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Blessed Peak (ToC PvP Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
A small, level plateau atop a snowy mountain in the Goddess of War's realm, protected from the winds and snow by natural formations of rock and crystal and sporting a number of hot springs, Blessed Peak would be a lovely place were it not for the creatures that have taken up residence in it. Many of the hot springs, otherwise wonderfully comfortable, now play host to tentacle beasts ready to drag an unsuspecting victim into their watery home at any moment. While those who fall prey to such a fate will eventually return to the Feast Hall like any other defeated opponent, they will not be granted such mercy until they have suffered the depredations of the beast and used to breed more of them. The young adults born from such forced mating sessions remain with their parent until prey draws near, at which point they may emerge to hunt, claiming prey as a small swarm before their parents can grab it instead.

Rolled randomly to generate the arena, got hills with hostile spectators and a stage hazard. This is what I came up with, obviously the use of them is optional.

Every round, roll a d6.
On a 1-3, nothing happens.
On a 4, a large tentacle beast emerges from the water and makes to grab one randomly selected combatant.
On a 5, a large tentacle beast emerges from the water and makes to grab all combatants.
On a 6, spawn d6 tentacle beasts that attack combatants at random.

Only one large beast or group of tentacle beasts may be present at a time. If an additional spawn for something already present is rolled, it is treated as if 1-3 was rolled.

Large Tentacle Beasts have 200 HP, 20 natural AV, are immune to all status effects, cannot be bull rushed or overrun, have the Tentacles and Superior Tentacles special mutations, and have an attack and grapple of 1d100+35. They will always attempt to grab, then drag. If they successfully drag a character twice, they have dragged them into the water and that character is rendered helpless. Other characters may attempt to help them or not at their discretion. If their initial grapple attempt fails, they hit 0 HP, or their prey escapes their grapple, they will automatically retreat beneath the water. They will always return at full health if they roll to appear again.

Tentacle Beasts are 40/10/10 creatures with 10 natural AV, the Tentacles special mutation, Grapple Expert, are immune to EP drain, any mind control or mind affecting effects, and being stunned by orgasm, and will attempt to grapple and then rape any and all combatants into submission.

strode carefully through the paths between the hot springs, keeping her eyes out both for attacks from the dangerous native creatures and for potential opponents. Her chain-weapon spun slowly in a circle at her side, keeping one of her blind spots covered with it as she sought someone to fight.
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had been looking for a challenge. Wandering about the Blessed Peak, all Tilda would find were tentacle creatures that were seemingly all over the place. With the area being a plateau, hiding was not really an option. Going into the hot springs was also equally not a very good option as the tentacle beasts were able to be seen if the water was still enough. Tilda would soon find herself hearing a faint metallic clang, and start to move more cautiously. Was it someone wearing heavy armor that was also looking for a fight? Tilda thought to herself. Not exactly the most stealthy of combatants, Tilda would start to move along the pathways in the direction she thought the sound was coming from. Soon, Tilda would find herself near the crest of a hill as she spotted an Orcish female wearing some manner of metallic armor along with a chain whip.

Tilda perhaps could have had an opportunity for a surprise attack, but noticed that there was a good area to test herself in battle against this Orcish woman were she willing. Moving atop the crest of the hill, Tilda would present herself. "I challenge you to a duel, what say you?" Tilda would gesture with her sword toward the Orcish woman while declaring her intention of testing herself in combat.
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"Ahhh, finally!" The orcish woman declared upon sighting someone, a human woman in sparse garb. Her eagerness earned a grin from the orcess, who slowed the spinning of her chain and turned to approach in as straight a line as the terrain allowed. "Ahhh, and eager too! I accept of course! I hope you'll be a good challenge! I am Iriel, daughter of Kavika! Give me your name, and we shall begin!"
Tilda would respond to her opponent in kind. "I am Tilda of Laugar. Do you have any terms?" The reply being given to see just what her opponent had in mind. Looking the woman over, Tilda would notice that she had a whip. Were this woman proficient with using it, this could present a worthy challenge.With both women still well out of an effective striking distance from each other, Tilda would look to establish the rules of this engagement before moving down from her position at the crest of one of the hills.
"None beyond those normally in place; we fight at the best of our ability, and when I best you, I will enjoy your body as my prize!" Iriel replied, moving carefully around the nearby hotsprings to face Tilda directly so that they could fight, her chain starting to whir faster with every step.
"So be it.. though I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself there.." Tilda would reply as she raised her sword and shield into a ready position. Closing the distance between the two, Tilda would look to see what she could determine about her enemy. The chain was going to be the biggest concern by far, as that looked like it could be used as a whip or possibly even to grab her if Tilda was not careful.
Beginning of Round 1:
Iriel: HP = 92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status: Fine.
Tilda: HP = 82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Fine.

Initiative: Tilda (48), Iriel (47)

Public Actions:
Tilda moves into range and uses Defensive Stance.
Iriel uses Lightning Strikes.

Tilda's Dodge roll: 97

Iriel's Attack #1: 83, Miss.

Iriel's Dodge roll: 73
Tilda's Counterattack (Sword): 79. Hit.
Damage (Slashing): 34 - 26 = 8.
Tilda's Counterattack (Shield): 85. Hit.
Damage (Bludgeoning): 23 - 19 = 4.

Iriel's Attack #2: 78. Miss.

Tilda's Counterattack (Sword): 89. Hit.
Damage (Slashing): 36 - 26 = 10.
Tilda's Counterattack (Shield): 85. Hit.
Damage (Bludgeoning): 25 - 19 = 6.

Iriel's Attack #3: 100. Hit.
Damage: 35 - 6 = 29.
Tilda takes -1d10 to Dodge, Attack, Grapple, and Casting checks along with a -3 penalty to Resistance checks until the end of Iriel's next turn.

Special Effects:
Stage Hazard roll: 1. Nothing happens.

Upkeep costs:

End of Round 1:
Iriel: HP = 64/92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status: Injured.
Tilda: HP = 53/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Injured, Weakening Strike (1).
Whirling her chain faster and faster, Iriel grins. "Heh, we'll see~" As the woman sets up a defensive stance, Iriel lashes out with her chain only to find it blocked by Tilda's shield. A quip was half to her lips only to die in a grunt as her opponent stepped forward and lashed out with sword and shield while she recovered. Her armor and natural toughness couched the blow from both, nearly stopping the sword strike completely, but the shield blow actually took her by surprise with how strong it was. She quickly lashed out at her leg only for Tilda to block again, and earned her another pair of strikes that she couldn't quite avoid. "Hnk... Not bad! You hit pretty hard for a human... Maybe you'll make good stock for making an heir or two after all?" Iriel grunted softly, before a third motion reversed her chain and sent it lashing against the shoulder of her shield arm, landing with a heavy blow that would undoubtedly numb the limb long enough for Iriel to half-turn, chain whirring behind her, as she prepared for her next attack.
Tilda would watch the chain of her opponent as best she could. Making a conscious decision to close the distance between them, Tilda would try to engage at point blank range to minimize the damage that chain could do before she could close in to strike back on her own. "You attack about as predictably as the sun coming up every morning." Tilda was not entirely the best when it cames to insults but she would be able to belt that out as she blocked the first two attempts by Iriel to hit her. Iriel was not entirely done yet, as she changed her attack up and landed the whip around the shoulder guard of Tilda's armor causing a good bit of damage.

Tilda knew she had to keep herself close to Iriel and would not ideally allow her to back off and utilize the range of the chain weapon. Trying to press the attack, Tilda would switch her stance and lash out with an attack hoping she could gain the initiative even though she had been wounded previously. Thinking that it was just her shield arm that was hurt, it would hopefully not stop her from using her speed to keep ahead of Iriel.
Beginning of Round 2:
Iriel: HP = 64/92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status: Injured.
Tilda: HP = 53/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Injured, Weakening Strike (1).

Iriel attacks, but Tilda attempts an intercepting strike

Tilda: 96
Iriel: 83

Iriel loses her attack and takes -10 dodge until her next turn.

Tilda attempts a disarm attack on Iriel.

Tilda: 78
Iriel: 62

Tilda succeeds but has to make a reflex check >.> <.<

Tilda: 17
Iriel: 35.

Does not succeed

Super Secret Effects:
3, no super secret effect

End of Round 2:
Iriel: HP = 64/92, PP = 41, EP = 31, Status: Injured, Feinted (-10 Dodge)
Tilda: HP = 53/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Injured
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Tilda would reach out and act as if she were slashing at Iriel. Motioning as if she were thrusting forward, Tilda would instead stop her blade well before reaching Iriel. Hoping this would bait out Iriel's attack, Tilda would maneuver her sword so that the chain would wrap itself around it. Hoping to have caught Iriel again by surprise with her ingenuity, Tilda would quickly pull the chain whip away from Iriel while depositing the weapon behind her.

Tilda would look down toward her sword and then back over toward Iriel, "Let us see how arrogant you are without your weapon.. Do you wish to admit your defeat now?" Tilda would semi seriously ask Iriel. No warrior with any honor would simply admit defeat at this point, however Tilda had a significant advantage as she still had her sword and shield while Iriel was disarmed. Tilda would not press her advantage before waiting to see what Iriel had to say now that the advantage was in Tilda's favor. Tilda would do little aside from using her foot to kick the chain whip further behind her and away from Iriel while waiting to hear her decision on if the match was decided or not.
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"Hah! You've not beaten me yet!" Iriel retorted, recoiling with her chain still wrapped around her arm securely, seemingly preparing to do something.

(I PMed you earlier about this, just assuming you elected to let me post without bothering to change your RP bits. Disarm requires Tilda to win a reflexes check to actually work, which she did not do.)
(i've been encountering 502 and 504 errors any time i try to do anything on the site up til this morning. I also cannot see anything on the forums from my phone anymore which doesnt help on any day not regularly associated with being part of the weekend. Since the sute seems to be less unstable now, I can try to post for real.)
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(Ahhh, further technical difficulties. Fun. Hopefully things will stabilize soon.)
As Tilda had gotten the better of Iriel in the last exchange, she would start to show signs of the confidence she was building. Having mostly shut down her opponent's offense, Tilda would jest toward Iriel that she should give up now and spare herself the embarassment of continually missing while Tilda continued to pick Iriel apart. She may well have won the fight right then if she could have kept control of Iriel's chain whip. "So do you want to continue flailing that cute little toy around or do you want to settle this another way?" Tilda was certain that she would win easily if she could keep Iriel focused on trying to use her whip, as Tilda seemed fairly well off to evade and counter Iriel as she likely continued to use the whip as her main source of offense.

Keeping herself within striking distance as best she could, Tilda would bring her sword and shield back into a ready position to continue the battle against Iriel.
Beginning of Round 3:
Iriel: HP = 64/92, PP = 41, EP = 31/41, Status: Injured, Feinted (-10 Dodge)
Tilda: HP = 53/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Injured

Initiative: Tilda, Iriel

Public Actions:
Tilda uses Defensive Stance.
Iriel buffs using Fell Might X = 6, 8 EP and 3 HP cost with a recurring 3 EP upkeep.


No rolls happened.

Special Effects:
Stage Hazard roll: 1. Nothing happens.

Upkeep costs:

End of Round 3:
Iriel: HP = 61/92, PP = 41, EP = 23/41, Status: Injured, Fell Might X = 6.
Tilda: HP = 53/82, PP = 63, EP = 43, Status: Injured
"Hmph... Toy," Iriel snorted derisively, "says the woman cowering behind a metal plate! You'll have to do better than that to best ME!" With the end of her retort came a growl, and a shift in stance as she half crouched, muscles bulging as her skin suddenly shifted from its natural light green to pure blood red. "It's time that you found out about real strength! RAAAAGH!!!" Her chain started spinning again, but now it moved much faster and seemed shrouded in a crimson glow as it whirred through the air.