of blades?"
Alkaia gave Mona a reassuring smile. "ISeek me out if you want to talk. Or just need a shoulder to cry on, alright?"
Zizth tilts her head then shakes it. "I would kill you. By azident. And I hit zo hard that a ztick juzt znaps. Zwordz are good becauze they have an edge. Zticks do not zo they juzt znap. And then you znap. Ztill, you zhow me maybe. But am zazt. I get cloze. But I prefer ambuzh. Zneak, look for all enemiz, find onez alone, pick them off, whittle down, lay trapz. Iz bezt."
Kaylia grins at that. "Like my blade, I'm tougher than I look. Don't forget that this is a honed steel blade, which is quite a bit more resilient than bronze." Then she nods. "But I completely agree with you about setting an ambush. That's why I prefer to work with my rifle, from behind cover, at a distance."
Mona simply stayed silent, clearly content with keeping a brave face and learning from her hubris.
"Deathztickz are powerful, yez. Loud though. I am quiet. Pluz I can juzt do thiz." Grins Zizth, before grabbing onto Kaylia and lifting her up and starting to walk off. "Now what?"
Alkaia resisted the urge to hug the harpy again. Instead she wandered over to the camp fire again.
Kaylia smiles. "Now I'd plunge this tranquilizer into your neck when you thought I was helpless. A small stinger with a venom that would leave you unconscious for a short time." She looks around. "But I don't want to use a tranquilizer on you, so um... could you please set me down?"
"And where would you inject me?," grins Zizth, taking Kaylia's hand and placing it on the chitin plates of her neck. "I am all armor." She places Kaylia down with a shrug. "Your knightz pretend to be me, hehe."
Kaylia smiles and shrugs along. "You know better than anyone--everyone's got a chink in their armor. That's why I don't dress like a knight."
Halfdan simply chuckles. "Clearly our broodguard companion is not impressed with your cultured ways, Doctor. A great predator from nature, even if a bit awkward with some of our own customs." Jewel peered over at the discussion after dealing with the cooking supplies. "You guys talking tactics over here? Damn, everyone's been adventuring except me or something!"
"Well, you're on an adventure now. Better late than never, right?"
Alkaia giggled a bit. "Seems that way. Never walked along the ground between cities or gigs by yourself?"
Zizth smiles back. "That'z why they pretend. My armor haz lezz armor in placez but ztill armor. Zpeed iz good, but I am built to carry all thiz. Doez not zlow me down. Still, humanz find wayz. Deathztickz, magic. I do not think lezz of them. They do much I do not underztand and could kill me. Many zlaverz are human azter all." She smiles and pulls her hood down a bit, clearly seeming more comfterble now, her hair more like many spikes flowing backwards, and having a pair of antenna. "All have ztrengthz."
Jewel shook her head and sighs. "You're asking me that, really? Come on, there's monsters, bandits, and bad weather! This is why I got a entire airship of equipment and staff, dangit!" "And none of them are here. Consider this a learning point, really," Kalia comments. "After all, what if you crashed somewhere?" "Um..." she stammers in confusion. "...Call for a mechanic via telegraph?" "What's a telegraph?"
"I think we can certainly agree on that. So would the satyrs this morning, if more than one of them lived to talk about us." Kaylia gives a healthy chuckle, striking her tent and loading her gear into her pack. "Daylight's wasting, though, and we've got some miles to travel today." She climbs atop her trusty steed, Brisco County, Jr.
Alkaia chuckled before she looked over to Zizth and the two humans. "So who will explain to her about the birds and the bees? After what happened today, it may be better for her to know sooner rather then later."
"Beez are small buzzy thingz like tiny me'z. And Birdz are like Mona.," says Zizth, rolling her eyes, before pulling her hood up again and wrapping her scarf around ehr face once more at seeing everyone getting ready to leave.
Halfdan grunted a bit, chuckling at Zizth's comment. "I believe they are referring about reproduction," he added. Mona flushed deeply, finally speaking up a bit. "B-breeding... S-stuff like that..." Kalia meanwhile was working on the other tent, the golem assisting with using one of it's spare arms to hold tent parts.
Zizth looks between the pair like now they were speaking in tongues.
"Yes. Making hatchlings." Nodding at Halfdan's owrds.
"Tell you what, Zizth. If you want, Brisco here and I will keep pace with you for the first leg of the trip, and I'll do my level best to explain what she's talking about."
Zizth shrugs. "Iz it zomething that will kill me if I don't know about it?"
"Well, it won't kill you to learn. And knowledge is power. Better off this way, if you ask me."
"Or your larvae. Are Thrulls like flys?" Looking to Kaylia curiously.
Mona twitched her eyebrow a little and flutters near the bug before glaring into her eyes. "No, but unless you want to learn the hard way in a situation you don't have control over it may not hurt to learn, and even then it may not help," she huffs, crossing her wings and pouting slightly.
"You should come along, too, Mona. Best you learn the rest from someone who's not trying to take advantage."
Zizth looks at Mona confusedly then nods. "Okay. Tell me then." She picks up Mona again and starts walking, waiting for explanations from the two."
Alkaia she nodded before wrapping the harpy up in a reassuring hug. "Don't worry, we wont let that happen again."
Zizth plays keep away from alkaia with Mona. "Get. Bad influenze on Mona."
"Thrulls are more like bees, I think." Kaylia responds to the dragonkin.
"I wouldn't take advantaage. Plus it was you who jumped me, remember?"
Alkaia grinned widely at Kaylia.
"I was talking about the satyrs, my dear dragon." Kaylia gives a small smirk. "I'm sure you wouldn't DREAM of molesting our dear Mona." She lightly digs her heels into Brisco, setting off at a brisk pace. "Besides, we need you scouting ahead, as usual."
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Kalia pushes the tents into the wagon and mounts her own steed, with Halfdan moving to the wagon and taking a second to move the surprisingly still-sleeping goblin into the wagon, lashing the pony to the wagonside, letting the girls talk about stuff themselves. Mona blinks and meeps at the sudden hug by the dragonkin, flushing before hopping atop of Zizth, her talons carefully locating spots to gently grip and hold herself. "I-I know what it is! Just, well... N-not really practiced. Some people seem surprised at that back at town, considering, well..." the harpy stuttered, blushing.
"I do not know what it iz. Zo do not know if practized." Zizth was easy to grip on her shoulders or back, having many spikes and such to easily latch onto. "Zo explain what you know, zo I can protect myzelf and you."
Alkaia nodded with a grin. "Alright." Looking to Mona with a smile. "It isn't that strange. So if you feel like waiting before your first time. Go ahead. There is no need to rush." With that she took off into the air to scout ahead.
"Well. Halfdan's right when he said that this is about reproduction. Most of the advanced species have to reproduce by having sexual relations with each other. They mature with... matching parts. In other words, the 'male' places his 'phallus' inside a matching hole in the 'female.' It's a very pleasurable experience for both partners, if they both find each other desirable." Kaylia waits to see if the thrull is following so far.
Zizth looks to Doctor, then nods. "Okay. Then larvae happen. Zeemz zimple enough."
"Yes. The male fertilizes the eggs inside of the female. But that isn't the only reason it happens. Do you enjoy eating food?"
"I like to live, zo yez?"
"But you don't just eat because you HAVE to... you also enjoy food. It's pleasurable, right?"
"No? Iz I did not need to eat I would not. Be a blezzing really, I ztarved nearly to death many timez. Many, many timez."
"Zo where are your and the lizardz larva now?"
"I see. Well, our bodies are designed to feel very good during the act of reproduction... so sometimes we find ways to enjoy the pleasure of reproduction without producing children."
Zizth looks at Kaylia confusedly. "Reproduze meanz make more zo how do you make more by not making more? It zeemz like that iz wazteful."
Mona twitches slightly, letting the doctor explain the brunt of it before she piped up. "Sometimes, the pleasurable sensation can reach near addiction levels for some species. I've heard goblins and gnomes tend to have it hard, but seeing stuff like those satyrs back there, sometimes it can become all-encompassing. I know back in Herdspire many of the creatures like me looked for husbands and wives at a early age so they could alleviate that problem early, but as you saw... not many outside of them outside of Herdspire do that..."
"Zo it iz dangerouz."
"Exactly right. Some creatures, such as Alkaia and Jewel, are cubites. They HAVE to give into those urges in order to feed themselves. I'm a lycanthrope, as you saw last night, so occasionally my body makes it impossible for me to hold back from sex. But I don't want to have cubs right now, so I take measures to fool my body into not being fertilized."
"And yes, it CAN be very dangerous. That's why it's important to understand it."
"Not really dangerous, more an... itch. One you just can't scratch right. It burns harder sometimes, and I've heard others say it grows to a bigger need the longer you go without if you're a Monsterkin unless you're bearing a clutch. It can get to the point the barest whiff of a beastman could have you mewling on your belly with your tail feathers in the air..." she comments, flushing as if remembering something back hime.
"Zizth doez not know what an itch iz, but that zoundz dangerouz to me. Zo alkaia and jewel feed on larvae zo need to make more, and you ztarved Alkaia. I am not that upzet about thiz."
"Not exactly. Alkaia and Jewel feed off of the pleasure of the act, whether or not reproduction actually occurs. So I DID feel Alkaia last night, but that was also because my body was in heat."
"Zo Doctor iz cold now. Zeemz wazteful ztill. Oh well."
Mona tilts down a little bit to look Zizth in the face, with minor curiousity, if a deep flush from the sex ed talk. "Maybe it'd help if we knew what the Thrull did? I've seen larva from a hive near Herdspire before, but I'm surprised you don't know much about it."
"Well, I'm 'normal' now, I suppose. In better control."
"I come from dezert. Many my kind there but many are taken by zlaverz. They try to zlave or eat me. Iz nature. I am outzider. A threat. Zo they hunt me. I hunt them back."
"Oh..." The harpy nodded. "Sorry..."
"I heard of such slavers, when I was still running with sky pirates. You're a thrull 'queen,' I believe, which means that they planned to sell you to someone who would have you fertilized in order to breed a workforce of thrull. Or an army." Kaylia frowns darkly at the concept.
"Why? You did nothing to me. It'z how thingz work. Thiz land iz ztrange to me. People do not eat food they catch. Hm? Am I?"
Zizth tilts her head in confusion. "But I not make larva zo cannot be queen. Makez no zenze."
"I'd have to check in a library to be sure, but I believe you'd need a male thrull to properly reproduce."
Mona tilted her head a little. "I dunno... she's got the armorstuff for a broodguard I think... saw a few of those helping to keep the hive near home from going nuts and looting our livestock. I remember seeing the various smaller thrull running around occasionally. Had a bad tendency of acting like vermin unless the bigger ones told em not too. Would also explain the lack of breeding sence, really..."
"Oh. Well, then iz moot point.," shrugs Zizth, "I am Zizth. Guard, queen, other, I do not care."
"So... Mona. You've... never had an experience with anyone, before the satyrs?" Kaylia clears her throat, attempting to shift the topic somewhat.
Mona shook her head a little. "I-I never felt like I found the right person. M-most the people I knew were either already with mates or looking for people more... a-attractive," she remarks with a flush. "I-I was a bit more of a runt even by the other harpy's standards..."
"Mona iz hatchling. Zhe waitz til zhe wizhes too. Iz zine. I will keep Mona zaze from zlaverz, and zhe can zind right perzon.," says Zizth determinedly.
Kaylia gives Mona a sly smile. "Anyone who considers you a runt or unattractive is an idiot, Mona. Someone will be lucky when you decide to share that with them. Meantime, why don't you tent with me for now? We can keep each other out of trouble, though I'll probably have to kick you out the next time I'm in heat, for your own good."
"Yez. Mona will be ztrong and good hunter when trained, and then will beat up zlaverz and zind right perzon. How do you know iz right perzon? They right color?"
Mona flushed lightly, her wings flicked around her body again. "W-well, still. Maybes?" At the remark below her, she tilted down. "Well, I guess that depends on how I feel about the person as I get to know them. There's this concept a lot of species has about love, whether it's freely or more of a 'mate for life' sorta thing that a lot of human societies have."
"It's... like a feeling, Zizth. An urge. When it's right, and you want someone, you simply know it. Your body tells you, and reacts towards them a certain way."
Zizth tilts her head curiously. "Iz all new to me. Well, let me know who iz right one zo I don't kill them, okay? I won't have thiz feeling."
Mona tilts her head a little. "What makes you say that? Just because you've mostly been alone before?"
"Thiz iz longezt I've been around otherz ever. But no. Becauze I do not zee a need for more of me iz all. But I will help you find your right perzon."
Mona nods slowly again, giving a pat to the bug's spikey hair. "Don't worry! You'll find the right person eventually as well!"
Zizth smiles wryly, "Iz you zay zo. I ztill have no need to reproduze. One of me iz enough. But now I know what you are doing at leazt."
Mona shrugged, not replying, as the wagon and riders slowly neared the next location on thier path. Swampedge, as the name was, at least was far enough from the edge of the nearby swamps to avoid needing to rebuild it's foundation, with several small buildings assembled from packed mud and stone with occasional timber supports. Townsfolk wandered about, but with the small size of the town, not many people were about, most of the NPCs- I mean, townfolk was in the fields nearby, working crops.
Alkaia landed next to Kaylia and gave her a curious look. "Did it go well?
Zizth looked about, grimacing a bit. "I do not like it here. Zmellz like death. Plant death, animal death, lot's of it. Zrom over there." She points out at the swamp, before noting Alkaia and hisses, moving away a bit.
Kaylia responds, "Yes, I think people have a better understanding. I still don't think she's your biggest fan, though. I'd give her some distance."
Alkaia simply shrugged. "She will warm up eventually. So we spending the night here?"
Halfdan sniffed the air as he looked around. "Rather quiet here. Not many people for a human settlement.
"I think this is our stop for the night, yes. Hopefully we can get a room with decent heating and a good meal."
"I would not know the dizzrenze. Why? You wizh to be with the lizard again? I would ztay cold, iz more ezzizient. But iz your choize."
"Sounds like a plan." Smiling up at Kaylia.
"I... only meant that I'd like a fire in the room. I'll be bunking with Mona for a while."
"Oh. Zay that then."
Alkaia -grinned at her. "Don't want to bunk with me as well? I am sure you can promise to keep your hands to yourself, no?"
"Only one set of wings at a time, please." Kaylia gives the dragonkin a reassuring smile. "Besides, you got some very fine dining last night. Don't get greedy." The weretigress winks.
Zizth rolls her eyes and stretches a little. "Zo you plan to nezt here for the night? Okay. I will keep watch."
She chuckled. "Never said I needed to eat. Though I will need a place to sleep."
Kalia rode up now, the machina behind her eying around the location a bit. "Perhaps we should find lodging at any rate before we go too far. The road ahead goes through the swamps, though I think there's a road that leads to Bitterwater according to the maps I've seen..." Mona tilted her head a little bit, looking slightly less confused as before. "Hey, I know that place! That's like one of the first Abyssite towns after the Rift Wars!"
Kaylia rides into town, scanning for a decent inn for the party tonight.
Zizth watches about as well, pulling her cloak tight and watching extra warily, having to protect both herself and Mona right now.
The town had only a few basic ammendities, primarily a trading post and tavernm beyond that entirely the rest of the buildings seemed like houses and hamlets. Perhaps a interesting sidenote was, minus the main population being mostly Kaliferians, there didn't seem to be any woman wandering the streets. Some of the older gentlemen sitting on the street glared warily at them as they rode through the town.
"Hm.... Seems a little odd. Where are the women." Looking about curiously as they approached the tavern.
"Halfdan, you're from Kalifer, right? Why are the men glaring at us? And where are the females?"
Zizth glares back at them, bristling a bit. "Thiz plaze iz hoztile. We zhould not nezt here. We zhould move on."
Halfdan frowned as well. "Does seem a little odd to not see many ladies. Maybe the Barkeep would know about this better." "Could just be that we also look like half of a traveling circus too," Kalia quips, glancing around between everyone.
"Heh. We DO have the wagon for it."
"Should I ask for a hope and dance for my dinner?"
Despite her bravado, Kaylia descretely unstraps the hilt of her rapier, keeping the weapon sheathed but ready to draw at a moment's notice.
Zizth looks at them all blankly then continues to stand on alert warily. "Don't like it."
"Hrm. I agree. I suggest that we keep our actual mission to ourselves. If anyone asks, we're escorting Jewel on a musical tour."
"Still better to get inside then camp outside. Better and easier to defend should something happen."
None of the men spoke up about it, allowing them to park the wagon near the tavern without incident. Halfdan decided to stay with the wagon, considering Laani was still sleeping inside of it, leaving the rest free to enter the tavern without any issues.
Alkaia would enter the tavern to see about getting some rooms for them.
"Jewel, we're pretending to be your escort. Understood?"
Zizth reluctantly leaves him alone there and follows the others in.
Kaylia follows the dragonkin and thrull into the inn.
Jewel smirked a little bit as she flicks her hair. "I'm under the impression this is why I got stuck with this group in the first place..." she teased, somewhat as she, Mona and Kalia both entered in to the tavern. It was a simple two-floor tavern, with a few tables spread out and the coolness of the stone interior. At the bar, an old man figits with a glass, the white hair contrasting his darker skin tone. When the party enters, he looks up. "Hello strangers, what can I..." he starts, pausing at noticing the party's composition and looking worried.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

"No need for worry, friend. It's your lucky night!"
Zizth watches around warily, keeping her cloak concealing her fully and watching around for danger. Keeping her ward safe.
Alkaia approached the inn keep with a grin. "We would like four rooms please. One being your best one available."
The barman sighed a bit as he lowered the glass off to one side. "I can guarantee that you won't have competition. We've not had a trader caravan for over two weeks, and the visits from the Priestesses have been even later. Considering the trouble around here, I'll even toss in a discount."
Alkaia nods. "Alright. We also have a wagon and some horse that will require seeing to."
"What's the trouble you refer to, friend?"
Kaylia smells a sidequest!
Zizth hears the word trouble and perks up
The barman frowned lightly. "I'm sure you noticed the lack of ladies on the street on the way in. Well, we've either had something chasing off the beastfolk from the north, or someone around here pissed off Ashea and Dicen really terribly. All of a sudden we got a huge herd of satyrs roll down from the Northridge, led by this centaur bloke and his men. They basically got the town on lockdown, ambushing trade routes and anything with wide hips in the area. Even travelers like you aren't safe, I wound up having to patch up a window a week ago because the bastards snuck in and attacked a few cubites from Bitterwater."
"Huh. Guess we will need to be wary tomorrow."
"Zlaverz... Where iz the herd?," hisses Zizth, bristling
Kaylia pulls the party aside for a brief huddle.
Mona's feathers seem to bristle quite a bit as well at this situation. "Great, more mad beastmen giving the rest of us a bad name..." the Harpy muttered, if anything looking even more annoyed. Still, Kalia, Jewel and Mona all join with the huddle near one of the tables, with the Barkeep giving a wierd look at that.
"If they attacked the cubites staying from Bitterwater, I think we could set up a bit of an ambush. We just have to let slip that Jewel is staying here the night. Perfect bait. They try to attack us, but we get the jump on them. Then we make them show us to the base."
Zizth look's confused at Kaylia but follows along. "No. We zhould locate their camp and whittle them down while they are fat and indolent and think they are zafe. We pick them apart, locate leader, take head, and free zlavez."
Alkaia joined the huddle. "Alright. Could work. Though isn't our mission more important. It may just be the cause of the trouble."
"Aye, but if we get them to come after us here, we can set up an ambush. Just like we were talking about earlier, Zizth."
"Ambuzhez are good when you have zuperior knowledge of the terrain and advantagez. They will ambuzh uz, and we don't know how many or where they will attack. Better to go on the ozzenzive. We don't let them notize uz and execute them in their zleep."
"You heard the barkeep, clearly the town isn't safe even in the inn for females," Kalia comments. "Though I'm not sure we can replace a window with our camp storage." Jewel huffs a little bit, pouting a pierced lip. "I don't like the insinuation that all I'm good for is bait!" Mona however, looked thoughtful. "Wait, what if those satyrs from earlier was a part of this..."
"But we can know the terrain here at least a little. If we go after them, we don't know the area at all. Nor do we know whom to look for."
"They likely are. Though it will be much safer inside then out."
"As well as easier to defend."
"All zlaverz are alike. They know of uz pozzibly. They ezpect uz to go along road or camp here. When inztead we hit them. That iz why we zcout firzt, not juzt blunder in. We look for large group of zlaverz lead by diffrent zlaver. We know thiz building. We know not where they come or how many or what time. We know nothing. Going out, we can gather information."
And Jewel, you're better for a lot more than just bait. But even you have to admit that you make EXCEPTIONAL bait."
"Do they even know who zhe iz?"
"They likely do. Very few don't know."
"I don't."
"If she puts on a performance here, they'll want her either way. It's the perfect temptation."
"You being one of the few."
"Well lets do it then."
"You meet everyone now, lizard? Theze zlaverz are not very bright. They are indolent, lazy. Why do we let them dezide the ztage or all the modifierz. Ambuzhes only work if you know what they will do. Thiz iz foolizh."
"Perhaps. But would you prefer being caught in the vast empty plain outside, or in this town between the dark and close alleys and buildings?"
"For all we know, the innkeep works for them. We set out after these brigands and they might have a perfect ambush set for us. Get the four rooms. Tonight, we'll all stay ready in the high-quality room."
"I would prefer to not get caught and get them while they are unprepared, not try and make them do the zame to uz."
"True, we could set up the bar as a impromtue opera house, though I got none of my synth instruments, and all my recent lyrics really haven't... well... Not for this sorta crowd..." Jewel stammers, thinking. Mona fluffs her feathers while everyone talks about this stuff. Kalia crossed her arms and huffed a bit. "If the Satyrs from before survived your encounter, they probably have met everyone but Jewel, Laani and me, so at that rate we at least have those wildcards.
"Zizth, for all we know, they may have prepared an ambush for us already and are waiting for us."
"Zizth, I appreciate your concern... but I think this is a better idea. Let's have Jewel put on a show. If they don't spring for the bait tonight, then we hunt them tomorrow morning. Either way, they'll never suspect that we'll come after them."
"They won't ezpect an offenzive or an azzazzination. They alwayz are on the attack. They raid, they attack, they even come into town. They never are punizhed. They are confident, they know no one will ztop them. They will expect a fight if they attack uz. Thiz izn't an ambuzh, it'z juzt being defenzive. We zolve nothing thiz way, we jsut try to zurvive."
Alkaia grinned widely at them. "Guess I should go get dressed then?"
"No, it's an ambush. I'll set up a sniper tower atop the inn. We'll know precisely when and how they're attacking."
"Can you zee in the dark?"
"Probably not as well as you can... which is why I'll want you there with me."
Mona glances between her claws and talons, as if looking for weapon options. Kalia hums a little bit. "I have a few golem parts I can put together for defensive situations, those would be good for holding them back. I'm gonna assume they're not expecting this many extremely-armed women, as it sounds like they've just raided townsfolk from here."
Zizth clacks her jaws. "I only have two javelinz left. If they come in any numberz, they will cruzh uz. Not to mention if they have magez or anything like that. We need to know more of what we faze."
"Here's the clincher, though: chances are very good that these slavers have eyes and ears in town. If we head out of town looking for trouble, they're likely to know about it before we find them."
"We're in for a fight, regardless of their numbers. I say we set up our ambush here, using the inn as an advantageous terrain."
"Not very advantageouz. We should get Halzdan."
Alkaia frowned a moment. "Still better to face them here then have a spy alert them to us seeking us out." Looking to Mona curiously. "Could you help me out of my wing guards?"
"We will."
Zizth clacks her jaws and heads out back to Halfdan
Mona blinks. "Oh, sure! I can't guarantee my talons will do any better but still." Zizth would find Halfdan standing near the wagon, eying the town with the machina standing behind the wagon, watching the horses.
Kaylia saunters over to the bar. "As I said, today's your lucky night. You've heard of Jewel Antiana, I presume? The renowned cubite performer?"
The barman would blink a bit as Jewel follows Kaylia. "Can't say I have. Most bards that come this way tend to be a bit on the tame side, they know this place is full of crotchety old men," he comments with a bit of a wry smile. Jewel pouted a little, flicking the edge of her vest down a little.
Alkaia lead Mona to a nearby room and let her wings down within her reach. "It will be fine. Once we get them off. We can see about putting them on you in case things get rough."
"Zlaverz take all the women. They are... Zatyz? Led by zentaur. They attack here, road, everywhere. I wizh to ztrike them while they rezt, while they not expect it. Whittle them down. Otherz wizh to wait to be attacked in the inn becauze they zay it iz zafer to let them attack uz in there than to ambuzh them. They zay this iz an ambuzh becauze they are ready for it."
"What iz your opinion?"
"She's only the finest performer that this end of the world has ever seen! Or any of the ends of the world, for that matter! I'm Jo-Jo, her personal manager, and you'll want to let all your patrons know that she's going to be putting on a show tonight!"
"Also, you'll want to make sure that the fancy "fourth room" that you get us is VERY high quality."
Halfdan frowned at hearing the words about the slavers. "So, more Satyrs. Should have expected more of them coming along the place. Hrm. Well, setting up an attack should they know about us is a plan, but I think we could offer a small attack while some of them go to ambush the inn tonight, with the right orginization..." Halfdan's words were interupted as a few panicing townsfolk ran past them, as the clopping of hooves become audable. Mona quietly works with the latches of the wing guards, carefully with her claw tips. "I'm not sure that'll work, our wings are kind of different in designs..." The man smirked a little bit at the reworks. "Most the patrons are kind of hiding, considering all my usual staff has been captured... I dunno, you can try though. I'll be sure the rooms are all ready for you," he comments with a nod. "Trust me, my treat if you all are so willing to stick around this goddess forsaken town..."
Zizth nods, before noting the panicking townsfolk, her clacking ehr jaws. "Already here?"
"It is fine. My wing guards shold protect youurs better then what is guarding them now."
"Jo-jo" speaks loudly enough about the celebrity to ensure that everyone in or near the inn has heard of the famous celebrity staying there.
As the clopping of hooves begins to grow louder, the group might hear one of the townsflok shouting something about a Beastman, and if the loudness of the hooves is any indication, it's a big one.
Zizth hisses and maneuvers herself to the house and scales up the building, trying to get eyes on the danger.
Kaylia also sneaks up top, getting a good vantage point of entrances to the inn if possible, and loading a cartridge into her lever-action rifle. She uses the scope.
The "danger" in question is a very bored-looking Minotaur carrying a rather massive wooden club, dressed in a leather cross-harness, with an iron collar around his neck with a few stray chains hanging loose, and, strangely enough, linen shorts covering what little modesty a Minotaur might have, as he makes his way towards the inn
Halfdan dismounts from the wagon, acting much calmer than his insectlike companion, though his large sword was resting in the driver's seat in easy reach during this time. Mona quietly removed the wing guards from the dragonkin, giving them a once-over. "Idunno, but if you say so..." 'Jo-jo' was literally talking to noone inside the bar, with Jewel looking rather sour at the act as it stood. With Kaylia hearing the comotion, Kalia soon joined outside, the white-haired, lightly-dress woman soon joining what Gar'Luc was first assuming was a statue near the wagon, the cyan energy lines glowing near-white as the owner goes near it.
Alkaia puts her wing guards onto Mona's own wings. "Would you like to use my armour for the coming battle? My scales will protect me from most things."
Seeing that the only apparent threat was a minotaur, "Jo-jo" returns to the bar and begins talking up Jewel's act to the patrons.
Zizth seems to note Halfdan's expression, but what she notes more is the broken chains and collar upon the creature. He also didn't look like the others. Another escaped slave? She dropped back down with a very heavy thud, and walked over towards the minotaur instead. "Hey. You're not a zlaver yez?"
Gar'Luc stops walking, turning to regard the Thrull with a rather bored expression. "Booze." is all he says, before turning back and continuing his walk to the inn, though a keen observer might note that the back of his hands and the first joints of his digits have a rather metallic look to them
Kalia and Halfdan didn't bother the Minotaur as he moved to the Inn, allowing him to enter to the dreadfully empty tavern and Kaylia and a yong Cubite facepalming to herself nearby. Somewhere in the bar, Mona shook her head. "It'd probably be for the best if I just keep out of sight," she says, her head drooping. "I got no combat experience..."
Zizth blinks then walks back to Halfdan. "I do not know what that meanz but he lookz like an ezcaped zlave not a zlaver. They were planning to try and enzure an attack on them, and Kaylia wantz to keep me here becauze I can zee in the dark. Zeemz zilly becauze I can't uze Deathztickz like ehr, so zhe ztill can't zhoot. I'd rather do what I do bezt. Hmph."
"Still would be good on you. I will be wearing my performing outfit and will likely not get caught in my armour so it may as well be used by you. Better to be safe then sorry right?" Pulling out her dancing outfit and beginning to undress infront of Mona. "Need help slipping it on?"
Kaylia pulls Jewel aside for a moment. "Look, I'm not exactly an experienced manager... might be good if you just start performing, let your act begin drawing in the customers."
Mona blushed hard as Alkaia started undressing in front of her. "M-m-m-maybe? W-well..." she stammered awkwardly. With Gar'Luc entering the tavern, the barkeep dropped the glass he had been holding, freezing up in fear with the massive minotaur walking into the room. Jewel was similarly about to argue with Kaylia, only to pause as the new person entered as well.
Gar'Luc looks around, his eyes opening in interest, a very Reptillian look to them, as he stride to the bar with thumping clops, before hefting the club off his shoulder and turning it to rest on the thick end beside him. "Cheapest booze you have." he says, turning to stare at the barkeep with those same reptillian eyes
Alkaia gave her a kind smile as she got dressed in her revealing dance outfit. "Okay. Here let me help." Helping Mona into her armour, overtop of her regular clothes. Though it was a little loose in the bust and hip area. She made sure to keep her hands from exploring and to herself.
Mona was still blushed deeply as Alkaia helped set up the armor, her body fitting into the armor at least with a bit of extra tightening. "L-least it somewhat fits," she comments, her feathers fluffing slightly. Halfdan gives a bit of a hrm as he thinks. "Could be that she wants a spotter," he reasons, looking to the bug now that the 'threat' was gone. The barkeep manages to stop looking like he's pissing himself and quickly sets up some cheap mead into a beer glass and moving it to the minotaur.
Alkaia nodded with a grin. She offered her hand to Mona. "Now we have a performance to see to."
Gar'Luc picks up the glass and downs it in two gulps, before setting it back down with a light thump. "Anything interesting going on, Barkeep?" he says, his left hand reaching into his shorts and moving around for a few seconds before he withdraws a few coins, holding them in front of his face and staring for a few moments, before setting them on the bar as payment for the mead
"I don't know what that iz, but it zoundz like an inezzizient uze of my ezperienze and abilitiez. I only have two javelinz left and then what? Maybe one of the otherz can do it. Rrrgh, thiz iz never zo complicated on my own. But thiz iz not my terrain, thingz I do not know, makez juzt doing it myzelf rizky..."
The barkeep took the coin and stammered out a quick response. "W-well, a b-bunch of s-satyrs c-causing trouble, I'm s-sure those woman can awnser a-any questions you have a-about it, I need to set up a few rooms!' he manages to spit in, gesturing to Kaylia and Jewel before he rushes upstairs. Halfdan hums a little. "I think this is something we should discuss as a crew in general. Kalia, shall we all go inside?" he asks simply, gesturing to the golemancer. Mona nods back, taking the dragonkin's hand and letting her lead her back to the bar floor.
Zizth grumbles and nods, heading inside.
Gar'Luc picks up his club, and in one swift motion has it up on his shoulder once again, the swishing of the motion speaking volumes about how lethal the weapon might be, as he turns and begins to thump over to the women the Barkeep had mentioned.
Alkaia led Mona back to the main room. With a small grin, she looked at the harpy curiously. "Want to dance?" Starting to dance, in the hopes of easing Mona's mind of the coming trouble.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

At current our team is split up in three parts - in town, Alkaia, Kalia, and Mona are all in the still-empty bar. upon which they may start hearing sounds of people nearing the town finally. Meanwhile, in the camp, Jewel had cursed the mysterious Faun cultist as peliminary torture attempts, trying to get information out of her. Laani, during this time, has scaled the hill, headed to trying to loot the camp more for it's shinies!
Zizth is watching the faun, not really understanding what was going on beyond MAGIC. She mostly was just witing to leave as it were.
Gar'Luc is standing guard near the faun as well, his beatstick in a set of loops on the back of his chest harness
Laani headed to the commander tents, munching on some of the nicely cooked meat from all the fire she had dished out. Tasted like venison.
Alkaia stood up and approached one of the windows. Glancing out to see if it was a friend or a foe that was approaching.
Kaylia stands nearby, observing the faun. It was entirely possible that this was in some way connected to her research here.
Alkaia would see a crowd of females headed to the town- many of them looking rather tired and worn, but otherwise unharmed from the horrors they undoubtably suffered from thier capture. In the camp, Laani's first view of the tent belonging to the faun was relatively confusing- strange insense was filling from a burner next to a stack of books and tomes, and odd decorations mimicing the mark on the faun's face- a triangular symbol with many additional parts snaking from the bottom- hanged haphazardly along the support struts. Still, as well as a spare nagiata, there was potentail loot in that area.
The faun squirms in her ropes, already flushing from the curse that Jewel had put on her, while the smaller cubite smirked down at her with arms crossed. "Now now, I don't got all night here. Tell us what we want to know and I'll let the spell break off. Are you working alone, or with other cultists? What were you doing with all these beastmen? And why steal all the woman from the town?" Halfdan, now back to normal, still looked like he was ready to start growling at a moment's notice as he stared down at the faun, who for her credit was managing to stay silent, even with her compromised position and subtle flushings of arousal.
Alkaia deactivated the traps seeing that the captured women had been freed. She went back to the table and looked at Kalla curiously. "Now what were we talking about again?"
Zizth shrugs. "Zhe zayz nothing. Let me try inztead perhapz?"
"Actually, Jewel..." Kaylia smiles, "we technically DO have all night. Hell. This treatment could go on for months, for our intents and purposes."
"And if she's still reluctant........I'm always available."
Looking at all the strange stuff and loot, she only had a singular thought. How much of this could she tear apart and study? Could she read dem books? Seeing the stacks of books, she walked over, purposefully grabbed the incense burner and tossed it out of the tent. Her toss had the incense burner flying just enough to where it would smack another tent, land perfectly standing upright, and burning and filling whatever tent it landed in with incense. Munching on the meat, she opened one of the books that looked to be the most familiar to her eyes.
Kalia flushed lightly, figiting slightly. "I-I dunno, it wasn't too important. We've spoke about many things, to be fair," she comments, as Mona groans and gets back into her seat, her face nearly bright red. The remarks by the other companions only added to the whimpers from the faun, trying to rock away. "C-come on, you wouldn't do that... right?" "You're asking a cubite if she'd willingly edge someone for eternity and a beastman to hold back. What are you expecting?" Halfdan mutters. Jewel raises an eyebrow at Zizth, though she nods. "Probably worth mixing it up. Sure, why not?"
Alkaia grinned as she watched Kalla fidget. Her hand raising up as if to pet Mona's head once more, but stopping short and waiting for her to close the distance. "Hm... You sure? Did I at least remember to compliment you on how pretty you are?"
Laani's findings of the first tome was a mixed bag- odd runes she didn't recognize, plus pictures of strange creatures after thumbing through a few pages. However, there was some quill-scratched notes occasionally in Common. Certain ones that come to major notice include 'Rites in reverse tweak breeding?' and 'Summoning rituals. Must bribe officers for casting regents,' or 'Blood of innocents seems too drastic. Perhaps substitution with willing cultists will do.' This tome also seemed to have a bookmark at a specific area of the tome...
Gar'Luc chuckles at the Faun's pleading, tilting his head to the side "PLEASE can I have a go?"
OOoh important, she thought to herself. A smirk fastened on her face as she thought of her tribe, and what they would give for another way to cross-breed with everything more. Stashing the book under her arm, ignoring the bookmark, she picked out another book, opening it, looking through the runes on it's pages for any scribbled margins. . . She slowly did this for each book in the room until satisified that each book held nothing or held something worthwhile. When she finished doing that, she looked at the odd naginata in the tent. "Spare scrap?"
Zizth nods and then walks over and sits directly across from the Faun, staring at her with her orange glowing eyes. After about half a minute, not breaking the stare, Zizth speaks. "I am not zrom theze landz. Their cuztomz are not mine. You held people aginzt their will and that makez you a zlaver. I make them zuffer for taking zreedom zrom otherz. I am not like Jewel or Kaylia or Halzdan. I will not make you twitch uncomzterbly. I will make thiz zimple. Talk, and I will go away. Do not talk, and eventually I will get hungry. I will then eat one of your limbz. Each time I get hungry I will take one zrom you. And when you have none lezt, I will leave you in the woodz. Maybe zomeone will zave you. Maybe they will keep you az a pet. Maybe I juzt leave you with large being behind you." She pauses a moment as she makes a rumble similar to that of the stomachs of mammalian species. "Tick tock."
Kaylia isn't sure whether the thrull is bluffing or serious, but she finds this particular interrogation method highly amusing. She takes a few steps back, covering her smirk with a finger.
The faun's face seems to immediately pale at seeing Zizth's face from the flickers of dying fires around her. "W-what are you doing with an animal like that?!?" she stammers, failing dismally to keep the fear from her voice. "It should be chained up! Held in place! If Seridus saw a beast like you around, by Athulia she'd..." Her rant at the existance of a Thrull in her presense, however, died as soon as she realized she let a name drop. Smirking lightly, Jewel waved to Gar'Luc a slight bit dismissively. "Maybe, but I'm pretty sure she'd see what you'd do to her as a reward." Halfdan leaned down, his growling going louder as well. "Seridus? Are you here under it's orders?"
Gar'Luc snorts and tilts his head back and forth. "Well, maybe we can reward her for being a good little prisoner and answering all our questions."
Zizth's eyes narrow at the implications, and she bares her fangs with a hiss. "Animal am I? Chained and enzlaved again? I ezcaped. Now you are the one in chainz. You are the one helplezz and weak, with no one to zave you. The only reazon that I have not done az I zaid already iz that Halzdan wantz anzwerz. Zo you will give him them or I will take your mouth az well and you will tell no one anything ever again.," she says quietly to the Faun, moving closer, eyes smoldering with anger, as she grabs one of the Faun's legs, digging her claws in just a little.
The other books were similar- runic writing of mysterious origin, with extra notes occasionally mentioning odd words and phrases. Third book in, however, would catch something that Laani would recognize definately- a image of a daimond-shaped object, with strange tentacles having formed out of it, and a sizable paragraph in runic writing, plus Common. 'Old-generation Blackshard armor, the ability to gain personalities willingly needs to be stamped out. Consult with other Fleshcrafters after current experiments, too close to breakthrough with new breeding program to be concerned with the plans of the rest of the Cult. Rendesvou with Icarus in the Swamped Stone this week for progress report.' - Kalia's face was going redder by the second. "M-maybe, but i-it's hard to think of such at a time like this. P-perhaps we should see if the others have arrived?" she asked, almost as if trying to dodge the questions. Mona didn't lean back into the hands again, still somewhat out of it from the blissful feelings of headscratchings
Alkaia grinned brightly at Kalla, her hand dropping down to the table. She leaned forward, putting her ample cleavage on display as she looked at Kalla. "They are not back yet. I just looked." Her smiling growing bigger. "Then I must remember to tell you your beautiful later then."
Zizth's second comment has put the faun in extreme panic, her leg twisting in the beast's claws now. "Okokokokok! S-stop! I'll squeal! Sorry! Sorry!" The grin on Jewel's face is downright diabolical as she nods to Zizth. "Remind me to ask you to try first next time," she teases the big. "Fine then, truth and nothing but the truth..." Kalia's face is still a little red. "I-I guess I'm just not use for such talk, I suppose..."
Her face took on a keen edge now. She eagerly and quickly read more of that book, trying to glean from it notes on how the blackshard, prototype tested and what materials were swapped around.
Zizth gives the Faun a dark glare. "...I hoped you'd keep rezizting. Tell them what you know, and iz you lie... I'm ALWAYZ hungry..." She let's go, standing up and glancing at Jewel, giving her her blank gaze of not getting anything that was just said, before slipping into the darkness, though her orange eyes stare at the Faun from the dark with intense hatred.
"That is alright. We can do something other then talk." Smiling as she lightly ran a claw up her side. After a moment she hopped out of her seat and approached the window. Making sure to make her g-string bare rump sway and jiggle for Kalla as she went. "Nope, not back yet." Her tail swaying a bit to draw the eye to her rump.
Kaylia folds her arms, waiting to hear the faun spill her guts.
Laani's searches wasn't too much successful. Mysterious references to the Riftlands (Wasn't that destroyed?) and a few materials and 'fleshcrafting' would be about the only other things mentioned in the book notes, the rest in the strange runic that she couldn't read. The faun's actions was now much, much more submissive, the angry glares now replaced with wary fear of the armored insect. "F-fine... Look, I'm working by myself I swear! I'm working on my own project... Y-you know how the beastman can only breed male creatures, and same with monsterkin breeding females? Weeeell... I was working on a cure for that. And then you all had to come here and RUIN IT!" she whines, the typical bubbly voice of a faun tunring into a annoyed, whiney squeal. With the dragonkin's teasings, Kalia rubs the back of her head, flushed and staying quiet from the obvious exposure by the dancer.
Gar'Luc drops his arms to his sides as his jaw drops open and he stares are the woman. "Not possible. Lies and trickery."
Alkaia sashayed back to her seat and merely continued to grin at Kalla. Seeing her flushed amusing her a small bit.
Zizth maneuvers in the dark, eyes shutting as she maneuvers to make her harder to spot, before moving up behind the Faun quietly. "He zayz you're lying. you're not... Lying are you?," she hisses quietly in the Faun's ear.
Laani wrote down onto the very books themselves "A first step into adventure! Whoever else reads these books, beware, for fleshcrafters like to make your brain implode!" Putting a big X X smiley face on it. She closed the book and looked at the naginata, before looking all around the rest of the tent. Shrugging, she just grabbed and picked up everything, making herself look like a small moving tower as she juggled the items and slowly walked out of the tent, heading back to the faun, going to drop the stuff off and than head back to the commander tents and search the other fancy ones.
Kaylia shakes her head. "I seriously doubt that your work had anything to do with a cure. Especially the whole "capturing and torturing" bits."
A harsh, barking laugh leaves the faun. "Impossible?!? You idiots, the poweress of Athulia can fix anything. I'm sure those woman are gestating proof of such already, if the men of that town doesn't get pissed at them getting bred by stronger creatures!" Her harsh comments get interupted with a whimper as her insides twitch, Jewel's curse still being quite effective. Halfdan growled angrily at her words, his eyes growing ferocious. With Laani's stacking of loot, she'd head back out, but there's not much more than what you'd expect from a vagabond camp- cooking utensils and pots, bedrolls, lots of iron weapons of all sorts, and so on. Mona falling asleep in her seat soon after her surprise headrub funtime, this left Kalia and Alkaia more or less alone, with the Helius princess starting to grow even more embarressed and awkward.
"If she is telling the truth....."
Gar'Luc steps forward, his hooves resting just behind the fawn. "Then she's quite valuable."
Alkaia intertwined her fingers and leaned once more towards Kalla, Resting her bosom on the table and letting Kalla have a good view of her cleavage. Resting her chin on her hands she smiled at Kalla. "Do I make you nervious dear? Or is my attire Distracting?~"
"Idiotz hm?," hisses Zizth, running one of her claws along the Fauns cheek, "Zuch language. Perhapz I need to zcrape your tongue of zuch zoul wordz..." She looked over at Gar'luc, "Or zhe liez. One or other. Either way, we take her back to town, let them deal with her and check for truth of matterz."
Laani took everything. Anything could be melted down or reused. So she took everything. Goblins like her needed every little bit. She already knew what to do with some of the pots and pans. Easy one use shrapnel grenades! Or small amounts of plating to make tassels!
"Perhaps. I do wonder if she might not be a problem for the authorities, instead." Kaylia shrugs. "Can't afford to bring along a prisoner, but I don't think letting her go free is right, either. You sure there isn't something else you can tell us? My thrull friend is AWFULLY hungry. And venison generally hits the spot, if you can get over the game-y taste."
"Oh no you don't. Until we can tell if she's telling the truth or not, she's not getting eaten."
"I can eat everything not vital.," says Zizth, rolling her eyes, "I have done thiz bezore."
Gar'Luc crosses his arms "I barely know you folks, and the opposite is true as well. But I was sent from Herdspire to bring back something of value, and this is the best I can think of."
"Something of value? You mean the faun or the faun's research?"
"Both. Our major problem is the need to rely on males that aren't Beastmen to keep our numbers up. If she can fix that, then that's what I call value."
"Zhe iz a zlaver. Zhe bringz nothing but mizery. Her answerz would juzt be to cauze more trouble to all, calling on darknezz to zolve thingz but making you endebted to dark thingz."
The faun's face would look panicked at the words from Kaylia explaining the words. "L-look, I don't know what you expect me to say. You're from the Kingdoms, it's not like any words of Athulia's endless bliss will register to your poor sheltered minds... Not like I can move like this," she grumbles, considering her back hooves are nearly meeting her ears. Halfdan's glare grew. "Are you a fleshcrafter." The faun blinked. "H-how did you know of that?!?" Laani's gathering was quickly 3 cooking pots full of scrap and loot for her needs, of all sorts of items. "A-a little, on both of those..." Kalia stammers.
"He iz Halzdan. You recognized the name already. Iz hiz name. That'z how. I ezpect you to zuzzer zor your crimez."
With all the things gathered, Laani carried/staggered/juggled towards the Faun gathering. The clinking and clopping of bouncing scrap and leather would soon be heard by Kaylia, the Faun, Gar'Luc, Halfdan, and even Jewel. All they'd see is short green legs underneath a tower of. . . stuff. "Ello! I got lewt! Not good loot but loot!" She called out
Alkaia smiled as she gazed at Kalla. "I don't bite." Giving her a small wink. "Unless you want me to." Smiling as she watched her response. "And feel free to look, I don't mind. After all, I am only wearing clothes for your comfort."
"Yes, she will. But she'll do it alive and able to cure my kind."
"If the cure iz worze than the azzliction too? Zhe iz zlaver, zhe doez not do thiz for your benezit. Conzider why zhe doez thiz."
"It doesn't matter. Herdspire is barely holding on as it is. I'd do just about anything to keep our way of life alive."
Gar'Luc flares his nostrils as he huffs out his nose
Jewel raised an eyebrow at the stack of metal, while bending down and flicking through one of the tomes idly as well. She seems to glance through it, only for her eyes to grow. "Laani? Where did you find these books?!? The bitch's telling the truth..." Halfdan gave a evil smirk matching Zizth's as the Faun cowers again. "And it's lucky for you that I am working for the Goddesses instead of myself, or else your throat wouldn't have lasted this long, traitor." "B-by the N-Nether..." the faun whimpers. Kalia's face was red as she brushes some of her hair from her blue eyes. "As I said before, I haven't had m-much experience i-in such things... sheltered life and all that," she adds, finally matching the dragonkin's eyes.
2015-01-18 01:07:54 [Message] Zizth -> BlackshardRP: Zizth glances over at the goblin and cubite curiously before looking back to the Faun. "I ztill zay we ztop her ever cazting again and give her to people zhe haz harmed."
"The books were in the tent. Their kinda meh. It's like their written in fear or something with scribbled margins meant to not give anything away but entice the reader to go and try to figure out what they mean. So those books are probably a trap that leads somewhere. Who wants to go spring it with me? Oh there's also this odd spear thing." As she kicked the naginata off the pile she had dropped that had allowed Jewel to grab the books.
"Glad to see your eyes finally venturd up to meet mine." Giving her a small smile. "Well I am sure you will find someone willing to help coax you out of your shell."
"No! If she can cure my people then the last thing we want to do is stop her from doing it."
"A couple of things to bear in mind, Gar'Luc. First, she doesn't necessarily have a cure yet. Second, we're not sure how honest she's being with us--she might not be working on a "cure" at all. Third, you want to consider whether or not the cure could be worse than the disease. Though I'm still hazy on what exactly a "fleshcrafter" does." Kaylia looks at Halfdan.
"I still refuse to allow anything to happen that might jeopordize a cure for my people. Even if it has grizzly side effects."
"What iz your azzliction?"
Halfdan got back up, his nose flared as the obvious smell of faun in heat started to get noticable, the pathetic little mage wiggling in her bindings all the harder. "Fleshcrafters are a art of magic specialized by some of the branches of Nther Cultists, said to have been shared by one of the beasts they worship. It's basically modification of the body via manipulation of flesh itself. Like a lot of the nether teachings, moderation isn't a problem. But overuse, like many of them do..." "Bah, your vanity makes you weak!" the faun spits upwards at Halfdan, though the massive man doesn't flinch. Jewel pipes up again. "Well these books are written in Abyssite languages. Admittedly one not used in over a century or two but my mom taught it to me just to be sure. Still, the fact this book here's talking about modifying Blackshards, I think she's either not lying, or too crazy to tell if she is or not." Kalia nods, before, surprisinly boldly, she leans forward over the table and gives a kiss on the dragonkin's snout, somewhat clumsily, before pulling away slightly and blushing deeper. "I... what did... I'm sorry!" she blurts out, looking more flustered.
"When a Beastman mates with a Monsterkin, the child is always guaranteed to be a Beastman. In order to keep the beastman and Monsterkin populations balanced, we have to rely on males who aren't Beastmen to mate with our Monsterkin females to create more monsterkin."
Laani tilted her head at the. . . expousal of information. "What does his vanity have to do with him being weak?" Laani asked the faun looking at her.
"There are very few people who are not beast or monster kin who also wish to live in Herdspire, so the population is always skewed towards Beastmen."
"Zo it'z more magic.," blinks Zizth, before looking o Gar'luc. "Zo... You are upzet that thoze bezidez you mate with other zpeziez and wizh to make zure only you can? Oh. Have you tried not breeding zo much?"
"Beastmen and Monsterkin both have naturally high arousal. I myself have to have sex at least once every 3 days or I start losing my civilized tendencies."
Alkaia blinks a few moments, having been surprised by her. After she got over her surprise she gave her a small smile. "Just showing appreciation for a good view I think." Watching her curiously. "No need to apologize, dear. I found it quite endearing and adorable."
"Kaylia and alkaia did not breed but had zex. Do what they did."
"Those sound like female names. Females can't breed."
"Only a male and a female can properly breed."
"They can't? Waz not how they dezcribed it...," says Zizth, looking to Kaylia.
"You're assuming that Alkaia is completely female." Kaylia instantly regrets saying this, and claps a hand over her mouth as her face reddens.
"..........I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
Zizth blinks and looks confused. "I don't get it. Blah. Kaylia zaid zhe takez zomething to ztop it. Give them thoze, Kaylia, problem iz zolved without magic."
"Probably best you did pretend that." Kaylia mutters into her palm.
Gar'Luc rubs the back of his head with his left hand, stepping around the faun and standing next to Jewel. "So how powerful can this spell you cast get?"
Kalia's face was still quite blushed, her fingers twitching against each other. "R-right..." she mutters, once again looking to the table. Jewel glanced around between the sudden breaking of conversations, and very pointedly moved her heel into the faun's backside. "Right, according to your tome here you're do to run into another person in a few days. I'm assuming this guy's another cultist. Either we leave you here, or you rat this guy out so we can figure out just what your little friends are planning. I'm sure the town would love to string you up if we left you here, though..." she growls, as menacing as a teenage cubite can look. The faun seemed unimpressed, even as she keeps twitching from the cubite's pleasure curse.
Halfdan glanced to the goblin and shrugged. "I'd not know for sure. I've heard cultists mention it constantly at times," he manages to address her, still glaring at the weak faun's body.
With Halfdan answering her, not the faun, the goblin pursed her lips for a few long moments before bending down by the faun's cunt. . . Her deer half. Looking at the drooling cunt, she reached out with a finger and trailed it down her sides, purposefully sending pleasureable shivers throughout the cunt's body. "Hmmm, how far can you drive her up the wall Jewel? I want to see how long it takes for her to start begging for one of us to help her cream herself."
Alkaia smiled kindly at Kalla, looking at her curiously. "Take your time, I am in no rush." Lightly patting one of Kalla's hands.
Zizth walks over and lays a hand on Jewel's shoulder. "Iz nize try. I zhow how later." She walks in front of the fawn. "Talk or I hang you upzide down from the top of tallezt tree I can zind and leave you there. After I break your armz."
Zizth makes a point of laying her hands on each of the fauns arms, and gripping tightly
Yet again the creepy insect is again the faun's weakness, though with the goblin groping at her she whimps louder even as she shivers in fear with the claws on her arms. 'I-I... F-fine... I'll help you dicks..." she mutters, red faced again. "D-don't expect Icarus to buy something that juvenile, though!" Kalia's face still was blushing as her hand's rubbed. "P-perhaps it's odd, trying to ask stuff like this without knowing what to ask..."
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

"Hmmm, you want a dick right now since your calling us that. Hey cow guy, mind obliging her and rutting her brains out?" Laani asked Gar'Luc
"Only if she wants it, and if everyone else is alright."
"We don't rape. Unless she's asking for sex?"
Alkaia gave her a kind smile, continuing to rub her hand reassurringly. "Everyone does at first." Looking at her curiously. "Ever been with anyone?"
"No. Zhe getz nothing til zhe provez her worth.," growls Zizth, "Zhe iz zaying wordz but her actionz are what matterz. After we find thiz Icaruz and deal with him and if zhe waz of aid, then zhe can be... zated."
"For someone not knowing about sex, you seem to know how to be a vindictive bitch on my caliber," Jewel commented, nodding to the bug-girl. "Sounds like a good enough pain to me. Lash her to the wagon and keep her shut up, should stop her from double-crossing us..." Halfdan nods himself, rubbing his chin, though naturally the faun let out a loud whine of anger and dispair. "Y-you wouldn't dare! Stop this stupid, childish idea of yours!" Kalia shook her head again. "I already said, no. I've seen such with some of the few friends I was able to get, but never partook. Again, royal obligations..."
"So, were going to leave her in a constant state of heat, not allowing her to get off? Whose going to keep her watered and fed for the next three days? Do we need to worry about the horses or ponies trying to rut with her?" The goblin questioned even as she contemplated hooking the Faun up to a nectar collector. . ."Oh! Anyone mind if I collect her juices if she is left in this state?"
Alkaia gave a small nod. "Are saving yourself for someone special like Mona? Or looking to have a little fun with no consequences before going back?" Looking at her curiously.
"Tying her down sounds fair to me, sure. Let's see what kind of stuff Laani found." Kaylia turns to the pile of loot that Laani brought back.
"I know it iz a thing that zhe wantz. Zo zhe getz nothing.," says Zizth simply, "And don't call me that." She walks over and shreds a tent with her claws and walks over and stuffs part of it in the Faun's mouth then gags her with it. "Be zilent or I'll do a more permanent zoluzion."
"Hey! How am I supposed to get a free blowjob now?"
Zizth then looks to Jewel and shrugs simply. "I lizen and watch. You zay zhe iz zatyr, zo I think. Zatyrz want to enzlave and zex. Zo, zhe wantz zex. You are doing thingz zhe iz uzed to. Iz not work. Zo I do what workz. Zhe iz mage, and Zlaver. Not uzed to be.. One zec." She looks over at Gar' Luc, "Azk zomeone elze?" She turns back to Jewel. "Anywayz, Magez all powerful, not uzed to helplezz. Zlaverz uzed to make otherz helplezz. Zo I offer permanent helplezznezz. And zhe jumpz to avoid. And iz zomething zhe knowz I will do."
Jewel smirked as Zizth objected to the remarks, the faun giving one more loud squeal as the rags were stuffed into her mouth. "I'll redo the ropes for travel then. Keep her somewhat hobbled, use her as a pack mule for all of Laani's junk?" Halfdan smirked as well, even as the faun's ears lower slightly, looking more panicked. At Gar'luc's comment, the cubite's eyes roll slightly. "You're suddenly traveling with a pair of cubites and other creatures. I'm sure you won't starve," she adds with a sarcastic tone. The piles of juink was several pieces of metal items in three cauldrons, meanwhile there was about 5 diifferent tomes, all written mostly in abyssite and with Common notes, talking mostly about various theories about the Nether creatures and other such things.
"Speaking of, little miss Cubite, you never answered my question."
Kalia's face was red again, blushing again. "I-I dunno. I never got the chance to figure it out myself, I guess..."
"Anything in the pots are mine. I need the scrap. So the faun's my pack mule? Hmmm. . ." She begin to mumble herself as she reached under the faun's pussy, finding her animal's half teats, twitching and feeling them "I wonder if I can hook up a suction machine to these here. . . maybe on the top half as well. Gotta ask one of the cubites to see if they can get her lactating. . ." Her words not loud but still loud enough to be heard. Getting up, she turned and looked at Gar'Luc and than at his crotch. "if you want a blowjob, show me the size of your cock and I'll tell yah whether I can handle it or not. I doubt I can, but I think redhead maybe or Jewel."
Alkaia nodded with a small smile. "Then take as much time as you need to figure it out." Giving her hand a reassuring pat before getting back up to venture over to the window. Her his swaying as she moved. Glancing outside to see if the others were bac yet.
"Uh... the redhead? Sorry, big fella. You'd have to ask me on my heat, and even then a mino's a bit... largish for me."
"I only have eyes for the cubite."
"Wasn't eyes I was worried about."
"Well it can wait til we get back, yez? I wizh to leave and tend to my woundz.," says Zizth, her torso bandaged improvisedly.
"Fine. I'll keep it in my shorts until we get back."
"I feel insulted." Laani's mouth twisted into a pout. To be so significantly ignored for a cubite, the shame! "Meh! Hey Popstar, do you think you can make the faun lactate? And Kaylia, do you mind helping me when were back at the wagon to putting together a juice collector for yonder pack mule faun? Oh and milking machine." Laani asked.
Zizth walks over and grabs the Faun, lifting her up with only a slight grunt. "I have her." The basically nude Thrull then started walking back, blue soaked bandages on her back as she hauled the deer thing with her.
"Hrm. That sounds pretty simple, actually, though we'd need materials. The pot iron would probably do for the majority of our machinery, but you want something that won't flavor the fluids for piping and storage.
Jewel's face turns bright red at the Minotaur's comment, her tail flicking idly again, even as she bent down to reposition the satyr's hasty ropework for moving thier captive. "W-well, we were kind of busy, was all... Didn't have much time to talk about such things..." The faun gave a dirty glare at the minotaur, which was broken by a loud whimper from the gropes of the goblin. Halfdan shrugs, shifting himself slightly as he looks over to Zizth. "Good job on the sneaking, there," he commented to the bug. With the distraction by the goblin, she raises an eyebrow. "Why the heck would you need that stuff for?" Kalia's red face grew redder again, following behind Alkaia again, with her face still red as she was getting teased, though she can't help getting a little bit closer to the dragonkin.
The faun's muffled objections get even louder as she's suddenly grabbed by the Thrull, loud squealing and slight kicks of her hoves coming in the thrull's grip.
"I have some tubing materials that are already 'clean' enough to not flavor the juices. As for storage. . . hmm, do you have any clean glass? I have some jars but their not exactly clean. . ." She followed behind the thrull, having picked up her pots full of their scrap and junk. "The question is can you do it popstar? You don't need to worry about what I'm going to do with it. Unless you want a hearty drink in the morning?" As she smirked at the cubite.
"Waz moztly eazy. did not ezpect poizon in one of the tentz, got hurt. Killed him. If not for you all breaking ztealth I would have had the Zatyrz azzaulting the Faun." She growls a little at the kicking. "Do you really wizh to irritate me, zood? Becauze I can ztill take your limbz az a znack. They may not like it but they do not like you either." She looks back to Halfdan, "Iz not too zmart for a mage. Zupreme power over all thingz, not much brainz to know not to irritate me."
"I'm sure we can find a little glass back in town."
Gar'Luc follows along behind the Thrull, his hands coming up to rest behind his head as he does so
Alkaia grinned as she felt Kalla follow behind her. With Kalla drawing close to her, she would be able to smell that Alkaia smelt of snow and fresh dew. "If you want to stand close to me, you are welcome to wrap your arms about me." Her wings folding up tightly as she switched her wieght to her other foot, her bum and bosom jiggling a small bit. Her eyes still looking out the window.
Jewel frowned as she grabbed the books that Laani had found. "I don't see why you're interested, shortstuff," she grumbled and pouted. Halfdan smirked. "I think you can blame her being a faun for that. All magic but tends to be a bit of a ditz. I'm surprised she even learned fleshcrafting at that rate." The faun glared even harder at Halfdan as a result. There is a slight pause from Kalia, but slowly, her arms carefully wrap along the dragonkin, somewhat being quite cautious and chaste as her body rests against the dragonkin's back, the dragon tail admittedly laying base-to-hip with her. Obviously she didn't know that tails were nearly as dangerous as the front...
Alkaia smiling and leaned back into Kalla. "So have you figured it out yet?" Her hands reaching up to rub Kalla's hands. She refrained from moving her tail for now, not wishing to startle or scare Kalla.
Laani begin to feel a bit irritated towards the cubite. "Look, it is possible to distill fluids to get certain objects. I have read here and there that you can make phermone's laced drugs or even bullets. I'm more interested in the bullets or explosives. So will you do it for me as a favor popstar?" The goblin's irritation amounted at a bit at Jewel's downright reluctance to do something for a complete stranger that she is traveling with for a mission.
"I thought zhe waz a zatyr.," says Zizth, shrugging, "Never zeen a creature like her before. Zeems weird. And zquirmy. Leazt iz not poizonouz. Nnngh, back cracked. Zatyrz kick hard. More zcarz." With no clothes on really, it was easy to see that her chitin was a network of cracks, scars and various battle damage. "Going to need rezt and zood. Though iz harder to get nourizhment after bleeding."
"Actually if you're looking for aphrodisiac serums, I'm pretty sure I could supply you with some, using much easier-to-find ingredients. Especially as we have cubites present." Kaylia smiles at the goblin woman.
"I think Kalia won't mind you eating more of the rations to heal yourself," Halfdan comments, giving a slight nod. "And no, she's essentially a feminine Centaur, but slightly different. The fact she was able to get the Centaurs to work with here, though, is most interesting." Jewel grumbled slightly, but nods. "I guess it'd be possible, though using such things on a creature like her is a bit different than what I'm used to." She was soon walking a little faster, now ahead of Gar'Luc with her rolling hips flicking her skirt along with her tail slightly. Kalia flushed slightly, giving a slight nod. "Well, I did say I was here for an adventure, potentially this is yet another adventure?" she mutters with a slight squirm.
"Am leaving zo much meat behind az it iz. Feelz like zuch a wazte of rationz and zood already.," sighs Zizth, "It healz one way or other, juzt be more zluggizh and zick til recover, again. Happenz all time."
Gar'Luc lengthens his stride long enough to catch up to Jewel, walking along beside her and reaching his right hand out to grope her hind end "You've got a beautiful body, y'lnow that?"
"Thank you popstar!" As the irritation melted away with that stated. She looked over at Kaylia as she said "I want the experience of making my own not to mention documenting my own attempts. Unless you have already made a few yourself? Willing to share any research you have compiled?" As Laani now had a bit of a bounce in her steps now.
She smiled as she let her tail wigglie and sway just a bit. "I suppose for you this would be. Perhaps down the road after a few chapters to this adventure, you will know." Giving a soft sigh as she leaned back into Kalla.
"I could show you a few formulae, sure. Actually, I was working on a few variations last night..." Kaylia produces her small pad of paper, flipping to some alchemical formulae and showing them to the small goblin woman.
Kalia blinks as the dragonkin leans back against her. "Perhaps, b-but... well, hesitation sometimes isn't something heroes would normally have, right?" she adds, her face blushes more as she holds herself back against the dragongirl. "Maybe, but I can guarentee that spiced ham won't make you grow sick due to how it's treated. Definately not poisoned at any rate." Jewel gave a slight yelp, clutching her books. "You should hear the humans back at home, they tend to scream all the time like little schoolgirls when they see me," she comments, trying to get back some of her bravado around the brash minotaur.
"Humans are idiots. They can't appreciate the better parts of life. Or so my Pa always said."
"Hmmm, can you hold those close to my face? Kinda have my hands full with my scrap-loot." Laani idly commented. -After Kaylia moved them close, the gobbo looked down with a critical eye at the forumlea.
"It taztez weird enough that it might be.," says Zizth, smiling a bit wryly, "Iz not bad but I am uzed to not cooked food or adding thingz. Either way, I juzt wizh to rezt now and to put thiz zlaver away. Zhe iz leaking all over me. Iz icky."
Gar'Luc grins as he move his hand to the other side of her rump, testing to see if she has a different reaction. "And I plan on 'Appreciating' those parts all night if you're willing."
Alkaia grinned. "Heroes are often seen hesitating, especially when it comes to some nubile beauty." Letting her tail wiggle agiant Kalla as she said nubile beauty.
"Maybe, but they do make adorable noises when they learn thier teen idol is a little peckish~" the cubite can't help but remarking, a slight look of remembering perhaps a few of her previous preys. "Some know what they want, thought that could just be from Braxil. The people here seem a tad more old and crotchity, plus not enough tech here. This memory thoughts are interupted by the rough hand on her arse again, leaving her back arching slightly. "Mayhaps..." Halfdan simply nods, chucking at the bug's remark as they finally reach the edge of the woods, the town now once again in sight, and the faun looking quite dejected, even as her deer half twitches occasionally, her backside soaked with the result of the cubite magic. Kalia bites her lip slightly at the tail rubs along her slightly. "They also sometimes need to bed led, for good or ill, least by what I've read..." she mutters lightly.
Zizth nods, looking at the Faun. "Quit looking zorry for yourzelf. You brought thiz on yourzelf, zlaver. Maybe if you azked people before you ztarted magicking at them.," she hisses, glaring, getting a little worked up, clenching her fists a bit, her palms having slightly been punctured as well from when she was staving off the effects of the Satyr's tent.
"Hmmm okay, what does Fluid 1 A suppose to stand for? And. . . what fluids are you using in the formulea?? And is that word meaning powder or meaing something to strain against?" The goblin asked reading the legible handwriting but missing key elements that her eyes were just not finding without some help.
"Looks like they are back." Smiling as she spun around in Kalla's embrace before giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. Breaking away and slipping out of the hug.
Gar'Luc releases the cubite's hind end and settles for just walking beside her "Ignore the old fools. They're just jealous they can't get their peckers stiff anymore."
"Ah. This is formal Braxilian alchemical script, written in the Xarxian style. I find that it works better for measuring and mixing, though some prefer the Tellaris style for its simplicity. Anyway..." Kaylia launches into a long-winded explanation of what each symbol means, giving Laani three different variations on the standard pheromone-powered aphrodisiac serum.
Laani listened with patience, interjecting every now and than to get clarification like. . . "How long certain parts were meant to added together?" "Is there pure sciencitific or must I worry about magical contamination?" "They have a whole building just full of books holding information like this!?" "Huh, have you ever tested any of your own on yourself?" She also asked some numerous questions on how Kaylia changed the serum to where it can be fired from her rifle.
'Tis also terrible for my line of work. Mind, my equipment's not with me so couldn't quite have the right amount of noise, but still..." Jewel muttered, the ragtag party reaching the city limits finally. Halfdan simply moved to the wagon again, getting more rope and a spare burlap sack as he prepped to secure the faun to the wagon. Kalia meanwhile gave a loud squeak of surprise as her arms were knocked away by the dragon's wings, though she didn't really object as she was swepped into the kiss, simply holding herself closer to the cubite. Somewhere behind them, a loud snore breaks the silence of the room but otherwise they got a few extra moments of privacy.
Zizth goes and sets the Faun in place and wipes her arms off on the Faun's fur to clear them with a look of distaste, before grabbing her cloak and scarf, putting them back on, before crawling beneath the wagon. she then curled up into a ball to rest, cloak wrapped around her.
"Sure. Here's a few arousal bullets I've developed." Kaylia raises an eyebrow. "But really, most of my work has been trying to reduce my level of arousal when I'm going through my heats. The last thing that I want to be is a slave to my desires, and I used to be a LOT worse. Still, I've found nothing that gives me complete control over the arousal state, so I'm still doing more research."
Alkaia broke away from the kiss, giving Kalla a small smile. She went out the door, letting Kalla use the time they had for privacy to compose herself before the others returned. Seeing the bug was injured she movved over to her. "Are you alright? You should get that seen to."
Gar'Luc stays near Jewel as they enter the city, his reptillian eyes casting around to look at any reactions the townsfolk might have at his casual stroll into town
Zizth glances up and scoots aside, hissing at seeing Alkaia, unhappy that she had been seen in an injured state. "I'm zine. It lookz zar worze than it iz. Juzt a glanzing blow.," she growls a bit, before retreating further under the cart.
"Oh were back. Time to set this stuff up and get to work on hooking up that faun. Hey jewel! You mind getting her to start lactating now?" She called out to Jewel, before turning to look at Kaylia saying "I can't carry those right now, so just put them ontop of one of the pots. And thanks, you don't mind if I tinker with them yah? . . . Heh. So If I accidentally 'shoot' myself, you know how to calm me down?" As she looked at the red-head with sly teasing smile on her face.
"Oh, I was just showing these to you--they're designed for my rifle in particular, as it's... rather different." Kaylia tucks the bullets back away.
"Are you sure? I might be able to help. Wouldn't want you getting hurt further and being unable to help us." Looking at Zizth in concern.
"I am zine. Go do your... Thingz you do.," says Zizth curtly
"Dang! Aw well, I can still puzzle my way to making a few shots. . . Just need to test them hrm."
"You sure? I could help."
"I zaid go.," hisses Zizth
The townfolk apparently had returned to homes after the tragic adventure they had had, and the moonlit streets was left bare as the crew finished arriving. With Zizth having deposited the faun next to the wagon, she takes a few moments to stagger back onto her hooves and seems about to bolt, only for her to convulse and whine as the pleasure spell flares up in her. Jewel smirked. "Nuh-uh, you're not leaving like that." Halfdan took the empty sack and hooded the faun cultist, giving a grunt as he uses a loose piece of rope to hold it shut. "Won't be able to cast without sight," he explains should anyone ask, with Jewel scooting over to assist resecuring her fully and tying her to the wagon. Soon the faun's torso is tied up in a shirabi style by the cubite, with ropes used to hold her legs closer together but still giving her plenty of room to break into a slight trot should the wagon need to speed up. She's still spluttering through the gag, but the loud whimpers of lust are growing more pronounced.
"Alright." She wandered over to Jewel and the others to see what happened. "What occured at the camp?"
"Hng... Zhe better not be that loud all night or I'll knock her zilly...," growls Zizth irritably
"Hopefully her tongue will still," Halfdan grunted. "If not I'm afraid what we'd have to resort to for a better blockage." "I think I got a few toys in order to help with that if the bitch won't stay quiet," Jewel says dismissively, before glancing back at other cubite. "Bunch of pissed-off satyrs with a few centaurs, all following this cultist bitch. She's gonna be bait for us further down the road, if she can learn a little more respect."
"What she said. Also, she apparently has a cure for the breeding problem Beastmen and Monsterkin have."
Alkaia looked curiously at the books Jewel carried. "Really? I take it the books are her reasearch?"
"Operative word being 'apparently,' Gar'Luc."
"I'm not going to stop believing it's true until I see firsthand proof it's not real."
"Perhaps I can take a look?"
"Usually it's the other way around--you believe something AFTER you see proof."
"Written all in Abyssite Runic with a few Common footnotes, but yeah," Jewel nodded. "Unless you or the good doctor can read it, I don't think anyone but I can."
"I can read it, I made sure to learn about my other half from my mother's family."
Jewel raised an eyebrow but nods. "Don't see why not, there's five of these damn things and they're probably half full of useless cultist jargon," she stated with a shrug, indicating the pile now laying on the wagon's riding board. At the remark of 'unseless cultist jargon' the faun seemed to paw a hoof at the ground, only for Jewel to glare at her and a muffled whimper followed with the shivering of her deer half quickly silenced the outrage.
"I do know a little Abyssite, but it's been a while since I had anything to study."
She decided to do a quick skim through the books.
Kaylia assists Alkaia and Jewel in studying the texts, referring the occasional language question to Alkaia and taking copious notes in her small paper pad.
Gar'Luc just stands next to the wagon, obviously out of his element right now
Laani sits right next to Alkaia. "Hey there. What does all this say? Can you tell me about this stuff, hot thing?"
Jewel wondered why the group was stopping to do this outside, but she shrugged, flipping through the books as well, all the while occasionally focusing on her latest spell victim to mess with the spell apparently wordlessly, each getting met with a different jerk by the faun's body, but luckily she apparently was trying to be quiet finally. Alkaia's first book grab was apparently 'Codexus Netheria- a book giving a brief detailing of various nether species, complete with images.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Zizth was starting to doze off, sluggish and sick under the cart and making herself small as she could to avoid notice while she was vulnerable, hoping that no predators would find her while she was vulnerable.
She moved on to the other books. Skimming through them, and giving Kaylia help with the language. She took the books with her inside so she could puruse them at a table.
With the dragonkin moving inside, so did Jewel, taking the rest of the books in as well. Inside, Kalia was flushed but otherwise seemed decent, a few of the Sentry golems from earlier laying on the table alongside the dice from earlier. Sitting at the table was a snoring Mona, still in the dragonkin armor.
Gar'Luc follows the group inside, opting to stand next to the door as a sort of self-appointed bouncer
Sitting at a table, she looked through the remaining books. Checking to see if the fuan's research was true and making progress.
Kaylia takes a break from reading to check on the thrull. "Hey Zizth, how you feeling? How are your wounds?"
Zizth gives a start from her doze, and goes fro her weapons, but then realizes who was talking to her from beside the cart. "I will live.."
"Zizth, I'd like to take a look at your wounds, with your permission. I've studied biology and medicine, though I admit I'm not very experienced with thrull physiology. But even so, I might be able to help. No magic, I promise."
Looking through the other books, she finds 'Fleshcraft Arcana', a apparent apprentice guide for tapping in to the forbidden arts, with a bookmark stuck into the far parts of the book, 'A Comprehensive Guide to the Blackshards', a book detailing the original Blackshards from the Rift Wars from the non-Kaliferian side of things, a prayer book dedicated to the cultist's deities, and another light tome, handwritten with flowy runescript and marked with a sigil, similar to the one painted on the Faun's face but marked more intricately and somewhat tribalistic. A diary?
"...I don't zee what you can do.," grimaces Zizth before crawling out from under, taking her cloak off, and turning around, showing the improvised bandages arapped around her back, them damp with deep blue fluid.
Alkaia waited to open the dairy, making sure it was free of magic traps before skimming through it.
"Well, it's not... hrm... I'd like to apply a small patch of clay to these. I just need a half-hour to gather the necessary materials. It should help prevent any infection and make the healing a bit faster, though you'll need to be completely immobile for about three hours while it sets."
"Why would you add dirt to my woundz to help healing?," asks Zizth confusedly, "Won't that juzt make it worze? And get in the way? I remind you that thiz izn't covering flezh, thiz iz my zkin." She taps her hard chitin
There was no natural tingling on the dragonkin's scales for sources of magic, though perhaps in jest in common on the first page was written 'I prepared explosive runes this morning'. The diary seemed to detail the faun's actions for several years, finally giving her a name: Alita, a denesin of the woods of the mountains, flustrated with a certain centaur who claimed her as a wife. The centaur's abuse and the lack of young led her killing her mate and finding the cults, where she grew nearly obsessed with the concepts of fleshcrafting. The diary still goes on, with the dates marked somewhere near a few months back where she pauses.
"It's not just dirt. It's clay. It'll set into a ceramic patch that your chitin will eventually break through. And don't worry, it's completely antiseptic. It'll prevent infection."
"So she had research on how to cure the beastmen and monsterkin?" Looking to see if there was more, or she had just hidden the words with magic.
"I think it will juzt heal around it. But that iz what alwayz happenz anyways. I am full of crackz.," says Zizth with a shrug, running a claw over all the scars in her chitin, basically cracks and gouges that are healed, but deeper than the original chitin, not to mention all the cracked and torn off spikes and spines. "Do az you wizh. I do not know what your wordz mean but... Do az wizh." She sighs and settles under the wagon until Kaylia was ready.
Gar'Luc sneezes
Jewel read over Alkaia's shoulder, frowning. "Still seems drastic, trying to go with these cultist freaks," she mutters. "That's dangerous shit, and considering the entire kingdom panics whenever it's mentioned..." The text reads onward indeed, though now in Abyssite Runic, detailing some of her earlier experiments. Apparently, she and another cultist got anamourous, and the other cultist promised to teach her how to 'fix her barren belly' of it's monospecies birth, and goes into great detail of her learning of fleshcrafting- including self-experiments, twisting her arms into horrifying shapes in order to experience it herself. The faun's mind seems to be sliding slowly towards darker and darker thoughts, before finally, a month before present date, the book details the faun going off to take 'her enlightenment to the world', the next entry talking about enamouring a few centaurs to become 'companions' with promises of many woman and offsprings- leaving out that potentially the born centaurs wouldn't all be males.
"Huh. I wonder if the faun can still do that hmmm. . . Anyway, popstar, would you please start the faun's lactation?" As Laani walked over to the faun, looking at Jewel with an expectant and hopeful look.
"Seems she wished to use fleshcrafted to morph the children into a female. Hm...." She thought a moment. "Wait.... I think she was on the right track, though how she did it was dubious....." Looking to the minotuar with a grin. "I might be able to come up with some better, that could cure it. Without potential side-effects."
Kaylia does a little digging and finds some clay, rapidly mixing some of her medical powders to put together a good amount of medicinal clay, which she wraps in a sterile cloth to bring to the thrull. She returns within about twenty minutes. "Okay, it's all ready. I'm gonna need you to hold still for a bit--this may feel a bit uncomfortable." Kaylia begins unwrapping Zizth's wounds gently and slowly.
"Oh? You think you can cure our problem?"
"I dunno, think she was more trying to modify the woman themselves somehow. Either way, not sure I like the concept, specially the whole 'kidnap a town full of women' shit just for her own needs," the other cubite added, frowning. "I mean, I'm all for cross-compatability but come on..."
"I might. Though I think I know of a way without needing to modify the women, just the chldren. Though it would require some powerful magic and blessing. Could be do able."
Zizth hisses and holds perfectly still like a statue; given she doesn't breathe through her mouth or have lungs. Removing the bandage reveals that part of her back had been caved in with a hoof shaped imprint and lots of cracks and such radiating outwards from the impact site, it being a pretty significant injury, it drooling thick blue fluid.
Jewel flushed lightly at the insessent goblin's request, giving a sigh. "Fine, fine..." she mutters, moving outside after the shorter creature to the wagon again, the tied up and blinded with a rucksack before tied to the wagon's side like Laani's pony. Her hooves shift awkwardly occasionally, still smelling like a deer in heat.
"Thanks thanks!" As Laani skipped next her, her body shaking in excitement, curiosuity and. . . sadistic tendencies at the sight of the halpless faun about to become her newest testing subject!
Laani watching with undisguised glee, she watched how Jewel 'worked her magic' on the faun.
Zizth remainds perfectly still, not glancing at all as Laani and Jewel come back out.
Kaylia cautiously dabs back some of the blue blood, making sure that the clay's contact points would be dry enough to let it form a lasting seal. Then she works the clay with her fingers, spreading a thin layer over each wound, followed by a second thin layer, then a third. By time she returns to each area, the thin layer she's laid has partially set, allowing each layer to maintain a distinct seal. "As your wound heals, some of the chitin should grow back to cover this area, at which point the ceramic will eventually break and fall off on its own. Eventually, this method could be used to reheal some of your older wounds, though that would involve repeating some of the cuts."
"I prefer not being cut more. I ztill do not think it will do more than zeal in it'z uzual manner, but thank you anywayz. I will wait three hourz now."
She began to make a few notes herself on an empty sheet. "If the child is slowly morphed into the female gender as it developes, it will be as natural as a real woman, plus the beast attributes. How ever, it would likely require a blessing on the mother. Make it inherited. Hm.... Given that the changes would likely require some energy on the part of the mother in the early stages..... Guess an increase in appitite is required...." Making down notes on a blank page in the dairy.
"You should begin feeling better in a short time. The chemical I used to treat the clay also has a mild local anesthetic property, so the pain should fade naturally, at least for a time. But please stay still and let the clay set--the wounds are still there, no matter how it feels."
"I will ztay ztill. And the pain alwayz doez. I am uzed to being hurt."
Halfdan had rested back onto the wagon's riding board, clearly like Zizth wanting to rest near the captive to keep her from running off. Jewel moved to the faun, the masked Alita unable to see anything as Jewel pressed her hand into her chest, between her breast. A muffled cry of confusion, before yet again energy glows along the cubite's hands, and a light sqeak leaves the faun, her bare beasts bouncing as almost immediately the breasts on her human part start to drool white fluids. "There you little gremlin, happy? Just no making her cum, remember trying to not give her any until she can lead us to some of the other cultists," Jewl muttered to the goblin.
"Well maybe you shouldn't NEED to be used to being hurt." Kaylia's brow furrows a little, then relaxes. "Tell you what, I'd be happy to keep you company. Unless you'd prefer to be left alone. Why don't you tell me about your life after you got free from the slavers?"
"Oh ho! Interesting. . . Just needed to touch her. . . I wonder how much control you cubites have over another beings biology. . ." As she looked at Jewel with a flicker of interest before crouching down by the faun and reaching to test her animal half's teats, seeing if they sprayed any milk. . .
Kaylia watches the goblin working with the faun. "Huh. Zizth, have you ever tried milk?"
"Though such a blessing would require help from a goddess, such as Lirorious. Hm... Though to insure that the population can be maintained, I suppose the blessing would need to be a fifty fifty split." Rubbing her chin as she made a few notes herself.
Another protesting yelp leaves Alita, as with a gentle squeeze one of the several nubs on the faun's deer belly ejects a squirt of milk. "As I've said before, I'm just mostly good with touch work and a few kinky tricks to keep the fans drooling for more. Not like I've done a huge research on euromancy..."
"It iz your choize.," says Zizth, "And nobody zhould, but that iz not how lize workz. Lize iz pain and hardzhip and zurvival over zuch thingz. Or perizhing to it." She pauses then continues. "Iz not much you'd likely underztand. Azter the blood orcz tore apart the zlaver caravan, I returned and took weaponz and theze coveringz to blend in better. I travelled, roamed. I hunted zood, and zed, ozten lying in wait zor them to come by, looking zor water. Iz not good to uze too much energy in dezert. Eventually I zee other zlaverz. Zo I wait til cold dark fallz. I know they zee little. Then az they move about one by one, I ztrike. I am bad at it. Get cut much, much ztruggle. Many timez I fail, but I ezcape through luck and ztrength. I get better. I begin to kill more with lezz pain to me. I zree zlavez, let them take zlaverz thingz, direct them to zafer plazez."
"And I do not know what milk iz."
"Hmmmm, interesting. Well if you ever feel interested in learning more about euromancy and need a help subject. Well don't be afraid to ask." As Laani looked at Jewel for a moment, before shrugging.
Alkaia looked to the minotuar. "What do you think?"
Laani with her shrug ended, she pounced on Jewel, wrapping her arms around her hips, hugging her!
"Sounds like those slavers had it coming. Hold on a sec, Zizth." Kaylia shouts out to Laani, "Hey Laani! You mind bringing over a glass for me and a glass for Zizth? She's never had milk! Oh, and a straw!"
"Thank you for doing this! I owe you one!" As she gave an affectionate squeeze to Jewel's rear before hopping away, walking over to Kaylia. Only to blink at hearing those words. "Oh uh, yeah give a minute. . ." As she walked over to the wagon, beginning to rummage around in the back in her stuff finding a jar and. . . a straw or something close enough to it.
"I honestly have no idea what you all are talking about. I'm a blacksmith. I make horseshoes and nails."
Jewel gives a loud yelp as she's pounced by the goblin, flushing lightly as she's hugged. "H-hey! I dun see why it was too special, the dragongirl could do it as well I'm sure." Naturally, the faun's not happy about this, squirming and whimpering again with the newest change to her body by the lust magic.
"I think with a little time, I could make a cure better then the one they had planned. One more morally sound and acceptable."
"And with likely less side effects."
"Then I'd say try your damnest. And help me find a way to fix the addiction my people's fluids tend to bring on, if you think you can do that."
"Well yes, but the dragongirl. . ." Looking around to make sure no one is listening she beckons jewel to lower her head and whispers "I actually find her kinda. . . scary."
"The addiction I would likely require more time to fix, though at least in the interterm, could help when a cure is created. And it could all be done between the beast and monster kin races."
Laani rummaging in the back of the wagon, she finally managed to pull out a jar that didn't have too much filth on it. The inside is clean, but the outside wasn't. Grabbing a rag she wiped the top of it before hopping out of the back of the wagon. Landing on the ground she looked at Kaylia and Zizth. "You one faun milk coming right up!" With a flourish, a straw popped out of her sleeve and she wandered over to the faun before holding the jar near her human breasts and begin to lightly work and squeeze, not letting any milk spray out until she had the faun's tit feeling like it is an overtaut balloon about to explode from all the pressure.
"The cure for our birthing problems takes priority. Until then, I believe there is a shy cubite who can help me with my own problems."
"...Am I going to be upzet about thiz?," asks Zizth, antenna turning towards what Laani is doing.
"Stay still, now, Zizth. You promised. She's getting you milk--it's a form of nourishment that female mammal's bodies naturally produces. It's full of healthy nutrients, and it's REALLY good with cookies."
"Have fun." Smiling as she turned to Kalla curiously. "What do you think? Think it will work? With a combination of eromancy and fleshcrafting, it could likely be solved."
"I am fairly zertain that moving my antennae will not affect my back.," says Zizth dyly, "No more than talking would anywayz. I do not know what a cookie iz. I thought I wazn't allowed to eat zentientz."
Gar'Luc turns and exits, looking for Jewel outside
Jewel, taking this as her time to go, quietly moved back into the inn, only to bump into the massive minotaur again and giving a light flush as she looked upwards. "Er, hi..." Alita winced and whimpered, the hood over her head keeping them from seeing her expression as the tiny hands worked along her breasts, the occasional shoot of milk drooling from her breasts as they're teased further. Weak little moans leave the bag, her back legs jittering and stamping the ground in agitation at being unable to get free. Kalia looked back from the window she had stayed standing at and gave a shrug. "Maybe, though I'd not share that you'd be using fleshcrafting. It'd be like advertising you were using rift magic..."
Gar'Luc reaches his hands down and scoops the Cubite up into his arms, surprisingly gently for a giant cow man. "You never answered my question." he says, cradling her in his arms with just a hint of possessiveness
"I wouldn't share it no, but then it would only be small amounts. Just enough to influence the growing baby's growth into a female. Doing so while it's still developing and it would be as natural as you or I." She stood up and approached Kalla from behind. Wrapping her arms about her slowly and pressing against her back. "Would you like to help me?"
Laani free hand pressed against the faun's breasts, rubbing against them. Laani's gloved hand wasn't particularly soft, but instead was meant for gripping. With each brush, rubbing against the faun's human half breasts, Laani squeezed and bounced until she felt that heaviness, heard the sloshing. "Hi there! My names milker, the goblin! I'm here to milk you today! So how'd you like to be milked? Harshly? Or Brutally? Take your pick! Let's start on harsh first!" As she suddenly squeezed with sudden strength, making the areola surrounding the faun's nipple darken to a reddish color as blood is forced there while a massive spray of milk came from the faun's areola and nipple into the waiting jar!
Jewel gave a yelp as she's picked up by the minotaur, giving a flush as the creature easily lifts her up. "Pretty sure I did say a maybe..." she mutters in a light admittance. Kalia blushes deeply as the dragonkin presses against her again. "Well... how so?" The goblin's mauling at the faun's breasts keep grabbing and twisting her body, soon giving a rapid tug as milk is flooded from her sizable bustline into the jar.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

Gar'Luc turns and begins to walk back into the inn with the Cubite in his arms "What would I have to do to make that a Yes?"
Alkaia smiled as she simply held Kalla. "Could help me with my research and training. And I can teach you a few things too." Lightly breathing on her ear as she spoke.
"Cookies aren't sentients, but a baked snack. Very tasty. I like mine baked a little softer and less crumbly." Kaylia addresses Laani again. "Hey, any chance you could grab some cookies to go with the milk from the tavern? I'm expanding Zizth's horizons here." The werelioness grins.
"I think Horizonz cannot be expanded. Alzo, I do not know what a baked iz. Anywayz, I waz talking about the milk."
"Ohhhh milk's different. You're SUPPOSED to drink milk." Kaylia giggles a little.
Jewel flushes slightly, though her tail flicks downward and lightly runs along the front of the minotaur's clothing a little. Her eyes seem to widen slightly, before she leans upwards into his chest slightly. "Maybe going to someplace private's a start?" Kalia mutters slightly as the dragonkin rubs up beside her more. "I'm gonna assume some of this assistance probably isn't going to be too chaiste...?" she asks, her voice admittedly a tad meek.
"...You all don't make any zenze.," mutters Zizth a bit, "Eat thiz but not that ezept when you may... Zo much overcomplication."
"Only what you are comfortable with." Giving Kalla a small squeeze. "Even if it takes till after we save the world."
Gar'Luc smiles as he strides across the inn, ignoring any looks that might be thrown his way, and heading for the rooms, hoping at least one of them has been prepared by now
"Sure, it's complicated. But... it does make more sense, after a while. I promise." Kaylia waits patiently for her jar of milk and straw.
"I do not believe that for a zecond.," says Zizth dryly, "I am more zertain it'll juzt lead to more confuzing thingz."
2The jar felt heavy in her hand, full and wet with milk, she held the jar up looking at it. Running her milk covered hand, she took a lick of the Faun's milk. "Mmm, not bad, not creamy enough. Kinda bitter as well. You need to eat better faun girl." As she held the jar, popped the straw into it and walked over to Kaylia. "Here you go, just hold onto this and I'll go grab the cookies. . . Oh, sincce you know how to make aphrodaisics, do you know how to make drugs that can increase the size of yonder pack mule's teats? Both bottom and topper?" As she jerked a thumb towards the faun.
"I could, Laani, but... yeah that's a rather permanent effect. I can't put her through that, wouldn't be right. Thanks for the milk, though!"
"Really now? Well, may I see any notes you have on such drugs?" Laani asked quite shamelessly.
Zizth grumbles a bit. "Laani, don't be az bad az zhe iz. Juzt becauze zhe did wrong doez not mean we zhould go az far az zhe did."
The barkeep admittedly had been absent, apparently having hidden in his room expecting another raid. Four rooms was left slightly ajar though, clearly meant for the party at the end of the day. One definately looked fancier than rest, taking up the area after the landing while the rest were smaller rooms built above the bar area for the stairs. Jewel simply rocked slightly into the beastman a little, her tail still experimentally feeeling around the much, much bigger creature. "G-gotta admit, not used to creatures the size of a house, so bear with me a bit..." the younger cubite stammered. Kalia nodded slowly, giving a light murr at the close touches. "Mayhaps, but who knows, comfort zones can broaden after a few lessons..." she let hang. Clearly for innocentish she did have a slight tease streak
Gar'Luc opts for one of the smaller rooms, pushing the door open with his elbow and stepping in carefully, using one of his feet to kick the door closed with a thump. "I'm a patient Minotaur, despite the misconceptions about my race." he says, setting her gently on the bed and running one of his large hands up her leg, the hand wandering under her skirt and groping her bottom
She smiled "They certainly can." Lightly rubbing Kalla's tummy with her finger tips.
"Heh. I don't have ALL of my notes here, Laani. Nor would I let you treat one of our prisoners like that. Just... not a very nice thing to do."
"Hmmmm. . ." Laani looked at Kaylia for a few long moments before nodding her head. "Okay. Well I'm off to go find a cookie. Lets see if this tavern has any. . ." As she trotted off, heading inside of the tavern and searching around inside of it, pointedly ignoring anyone she ran into.
"...Zhe worriez me zometimez. Well, mozt of them do."
The faun's hooves dig into the dirt, shivering slightly after being used as just a food source by the goblin and the added words. Clearly with these maniacs they'd truely have control of this witch at least, if only from fear. The Helius woman gave a bit of a gasp, biting her lip slightly from Alkaia's touch, her legs pressing together slightly. Jewel chuckled lightly as she flops onto the bed, a light yelp leaving her as the minotaur's finger teases the blemishless skin on her rump. Mewling gently, her tail is now a bit more bold, trying to worm into the minotaur's clothing now. "Patience is always good, though sometimes you just need to get a little wild, I'm sure," she purrs slightly, her wings unfurling behind her to rest on the bed.
"Heh. Would you be willing to believe that you scare them as much as they scare you, sometimes?"
As for the goblin's quest for cookies, she'd be unable to find anything so much as a crisp in open view for her to 'acquire'. Clearly the barkeep had locked food away minus perhaps a few bowls of peanuts left for the occasional drunk.
Laani pointedly walks away from any noises that signify ongoing fun times. Searches the pantry of the tavern for any already made cookies. If none, searches for any flour, sugar, and chocolates.
Alkaia smiled before slipping away from Kalla and heading back to the table with the books. Her focus upon the fleshcrafting tome.
Gar'Luc moves his hand up her back, motioning for her to remove her clothing as his free hand reaches down to loosen the belt around his waist. "Going wild is fun, but I don't like hurting my partners." he says, his belt coming undone and his shorts dropping to the floor with a loud thump from the hammer he had left tucked in his belt, his proud horse member in full view as it slowly hardens
"Yez. We all fear what we do not underztand and you all confuze me greatly. And it goez the zame for all of you. Laani probably underztandz bezt but zhe iz... Odd."
Kalia nodded as Alkaia slides away, moving to the table with Mona and gently scooping the girl up. "I'll take our little flyer to bed, methinks..." she comments, leaving Alkaia looking at the tome. Laani's pillaging finally found jackpot, a jar of chocolate chip cookies stashed with some of the cooking stuff! Jewel flushes slightly as the beastman comments, and reaches for some of the leftover belts on her hips, loosening them to get her skirt out of the way as she works her vest off her shoulders. The simple tubetop and thong she wore as well quickly flew off to the side, as were the belts she had on her hands from the fight earlier, soon leaving her mostly bare save a few piercings in her navel. She bends before the minotaur, eying the massive member before her. "I-I think I see what you mean..." she mutters lightly, everpmentally running a hand along the mass of flesh but clearly still interested.
"True, though I don't personally find anyone here a threat. I certainly respect all of you, but I think the people here are mostly here for good reasons." Kaylia gives a slight yawn. "Wow... rather peaceful in this town now. Kinda restful."
"WOoo! Cookies!" Looking around with a mischevious smile on her face, she opened the jar carefully, not wanting it to break, and filched a cookie. She took an experiemental bite to taste the cookie, to see if it had gone stale or bad. She needed to make sure about this stuff!
Alkaia nods. "I will be up shortly then." She decided to gather up the books and follow Kalla and the harpy up stairs.
Gar'Luc reaches his left hand down and runs the last knuckles of his fingers along Jewel's face "If you don't think you can handle it, I'll understand." he says, his member twitching as she touches him, obviously aroused by her nude form
Alkaia's tome reading into the Fleshcrafter tome was at least partly interesting. The tome started with a discussion over the concepts of fleshcrafting- using the mass of the body- or another creature- could allow one to alter, or even add entirely new body parts to a species or creatures. The book explained that there was many useful examples of this, though on the same page a sketch of what was referred to by the book as 'an overenthusiastic practitioner' was featured, showing a Defiled whos arms seemd to be a hedgehog of tentacles and three dicks coming from her pelvis. Least, as far as she read before she followed them to the room. As for the cookies, they tasted at least recent, not stale yet.
"I conzider anyone a pozzible threat. Attitudez can change, mindz can be altered, willingly or otherwize. Ezpezially the magez."
Jewel shook her head. "No fear there, big boy," she murmered, leaning forward with a smile as her hand slowly works along his shaft a little more, teasing him to further hardness. Her nose flares slightly as she catches the smell of the beastman's musk, her body already flushing slightly at the incoming sexual encounter, with her tail flicking behind her happily.
Alkaia helped Kalla tuck in Mona. "Claiming the big room for yourself?"
"Hmm, these should be good than." As she munched on the big, giant chocolate chip cookie, at least to her perspective, it'd prolly barely take up the space of Zizth's palm or what passed for her palm. She walked out of the tavern holding up the jar of cookies triumphantly! "Got chocolate chips here! Not stale either!" As she held the jar out for Kaylia's inspection and Zizth. . . Idly the jar was right next to Kaylia's breasts. (>:3)
Gar'Luc suddenly grunts and jerks forward in a thrust, his member standing at full attention, and a reflex kicking in from the stimulation
2"Hey, thanks Laani! Here, Zizth, try one of these." Kaylia moves a cookie near to Zizth's mouth, letting the thrull smell the treat before tasting it.
Kalia hrmed, tilting her head slightly. "I wasn't sure the room arrangements, to be honest. Considering room sharing would be required for people anyway, not counting Zizth and Halfdan apparently." Jewel gave a surpsised gasp as Gar thrusted forward, eying the throbbing flesh in front of her. "Oh my..." she murrs, leaning forward again as her lips gently lap along his shaft's head, all the while staring upwards to his face.
"Want to share a room then?"
Zizth didn't turn her head to look, still staring forwards, though her antennae swivel to the strange sweet scent. "...It taztez zweet.," she says, her antennae moving near it, before taking a bite of the cookie, chewing and swallowing.
Gar'Luc groans in obvious pleasure at the contact, his left hand resting gently on top of her head, noticing her staring up at him and leaning his head back, content to let her do as she pleases
Zizth blinks then shudders. "...I don't feel too good..."
"...I think it waz poizonouz...," says Zizth, grimacing, "I zeel bad."
"I don't see why not," Kalia comments, nodding to Alkaia. "Should we steal the master room? Or go to the last of the smaller rooms?" Meanwhile, Jewel watched the minotaur lean back at the bliss, and she licks her lips a little before focusing on the minotaur's cock in earnest. She works her lips around his cock properly after a few seconds, managing to stretch her lips around the horselike head and begin to suckle a little, tongue giving a few licks around the captured meat in her mouth.
"I don't think it's poisonous... but evidently these cookies and you don't get along very well. So we'll just that aside for now. Here, have some milk. Might settle your stomach." Kaylia moves the jar and straw to Zizth to let her try the milk.
"The master room works." Smiling at her and heading off to the large room. Laying the books down on a table to browse through later. She turned to Kalla with a grin as she crawled into bed.
Zizth takes looks at the straw in some confusion before taking a bite out of it.
Thiz iz not zo zweet."
As Jewel licks and sucks, she's rewarded for her efforts with another moan of pleasure from the Minotaur and a steady stream of pre, the Minotaur obviously enjoying every second of it.
"Mmmm. . . Well here's the cookies, I'm going to go tinker and work on making an orgasm denying milking machine for the faun! Tatah!" As Laani stated that happily and loudly, she hopped and skipped to the wagon, hopped in, and got all her stuff and began to haul it out and into the tavern and one of the not being used rooms to start tinkering.
Kalia smiles lightly as she joined the cubite on the bed, taking a second to adjust the choker of crystals on her neck before she flops back onto the bed. "Plenty of room for a inn bed, admittedly. Something tells me you don't want to cast a reveal spell in here," she jokes a little. The hard mass of minotaur dick was certainly being a challenge for the much-smaller Jewel, but clearly when it came to such tasks she made up for it with determination. She worked steadily to try and slide more of that large cock into her mouth and throat, the flood of pre making her give a weak moan and her hips to twitch beneath her as the ambrosia effect starts to kick in. Her entire body shivered, clearly having just experienced it for the first time.
Gar'Luc reaches his other hand down, resting it on JEwel's head as he gently thrusts, hoping to feel more of her insides as he can already feel himself starting to tense up, slowly approaching that blissful precipice
Alkaia smiled and happily cuddled up to Kalla, her hand pulling up a blanket over them. Quite content to simply hug and sleep with her this time.
Kaylia sidles over to the faun. "You know... they're going to keep you on edge and without an orgasm for the next several days, right?"
Zizth chews on the straw a bit then swallows. "...I don't think that helped much... I don't underztand your zood at all..."
"You have to suck the liquid through the straw, Zizth. You don't eat it."
"Oh.," blinks Zizth, before doing that and sucking down the milk, draining the whole thing in one go. "...Oopz, I forgot to tazte it." She moves her antennae down to the glass. "Huh, haz zugarz, and other ztuff. Zeemz alright."
The minotaur's cock was getting further in her throat at least, Jewel groaning as the thrusting begins to make her throat buldge and back, gasping as she can't help but slide a hand to gently tease her own folds, her throat still working to pleasure her current partner. Kalia too snuggled against the dragonkin, enjoying the closeness. Meanwhile, the faun seemed to hear Kaylia's comments, giving a string of muffled, whimpered curses in her annoyed, gagged way.
Gar'Luc unconsciously bunches Jewel's hair in his hands as he starts to thrust on his own, his testes tensing up and tightening closer to him, his orgasm not far off as he groans. "Get ready." he barely manages to choke out before he makes on final thrust in, his orgasm exploding out into her
"Yeah. I personally think that's rather cruel. So I'm going to make you a deal, faun. You tell me at least five good things that we should know about Icarus, and I'll see to it that you get a solid orgasm afterwards. Sound fair?"
Zizth set the glass down, eyes shifting to the pair. "Be careful, Kaylia. I don't like Laani'z ideaz but the Faun iz ztill a mage. They are powerful."
"I've made a study of magic. Don't worry, I'm not going to ungag her without blindfolding her. As I understand it, most of her magic requires sight."
"Well her head iz in a bag for a reazon."
Jewel gurgles slightly around his shaft, staring upwards as she hears the minotaur's groans, only for her eyes to widen as she feels the throbbing of the minotaur shaft in her mouth. With the first burst of seed she gives a loud squeal, her body shivering as her fingers toy with her slit, eyes rolling up slightly as the fluid temporarily cuts off her airways with her desperately swallowing the force-feeding of spunk.
The faun seems to perk up slightly, suppressing her pants as Kaylia suddenly starts talking to her, the short tail at the end of her deer part twitching. She lets out some quiet whimpers in response, naturally still gagged and unable to get a coherent word out.
"Just nod your head yes, or shake your head no. That simple."
"I would azzizt but I am ztuck for three hourz.," says Zizth with a sigh, "Not zo bad but I feel ezpozed."
Gar'Luc unconsciously holds Jewel in place for several more spurts, before he realizes this and pulls out, his last burst ending up on her face instead of in her throat
"Don't worry about that Zizth, I'll keep ya safe. Got my lovely 'deathstick' right here."
"I dizlike that I have to be protected az well. And yez you do. Az mentioned I've a reminder of what they can do right here. If the zhot hadn;t gone through a zand dune zirzt I;d be dead."
The faun's front hoof paws the dirt road slightly as far as the ropes lined around her legs will go, but the faun gave a mutter and nod at her words, still drooling liquid from her breasts thanks to both the goblin and cubite. Jewel shivers as her belly bloats slightly from the cum flood, but gasps for air as she's dragged from his shaft finally, splatters of cum covering her face and chest. Her eyes are dilated a little, but she's coughing slightly at the amount of spunk. "G-geebus..." she groans, flushing lightly, wings flicking slightly.
"True. But I don't like to kill anything if I don't have to. Or even be very mean to anyone... wonder where Laani ran off to..."
Gar'Luc sighs as he settles onto the bed next to Jewel, his erection slowly beginning to die down. "Thank you for that. And, I'm sorry if that was a little too much." he says, gently wrapping an arm around behind her
"To buidl that mazhine zhe mentioned many timez I imagine. I do not like it. It remindz me of zlavery too much. Prizoner for time iz one thing but that iz too much.," hisses Zizth.
"Yes, I think you're probably right. Hrm. Maybe I can grab someone to help me. I'll be right back, okay?" Kaylia ducks her head into the tavern to see if anyone's available to assist her.
Zizth sighs, "Not like I;m going anywhere. Ugh, zo ezpozed." She kept swiveling her antennae about to scent for threats to compensate for not being allowed to move her head.
Jewel takes a few moments to refocus before sge hiubs Gar's side. "Mmmgh, d-don't mention it," she mutters, flushing slightly. "Just not used to that much," she comments slightly, giving a gentle rub along his cock as she nuzzles up. The faun still mutters slightly with her hooves kicking at the dirt more.
Gar'Luc lays back on the bed with a groan, leaving enough room for Jewel as well.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

"I zuzpect you are zazing me. But at leazt I'm not a leaky mezz."
Kaylia would first notice the empty tavern floor downstairs. Upstairs, she'd find the first three rooms closed, with the forth room closed and a light on, with sounds of obvious mechanical work happening. In the third room, there was loud whines of Jewel's enjoyment, second room having loud Harpy snores, and finally the other room being Alkaia and Kalia's snuggle time.
Kaylia ducks into the room with the mechanical work going on. "Hey Laani, put down the tools for a minute. I made a deal with the faun--orgasm for information. But I want someone else there to make sure things don't get out of hand."
BlackshardRP: Upon opening the door to Laani's quickly made workshop, Kaylia faced a surprise. "TWANG! TWANG! TWANG!" A tumultous amount of twangs erupted as about. . . 7 cookies were shot at Kaylia's face and chest. 6 of them aimmed straight at her busom while one seemed curiously flying straight at her mouth level. The loud twanging noise also shocked Laani, who was currently only in a simple pair of tube top and tight spats that left very little of her to imagination. "Whose there?!" She yelped as she straightened up- "OW!" "CLANG!" As she smacked her head against the top of an extremely bulky torture looking device, that fell apart with her sudden smack into it!
2015-01-18 06:14:24 [Message] Kaylia -> BlackshardRP: Kaylia looks at the goblin with a deadpan expression, wiping the chocolate and crumbs from her mouth and bosom. "Yeah. It's me. Come on, let's go interrogate the faun a little. Bring something to give her an orgasm or two... or we can just use fingers."
2015-01-18 06:18:08 [Message] Laani -> BlackshardRP: Rubbing the bump on her head, she slowly got up in what accounted to her work clothes as she looked at the redhead. "Interrogate the faun? No one's going to bitch at us for doing so? An orgasm or two. . . hmm. . ." Digging around inside of her stuff. . . "AHA!" She giggled as she pulled out a. . . grosteque looking cock. The size of that thing far too large. It equaled the size of a horse's dong, and. . . it had additions of lots of bumps and even what looked to be small spines. "I looted this off of a freaky gnome girl! Can you believe that this use to be attached to a belt?" As she waved the large dildo in the air. It had a curious like mechanism at the base of it. . . It looked like an air pump. As Laani walked towards Kaylia with it.
"Ahhhh maybe a LITTLE smaller than that."
"Ah well. Okay, let's do this." Kaylia leads the goblin out to Zizth. "Any problems from our dear friend, the faun?"
"No. Zhe can do nothing, juzt like me."
"Why a little smaller? She's a centaur faun for goodness sake! This should fit into her ass. I'm taking it out there. Now as for a smaller one. . ." She put the massive dildo dong in the back of her tube top, stretching out her top and making her breasts pop against the white fabric. It also made her look like she is carrying around a massive sword-shape dildo. Rummaging around, she pulled out a. . . metallish looking dildo. A click on it had it visibly vibrating. "Hmmm, this should do for the front half. Through I hope the vibration function doesn't break in it again. Last time it broke, it shook itself to pieces." As she followed Kaylia out of the room, forgetting to put on her. . . outside clothes and armor clothes.
With it still being a dead, moonlit night, noone visible in the street and just Zizth currently awake at the wagon (Halfdan apparently was way too tired,) there was plenty of time before the night ended for them to toy with the poor defeated cultist. She was still on her hooves, muttering a string of curses that were all muffled in the rag on her mouth.
Zizth blinks as the two come into view, seeming confused by Laani bringing the two strange objects. "...Are you going to bludgeon her with thoze?"
"No. You know your hole where the male puts stuff in? That's where these things go ok? Want to try one of them?" As she held up the erratically vibrating metal dildo shaped like a goblin's cock, on the large side.
"No. I've a vague idea where that iz and I have no dezire to put anything there. Iz bad enough I am ztuck watching you do it to her."
"Believe me, this is actually going to be a major relief for the faun." Kaylia walks over to the tied creature. "So here's the deal, faun. I'm going to have one of my associates ungag you and let you speak. You won't be able to see any of us, or our positions. You're going to start talking about Icarus." She pauses. "Do you understand me so far?"
The faun mutters slightly, but her tail flicks slightly and she gently nods again with a conformitory grumble.
"I gathered. That waz the reazon behind not doing it.," says Zizth, "Doezn't mean I want to watch. Waz bad enough it leaked all over me while I carried her."
"I'm going to be a little ways away with a high-powered rifle pointed at your skull. There's no centaur to take this bullet for you, and I'm a pretty damned good shot. If you try to use magic, or fuck us over in any way... then it's game over. Nod again if you understand."
The faun gulps slightly, looking nervious as she seems to remember the exploding centaur torso from earlier in the night, giving an unsteady nod again.
"You want me to ungag her? You do know I have to stand on my tippy toes and rub my face against her tits to do that right?" Laani's words didn't sound. . . discouraged at it but quite naughty as if expecting a full yes. (If yes from Kaylia) Laani giggled happily, practically doing a small dancing jig that made her assets quite generously bounce.
"Yes. Let's stand her on the wagon, and then gimme a minute to get situated. When I give you the nod, go ahead and ungag her, but feel free to put the gag back on. After she gives a couple of good facts about Icarus, I'll give you another nod, and you can give her an orgasm or three."
"Wait, you want me to lift and stand the faun on the wagon?" Laani questioned
Alkaia contently snuggled with Kalla. Leaving it fairly chaste for the moment as she fell asleep.
"I think you yourzelz zhould ztand on the wagon to reach. Hurry up.," says Zizth exasperatedly
"Okay okay. . ." As Laani got into position. (Position = Tugging the faun to the front of the wagon, making sure she can't just run off blindly and is still tied to the wagon and standing on the wagon driving seat and able to reach the faun and take off gag.)
Kaylia moves about twenty yards away, using a nearby sign as a gunrest and getting a good bead on the faun. She gives Laani a meaningful nod.
Kalia continues to snuggle as she too stats to draw asleep, not initiating much herself. Even the faun glared at the voice the goblin had done, before she's tugged over with the rope tied on her chest. Now near the now-sleeping Halfdan and in front of the goblin, she can't do much with the burlap sack over her face. The goblin should be able to remove the tent canvas from her mouth by opening the sack and tugging it free.
Reaching over to raise up the burlap sack just above her bottom lip, but not fully above her lips in front, Laani reached and tugged downwards the tied tent canvas scrap, letting it fall and rest around the faun's neck like a cloth collar. She also reached and purposefully gave a tug on the Faun's human half nipples.
Alita coughs a little as she's finally allowed to speak again, only for a loud yelp coming from the goblin's fingers. "Nngh... by the Nether, you sure you're not cultists at this rate?" she couldn't help asking.
"I am Zizth."
"To answer your question, I'm the naughty bad guard who likes abusing the prisoner. The redhead that promises to blow you to kingdom come, is the stereotypical nice guard with a hard-on for killing people. The guy behind me is Halfdan and he likes taking people into halves. And yes, she is Zizth. Zizth is the absolutely worst eldritch abomintation you can imagine." Laani giggled out happily, twisting the faun's nipples.
"Am not."
"Get to it already, I don't want to be watching thiz."
The faun pouts her lip, rolling her eyes under the bag. "Sure, whatever. You act like I'm some innocent, hypocrite."
"Iz zhe zazz'z you again, bring her over here and I'll kick her in the zhin."
Taking a moment to think about questions. . . She really hadn't come out here with any questions in mind. "Yes you are innocent. Who said you were guilty of anything? Now as for a question. . . Who is your god? Who is Seridus? Who is Icarus? Why is this town being raided enough for people to have built up habits? Zizth, if I bring her over to you, I want you to eat one of her fingers. Make sure to take as long as possible snapping it off. I want to enjoy every, single, moment, of pain, her body reacts to. . ." Her voice positively dripping in undisguised glee, her spats becoming quite damp around her groin. "Please, do sass me again. . ." She purred into the faun's ear.
"That goez without zaying.," says Zizth, licking her lips
Kaylia is silent, not wanting to give away her position to the caster.
The faun bites her tongue as the goblin says that Zizth would do the torture should she misbehave again. "I-I'm not even sure of some of those things myself, ok?!? Look, I can at least explain what I was doing here and Icarus, but that's about it with details."
"You know zomething about my raze as zlavez clearly. Zo you zhall tell about that, Or I'll rizk breaking my woundz open to replicate them on you."
"Than explain and make it succulent." Laani spoke softly, as she continued "If you want the carrot, you need to answer at least. . . 6 questions. Zizth has given you 1 question, I have given you 5. You can only answer one of them and that is with Icarus. You've made no mention of who you worship. Tell me, do you worship any higher being?"
If they could see it, Alita's eyebrow was twitching, even with her sensitive body from Jewel's spellwork twitching in the freezing night air. "Mmmgh. You already know I'm part of your so-cult cult labeling. I served several figures in my life, none moreso than the Patron of Fleshcrafting herself. I don't see why you wish such knowledge, however."
With that bit of sass again, Laani shoved the faun forward, pushing her towards the downed Zizth, walking her alongside the wagon. Even jumping off of it and pushing her forward. Grabbing the faun's arm, she jerked it down to Zizth's face, baring the whole knuckle and hand. "Dealer's choice. Bit whicher one you want Zizth.
"She's told us nothing. She's wasting our time. Go ahead and gag her again, she can just live without orgasms."
Kaylia moves to a new position, having spoken.
Whimpering loudly, the faun dug her hooves into the ground, her eyes growing wider at the mention of the Thrull enacting revenge. "Nonononono! Not the Aster'korah! P-please!" she yelled rather loudly, and Zizth could probably catch the scent of fear strongly from the faun.
"Then answer the questionz without the backzazz. Thiz iz your lazt warning, zlaver. Next time I;m doing it. You will tell uz everything about your friend and you will tell me everything about my raze and that name you juzt called me. Or they won;t need to azk or drag, I'll do it myzelf."
Ignoring Kaylia's words, if the redhead wanted to interrogate the faun, she had to be the one asking the questions. "No? This is her last warning? Hmmm, no. She is receiving a punishment." As Laani purposefully pushed the faun forward, close enough for Zizth to easily be able to reach her. . . Faun. . . Faun, come now, answer our questions. What do you mean by Aster'korah? Don't you want this terrible fear to go away? Don't you want what your body needs?" As she, now on the ground lightly puffed some air on the faun's very sensitive cunt.
"It'z her lazt warning before I take her zlezh from her.," says Zizth simply, "And make her guezz where every bite will land."
Alita shivered, moving as far as the rope on her chest would let her from the source of the thrull voice. "A-Aster'korah, one of the riftland insect species. I-I think you know which I am refering to. S-specially if they are changed past the original paramaters of the species. S-sentient..." she stammers, the fear not running away even as the breath over her body's sensitive areas.
"I wouldn't know. But your wordz tell me much neverthelezz. Now what iz your friend doing?"
"Mhmmm, and what has happened to you to warrant. . . such fear from them? What have you done?" As she reached with a hand, her fingers running down against the sides of the faun's animal pussy, letting a lewd squelch noise sound as she pressed.
"Answer both our questions faun. . ." Her voice light, but. . . hard, leaving no room for arguement.
The whimper leaves her as the goblin keeps toying with the sensitive parts even at the fear of the thrull near her threatening maiming. "T-There's a Asker'korath that was in the cults where I learned my craft. She was a mighty queen, and taught me how to bend flesh... But she was a terrifying creature, she mutated her previous alpha queen just to get stronger in the ladder of her hive. H-her presense was... intimidating, to say the least."
"What?," says Zizth, hissing, before giving a growl, "A name. What iz her name?"
"Mhmmm, that answers my question, now what about Zizth's? What is your friend doing? Answer all of our questions Faun. . .Just relax, know that answering our questions brings safety. . . pleasure. . ." She purred as she reached, rubbing the faun's clitoris, gently, teasing, enough to make the faun's hinds quiver in anticipation.
Alita looked nearly terrified, from what little they could see of her face. "B-Broodqueen Quoria.... A-as for Icarus... I guess the best way to explain it is he's a errand boy. He's been requesting information on my studies recently rather insessiently. I-I think Seridus is getting annoyed at my lack of complete progress..."
"Tell us about Seridus, while you're at it."
Zizth clacks her jaws, eyes going distant as she starts to brood a bit.
The goblin purred happily, a finger beginning to dip into the faun'smessy cunt. "Ahhh, your fear is making you so tight. . ."
"I-I'm a initiate! I know very little about the top hierchy beyond Quoria. All I know is Seridus is the current leader, and she's got something planned up regarding trying to find another Blackshard formula. I was told to do research on it during my work on my pet project and practice on my own experiments..." she mutters, only to give a loud mewl from the goblin exploring her folds proper.
"Where iz Quoria."
"S-she was hiding with her brood in the mountains last, though I think the brood was sent on the move after my learnings. Again, I've barely been in contact with anyone sans Icarus because I've been stuck with a bunch of smelly, unlearned mongrels for weeks cus it's hard to waltz in and claim you want vollenteers for forbidden magic..." she mutters, her face growing quite red from embarressment and pleasure mixed.
"I think that's five, Laani. I believe we owe our dear faun a little carrot, no?"
"Hmmmm, those are quite some good answers. . . What does Icarus look like?" Laani askked, two fingers dipping into The faun's animal folds, no where near enough, but starting to scratch that ithc, slowly but surely. Through with each press, Laani slowly pushed the faun closer and closer to Zizth.
"Zirzt off, mozt people don;t know magic or anything about it. Juzt zay what you are doing and azk for volunteerz and don't mention the zorbidden magic part. Heck, zhould all be zorbidden zrankly, all magic at all. Zecond, what Laani azked."
Alkaia cuddles closer to Kalla in her sleep.
"Oh that is five?" As Laani reached and pulled out the Master Dong, her top also being pulled off with it leaving her breasts hanging freely in the night air. Shivering at the cold night, as she raised the dong and said "I'm sorry, but I lied to you. Kaylia is the good guard who has been double crossed. Me and Zizth have already decided your fate. Zizth, eat her." As Laani shoved the faun forward, but held the dong ready, aimming for that snatch where her fingers were just earlier. Waiting for the faun to scream in terror, and burning the instance of that scream in her mind, that terror of the thrull eating her as Laani shoved the dong in, fully and completely into the quivering faun's animal cunt. Making her remember this instant of terror in a beauitful, orgasmic display.
The fingers finding themselves into Alita's folds resulted in the faun letting out a weak little moan, her back legs splayed slightly as the strength goes out of her front legs, having her collapse downward a little and smacking into the wagon. A soft rocking comes from the wagon from the weight of the faun's body, with Halfdan giving a audible snort in his sleep. "N-nnngh... H-He's a Helius golemancer... K-Kinda like the one in your p-party... B-but he's a Zerius follower. R-real big on flight, to the point he had a fleshcrafter give him wings. L-last time he was working with some plant chick named Banshee also from his caste-" she was in the middle of explaining, only for Laani to pull her dickish stunt and result in a squeal as she was shoved towards the resting bug again, her upper torso smacking into the dirt road even as she gave a loud squeal as the goblin shoved the strange dildo into her upended beast torso. The poor toy was almost crushed as her insides convulsed and drooled even more nectar around the intruder, her entire body thrashing and twitching in the dirt. "N-nononopleaseSTOOOOOOOAP!!!"
"Huh? Did we?," blinkz Zizth in surprise at the sudden reaction, unsure if she should risk her clay to eat the creature or not.
"That's a bit excessive, Laani. Even for you." Kaylia gives a little giggle. "Please don't eat her, Zizth."
Hearing the thrashing cry, knowing the orgasmic even as the toy wiggled around in the Faun's cunt, her juices splashing wildly everywhere. Milk splurting onto the ground from her animal teats and her human teats. "Isn't this wonderful!" Laani cackled in delight as she knelt by the faun's human half, not letting up and shoving the metal vibrating dildo into the faun's human cunt. But keeping a firm hold and purposefully shoving it deep, making it ram the human half cervix, making more juices splurt onto the ground. "No we didn't zizth. I'm just torturing the faun for sassing me earlier. I honestly wanted you to eat a finger off of her on the second time. Not give her three chances. It lets her be uppity." As Laani slapped the faun's sack covered face and made sure the sack is staying on. "Shut up dirty whore."
"I can;t move my neck right now, Laani, it'll break my woundz open. Or I would have.," says Zizth, "Anywayz, You had your fun, Laani, that'z enough. Bleh, what a dizplay." She makes a face of distaste, "Grozz."
Alita yelps as she's smacked again, even as she's panting and convulsing on the ground, her back legs too tense from orgasming to let all of her body fully collapse onto the ground. Even still, her yelping mewls grow an octive as the second toy is slammed into her second snatch, adding to the vibrations coursing through her body.
"Hmmm, if you wanted to interrogate her redhead, you should've been the one over here and I'd be the one aimming my boomgun at her. You raelly are fragile." Laani bemoaned that fact of Zizth's before she reached, with nary a care, and ripped out the metal dildo from the front half, walking over to the back half, she purposefully twistingly pulled it out with a lewd squelch and splatter of fem-cum juices. "Alright, any more questions or can we be done? I'm behind schedule on making that milking machine that the faun will absolutely love."
"Can you not do that? Zhe iz not a zlave or anything. Zhouldn't treat her like zuch.," asks Zizth, "And yez, iz almozt like creaturez who are az ztrong az me can break my body. Tell you what, you get kicked in the back by a zatyr and zee how you zeel."
Another orgasm gets ripped from Alita as she's tugged empty again, leaving a whimpering yelp as her backside finally reaches the ground after it's invader is tugged free, followed with another gush of femcum soaking into the road. She whimpers weakly, panting as she twitches in the ropes, clearly too weak to really counter-anything as the present between the sadistic goblin and surprisingly-sympathetic slavebeast. By the Nether, if the rest of the cult saw her like this...
"If she is a slave, I'd treat her far more nicely. I'd release her from captivity, give her enough food and knowledge to live in the world and send her on her way. Currently, she is an enemy, a prisoner. So, I'm treating her like the pile of dead meat that she is. I'm making sure to harvest as much as possible from her before sending her away." Laani spoke in annoyed tone towards Zizth.
"Yeah, let's hold off on the milking machine. Seems a bit harsh. We are NOT Nether cultists, regardless of what she says."
"I've already made a prototype of the milking machine, I'm not stopping so soon." As she pouted.
"You are treating her like a zlave though. You change her body, uze her az a rezourze, and abuze her. Zo make it, juzt don't uze it. Unlezz zomeone volunteerz I guezz."
"No machine, Laani. And I'll give you some different aphrodisiac recipes instead."
"I think we have two different views on what a slave is. A slave is a sapient and sentient being that has been enslaved. This, is a sapient and sentient being that has been captured. She is a prisoner and a pile of meat. There is a distinction. What do you do with a pile of meat? What do you do with a slave?" The goblin rolled her eyes and stated "Don't disturb me." And left, heading up into the tavern to her workshop room.
Zizth blinks then grimaces as the goblin heads off. "...And I thought Alkaia would be my only problem. Foolizh me."
After a while, the faun shakily got to her feet, sighing and shaking her head slightly, surprisingly seeming like some of the crazy curses that Jewel had put apparently only lasting until orgasm, so no more drooling milk or girlcum. "I-I wish about now I knew self-fleshcrafting without sight. Then I could just fly somewhere else. Like the middle of a volcano..." she mutters, her upper body drooping slightly.
"I'd juzt catch you anywayz. But I won't let her uze that mazhine of herz on you.," says Zizth, "I do not like you. I think you muzt pay for the harm you;ve done. But I'd rather you dead or redeemed than to be a hypocrit. Zo no mazhine. But make me regret doing zo and I'll make you wizh Laani had zole cuztody of you."
"Right. Well, you've had your orgasm and we have our answers. Gotta gag you again." Kaylia replaces the gag on the faun and pulls the bag more completely over her, returning her to her previous state of incarceration.
After the spat between everyone, Alita clearly didn't seem too complantive, soon the only mark of her being a cultist was the odd pattern stripes in her deer hide. A mumbled amount of sighing leaves her as she settles back on her haunches a decent space away from the thrull, but no more words come from her as she somewhat sulks.
Zizth sighs and stays still again. "...One of my own raze, a zlaver... Thiz will be my mozt difficult trial...," she mutters to herself, "Live or die, az alwayz."
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

24 January (part one)
ShardDM: The next morning, the group would wake up in their respective positions, that is if they actually slept of course. Zizth would find both Halfdan and Alita asleep by her during the night, Laani in her makeshift workshop, more then likely slumped over her devious designs. Alkaia would awake closely snuggled by Kalia, still sleeping lightly. Gar'Luc would awaken to Jewel pressed into his belly, the smaller cubite rested quietly against his broader chest, while finally Kaylia would awaken in wherever she found a spot to sleep in the one-bed room she wound up sharing with Mona.

Laani: snorting from where she laid, she hugged the machine she had made during the night. A brutal looking pump and piston system that looked far too ready to be attached to a female taur-like being, and keep her/him in an indescribable state of orgasm denial and pleasure while also milking them.

Gar'Luc wakes up, his right hand resting on Jewel's midsection possessively, and tilts his head down to regard the cubite, debating waking her up or just laying there some more.

Zizth crawled out from beneath the wagon and looked over the two. She felt sluggish and starving, but there wasn't much she could overall do about that. In either case, she wondered what Fauns ate. She wiggled her antennae over their supplies, locating some water and sipped from it. The food they had been eating had been rather dry, she had to supplement it unlike usual. She then took a seat by the Faun with food and water, waiting for her to wake up.

Alkaia smiled, as she had woken up before Kalla. Her smiled turned devious and she lightly moved her top to reveal a breast. Lightly moving Kalla's hand to it and waiting patiently for her to awaken. Her other hand wrapped up her and hugging her close.

Kaylia quietly slips out from under the fur blanket, covering up the harpy and silently donning her adventuring garb. She does a quick inventory of her gear, then straps on her gunbelt and adjusts herself in the room's small mirror. She slings her rifle over a shoulder and heads into the inn's main room to see about breakfast, or at least some hot coffee.

ShardDM: Nobody naturally pestered Laani for now, however. Jewel for now was still sleeping, though the wings on her back and hips twitch slight at feeling the huge hand rubbing around her back. Alita had shifted to lay her main body down onto the ground, her torso having leaned against the wagon. She groans slightly as she awakens, her head still bagged. Kalia's sleeping was slowly starting to end, as her light blue eyes slowly slid open. Groaning lightly, she yawned a little, her hand gently giving a reflexive squeeze at the object in her hand. Upon realizing what she was doing though, she flushed deeply and quickly scooted back away from Alkaia. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry..." she stammered a little. Kaylia would find the bar a lot more lively- the barman was being assisted with two younger women dressed in simplistic dress, and he would give a simple nod to the werelioness, turning back to work with the bar.

Zizth noted Alita awakening and lifted the bag enough so it only covered her eyes, and ungagged her, and quietly moved the waterskin to her lips for her to drink from.

Gar'Luc rubs the cubite with his hand. "You awake yet little one?"

Alkaia smiled up at Kalla. "It is perfectly alright. I didn't mind." Her bare nipple sticking out like a hard pebble. She let her notice it before moving her top back into place. Leaning forward she lightly kissed Kalla's cheek, a cheshire like grin on her face. "Let's go and get some breakfast." Standing up fluidly from the bed and sashaying to the door to go downstairs.

Kaylia sits at the bar. "Coffee, please. And breakfast service for a baker's dozen." Kaylia knew there were less party members, but the minotaur, thrull, and werewolf would likely eat more than a standard serving.

ShardDM: Jewel murred lightly, flicking her tail with a slight rattle of bangles. "Mmmgh... Kinda..." she murmered, slowly opening her eyes and glancing up at the minotaur. Alita gasped a bit as the gag was removed and seemed to greedily suckle on the offered waterskin, drinking the liquid for several moments before she pulled back. "T-thanks..." she said, if a bit unsteadily. With the dragonkin's words, Kalia's flush would darken a little more, but she'd quietly start to tidy up her hair a little before the dragonkin left the room. In response to Kaylia, the barman gave a nod. "Not a prob! I'm assuming you're responsible for all the hubbub that's been going on since this morning, I suppose?"

Kaylia looks at the barman innocently. "Hubbub? I'm not sure what you're talking about." She gives him a wink, sipping at her coffee.

Zizth sets the water skin aside after and takes some dried fruit and some meat, putting them near the faun's lips. She wasn;t sure if she ate plants meat or both, but may as well give her both choices.

Gar'Luc slowly moves to sit up, his hand still keeping the cubite pressed up against his chest "I hope you don't regret last night like a lot of women do."

Alkaia took a seat near Kaylia. "Morning. Did you order breakfast for everyone yet?" Looking at the werelioness curiously.

Kaylia smiles at the dragoness-cubite. "Yup. Just took care of it. Our dear proprieter here seems to think that I'm responsible for some kind of 'hubbub,' though."

ShardDM: The barman gave a bit of a smirk but gave a nod. "Fair enough, I suppose. Hey Julia! Fetch the spare boar from the drying rack! Been holding it for special occasions!" he calls back to one of the barmaids, who scurried to one of the bar's backrooms. Jewel shook her head a little bit, giving a bit of a small smile. "Nah, last night was quite enjoyable. I hope my performance was adequete for you? I admit I've not handled something so... wild before," she admitted. The faun gave a bit of a sniff, her tail giving a slight flick before she lunged her head forward, chomping into the offered piece of fruit.

Alkaia: Grinning. "You? Nah. Your innocent." Still smiling as she looked at Kaylia. "Did you order for me too?"

Kaylia: "Yup. Hope you're hungry." She grins. "You know, in a conventional, non-sexy kind of hunger."

Alkaia: She pouted. "Aw.... Your no fun."

Zizth ate the meat herself then, before giving the Faun more fruit as she went, occasionally offering her water as she took care of her. Once the Faun was sated she hopped down and started to groom the Faun's fur, after all she was likely still a mess from last night and probably needed it takes care of.

Gar'Luc chuckles as his other hand comes up to heft her into his arms properly. "Well, that was a little bit more than I'd call adequate. That was amazing." he says, standing and setting her back down on the bed gently. "And I'd hope to experience it some more in the future."

Laani snoozes some more.

Kaylia: "I'm LOTS of fun. But at the moment, it's a conventional, non-sexy kind of fun."

Alkaia: She chuckled a moment. "So find out anything from our friend outside?" Pulling out the How to Fleshcraft for dummies guide.

ShardDM: The faun seemed to gorge slightly at the offered food, even if she couldn't really see too well at the events going on. As Zizth went to flatten the somewhat untidy parts of her fur, she tilted her head a little. "...W-why are you helping me?" she asked, looking blindly towards the sensation of claws on her back. Jewel flushed lightly as she's moved nearly effortlessly by the bigger beast, her tail flicking again. "I'm sure that can be arranged..." she murmers a little with a bit of a teasing glance back upwards. As the bar staff quickly worked to gather up the requested foodstuff, Kalia would join the bar crew, yawning still and looking tired and slightly embarressed still. "Mornin'..." she murmers.

Zizth: "You are a prizoner, not a zlave. I zaid az much earlier. You are being punizhed for your crimez, but making you ill and ztarve iz not a benezit to anyone. Your health iz now my rezponzibility. Bezidez. I have known ztarvazion. I do not wizh it on anyone. I even know it now." She shrugs and finishes fixing the faun;s fur and clearing the gunk from it. "I am alzo curiouz. Why did you do what you did? Not the zlaving, that waz juzt foolizh. But the magic. What were you trying to achieve and why?"

Gar'Luc retrieves his pants from the floor next to the bed, pulling them up with a slight jingle of the coin pouch stitched to the inside, before doing up his belt and stretching, his hands bumping the ceiling as he does so. "I'm going to go see about getting some breakfast." he says, turning back to look at the cubite with a grin on his face.

Kaylia: "Well, there's apparently a Thrull Broodqueen on the side of the cultists. Seridus is their leader, working on developing Blackshard research. And Laani wanted to put the faun into some kind of orgasm denial machine she's working on. I told her no." Kaylia pauses. "But telling a goblin no is like telling a river to stop."

Alkaia: "Morning, Miss Handsy.' Turning to Kayia. "Well that is not good. Still at least we know a little of what we may be facing. And I was able to get this to help Gar's and Mona's people." Patting the Fleshcraft book.

Kaylia frowns. "I'm not sure how much I like the sound of Fleshcrafting as a solution to any problem."

ShardDM: The faun's head lowered slightly, giving a slight sigh. "They say some things one cannot control. Magic is just one of those things that is hard to say no to if you have control of such. Unless you mean my eventual pursuits..." Nearby Zizth and Alita, Halfdan gave a bit of a snort as the ususally-watchful warrior started to wake up now. Jewel nodded, kicking up her tube top off the floor and starting to work herself decent as Gar also started to head downstairs. Kalia flushed at the remark by Alkaia but slid into a stool next to the pair of them, with Kaylia in between them.

Kaylia: "Mornin' Kalia. How was your night?" Kaylia glances back as she hears the minotaur plodding down the stairs.

Zizth: "Yez, magic... Terrible ztuff. But I am curiouz why you were trying to do that breedy thing ztuff."

Gar'Luc comes down from his shared room, his step suprisingly light for a minotaur, which is to stay it's just shy of a stampede, and a grin on his face.

Alkaia: "It wont solely be that. It will be other magics and prayers to Lilorious for her aid and blessing. It certainly wont be easy though."

Laani continue to snooze in her workroom, just hugging against her machine

ShardDM: Kalia nodded to Kaylia, a little flushed at the remark earlier. "G-good..." she stammers a little, though she too eyed the Fleshcraft Arcana with a suspicious eye. Gar'Luc would see the barman and a few yonger women running around the bar, setting up the massive food order, with the other three gathered together at the bar. Alita's tail flicked slightly again as she sighed a little more. "Well... imagine if you met someone you felt was the right match for you. Except you were wrong, he was a ass, and he beat you because you were apparently barren..." she sighed. "Anyway... You hear of a way to fix your... affliction, and your species prides itself on breeding as a important social class... You put two and two together... and..."

Zizth: "Zo you did it for your own advanzement. I zee. Hm. You did not dezerve miztreatment for not baring. I hope you did az I would and tore out hiz ribz. Did you get the fix you dezired?"

Kaylia: Kaylia looks up at the minotaur. "Why don't you have a seat, big fella? I know the feeling--I was a bit fried after the first time I fed Al... fed a cubite."

Alkaia grinned at Kaylia's slip and correction.

Gar'Luc sits on the seat offered, the material groaning in protest as he does so. "Wasn't actually so bad. She's a hell of a good time."

Kaylia: "Oh, I'm sure. But it DOES take a toll on the body."

Gar'Luc: "And if I'm completely honest I think she enjoyed it as much as I did."

ShardDM: Alita frowned slightly. "He didn't last long, no. Funny, one doesn't expect a faun to be able to put a sharpened pole through a centaur's chest and pin him to a tree. Anyway, I did... and then got inspired to try and find a more permament solution after learning what I could... thus, magic." After a little while, Jewel skipped down the stairs, giving a quiet humming of unknown tunes as she hopped onto a stool herself. One of the barmaids gave them all an odd look, shrugged, and then returned to quickly peeling potatos near the cooking stove.

Alkaia: "I am sure she did from the sounds coming from your room. Made my blanket more snuggly." Smiling as she momentarily glances at Kalla whwb she said blanket.

Kaylia grins a bit mischieviously. "So... Jewel. How was YOUR night?"

Zizth: "I zee. I am glad you zound a zoluzion to your problem. But are you zertain that waz your only route? To turn to kidnapping and otherz zuzzering zor your own gain? What good iz it iz it comez on the back oz thoze you took zreedom zrom? We have other magez. Maybe you can convinze them to try to zind your zoluzion without uzing zuch methodz. Though you zhould alzo conzider why your zpeciez are like that naturally. There may be a reazon."

ShardDM: Jewel had a somewhat dreamy look to her face, her feet kicking slightly. "Good enough, considering we spent most the night dodging getting chopped apart from mad satyrs," she mutters, though still looking rather happy. Kalia again reacted somewhat, giving a light whimper as she seems to curl up a little. Alita's face contorted slightly in anger, even if all she could see was the clenching teeth and perhaps the twitching of her ears in the hood. "What other choice do I have?!? I'd be wanted for murder at my home, and asking to allow testing of odd magical treatments to stop this monospecies situation we've suffered since the Goddess's creation? Who'd be a idiot for such a thing? Even those of the cults doubted the full idea of such... think that's why they encouraged me leaving, in retrospect..."

Gar'Luc: "I think the payoff for that night was well worth it."

Kaylia then proceeds to fill in Jewel, Kalia, and Gar'Luc on the fruits of the previous night's interrogation.

Alkaia decided to read through the book while Kaylia explained everything.

Zizth: "Other choize? Mozt do not underztand one magic from another. I zertainly don't. I think it'z all the zame thing, taking nature and twizting it. But zinze that iz azeptable for zome reazon, why not juzt not tell them how you are doing it? Juzt zay you zhall zolve it with magic and need help. Done. And if your method to zolve it iz actual to kill otherz, well, maybe iz good you zailed. You would provide life by cauzing death, a tainted gizt. In any caze, I do not know what a goddezz iz but it zeemz to me there iz a reazon your zpeciez doez only one zpeciez breeding. Juzt like every other one. Otherwize one would juzt overwhelm all the otherz. When there are too many predatorz, there iz no more prey. Then all there iz iz death."

Gar'Luc laughs at the thought of a Goblin machine. "If she needs help keeping that faun in check, be sure to let me know." he says, before a thought crosses his mind. "Wait. Aren't we going to get as much info about her experiments as possible? I'm still pretty convinced that research could be of great use to my people."

Alkaia: "I have her research notes. And don't worry, I will figure out a solution. One your people can actually see as a blessing."

Gar'Luc: "Good. I personally don't need to worry about the problem myself, seeing as I'm already with my blessing. But it'd be nice to give it to the folks, y'know? Pretty sure Mom would jump at the chance to have some actual lamia babies."

Alkaia: "Well, with my way, Either half-breeds of either gender happen, or they are a species of one of the parents of either gender." Scratching her chin in thought. "Though it will take time to research and create such a thing."

Gar'Luc: "As long as we don't have to bring in a third party for our Monsterkin to have their own babies that'll likely be enough."

Alkaia: "Unless you consider the goddess Lilorious a third party?"

ShardDM: Naturally, the Fleshcraft Arcana was written in Abyss Runic, with some of the descriptions of the early experiments of the fleshcrafting, stating of course by describing it as 'a gift from the Mistress of Mutilation' and warning that overexposure could result in the addiction of 'the twisting of the body and form beyond what man was meant to experience'. More general discussion of theory followed of course, skipping topics idly. Alita herself seemed unimpressed. "The monsterkin and beastman sociaty are already dying. Even with the few civilized we have we are a parasite on other species because of our inability to crossbreed and give to our own kind. If I could find a way to fix this, we'd have a chance to stop being feared like monsters of nature. I find this ironic, getting lectured by a species built from the ground up to be a invasive hive." The rest of the group seemed rather quiet as Gar and Alkaia talked, at least until platters of mashed potatos, gravy, strips of boar bacon and jerky, and fruits and vegetables started to get carried to the bartop. "Here we go, plenty for everyone!" Naturally about this time Mona now joined the small parade, her head seeming to pick up a little at the smell of warm food.

Kaylia: 'Mornin, roomie." Kaylia smiles and playfully tosses a buttered muffin at the harpy as she comes down the stairs.

Alkaia gave the harpy a warm smile. "Morning Mona."

Gar'Luc fixes himself a plate ful of food, a little bit of everything filling the plate to the edges.

Zizth: "I am one. Invazive perhapz but I at leazt don't have to torture people to help otherz. Hmph. In any caze, you want a zoluzion then?" zizth pulled the hood back down. "I'll be back in a moment." She walked into the bar and walked over and pointed to Kalia. "you, wizard, come with me."

ShardDM: Mona nods, grabbing the muffin as it's tossed to her with a smile. Jewel meanwhile looked over at the conversation between the minotaur and dragonkin. "Still not sure why everyone's questioning the problem, the current system works, especially over in Braxil." Kalia gives the cubite a incredulous look. "Did last night not register? Clearly not everything's so bright and shiny over here-" she starts to object, only to turn to look at Zizth at the door. "Hrm? What's wrong, Zizth?"

Zizth: "I am having a dizcuzion. I am not a wizard. You are a wizard. You know magic. Zo you underztand better than me. Zo come."

Kaylia smiles at Zizth, then pours herself a hot mug of coffee, paying the bar man for the meal with a generous tip. Then she fills her own plate in a fashion much like the minotaur, stacking it with all manner of breakfast foods before digging in with relish.

Alkaia: "I can come with you Zizth. I know of the magic she was using. And two minds are better the one."

Zizth hisses distastefully. "...Zine but handz and magic to yourzelz."

Kaylia: "Might wanna bring them a few hot plates to go, Alkaia. Zizth looks a bit hungry."

Zizth: "It wouldn't help. Be like putting zood in a ztomach with no azid."

ShardDM: "I suppose I can, though not sure how well," Kalia remarks, grabbing one of the spare pears, obviously planning to bring it with her. The barman nods a little as he took the money, giving a gentle 'Thank ye kindly' in response to Kaylia. Meanwhile, Halfdan shifted past Zizth and joined the rest at the bar as well, giving a lazy yawn as well. "Mornin..." he grumbles.

Alkaia: "I promise." Grabbing a couple plates heaped full of food for Zizth and Kalla. Following the thrull out to the prisoner.

Gar'Luc consumes his own meal with gusto, his eyes looking over at Jewel as she speaks, waiting his own turn to speak after swallowing his current mouthful "Lot of folks see us as a plague since we have to use other races to breed. If we could breed amongst ourselves we wouldn't need to do that."

Zizth: "Morning Halzdan." She looked at Alkaia suspiciously before heading out back to Altia. "I have brought wizardz now."

Gar'Luc: "Not that beast and monster can't breed, I'm lviing proof of that. But the kids are always beastmen."

Kaylia: "Halfdan, I trust you slept well? Have some breakfast." Kaylia is busily devouring a small heap of boar jerky.

Alkaia offers a plate to Zizth and Kalla as she looked at the prisoner curiously, waiting for her to speak.

Zizth looks at it suspiciously before setting it aside. It wasn't going to help much as long as the nutrients couldn't be moved around in her body, it;d just be wasted.

ShardDM: "Hrm. Bunch of gits..." Jewel mutters with a shrug and a dismissive flick of her back wings. Halfdan gave a bit of a nod. "Bit better than usual, I suppose. Didn't rain last night," he murmers, with a bit of a grin. With Alkalia and Kalia outside now, there's a twitch in the sack over the head of Alita, the lower part of her face currently uncovered and arms still tied behind her back. "What about them? You expect my words to change?"

Zizth: "No, zool. I ezpect you to work toghether."

Alkaia: "Tell me about your experiments and what you have done to try and fix the monsterkin's breeding. As well as what the result of said experiments will be."

Zizth: "You want to zix thingz, zine, I can rezpect that. Zo zix them with zomeone who can keep you zrom enzlaving people and azidentally cauzing a predator explozion. And zomeone who iz tagging along. Now, do you want another drink before you ztart talking?"

Kaylia finishes up her breakfast, pouring herself another mug of coffee to take with her as she goes outside to check on the group with Alita.

Gar'Luc finishes up his meal, moving over to sit next to Jewel and put his arm around her. "For what it's worth, I couldn't care less about my own ability to breed. Not like it matters with you, right?"

ShardDM: Alita pouted slightly, as if in thought, before sighing a little. "I suppose... Fine, pass over the waterskin, please..." she mutters lightly. Kalia slid down to a knee and glanced between the others before speaking up. "If I get your word that you won't try anything funny, I'll remove the sack, ok?" Jewel gave a bit of a squeak as Gar suddenly slid closer. "Well, beastmen are capable with other species, so pretty sure it could matter," she stammers. Mona flushes a little as well at the words of the minotaur, focusing on her own food, while Halfdan also preps a massive portion.

Gar'Luc lowers his hand to clutch at Jewel's waist "Well, I hope my potency won't be a problem for you."

Zizth gives Alita more water, and shrugs. "I am right bezide her. Even iz zhe liez, zhe won't get much done. Alzo did I mizz anywhere while grooming you? I tried to gt the zpotz but I have never zeen a thing like you bezore lazt night."

Kaylia loads a bullet into her rifle and cocks it, but keeps it pointed at the ground, a watchful eye on the prisoner.

Alkaia: "So willing to shaare?" Looking at the faun as she looked for ungroomed portions of fur.

ShardDM: "If all else fails, I'm sure I can find the right suppressing herbs. Hard to perform while carrying, right?"

Jewel comments, her face still rather red but somewhat having regained her composure- a lot better than one of the waitresses, who was growing red-faced and quickly scurried to the back. With Zizth's comment, Kalia gently tugged the sack off the head of the faun, leaving the odd face tattoo back off her head again and letting her look back over them. "Fair enough, I suppose... Depends on what you want to know. I didn't get much really figured out before you meddling kids-" she starts, before turning her violet eyes away from them.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

24 January (part two)
Gar'Luc laughs, hugging Jewel to his side "That it is! I won't hold it against you if you don't want a bunch of smaller versions of me running around."

Alkaia: "Then what did you figure out?"

Zizth rolls her eyes and pokes Alita's side. "What have I told you about zazz? They are going to help you get what you want done. Zo zpend lezz time on that and inztead work toghether. Then you get what you want and you don't have to make otherz mizerable or be a zlaver."

ShardDM: Jewel gave a quiet chuckle back a little. "Fair enough, I suppose..." Alita gave a bit of a frown at the giant insect, even if her ears lowered a bit at the bug's annoyance getting revealed. "Look, best I could figure- for some reason, something was wrong with the biological effect of how the womb of the female worked, when it came to the development of children. Either the monobirth... or barreness... I figured that with potential experiments, I could figure out how to develop one's body to better work... See why I was needing the large research base? I needed to find the right figure... The right detail..." the faun's somewhat babbling, perhaps showing the madness lurking at the edge of her consiousness.

Alkaia: "And did you find this right detail?"

Kaylia tenses a bit as the faun babbles, but keeps her gun aimed low and her finger off the trigger.

Gar'Luc releases Jewel carefully, leaning forward to rest his arms on the bar. "Now I suppose we wait on the chatterboxes."

ShardDM: A flustrated sigh leaves the faun. "I got no idea, I'd probably know better if the closest thing to an associate wasn't more chauvanistic assholes that wanted all my test subjects for themselves. Truly mad, they were, wanting to talk about 'creating a master race' and all that. Had to get quite forceful with them back in order to keep the past from repeating itself..." she muttered, her face moving to look downward as the rest of her shivers a little bit.

Alkaia: "What happened before?"

Zizth: "Zhe did not. Or zhe'd be done. Mazter raze? Zounds foolizh.," sighs Zizth before looking at the faun, then glaring at Alkaia. "Iz her perzonal buzinezz. Not relevant to zolving her izzue." She grunts and looks to the faun. "You could not check yourzelf becauze you are you but zince you are barren before and are the zpeciez you are conzidering, perhapz you yourzelf are the key."

ShardDM: The cubite shrugs as she stretches a little. "Perhaps, but who knows how long those people will talk..." she mutters, shrugging a little bit. The faun grimaced. "My first... master, I suppose is the right word. Before I learned the Mistress's gifts." She glances towards Zizth, giving a frown. "If I knew how to properly cast such magics on myself, maybe. And even then, the sheer amount of time for breeding, incubation... How is one sure that even works, and even then, who says the child is the proper result? Repretition can only last so long when one's life is a hourglass."

Gar'Luc buries his head in his arms as a thought crosses his mind "Oh gods. I just realized if we ever get to Herdspire I'll have to introduce you to my parents. Gods smite me now."

Alkaia: "And have you looked into what makes you or your kind barren?"

Zizth: "Now you have other wizards to help you. You can conzider other anglez and they can inveztigate you. And we have a zlappy zriend who may be oz aid iz zhe iz willing. You can conzider other anglez and other magicz and zuch. Me, I am juzt going to lie here and not underztand any oz it. Or juzt uze magic to know the mizzing zactor."

ShardDM: "And you were complaining about me, with sass," Alita grimaced. "And like I know what makes one unable to, well... not bear young at birth, or why the entire species is singular gender birth. If I had a clue, I wouldn't seem to be the only one concerned with such things..." Jewel grimaced a little, while Mona tilts her head. "You say that like it's a bad thing," the harpy comments. "I know some of the older ones can be strict, but in comparison to the local humans, Jewel's kind of exotic."

Gar'Luc: "It's not her I'm worried about. She's perfect. My mother is exceptionally overprotective of me." He raises his head and rests it on his arms. "She probably thinks there isn't a woman alive worthy of me. She's that protective."

Alkaia: "Hm..." Looking at the faun curiously. "Tell me, the genes to create a child of both genders are with in the monsterkin, yes? What if fleshcrafting and eromancy changed the growing child a small bit, while encouraging the mother to produce the appropriate hormone for the child. What would happen then?"

Zizth: "Well then good thing you have help now, yez? Becauze you zaid it yourzelf, no one believed in you bezore. Now two do.," says Zizth, "And I earned my right when one of your zatyrz kicked my back to piezez and I lozt mozt my fluidz." She sighs and flops onto the wagon. "Zo juzt work toghether and ztop whining and ztart thinking. Even the bad one iz trying to help."

Kaylia: "Speaking of which, Zizth, let me see your back. I want to check how well that clay has set."

Zizth gives a small screech of alarm as Kaylia came out. "Hng. I really am in bad zhape. Didn't even notize you." She sighs and rolls onto her front, lifting her cloak up. "There, zee?"

ShardDM: Alita gave the dragonkin an odd look, her ears flicking downwards again. "What is this euromancy you are speaking of? I have never heard of such magics myself." Kalia gave a bit of an odd look at the faun now. "Waitwaitwait, you're a part of a creepy, illegal cult that seems to be entirely around sexual and terrifying magic... and you've never heard of euromancy?!?" Mona grimaced a little, stretching her wings slightly. "Sounds about right. Some of the species can be quite agressive about their young, even if they have matured."

Kaylia examines the ceramic, tapping the patches lightly with a fingernail. The sound satisfies her. "It's a good set. As long as you don't get hit in the exact same spot, it should heal nicely now. Shouldn't be any more bleeding, and it's unlikely you'll even carry a scar from these injuries. Uh... you can stand up now."

Gar'Luc sits back up, his arm suddenly shooting out and wrapping around Jewel again. "Yeah, she's a Lamia. Really protective of her kids. But I'll get it in her head that Jewel is perfect for me."

Zizth grumbles and just sets her cloak down. "I'll juzt ztay here. I need to uze lezz energy to heal. And zo you zay. I doubt it. Chitin doez not really repair. Juzt the muzles beneath."

Alkaia: "It is a magic that can induce emotions of lust and desire. Though often, it is done through hormones produced in the body. Some such as estrogen or testoserone can be used to induce milk, or a man's volume upon ejaculation, respecively. If such were used to help influence a child's growth before birth and with a bit of fleshcraft to give them the proper eqipment, it stands to reason that they would develope natural as that gender, no?" Looking at the faun curiously. Ever see what testoserone or estrogen can do to an adult?"

Zizth: "Jewel made her give thiz... milk zubztanze before. I think zhe haz zeen it."

Kaylia: "Perhaps. But the clay is designed to act as a slight irritant as the muscles heal, stimulating growth... let's just say that the chitin's a little more likely to grow back, okay? After all, I've been wrong before. At any rate... why are you feeling so weak?"

Zizth: "Muzlez and chitin dizzer. I zpent zome time ztudying dead bodiez to try and underztand mine and how to hurt thingz. Ztarving. With zew zluidz, zood cannot digezt properly or tranzport. Eating doez nothing. Zo I muzt wait til zluidz come back. It iz agony, but I will recover. Alwayz iz."

ShardDM: Jewel and Mona nodded, the cubite flushing a slight bit. "Lamia, quite clingy, yes," the harpy remarks. "Only thing worse would be a drider." The faun flushed at remarks about the milking incident. "Oh... that...?!? I-I guess it would be w-worth a shot, but..." Alita stammered, looking uncomfortable at what could be such a simple fix for the issue.

Kaylia: "Hrm. Would it help to eat something live? I could try to get you an animal to feast upon."

Zizth: "No. Nothing but time. It'd be like if you ate but had no ztomach azid. It'd juzt be wazted. I eat a little and then wait."

Gar'Luc: "Oh we have plenty of those. My best friend before I left was a Drider. Always disobeying her mother and trying to get the others to give her a brood. She seemed to forget that beastmen override monsterkin kids."

Alkaia: "Though I imagine some divine intervetion would be necessary for such a thing, such as from the goddess of birth Lilorious." Looking at the faun curiously. "But what?"

Zizth pokes Alita. "Ztop it. What iz more important? The zoluzion or that you zolved it all on your own?"

Kaylia: "Fair enough. When your muscle does come back, and if the chitin isn't irritated into new growth, I could always design a more permanent armor patch to replace the portions you've lost. I'd just have to find the right compromise between protection and flexibility. Something that weighed the same as your chitin, but tougher. Maybe a titanium alloy..." Kaylia pulls out her notepad and begins writing down ideas.

Zizth: "...You do know you;d be attaching metal to my zkin, yez? That zoundz painzul. I will pazz. Bezides, what good iz dezenze that doez not cover mozt of me?"

Alkaia: "I might be able to help speed up the replacement of your bodily fluids. As well as ease the pain." Looking over to Zizth. "We are in this together after all."

Zizth clacks her jaws, glaring at Alkaia. "No. No magic. And ezpezially no magic zrom you."

ShardDM: The faun's frown grew a little, head hanging slightly. "Look, all this is all well and good, but are you really expecting the divine light of the goddesses to work along with something not of thier dimension? Puh-lease." Mona simply nodded at the minotaur. "Yeah, the herbalist is too, I'm sure you remembered. She had... interesting ideas for correcting me if I got the wrong plants..."

Kaylia: "It'd probably be a padding layer of soft leather against your skin, then a thin layer of hard material. But I'd let you feel it long before you had to make a decision."

Alkaia frowned as she looked at Zizth. "Enough with that. Would you rather be weak and useless from hunger and injury to help us in a fight, or would you rather be at fighting strength when it happens?"

Gar'Luc shudders at the thought.

Kaylia raises an eyebrow at the insistent cubite, then wanders back to the inn to look for Laani, who has been conspicuously absent this morning.

Gar'Luc: "I learned my lesson the first time. As it turns out, Drider webbing is exceptionally hard to get out of fur."

Zizth: "It zoundz like you have nothing to loze by trying, zlaver." She looked back and glared at Alkaia. "I can ztill zight, I am not weaker, juzt ztarving. Tezt me iz you dare. I have no dezire to allow zomeone to run whatever magicz I don't underztand over me." She gives a hiss, before grabbing the side of the wagon and flipping herself over the edge and swinging under the wagon and latching to the underside. "Leave me be."

Laani still snoozing with her delicious pillow machine.

Alkaia sighed. It is a magic that speeds up a process your body is already doing." Shaking her head she turned back to the faun. "Though such a thing would be much easier then what you wished to do. And Lilorious may be willing to help. If given respect, prayers and the proper tribute.

Kaylia grins mischieviously and considers hooking Laani into her own machine.

Gar'Luc holds his cubite close as he looks around at the bar "Wasn't there a goblin in our group who badly wanted to jump my bones?"

ShardDM: "Tis worse with feathers, trust me..." Mona mutters. "Wasn't anything naughty, but was humilating..." Alika was frowning again as she eyed the insect. "For a fierce creature, she certainly isn't anything like Quoria... Can't imagine that's just climate either..." With the cubite's response, she turned to Alkaia. "Perhaps, but who knows. We could just get bent over by the forest goddess instead for even daring to suggest it." Kaylia may notice the conversation Mona and the minotaur was having, but was getting allowed to continue onto her path.

ShardDM: Jewel shrugged. "Must still be sleeping. She's... odd."

Gar'Luc: "I doubt she could even handle my bones. She's smaller than you."

Alkaia: "For such a thing, the goddess of birth would be a better choice, no?"

Zizth: "Yez and iz eazy to zay that, you could az eazily do zomething elze. All magic lookz the zame. Pazz. Anywayz, if you think I am not zierze, I remind you I can ztill zeed you your hind legz. Now, iz the goddezz thing iz not work, why not juzt do other thing Alkaia zaid with the wordz and zuch. Or you could uze magic to juzt change existing genderz then make it zo thoze born from them can bred with both or zomething."

Alkaia: "That is all well and good, but turning a full grown man into a woman would leave her barren, as well as turning a woman into a man."

Zizth: "Then uze magic to make them not barren too."

Laani: (GM! Roll mez a d6, on 2 - a trap is sprung that is a tickle machine gets launched at whoever opens the door. On 3 - A trap is sprung, and the person gets coated in an oil which makes them too slick for anything to stay on them for 2 hours. On 4 - A huge amount of cookies that Laani baked in the night get shot at the opener from various spring loaded traps. Their a mixtures of typings. Some of them are even partially eaten. On 5 - A stinky gas gets shot at the door, enveloping the entrance and outside of it in an odor that causes a direct reaction of pleasure. A failed attempted at a stable aphrodaisic serum. On 6 - Like 5, but instead of causing pleasure, it's just stinky. And on 1. . .)

Zizth: "Or uze magic zo that the children they zire have the traitz you wizh. Then you don't need to worry about changing exizting onez, juzt change dezendentz."

ShardDM: Jewel shrugs. "I've seen some rather crazy stuff done by gnomes and goblins. You never know what she'd try to do to you..." Alita frowns again, giving a louder sigh. "Maybe, but she also bore all the other goddesses. I'm sure she'd be able to find revenge for such... Yes, I can use my fleshcrafting to create special parts, but it would be near impossible without being able to see the surface of what you're working on. And children of mammels are a bit more fragile than your pile of platings..."

Gar'Luc: "Not like I'd let her jump me. I'm a one-woman beastman." He hugs Jewel close to him to emphasize his point.

ShardDM: (eh, ya got a 3)

Zizth: "Zo change them before they exizt. Yeezh, why do I have to do all thiz magicry myzelz? Or juzt uze magic to make more women or zomething. I dunno, rrgh. Leazt I am making ideaz."

Kaylia: Regardless of stinkbombs or stinkbombmisses, Kaylia decides that enough is enough with the goblin traps, and hooks the sleeping goblin into her own machine, adjusting the buckles for the small goblin frame. She turns it on, at the lowest setting. "Good morning, Laani."

Gar'Luc: ((Remind me to never piss off Kaylia.))

Alkaia: "I can not fix a woman's barreness. Which is why such a change while the child is still developing is best, as you need only do part of it, and let the natural order do the rest." Looking to the faun. "True, which is why you create an enchantment. Using it to merely make small changes to influence the mother's body while the child grows. Would likely be a lengthy process to create such an enchantment."

Laani: The machine began to vrrr, vrrr, the frame shaking, the buckles too large. The whole machine meant for usage and being attached to a centaur or taur frame of reasonable and perceived normal size. The machine hooked onto Laani... Failed spectacularly. With no proper attachment, the suction devices meant for bigger tits, the only thing the machine did for Laani is act as a vibrating bed pillow, the goblin still snoozing.

Zizth: "Why not change them before development?"

Laani: While, Kaylia did this, the trap that she had sprung earlier still sprayed the stinky gas out of the room into the corridor, slowly filling the hallway and seeping through the cracks to the tavern room.

Alkaia: "Which is what I have been suggesting."

ShardDM: "...Magic has rules you insignificant insect!" Alita growls angrily, her eyes glaring with fury at the chitin creature, her fist clenching and just the barest flash of energy before she manages to suppress it. She's still quite angry, but trying to avoid completely losing it. Jewel gave another loud yelp as she's squeezed by his strong arms, her wings flapping slightly. "Y-you got a point there, I suppose," she mutters. Halfdan pauses with his own eating, giving a glance back towards the door.

Kaylia uses rope to manually bind Laani to the machine, then examines the remaining goblin traps.

Laani was now tied to her machine with it vibrating.

Kaylia cranks the machine to its highest setting, hoping to at least wake the goblin.

Alkaia: "Hey, behave. Would your fleshcrafting work in an enchantment with eromancy creating hormones?"

Gar'Luc: looks down at Jewel. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asks, confusion on his face

Laani: "MMnnnmmmm. . . keep shaking honey. . . not gonna let go. . " As Laani sleep talked around the vibration. She tried to stretch, only to feel something keeping her tied to the vibration, she began to struggle, mumbling "Hey what's going on?" As she struggled.

Zizth notes Altia and swiftly dashes out and grasps Altaia's hands, holding them in a manner that'd allow her to crush them. "Right now I am the zingle mozt zignizicant inzect in your lize. Magic only haz rulez until you zind the ezepzion. Magic could not change bodiez, but now it can. Magic could not make whole new zpeciez and now it can. And zar az you knew ten minutez ago, magic could not be uzed the way alkaia doez it. Magic iz breaking the rulez. Zo zind a way to break them."

Kaylia: "I was just admiring the machine that I told you not to build. Oh. And it's breakfast time. I'll have Gar'Luc bring you something. Maybe a nice sausage." Kaylia gives a smirk and holds her nose as she does her best to skirt the edges of the stink gas on her way into the tavern.

Laani: "Hey!!" She sqwaked out at the redhead! "Your not the boss of me! Untied me!" As the goblin began to struggle against the ropes binding her.

Alkaia: "Make has basic rules that can not be broken. Such as making someone love you. It can create something similar, but it would not be true love."

ShardDM: "...Potentially? I've over used such tasks on conscious, living targets..." Alita mutters, glaring backwards at the Thrull with ever-growing annoyance, even some of the fear she usually showed by the Thrull's close contact covered with annoyance. "It'd have to be experimented with. And if you don't let go of me I'll gladly use you as a target," she growls. Jewel flushed and shrugged. "Not really, just, again, different cultures, just not used to rules you were raised with, so to speak..."

Kaylia giggles as she re-enters the tavern, opening a few windows to hopefully dissipate any stink gas that made it into the room. "Gar'Luc, I think Laani's a bit tied up at the moment. You mind bringing her something hot to eat?"

Gar'Luc laughs as Jewel answer, looking over at Kaylia "There's two different hot things I can give her. Better specify."

Kaylia: "With Laani? I'm honestly not sure. Better bring both."

Alkaia: "I would suggest you listen to her. Or should I do something to you to keep you in line?"

Gar'Luc grudginly lets go of his cubite, standing to fix a plate. "I'll be back soon. Probably." he says, heading out of the tavern and to Laani's workshop, opening the door carefully. "Kaylia said you might need something to eat. Though as to what I don't know."

ShardDM: The barkeep, at the far end of the bar from the larger humanoids at the bar, wrinkles his nose at getting a wiff at the odd smell that followed Kaylia. (3 for trap roll :p)

Zizth: "Threaten me again and you won't have the limbz to do zo.," says Zizth darkly, "I have rezpected much of you but I do not tolerate threatz. Do it again and I will kill you on the zpot, and they can zolve your problem zor you. Maybe they'll even name it azter you in remembrenze." She snaps her jaws with a snarl and digs her claws in a bit before letting go. "Clearly you've zorgotten that you are ztill a prizoner due to having a zew momentz of being treated well. Maybe I need to let Laani uze you azter all."

Laani: ( On 3 - A trap is sprung, and the person gets coated in an oil which makes them too slick for anything to stay on them for 2 hours. Everything slides off of him now. Including fur, hair, etc. :3)

Kaylia slaps another few silvers onto the bar. "My friend, the goblin, may have... altered some things in your basement. This is to defray any damages. And for a hot bath."

Gar'Luc enters the workshop, closing the door just in time for the oil to hit him, his pants dropping to the floor immediately, and his expression deadpanning. "Goblins. I should have known."

ShardDM: Alita whimpers as the massive weight of the chitin-covered beast's weight makes her face press into the dust a little more, shivering as the creture suddenly grows angry. Before she can snap back at them again, however, Halfdan's massive blade thunks against the ground as he comes out as well. "I am guessing there's not a problem here?" He grumbled, giving a bit of a frown as he crossed his arms. Almost immediately the cultist faun whimpers, now looking nearly fearful.

Alkaia looked to Kalla curiously, who had been silent through this. "What do you think? Think it is doable and possible?"

Laani: "Hey?! Whose there?! Untie me! It's getting a little too shaky! I think I'm gonna barf!" Laani shouted out loud, unable to properly hear with the loud vrrooming noise coming from the machine.

Gar'Luc sets the plate on a nearby table, picking up his pants and trying to tighten the belt tight enough to keep them on, and failing utterly, shaking his head and walking over to the goblin, looking at the machine "How do you turn this thing off?"

Kaylia heads upstairs for a quick bath, taking off any item that would have problem with water, but leaving her clothes on to get rid of the stink.

ShardDM: Kalia sighed, giving a light shrug. "Probably a lot easier if you all would stop trying to kill each other... But otherwise, it has potential. It also has potential to be quite destructive and needlessly risky to mother and child if this is done wrong..."

Zizth: "..No. We were juzt coming to an underztanding." She let's go with a hiss, "I am not your enemy unlezz you make me it, Alita. You can dizagree with me, but you've not earned the right to inzult me and no one haz the right to threaten me without rezponze. Work toghether and get what you dezired. Or not and be lezt behind with nothing to zhow zor it." She growled and climbs onto the wagon and looks to Alkaia."Where were we... Ah. I don't know what love iz. But I'm betting it iz another juzt have not zound the anzwer to thing more than it cannot be done."

Laani: "Is that fat bovine man?! Look for the big green button. Hit that once! Redhead set it on max! Just hit it once. And whatever you do, don't hit the black button. Unless you want to blow this whole entire tavern and 500 feet around it into oblivion!" As Laani shouted at Gar'Luc.

Gar'Luc hits the green button as instructed, grumbling as he holds his pants up with his left hand. "Better? Now tell me how to get this stupid oil off."

Alkaia: "Which is why it would require research and study before even attempting it on someone. Will you help me?"

ShardDM: "Already you're using me as a piece of bait, I don't see why not..." Alita mutters, her head still stuffed on the ground with a sigh even as the bug wandered off her back. "J-Just do I have to still have my hands tied like this?!?"
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

24 January (part three)
ShardDM: Kalia simply nodded, glancing at the faun as well. "I can try, even if I am not gifted in the spell arts like either of you..."

Zizth: "I thought you were a wizard."

ShardDM: "I control golems. It's technically not my own strength, unlike conjuration or so on..." Kalia remarks.

Kaylia finishes washing off and changes into a dry pair of clothes, hanging the wet ones on her pack to dry, then heading
back out to the wagon.

Alkaia: She gave Kalla a small smile. "Don't worry, I am sure there is lots for you to learn from me."

ShardDM: Halfdan shrugs as he watches what's going on, moving to the wagon seat as Alita coughs out a few puffs of dust, shaking her head a little bit as she unsteadily gets onto her hooves, still tied onto the wagon. Kalia simply nodded at the remark by Alkaia. "Perhaps..."

Zizth: "I don't know what that meanz but I azzume it meanz that you are a wizard that doez other thingz. Like make rockz have lize. Hmm." She muses a moment then blinks, "Why don't you uze your imbuing not lize with lize zkillz to make zo they can make lize, yez?"

Laani: With the machine done vibrating, Laani looked up at Gar'luc as she said "now help me untie! As for the oil, eh, It'll wear off in two hours or so. Just make sure not to have sex in the meantime. Otherwise whoever you fuck will have serious issues keeping a cock in them."

Gar'Luc: "Is that so?" Gar'Luc lets go of his pants, moving around near her nethers "Well, you did seem awfully enthusiastic about having sex with me yesterday...."

Laani: "Yes. Serious issues." With those words, Laani's eyes narrowed as she snarled "If you do this, you better make sure to kill me afterwards, otherwise I'll insure you will never get home."

Gar'Luc: "Say you don't want to have sex with me and I'll leave."

Alkaia: "Not sure it would work, and her magic would not be able to create a soul for a child."

ShardDM: Kalia massaged her forhead with a sigh. "Remember what you were saying about magic not having rules? Well here I go proving ignorance. Golemancy doesn't effect those with a soul already. It just doesn't work. The entire point of the methods I use is to give life to the lifeless because otherwise it just doesn't work. It's why making any form of Machina or construct with thier own soul is so damn hard to an abomination."

Laani: "I don't want sex with you, please untie me as you leave. Thank you." Laani grumbled looking towards Gar'Luc waiting.

Kaylia joins the group at the wagon. "So. We making progress?"

Gar'Luc unties the goblin and moves to pick up his pants, holding them around his waist with one hand "See? Was that so hard?"

Kaylia: Her hair is still damp from her recent bath, and she's changed clothes.

Alkaia: "Some. Though I will likely need to ride a wagon so I can study this book." Showing her the fleshcrafting book. "Is everyone ready to leave?"

Zizth: "Maybe? I've no clue.," says Zizth, looking to Kaylia, then back to Kalia, "Zo it could occur but don't know how ezactly. Fair enough. When doez the zoul firzt arrive?"

Alkaia: "That is likely a question that only the goddesses know an answer to."

Kaylia: "Before you get too much further into the idea of this 'cure,' I have to ask... you all are only going to experiment on willing subjects, right? Because I didn't come along to force people into experiments."

Zizth: "Let'z azk them iz they are on the way then. Oh, oz courze. Iz they ztart zlaving people I'll tear their throatz out myzelf. And iz I ztart doing zo I ezpect you to kill me."

Alkaia: "Yes, only on willing subject, and it will be after much research and study to make sure it is safe."

Kaylia: "Excellent." Kaylia flashes Zizth a smile. "That's one thing I really like about you, Zizth. Sometimes you and I think very much alike."

ShardDM: "Ugh... This is a theological debate that has had our people going in circles for millenia," Kalia remarks herself, a hand on her face. Meanwhile, Mona and Jewel now join the rest of the people now outside of the tavern, Mona carrying most the leftover food in a sack. "What, you can't expect me to be dragged along with this pile of splinters like this..." Alita whined, rolling her eyes a little and pawing her forehooves.

Zizth: "I do not know how to rezpond to that. Would you like to pull thiz pile of zplinterz inztead, Alita? No? Then be glad I do not ztrap you to the underzide of it. You're ztill being punizhed for enzlaving otherz, remember?"

Kaylia: "Do either of you have more... comfortable restraints... for our favorite faun? Furry handcuffs, perhaps?" Kaylia looks at Alkaia and Jewel.

Zizth: "You may have been wanting to help otherz but you ztill did wrong, zo you pay zor it. Rizk of the zlaver."

Laani: "No it wasn't. Now anything else you have in mind?"

Alkaia hops into the wagon and sitting down. "I do not."

Zizth climbs back under the wagon. "I will ztay put while we travel unlezz danger. I wizh to expend az little energy az pozzible."

ShardDM: Jewel frowns a moment, seeming to be lost in thought. "Well, least need something to cover up that face tattoo, guess we're lucky noone's paid much attention this way. Lemme check my trunks!" And with that, the cubite pop star moves to the back of the wagons and starts to rummage around.

Alkaia: "You should stay up here. Clinging will consume energy and the bumps wont make it any easier."

Kaylia: "I guess Brisco County, Jr. and I will scout ahead the old-fashioned way--on horseback, with a spyglass." Kaylia mounts her horse, patting its neck and feeding it an apple from breakfast.

Gar'Luc: "Other than delivering you food and making it clear that Jewel's the one who gets to jump my bones? Not at all, Laani."

Zizth grabs the bag from before and ties it in a manner to make a bandanna out of it and puts it on Alita's head, covering the mark. "there."

Gar'Luc holds up his pants, turning to exit the workshop.

Laani: "Now, get going to what you want to do, I'm gonna be getting myself proper and ready." Laani looked at Gar'luc at those words and shrugged and just mumbled "Stupid cubites and their mind fuckery business." Looking back up at Gar'Luc "Thanks for the food." She called out as he left the workshop.

Alkaia sets about to start studying her book. "May as well lay up here to save your energy. We will need you if a fight happens."

Zizth: "I can;t be zeen down there, and it iz not much energy to anchor myzelf."

Gar'Luc heads back out, and, seeing the tavern empty, quickly heads back to the room he shared with Jewel to retrieve his club and the hammer he had found, before coming back out with both hands clutching at his belt to keep his pants on, and his fur shining slightly from the oil covering him.

Alkaia: "And the bumps in the road?"

Gar'Luc: "Bumps on what road?"

ShardDM: Jewel meanwhile tumbles back out of the wagon, holding an armbinder, a collar and a short length of chain. "Not much, but I suppose she could get traded off between the horses. Altia blances but makes no comment as Jewel unties the ropes, affixing the bondage gear, most of the left side of her face now covered with the sackcloth.

Zizth shows her claws. "Anchor'd. I jostle equally down there az up there." Zizth blinks then gives a glare at Jewel. "...and why do you have thoze, hm?"

Alkaia shrugs and focuses upon her book.

Kaylia spots the oiled minotaur and can't help her giggles, laughing mirthfully despite her efforts. "Oh, Gar'Luc, I'm so sorry... I should have given you a better warning." She clutches her sides, getting in a hearty laugh for a moment. "I honestly figured you were gonna get laid down there."

Gar'Luc: "One of her damn traps covered me in this stuff. Now my pants don't want to stay on."

Kaylia: Gar'Luc's declaration throws Kaylia into another fit of hysterical laughter.

Zizth crawls out, walks over and ties the cloak around Garluc's neck, but facing forwards. "There."

Gar'Luc heaves a sigh. "I was tempted to fuck her for revenge. She said if I did it she'd have a hard time keeping a cock in her."

Kaylia: "My... my..." She struggles. "MY PANTS DON'T WANT TO STAY ON! BWAHAHAHA!"

Zizth blinks and looks over then takes her own belt off and fastens it around Kaylia's pants. "There." Zizth now is just dressed in a bandoleer and Kaylia has the crude scimitars.

Gar'Luc deadpans at the cloak around his chest. "Thank you."

Gar'Luc maintains his grip on his belt, somewhat determined to keep what little decency a Minotaur can have.

Kaylia looks startled for a moment, looking at Zizth, then bursting into another, somewhat lesser fit of laughter.

"Thanks, Zizth, but I was just repeating what Gar'Luc said. I'm already wearing a belt." She hands the belt back to the thrull.

Zizth blinks then takes the belt back, clipping it on. "Oh."

Gar'Luc: "When this oil wears off, I'm going to have... 'words'... with that goblin.

ShardDM: Jewel shrugged at Zizth's comments. "What, never heard of bondage? It's a form of kink play, sometimes stuff like that is useful for performances too. This'll keep our friend's upper body stuck and have less of a chaffing wound than the ropes will." Kalia simply shrugged, retrieving her horse as the four-armed golem appears from nowhere. "So that explains the three trunks of junk, mmmh?" "Aw shush." Mona meanwhile moved the spare food into the wagon as well, being careful not to bump Alkaia's reading.

Kaylia: "At any rate, I'm not sure if Laani's machine can fit through the tavern. And even if it could, I'm not sure if she can actually carry it. And it definitely won't fit on the wagon. It's your lucky day, Alita." Kaylia smiles at the faun, her giggles subsiding for the moment.

Gar'Luc looks at the horses, then the wagon. "I think I'll walk. Chances are I can keep up with you folks at a jog."

Zizth looks at Jewel with her flat not understanding a word you just said gaze. "Okay." She looks back to Halfdan. "...Iz zhe lying and actually a zlaver zo I can tie her to the zide of the cart or did what zhe juzt zay make zenze?"

Kaylia: "Plus you'd probably just... slide out of the saddle." Kaylia has another giggle.

Laani slowly pressed her stuff together, delicately disarming her secondary stink grenade and than disarming the rest of her stuff, eating the now cold cookies she baked in the height of her insanity of making things and breaking things. "MMmmhmmm... Now time to get this machine packed and hidden. Sooner or later I will attach it to someone! Through a flaw... hmmm need to make it cross-species compatible..." As she began to slowly allocate all of her stuff together.

Zizth digs her claws deep into the underside of the wagon to anchor herself to it.

Kaylia: While the group waits on Laani, Kaylia has an idea. She dismounts, looking at Zizth under the wagon. "Hey Zizth. You mentioned that a lack of stomach acids and fluids is causing your inability to process food, right?"

ShardDM: Halfdan shrugged a little. "For a succubus, it makes far too much sense. Calm down, Zizth..." Alita simply gave Kaylia a bit of a dirty look, but didn't say much else. The book continued from the simple forward and warnings, starting to discuss the theories and mechanics of fleshcrafting proper- with the proper magical focus, the caster could manipulate the flesh and body of themselves and another, allowing the displacement of the matter of the flesh as 'one of the Helius tribe creates life to the lifeless'. In addition, donor creatures could be use to fuel additional parts if the intended target wouldn't have enough mass, or if one didn't want to damage the target.

Zizth: "Okay.," she nods then looks to Kaylia. "My blood moves energy about directly. It doez not move air. Zo zorta. Why?"

Kaylia: "Have you ever considered eating something mildly acidic? Like a citrus fruit? Oranges or grapefruit?"

Alkaia: "Hm... Seems I may need to eat something." She hopped out of the wagon and entered the tavern. Looking at the barkeep. "Can I get a large hunk of meat from the boar?" Putting several coins on the table.

Zizth: "I do not know what thoze are."

Kaylia: Kaylia takes an orange out of the leftovers Mona is carrying, peeling it and handing a slice to Zizth. "It's fruit. Very healthy, and mildly acidic. Might help you. You be the judge."

Zizth frowns, not understanding how it can help, wiggling her antenna near a moment before her antennae recoil. "Iz tozic. No thank you."

ShardDM: The barman gave a nod, getting the requested meat for Alkaia, still relatively flavorless from the curing process but serviceable. "I could spice it or prep it for you if you like...?" the man asked, giving a glance at the small pile of dishes at the wash basin from the crew's feasting.

Kaylia: "If you say so." Kaylia noms the orange, getting back on her horse. As soon as the dragobite and goblin return, she starts ahead of the group, staying barely within eyesight and earshot at all times, but keeping a good distance ahead.

Alkaia: "This wil do just fine, thank you." Taking the large hunk of meat back out to the wagon and hopping back in. "Okay ready." Digging into the large hunk of meat for it's weighty mass.

ShardDM: Alita figits a little more, her one visible eye glaring at the leash on her neck now, Jewel holding onto it for now with her sitting next to Alkaia. Mona perched on the wagon, humming slightly and ready to fly again. Kalia similarly rode nearby the rest, giving a light hum as she looks between everyone.

Zizth stays rooted to the underside and dozes, conserving what energy she could.

Alkaia continued to eat the meat as she waited for them to get under way.

Gar'Luc jogs along next to the wagon Jewel sits on, keeping pace with the horses rather well, and still holding the belt of his pants to keep them from falling off.

ShardDM: And soon enough, they start off again with Laani's strange tech getting shoved in the wagon. Mona took off, flying upwards as Halfdan led the wagon to the road north, headed along the dirt road that, if one glanced further onwards, was a simple raised dirt road in the middle of the swampy ground, and it only grew more marshy and muddy the further the road traveled into the willows and other swamp life.

Zizth continues to doze on the way.

Alkaia continues to read the book, gleaning what she can from it.

Kaylia continues to scout ahead, her eyes peeled for danger, a round in the chamber of her trusty null-metal flarestone rifle.

Gar'Luc follows along, his hooves adding to the din of the horses as he waits for the oil to wear off.

ShardDM: As Alita keeps up with the wagon, what with Jewel hanging off the back holding the collar chain, all that really happens is that Alkaia learns more of the Fleshcrafting spellwork - specifically, the magician needed to have been given the 'gift' in order to become a fleshcrafter, mostly passed on via another fleshcrafter. Whether this was symbolic or actual was the next confusion. This of course would unlock the ability to do the manipulation- upon which practice would be the big part of the use and extents of manipulation. It suggested starting simple, like slight size increases and decreases of various body parts of a partner.

Alkaia hummed a moment before turning to look at the faun. "Hey, how does one recieve the gift to be a fleshcrafter?"

Kaylia continues scouting ahead, munching the rest of the orange and scanning the muddy area.

ShardDM: The swiftly-growing swamp for the most part was somewhat normal in appearence- standing water, mangled trees, and moss overgrown everywhere. Occasionally, a flash of extremely-bright color would be noticable though, specifically small blue-and-orange lizards which quickly darted away at times. Alita blinks a bit as she was talked to. "Well, I... don't know. When I was given the gift, I was being put under the effects as well... so much bliss coursed through me, I was transformed and told to pleasure one of the lesser cultists as they worked with me, somewhere afterwards they started instructing me on how it was used..."

Alkaia: "Can you give me the gift? By recreating said ritual?"

ShardDM: "Considering they probably used the pleasure to mask what exact part of me they changed to do the ritual, I'd be flying blind, if I tried, but perhaps we could attempt it. Just, well, I'd have to tap into more complex Nether magic, so I don't want people to try and put a sword in my gut for doing a strange request to a cubite..."

Alkaia: "Hm.... Alright. Guess I will talk it over with the others when we make camp." With that she went back to reading the book. Attempting to use it's teaching to increase her bosom a little, trying to do so without the gift mentioned in the book.

ShardDM: As the wagon contines, and the trees get thicker, Mona dives back down, landing on the wagon. "Getting a bit too thick to see down here from up there, sorry..." she mutters, her wings curling around her. Alkaia, not surprisingly, had no effect on her tits, even though technically her sexual energy and the massive ham she had been gorging on should have given her enough materials. The book speaks of various other concepts and ideas of using the fleshcrafting as well, such as concepts such as fusing things together- a concept mentioned is using unaltered Blackshards to enhance insectoids, such as Thrulls.

Alkaia: "That's okay." Resuming her research for now. Waiting for them to make camp for the night.

Laani sat idly on her pony, humming to herself and idly cleaning Surprise 4, and working in the saddle a bit on the mechanisms in place.

Zizth dozes, waiting for trouble or for them to get to town or camp or whatnot.

Gar'Luc sniffs at the air as the wagons move, not trusting the strange lizards.

ShardDM: As the path continued, things got... wierder. Anyone who didn't experience much of the Abyssite's fabled rift exit points may not have experienced the sheerly bizarre fauna that was soon starting to appear more and more around them. Violently bright flowers, blues, oranges and yellows, raising up on meter-high stalks and spread open towards the tree canopy. Red vines wrapped around trees possessively, snaking between limbs like many thick tendrils, smothering in their network. Bio-luminescent lily flowers and reeds soon began to light their way as the road continued deeper, and all the

while the party would hear only a few sounds of life around them- a frog croaking, or the catcall of a bird or two.

Halfdan in particular would seem to be getting more quiet as they traveled for some reason as well.

Kaylia slows a bit. "Hey Laani? Why don't you come up here and help me scout? Keep me company?"

Alkaia was oblivious to the changing surroundings.

Laani: (Lurk, roll me a d6, if it's 6, Laani randomly shoots one of the visible frogs.)

ShardDM: As for the book, the details and possibilities it suggested grew more perverse and varied as they went. The addition of new organs, such as venom glands and hardened chitin plating, tendrils connected to the nerve network, additional body parts, morphing the human hands and feet into all sorts of forms. New legs, arms, wings, tails, and other appendages, ending with all sorts of terrible parts and bits to them.

Zizth woke from her doze to observe the strange place silently, but to her it wasn't any strange than a forest or other terrain that was not a desert.

Laani turns to look at Kaylia, she gave a droll stare. "Nope. You tied me up this morning. If you want me to come, than you need to do something." As she looked at Kaylia with an even stare.

Alkaia: "Interesting." Continuing her study as they traveled.

Kaylia grins a little. "Oh come on. It was funny!" She looks at Laani. "Why, what did you have in mind?"

Laani: "Not for me. I didn't have fun being tied to a large vibrating box." As the goblin turned her head, miffed at Kaylia.

Kaylia: "Yeeeeees but I DID send Gar'Luc. I kind figured you two would... you know... hit it off, Laani."

ShardDM: The travel continues more, and the dirt path began to spread slightly, showing some sign of travel now as the party continues. Jewel's jaw was drooping, and her hand loosened on the leash holding Alita. Alita glared lightly, but instead of running for it, she moved a bit closer towards the wagon. "T-this is getting spooky..." she mutters.

Zizth grunts, and sensing the tension in everyon, crawled out the side of the wagon and climbed atop, looking about. "Thiz iz not normal to you?"

Alkaia looks up a moment a friwns. "It is not. Huh, this is strange." Looking about curiously.

Laani: "Nope. He didn't like being all oiled up. Nor did he push the black button. He also has a fetish for them sex being cubites."

Kaylia: "Huh. Well then," Kaylia stops for a moment and looks at Laani. "I'm sorry. Friends?" Kaylia holds a hand out to the goblin.

Laani nodded her head, giving a firm shake back to Kaylia.

Zizth: "Then I will watch for threatz."

ShardDM: Alita shook her head. "When I met the rest of the cultists, it was in the mountains near my old home, not in the swamps. First time I've ever seen this place..." Jewel nodded in similar remarks, as did Kalia as she rode up to flank Alita. Halfdan gave a snort. "I have, but it didn't have quite this much color when I did. I assume it's from the Abyssites letting the old nature run wild a little, after the rift collapse."

Kaylia: "So come on and help me scout, Laani." Kaylia kicks her heels into Brisco County, Jr., moving back to her scouting position.

Alkaia: "Yeah, probably a side effect of a rift. Shoul be alright as long as we are watchful and cautious."

Laani followed behind Kaylia.

Zizth: "Zo we are cloze to thiz town then?"

Alkaia: "Shouldn't be. Thought we were a week out from the town?"

ShardDM: "Quite," was Halfdan's reply, and with about the time he spouts that off, the party would round through a small archway of twisted trees and vines, soon leading to the view of the next town- Bitterwater, and as expected, half the town was suspended over the swamp via pillars and boards. The shacks looked for the most part well-built, with multitudes of lanterns and candles used to light the place. Abyssite citizens wandered the streets, a few glancing at the crowd now entering town.

Zizth: "...Not zeen the like of them bezore."

Alkaia: She looked about with a small grin. "At least we get yo stay inbed tonight."

Zizth: "I don't know what that iz. Are we in danger?"

Alkaia: "Lets head to the inn to park our wagon."

Laani: "One good shot and the whole place will come falling down." Laani remarked at the sight.

Kaylia rides up to the inn, looking for a hitching post or stable for Brisco County, Jr.

Zizth watches cautiously, retrieving her cloak since the oil must have worn off by now and wants to cover herself up again to hide.

Laani hooks at Pony Star, to a hitching post, getting off and looks at pony star directly "Now you be good so far and I'll make sure to stuff your craw full of treats." As she rubbed pony star's cheeks before heading into the inn and looking around, acting like a complete tourist.

ShardDM: Halfdan manuvers the wagon without anyone else's input, and stops it next to one of the few buildings not hovering over the swamp, with a sizable stable next to it. The rest of the crew disembarks, with Jewel keeping ahold of Alita's leash for now with the wagon. It's a rather sizable building for being in a backwater such as this, but then again it is the only place between most of the major northern locations. "This was a lot shorter than expected, we shoud be able to get a room and hear what's been going on. Maybe someone has news about Spire of the Abyss here too," Halfdan reasoned, moving towards the inn doors.

Zizth nods and stays put, wrapped up tight and keeping an eye on altia and their surroundings, hiding behind her scarf and cloak as is her usual.

Alkaia: "Sure." Looking to Kalla and Kaylia. "Would you two let Altia perform a ritual with me to grant me the ability to fleshcraft? I would like a couple people to watch to make sure she doesn't try anything."
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

24 January (part four)
Kaylia walks along with Halfdan. "Indeed. We should keep a low profile." She glances back at the wagon. "At least as low a profile as a goblin, a minotaur, a pair of cubites, and a thrull can keep." The werelioness looks over at the dragobite. "Fleshcrafting? That... I dunno. What exactly is involved in this ritual?"

Alkaia: She looked to Altia to explain what she would do. "What would be involved?"

Zizth: "Probably makez you want to zerve their intereztz or zomething bad. I'd avoid it."

ShardDM: Kalia blinks a little at Alkaia's comment. "Er, you seem to be a bit obsessed about this path, are you sure?" Alita sighed a little, tugging away from Jewel and causing her to fall out of the wagon into a dust pile. "It's a sexual ritual, mostly. You show the good examples of what it can do to the subject, and during that time you also unlock what's needed to be changed in order to access it. Problem is, as I've explained, I got no idea the exact part that needs changed, and the Fleshcraft Arcana doesn't describe the changing ritual..."

Kaylia: "So it's a dark and dangerous binding ritual involving nether cult powers, and you want to have it performed by an initiate who isn't sure exactly what she's doing. Or, to be precise, who has no clue what she's doing."

Zizth: "It probably iz not zaze. Leave it alone I zay. You;ve enough magic az it iz.," grunts Zizth, "Jewel...? You okay?" She moves over and pokes her worriedly.

Alkaia: "I am. This is to help Gar's people after all. Can you two watch her while she performs it."

Zizth: "Were you not lizening when zhe zaid zhe doez not know how to do it?"

Kaylia: "Gar's people won't benefit if you become a slave to dark powers. This... is a terrible idea."

Zizth: "Yez. You are working with thingz you do not underztand. Leave it be."

Alkaia: "I can protect myself should she try to enslave my mind. I am more concerned about her using magic to harm me."

Zizth: "And you are not conzerned that zhe doez not know what zhe iz doing."

ShardDM: As Laani enters, she would find the inn packed with various drinking parties and jaunty music. A few of the bar wenches- cubites, naturally- go around the several tables and serve mugs of various liquids and fluids to the patrons. At the bartop, keeping watch of everything, was a slender, insectoid woman with large dragonfly wings swept back behind her. Upon the door opening, an antenna twitches in that direction before the green-carapaced figure turns to face the goblin. "Hello, little lass! Anything I can help you with?" she calls out, brightly but with the slight buzz in her voice similar to Zizth's.

Kaylia: "I'm not worried about what she'll *try.* She doesn't know what she's doing. And the powers she'd be calling upon, they play for keeps."

Laani: "Hmmm, do you have any pork chops with a brew from Ganzeor's?" Laani questioned the barkeep even as she walked up to the bartop, looking for an empty seat before plopping herself up there.

ShardDM: Alita sighed and pushed her head in her hands. "I'm a initiate. Look, it's obvious I barely know the symbolic effect. I'd need more information to know how the actual unlocking procedure worked. Unless this place has some sort of hidden archive or something on the subject, I'm refusing just so I don't do something stupid like fuse your brain lobes or something like that."

Alkaia: "She probably does in her subconscious. I am well aware of the risks." Sighing softly. "Fine, I will look around then."

Kaylia heads into the inn, sitting next to Laani at the bar and ordering a whiskey sour.

Zizth: "Thank you," sighs Zizth, looking to Alita, "I am thankzul zor your honezty. Did you do zomething to Jewel? Zhe zeemz... Broken."

ShardDM: "Got plenty, long as ya got the coin!" she calls out, smiling, pointing to the seat on barstool near here. With a female Defiled on one side and a cloaked figure on the other, the little goblin was just barely bar height, and about level to the bug-girl's torso. As Kaylia joined at the bar, she'd have to sit on the other side of the cloaked figure, and catching the Thrull's attention as well. "And for you, miss?"

Kaylia: "A whiskey sour, please. And the goblin's first drink is on me."

ShardDM: Jewel groaned as she got herself back up. "I'm fine! Didn't expect to get dragged off like that!" Alita trotted up to face Alkaia. "Look, if I really was as nuts as I think I was sometimes, I'd agree, but seriously, no sense killing either of us over it. I'm putting you all in enough danger just being your captive, even I can see that. Just please, trust me this one time, ok?"

Laani: "Got the coin. You seriously got real Ganzeor's Brew? How the hell did you manage to get a hold of that? I thought that family is a complete bitch to buy from." As Laani questioned, through after hearing that, "Redhead's first two drinks are on me."

Alkaia: She sighed. Alright." She turned to look at Kalla. "Come Kalla, lets go see if they have a library or a local mage to speak with." Starting toward the town center curiously looking about.

Kaylia: "Oh no you don't." Kaylia smirks. "Goblin's first THREE drinks are on me. I did play a little joke on her this morning."

Laani: "Redhead's First Four Drinks."

Zizth: "I truzt you. Do you wizh a drink? It haz been a long walk."

Kaylia: "And yet I'm only having two, tonight."

Laani: "And I'm only have one."

Kaylia: "Then I'm also only having one."

Laani: "Than I guess I'm ordering the least expensive drink there is."

Kaylia: "Nonsense. It's Ganzeor's finest brew for my dear friend Laani."

Laani: "I call shenanigans than. For Redhead, it's the finest and largest whiskey sour you can give her!"

Kaylia: "Then be sure that the goblin gets a full boot of her brew."

ShardDM: Kalia nodded slowly with a sigh. "We can try, sure. Not sure what they'll have, but we can still look." The barkeep looked a little amused as the goblin and human bicker a little, as the cloaked figure raised a hand- a black-armored hand. "Excuse me. Do you know of the scholar Ameus if she is still here?" The broodlet nodded. "Yes, a houses down once the stilts start, the poor dear's been here for years." The figure nodded, leaving the bar afterwards. Alita nodded a bit to the bug. "I think I can agree to that, yes."

Kaylia looks at the barkeep inquisitively. "Who's Ameus? And what does she study?"

Alkaia set out to look for either a mage or a library.

Zizth nods and takes the waterskin and helps Alita drink. "I will need to cleanze new water to replaze theze."

Laani: "Than you will have a keg of the finest whiskey." She shot a look at Kaylia. "Hey, that's just rude asking into anothers business like that!"

ShardDM: The barkeep nodded, her claws working deftly through the shelves all the time and giving Kaylia and Laani a nice view of the twin tails that bobbed over her somewhat shapely butt. "Local researcher to stuff relating to the Rift Wars. She works with the crown occasionally, we get a few queries about her whenever something bigger happens elsewhere. Probably one of those crown-sanctioned exploration parties looking for info for the events out east," she related, dropping a keg next to Kaylia's seat. As Alkaia and Kalia walked down the street, they'd note three figures move pointedly towards a stone-built house as part of the many structures formed off the path slightly.

Kaylia: "Laani, we can drink in a bit. Grab your weapon and come with me." Kaylia heads out of the bar with her rifle, following the cloaked figure and bringing along any party she can quietly muster.

ShardDM: Alita gently took a sip from the waterskin, as a cloaked figure left the inn and quickly moved up the street, in the same direction Alkaia had headed towards.

Alkaia decided to see where the three figures where going and headed to the stone house.

Laani follows behind Kaylia, dropping coins for the barkeep and holding her mug and sipping from it. Paying for both the keg and her brew. Feeling the drowsiness tipsiness starting.

Zizth lets her drink her fill as she watches someone else cloaked leave. She felt quite on edge but stayed put, watching after Alita for the time being. Someone had to after all.

Kaylia is following the cloaked figures, loading a magazine to her rifle.

ShardDM: Alkaia and Kalia would enter a rather well-furnished bookstore, with shelves of various subject tomes all over the place. Currently, the three figures, with vibrant purple sashes over plain clothes, were moving to the counter, where a blue-skinned Defiled was quietly reading from a book. "Yes?" she asked the figures, standing up and pushing a pair of reading glasses up into her green hair. "Look, enough of the chatter. You know why we're here." "I don't understand what you are referring to." "Oh I think you do, miss. Clear as crystal you know..."

Zizth blinks as Kaylia heads out and is armed, frowning and picking up her swords and dropping low as she shuddered tiredly. "...Trouble it zeemz...," she mutters quietly, then hesitates, looking back to Alita, hissing a bit. "Hng, to leave or ztay..."

ShardDM: The barkeep blinked as she watched the two leave as soon as they arrive, and the cloaked figure rapidly moves through the village, moving towards the same stone building that Alkaia and Kalia had entered a few moments ago. Mona, who had been resting on the wagon, perks up and watches Kaylia and Laani move.

Alkaia looks around and stays quiet for the moment. Her eyes browsing through the bookshelves.

Kaylia motions to Mona and Zizth to come along, as well as any other party members she sees, moving rapidly.

Zizth growls a bit. "Jewel, keep Alita company." She then prowls after the others, moving to the side and taking to the rooftops and alleys to pursue, shuddering tiredly at the expenditure of energy for her hungry body.

ShardDM: Kalia too had stayed quiet, holding behind a vertical shelf as the conversation continued. "I assure you, gentlemen, that I have nothing of interest for any of you. Now please, vacate the premises or I'll-" the defiled woman starts, looking quite stern, but then a flash of steel comes as a dagger is pointed up by one of the figures. "No, listen here. You're gonna make our Mistress veeery unpleasant if you don't cooperate..." At this point, the figure has reached the stone building's stairs, quickly moving up them with a measured but rapid pace. Jewel, Mona, and Alita look between each other before rapidly following after everyone else, Jewel only halting Alita long enough to undo the armbinder.

Zizth's speed allows her to catch up with Kaylia and Laani, who are still a few meters from the door as the figure prepares to enter.

Kaylia follows closely behind the cloaked figure, entering the bookstore behind it.

Zizth deicdes to head for a side window to peek through into the building they were approaching.

Alkaia sighed softly before moving to the woman's side, a soft growl coming from her throat. "That is not very nice." A flame appearing on her hand as she prepared a fire spell.

ShardDM: Two of the figures turned to face Alkaia, with Zizth's face peering into the window (and shoddy glass quality) allowing her to hear everything. The figure has entered, but has stayed near the door as if assessing the situation, pointedly standing so it would block exit. Kaylia and Laani would have arrived at the door, with Mona soon landing near Zizth's perk at the small window and the rest quickly behind. The ringleader with the knife gestured to his cohorts, two women, who also drew blades, one of which had thier hands suddenly glow with violet flames. "Do you mind? We're in a important conversation here, your personal readings can wait," the ringleader grumbled, rolling his eyes before focusing on the Defiled woman. "I ask again. Miss Kileria, open the barrier to your private stores, and we'll handily leave you and your friend alone and be on our way..."

Zizth sees the mage and the assassins thratening Alkaia. She glared darkly, pulling a javelin, before silently opening the window enough to huck a javelin through at the mage, sticking to her method. Mages die before they know they are targets.

Kaylia produces her rapier, pressing it lightly into the spine of the cloaked figure. "Hands up. Nice and easy. Walk slowly towards your friends in there."

Laani pulls out her gun, waltzing into the bookstore and pointing it at the other cloaked figures.

Alkaia: "I think you should be the ones to stay out of it." Her wings flexing, ready to cover the defiled woman should they strike her.

ShardDM: The surprise javelin throw would catch everyone off by surprise, the mage yelping loudly as the javelin slams into her shoulder and knocking her to a knee. "FUCK!" yelled the leader, slinging his fist to slam into Ms. Kileria, knocking her out of the way as he wheeled around to face the dragonkin with his cohort. The figure who Kalia had pressed a rapier to seemed to ignore her, taking two steps forward and then raising her arm- at which point a mass of flesh suddenly ripped from her arm, pink flesh with wicked white barbs lashing angrily towards the mysterious figures, impaling the other non-leader before pulling the blades back to her. "And either way, apparently you're outnumbered," stated the figure in a strange voice- it almost sounded like two figures speaking at once.

BlackshardRP: Kaylia looks at the figure she had threatened, then at the body of the figure that the figure that she had threatened had then killed with arm spikey things, then back to the figure that Kaylia had threatened. "Huh."

Zizth stared in shock when the killer tentacles murdered one of her prey, her hauling herself through the window with a grunt and pouncing onto the mage she subdue to get her arms before there was more trouble. She didn't know what that was, but it was amazing, and horrifying at once.

Alkaia growled lightly. "I think you should rethink this."

ShardDM: The leader dropped his dagger as his jaw dropped, eyes locked on the cloaked figure. "B-b-b... Bitch, you haven't heard the last of us! Seridus will hear of this!!!" the man yelled, rapidly rushing around a back shelf towards the door Kaylia and Laani were standing in front of. As the mage woman went to limp upwards, a dynamically-entering Zizth would land on her, causing a loud whimper as she was nearly crushed by the creature. With a groan, Ameus rubbed her jaw, refocusing her view on the group.

Laani still sipping at her drink and holding Kaylia's keg underarm, Laani raised a sardonic eyebrow.

Alkaia: She turned to look at the new figure. "Thank you." Looking to make sure Kalla was unhurt.

Zizth hissed down at the woman she had under her grips, baring her fangs threateningly as she kept her pinned. "Kaylia, stop him!"

Laani sticks her foot out and bending slightly out of the way of the oncoming man meat rushing her.

Kaylia flicks her rapier up, holding the blade out to stop the fleeing figure.

ShardDM: Kaylia's trick would work- if there wasn't a sudden explosive blast of a smoke bomb going up, resulting in a blinding veil of smoke and a small concussive blast near the door. There's so much smoke, it clogs the lungs slightly and burns at the eyes...

Kaylia curses, scanning to try to spot the fleeing figure, dropping the rapier and pulling up the rifle.

Laani squinting her eyes as she held up her mug placing it over her mouth allowing her a free gulp of air, filled with alcohol. She slowly meandered out back the way she came, set down the keg and looked around the street while pulling up surprise N, and checking the safety on it, making sure to pull it off and that the gun is still loaded. It still was.

Alkaia frowns.

ShardDM: The door cracks open, allowing the air to clear slightly, only for a loud cursing as the man trips down the stairs thanks to that tricky little goblin leaving the keg on the stairs. Tumbling out with a crash, he groans as he gets back to his feet, he quickly runs out into the town, figures looking at him as he rushes towards the city limits. What with the multitude of other humanoids on the street, it'd be a risk to try and do a shot and not get a civilian instead. At his appearance, outside Alita would pause before she quickly darts behind a house, trying to obviously hide from the figure and dragging Jewel with her.

Kaylia kneels, popping out the standard round and loading a stun round, then squeezing off a shot at the fleeing figure.

Laani seeing the figure and civilians, "eh." Took aim and fired at the fleeing figure, uncaring with how much bloodshed would come from this shot.

Zizth keeps the mage secured, continuing to hiss at her if she tries to do anything and gripping her tight.

ShardDM: The man seemed to get some sort of sense that he was getting fired at, and just as our heroes aimed the trigger, he gave a rapid wave of his hand, a violet wall angling slightly away from him hanging in the air before he ran again. Surprise's RPG shot would fly wide, flying into the swamp before exploding, while Kaylia's shock would reflect from the wall, also flying back into the woods. And with that, he was soon out of sights into the swamp, and the panicking screams of the civilians certainly wasn't helping as they ran and panicked, naturally making a questionable wall of human targets...

Laani: "Well I tried." As she put an unloaded surprise 4 back into her holster and picked up her brew and keg, and began to sip from her brew. After a long sip she looked at Kaylia saying "Here's your keg." And pushing it onto the redhead's belly.

Alkaia looked to the stranger who had impaled one of the figures. "Thanks. Who are you?"

Kaylia sighs, shouldering her rifle and picking up her rapier, then turning to the figure with the spiky arm. "Well. No answers from them. I agree with my dragon friend. Who are you?"

Zizth: "I do have one here you know!" She calls out with a hiss.

ShardDM: With the smoke cleared now, Kalia was still panting, seemingly having a panic attack, her view locked hard on the cloaked figure as it moved to the counter now, seemingly ignoring Alkaia's comment for now. "Apologies about the mess. Why does this keep happening when I see you?" the figure spoke to the defiled woman, the voice now singular, sounding young and feminine. Amerus actually has a small smile on her face as she regarded the figure. "Oh Kiva... how long has it been, a decade?"

Kaylia looks at the captive mage. "Huh."

Laani: "HEY! Redhead, take the keg. It's got your whiskey sour in it." As Laani prodded Kaylia's belly again with the keg of whiskey sour.

Zizth looks over to the creature that murdered the other being, staring confusedly, unsure if she was friend or foe, working her jaws a little.

Kaylia: "Just a sec, Laani. We've still got business to deal with." Kaylia tucks the small keg under an arm, entering the store.

Alkaia: Being ignored, she went to check on Kalla. Rubbing her back to help her breath. Her wings wrapping about her to show her that she was safe. "Shhh..... It is alright."

Laani: With the keg taken, the goblin nodded and than looked at the panicking civilians, she reached and patted Surprise 4. "There there, one day, I'll make you penetrate everything and than explode." As she walked into the store, slowly sipping and getting more tipsy.

ShardDM: Kalia's panic didn't diminish, her eyes still wide with terror. "N-n-no it's not! S-she's using a Blackshard!!!" The cloak figure paused a little, as did Amerus. "Could you please keep it down?" the figure, apparently named Kiva, asked. "I can guarentee I'm not a part of those cultist bastards, and I won't hurt you. On the contrary, I thank you for defending Amerus, despite having no reason to."

Zizth: "A zhard? Don't they... zlave thingz?," frowns Zizth, looking over at the woman, "And you're welcome? They threatened Alkaia and that perzon. Zo they were punizhed."

Alkaia: She continued to try and calm Kalla down. "Your welcome." A hand still rubbing Kalla's back.

Kaylia: "You keep explaining, and we'll keep it down." Kaylia walks up. "I'm Kaylia. I'm guessing you're Ameus," at the one figure, "and you're... Kiva, I hear?"

Alkaia: "Perhaps we should all go somewhere more private?"

Zizth: "Perhapz I zhould kill my prizoner zinze we zeem to not care?"

Kaylia: "Maybe we try to question your prisoner first."

ShardDM: Amerius looked between everyone, before nodding. "Yes, he won't be back today but it may be best until the city calms down. You might want to bring that woman along, but I'd suggest either binding her or letting Kiva hold onto her." She moved to the back part of the counter with a clack of hooves, grabbing a key. Kiva glanced to Zizth before glancing to the others. "If you got friends I suggest they get inside too, it's not gonna be very plesent outside for a while."

Kaylia: "Jewel, you got those bindings handy?"

Zizth: "Then may be do that, then azk the zhard queztionz. Becauze I do not want to be lying on her all day and zhe iz bleeding. We do. Zomeone get them. Zo much for taking care of Alita."

Alkaia nodded as she continued to hold and rub Kalla's back. "You calmed down now?"

Laani: "MMmkay. I'm gonna go to the inn. You three figure out what's happening. I want to finish this brew with some pork chops." As the tipsy goblin waved her drink and toddled off.

Zizth: "Mona, get the otherz and get in here.," sayz Zizth towards the window, as she grabs the womans arms and stands up, holding her firm, taking the javelin out with her teeth.

Kaylia gets the restraints from Jewel that were previously on Alita, applies them to the new prisoner.

ShardDM: Mona stook her head to the broken window and nodded, fluttering down to the rest. Soon after, the loud turn of tumblers comes from a wall behind the counter. The stone wall starts to split, opening to a hidden staircase. Jewel and Mona seem a little unsure what's going on, but Alita freezes, just like Kiva does as the two make eye contact. Jewel seems to notice this and stands between them. "Heyheyhey, no killing our prisoner, kay thanks." That apparently pacifies her and Kiva leads the way downstairs into the dwelling. Kalia is still shaking, but clearly has relaxed a little bit, though her hands are figiting with her braid a little as she stares at the rest.

ShardDM: Laani's trip to the tavern would be MOSTLY unimpeded- mostly due to the still-panicking civilians. You'd think they'd have realized the firefight was done by now, but nooo. Upon arriving at the tavern, there was a few patrons looking outside the window but for the most part business was as usual. The bug barmaid tilts an antenna and looks to Laani. "Lost your drinking partner already?" she quips.

Alkaia: She lightly grabbed one of Kalla's hands and followed the other two women. A wing draped over Kalla protectively like a cloak.

Zizth guided her prisoner down, not really getting secret staircases or anything that's happening now, moving down with the javelin still in her mouth, though adjusting her grip to put pressure on the injury she caused.

Kaylia follows down the staircase, sheathing her rapier.

Laani: "Nah, she tried shooting someone fleeing, the bastard did some sort of spell and made an explosion in the street. Now everyone's panicking over it. You know that scholar girl you told the cloaked figure? Yah, apparently tonight was the night everyone came looking for her. And when I mean everyone, I mean everyone, demons, lords, kings, the whole works. You have those pork chops still cooking or do I need to wait a bit more for them?" As the goblin got back up on the bar and let herself settle, tits splaying out on the bar and head resting on her half-full mug.
Re: Blackshard 2 - Revenge of the Nethermancers (Log/Playback)

24 January (part five)
ShardDM: The woman cultist whimpers and yelps as her injury is teased and painfully tugged around with the javelin manipulation. The rest soon followed as well, with Alita carefully moving down the stairs with her hooves. Reaching the bottom of the staircase was another library room- this time, however, titles discussing 'Philosophy of the Nether' and 'Dark Arts, Personified' would pop off the bookshelves with casual examination- obviously, this was much darker writing. "Finally, I can take this damn thing off for once," Kiva muttered, sliding the cloak off and allowing a much better view of her body- or more specifically, the tight, black armor plates covering her all over her body, seemingly seamless from a distance, with her violet and black braid sliding behind her. Amerius noticed Jewel's mouth opening to ask a question and stopped her. "This is the Royal Court's secret stash of books relating to the darker aspects of the world. I've guarded it for nearly half a century, after my mother died..."

ShardDM: The barmaid raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Guess that explains all the screaming earlier. Don't worry, shouldn't take too long for your food to show up at least!" she said cheerfully, turning to work at the work area of the bar to get the goblin's food together.

Zizth frowns and sets the woman down once her arms were secured by Jewel then tugs the javelin out and binds her injuries. After that she got low and cautiously crept forward a bit, curious about this shard. It reminded her of herself a bit in appearence, her looking at it curiously.

Kaylia: "Huh. Unless I'm mistaken, you got rather lucky tonight. Doesn't seem like a very safe stash, at this point." Kaylia looks at Amerius. "Or would you have been fine without the appearance of our group or Kiva?"

Laani: "Yup. Oh just for future reference, if you run into any people that look like cultists - you know, the cloaked figures with a strange clasp of some sort that makes your mind think darker things or symbol that just etches itself into your mind - tell them to make sure that they keep quiet." Babbled the tipsy goblin at the barmaid. "Mmm, so whats interesting about this town? Any sort of rumors popping around with treasure or some asinine bandit king?"

ShardDM: "I'm clairvoyant but I'm not a fortune teller. No, I hadn't expected this much action today, and for that much, I thank you," Amerius replied, nodding to her. "I fear that won't be the only cultist that will be knocking at my door for this information either, specially as he shielded himself from your attacks." Kiva glanced back at the thrull looking at her, sliding down into a crouch. "Hrm? What's up?" she asks Zizth. With this distance, Zizth can see the plating layers of the armor- carapace plates, layered on top of each other to allow surprising amount of flexibility while still protecting it's wearer. As if sensing it being watched so closely, an eyeball opens on the chest of Kiva's armor, staring at the insect as well.

ShardDM: The barmaid doesn't react much more than a raised eyebrow again, before reasoning it's because she's drunk.

Bringing Laani's meal to her, Laani would also have Halfdan sitting next to her. "Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied. I felt it was a smart moment to commune with the goddesses. Did I miss anything?" he asked the goblin.

Zizth hisses slightly taking a step back as she's noticed, and a second eye opening. "...It looks like myzelf. Like one of my own was zkinned and draped on a human. Though it zeems zar more durable and zlezible... Zo you are a zhard then? I didn't know what they looked like. Zo zimilar..."

Laani: "Nah, just some cultists making a mess of the town and not getting captured. If only you were there. You could've grabbed him into a bear hug and kept him nice and tight against your body, cracking his bones." As Laani purposefully slumped against Halfdan, murmerring "Head down to. . ." Describing Amerus's house and location. "Others are in there. I'm currently getting my munchies and feel a hankering for some coarse pleasure."

Kaylia shrugs. Happy we could be of assistance, really. So you're involved with the Blackshards but not the nether cultists? Interesting." Kaylia produces notepad and pen, taking copious notes. "How did you come into its possession?

Alkaia remained quiet, a hand still rubbing Kalla's back.

ShardDM: Kiva smiled a little as Zizth and the 'armor' stard back at each other. "...Kinda. Ashur is a little different. She's kind of an odd specimen from another dimension." The eyeball glares at Kiva a little, and Kiva gives a loud yelp, her legs closing together tightly for a second. Blushing, she glares down at the eye. "I thought we went over this years ago, no public play," she hisses. Amerius watches Zizth and Kiva interact before turning to Kaylia. "It's more like I've acted as assistance for Kiva when I met her. When she first acquired Ashur, they both had very little idea what they were capable of. I was able to lead them on a path that would be the betterment of the kingdom, and each other."

ShardDM: Halfdan simply nodded, though frowned at the mention of cultists. "Noted. I suppose I better get my rest, while I can," he grumbled, not budging from his bar seat next to the wasted goblin and her serving of meat. He didn't react much to Laani leaning against him beyond a bit of a gruff sigh.

Zizth blinks in confusion, not understanding what was happening. "...Wait, you are not the Zhard?" She looks at the eye, frowning. "Zo... The zhard iz the platez then? Huh. Zo if my zpeciez iz zkinned and magicked it makez zhardz? Hm. Zo... do you know why there are more zhardz appearing again? Iz yourz breeding?"

Kaylia: "Fascinating." Kaylia jots down notes rapidly, then sketches a brief picture of the armor. She reaches out with her pen, poking the armor gently to elicit a reaction.

Laani began to eat her porkchops, slowly cutting and eating them as she also drank. Soon the goblin fell asleep on the barstool, slumping against Halfdan.

ShardDM: Kaylia's tapping at the plate was no reaction, sounding nearly like one tapping a nail against metal or perhaps ceramic, with no marring on the skin of the armor. "Yeah, the shards are kind of a parasite species of themselves. Thanks to people like HER..." Kiva commented, glaring at the faun and the captured magician. "...They created the originals. And, apparently, are working on a new version." Alita frowned back. "Don't look at me, I have no part on that stuff."

Kaylia: "But they need information. Information that you currently keep here. And they know that, now."

Zizth: "Iz true. Zhe iz cultizt but zhe waz trying to make her zpeciez and other zpeciez more compatible. Zhe juzt did it in bad wayz. We are going to catch worzt cultiztz with her. Like thiz one." She points at her new prisoner.

Alkaia: "Would you have information here on how to become a fleshcrafter?"

ShardDM: Halfdan smiled a little at the now-sleeping goblin, payed for her bill, and enquired about rooms, getting a quartet of rooms and stable place for the horses and Alita. Lugging her to a room, Laani was gently laid down in a bed and gently tucked in on one of the beds of the room. "G'night, short one," he mutters before leaving her in the room.