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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Walking through the town was an embarrassing experience for Erin, but when she was called out on her 'clothes', it took a lot of her self control to simply glare at the woman as if she wanted her to blow up, and not actually make it happen. She fumed all the way from there to the inn, where the keeper's cheerful greeting worked part of the way in dispelling her bad temper.

"That he did, miss." She replied with a half-smile. "We'll take one room." She said quickly after the question. She didn't know Denna much, but she looked like the kind of person that would pay for two just to save her some discomfort. It was bad enough that she couldn't pay for her own. "And you'll have my eternal gratitude if you can get me some decent clothes." She added, taking the key and heading towards their room quickly, just wanting to hide until they got proper clothes.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Strange place. Den had seen guns before, her father had a fine revolver. Sadly she would never see it again, lost with her whole hometown in the invasion, like much of Badaria. This rifle looked like a specially crafted weapon though. While his home was more plain, it was more a home than she had, and indeed reminded her much of her own. She felt a slight twinge of homesickness, but shoved it down. There was no point in dwelling on ghosts.

"It's a fine weapon, friend, and indeed a fine home.," she smiles, "The weapon looks like quite the work as well. I'm sure the town is well guarded with you at watch." Civility and politeness cost nothing but were worth much, and she had no reason to offend, even if the place did make her a little twitchy.

"I could use a few supplies, so I'll certainly purview your shops.," she responds to his request with a smile, "But for now, Clothes and rest. I thank you for your time. I shall be by when I'm more decent."

And with that they were off. To be ogled and jeered at it seems. To be honest, she expected nothing less, it wasn't the first time she had to go into town all but naked and battered. She probably would have some new scars on her neck from this one when it healed as well. Least they'd match the rest on her back and hips from those Hunter's claws.

She paid little mind to such nonsense though. Reactions would encourage them, and she had little reason to spend time on her detractors. She had things to do.

The inn itself was surprisingly well populated, and by many kinds. elves, humans, and even a few of the orc and Su-Ku-Ta beastmen. The orcs were becoming more common these days, and the catfolk... Well they were always rare, but she had heard gossiped that they were a dying breed after the alien invasion. She didn't know how much truth there was to that, but it'd be a true pity if it were, the catfolk were xenophobic slavers, but they did not deserve to be made soulless slaves. No one did.

They were greeted by the innkeeper promptly, evidently she was used to such things. A whole day for clothes? She inwardly cringed at spending another day leaving those beasts to have their way. Still, perhaps they were here, if the watchman was telling the truth. As it were, she wanted pants very very badly before she had any serious discussion. She opened her mouth to say two rooms when Erin promptly piped up for one, retrieved the key and hurried off. Den sighed a bit.

"Bloody hell Kid I'd have gotten two rooms...," she grumbles, shaking her head, "Guess if she insists... How much for the rooms, repair and meal then?"

She glanced around a bit. "Business seems t' be good for you too. Popular festival?"

She'd catch up with the girl after. Things still felt off, and they wouldn't solve that without talking to people.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"For both of you? Five denarii total." the girl replied simply. "One for the room, one each for the repairs, and one each for the provided meal." she explained, before nodding about the festival, adapting a rather wide grin. "Tis very popular, indeed! Business is always good during the holidays, but word has it that this one is going to be the biggest yet! All kinds of patrons are showing up! Even those that only came for mercenary work regarding the beasts are stopping by to join in the festivities." she explained, ready to bid Denna farewell the moment she'd be off after Erin.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den nods and hands the coins over. "Hm, sounds interesting. I'd ask about the festival, but I think I want pants before I have any long conversations in public. Maybe later.," she smiles a little sheepishly, before heading up after Erin.

May as well see how the rooms set up. Worse came to worse she could take the floor on her bedroll if there was only one bed. She hoped clothes came soon all considered. She had much to learn, and little time to do it in...

The upside is, if there were mercenaries already here, perhaps they could band together and resolve this problem. And if not, she could hopefully discourage them lest they get in over their heads. But first, pants.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna would have to wait until tomorrow before she would get her pants back. The girl seemed happy to let Denna go upstairs with minor instructions to leave her clothes and Erin's on the stand next to the door, armor included. That way she could pop in, take it, and patch it up that night.

The room they were to share was a single room with a large wooden tub possibly able to fit two, a single vanity, a bed and bedstand large enough to support two, and a round table with two chars in front of a square window.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

As Denna talked with the innkeeper, Erin's eyes floated through the room, looking at the people in there, half-expecting to find one of the cultists she knew.

Her original purpose was quickly forgotten as the girl took in the wide variety of creatures in there - living in a small village, she'd hardly seen anything other than humans, and inevitably found her eyes drifting again to all the other races. The night elves, she looked only in glimpses, looking away quickly, but eyes turning back to them again - on one side, she felt really curious, but on the other, she didn't want to be seen as a pervert ogling them; so every time her eyes wandered they ended up on them for a brief instant before flying away again, often to wonder about the contrast with the other elves. That lasted until the elves caught her in one of her glimpses and winked at her, making her suddenly look elsewhere as she blushed embarrassedly. Not only were they wearing questionable fashion, but it was impolite on its own to stare. She gulped, moving to examine the rest of the non-humans, hoping that'd serve as excuse enough for anyone who might be watching.

The catfolk and the orc were more on the intimidating side - the former, because of her recent experiences with animals, the latter for the obvious large, strong and armored. While she didn't quite trust the former, the latter looked like it would make a good, rape-proof addition to their rescue team, and possibly capable of keeping the animals at bay along with Denna - she was doing as best she could, Erin wasn't going to complain at all, but she was still heavily outnumbered and outmaneuvered. She could definitely use some help in the frontlines.

She didn't have very long, anyways, as Denna finished talking with the innkeeper and headed towards her, grabbing her attention just in time for her to hear that they were expected to leave their clothes outside, making her mind race and her cheeks flush lightly. So she'd have to spend the night alone, naked, with Denna? Well, it wasn't that she hadn't seen her before, but it still was... embarrassing. She'd just met her today!

Still, the other option was walking around with the equivalent to a potato sack as clothes, so there would be no argument there. The tattered scraps of her clothes were lost to the wolves - probably along with her scent, she realized - so she was rather curious to see what the keeper could do with just the blanket she was wearing. Not that she was in any rush to get rid of it, she thought as she opened the room and walked in, determined to delay getting naked until nighttime, scanning the room with a quick gaze.

She wasn't entirely surprised when she saw it only had one bed, though she hadn't really thought that she'd be naked, and so would Denna, when they had to share it. She shrugged slightly, to herself. Nothing to do about that, so she'd better get used to it, or at least learn to deal with it.

For now, however, she headed to the tub, checking whether she'd need to ask for water or there was piping; and then to the window, to discreetly check on the passing people without revealing too much of her nakedness.

"See, Denna?" She said, smiling rather happily despite all the embarrassment because, well, evil village or not she had a warm bed and a bathtub, and the idea of decent clothes soon; which was all way more than she'd had five minutes ago. "We can probably hire some people from the inn, offer to share the spoils with them, or maybe the reward for clearing the nest out. That big guy in armor looked like a real scary fellow."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna gazed over the room. While going naked was definitely not appealing, she wanted those clothes. And may as well have her armor repaired while she was at it. She didn't like having another lengthy delay, she felt like she was abandoning them. But they were here now, and hopefully she could help ensure success to compensate, and perhaps make sure there would be no repeats of this event in the future.

The room was quite nice. Way nicer than she ever would have accepted for herself for certain, it made her uncomfortable. Not that any of this was that comfortable.

"Alright well... y' wanted to share a room, so y' brought this on yourself I guess.," sighs Den, "So here's what I figure. You can have the bed, I have a bedroll still and don't much need the blanket. So you can be covered and such."

Erin was seeming to be investigating the bathtub. Not a shock, she'd want to scrub for days after what happened to her, and the window.

"The orc? Yeah, they're pretty much all like that. Big, tough. I don't know em much cept them and demons got some similar social policies on the whole might makes right bit. Orcs got more honour, even if it is a twisted one. Usually. But that's bout what I know about em. We'll see tomorrow though. I'm personally sleeping beside my blades though, just in case. This place makes me nervous.," she says, with a sigh.

Den stretched a bit then muttered, "No sense putting it off I guess. Don't turn around unless you want to see what years on the road will do to you in naked glory, heh.," she grimaces, struggling from her armor and what remains of her clothes and quickly setting them on the stand.

She then went and set the bedroll down beside the bed, humming a pretty tune to herself, before laying down on it, out of view. "So... What were you running from, now that we've got time?"
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin took the information about orcs with a frown. Didn't sound too good, though she definitely didn't want to judge that one particular orc by what someone else had said about their whole species. That was a pretty good way to be wrong.

She didn't turn around when Denna got undressed, trying to make this whole live-together thing as non-awkward as humanly possible. When she was done, she decided to follow suit, ignoring her question about her past for the time being, so she left the window and walked to the stand, over the bedroll.

"Mind turning around?" She asked, before she pulled the makeshift clothing off, put it as best she could on the stand, and then headed to the bath, not willing to argue the sleeping distribution with the swordswoman for now. She'd just sneak into the bedroll when she was checking her new armor or something.

A few seconds after the water began to run, she finally replied.

"Cultists. Worshippers? Don't really know the right word. They wanted something from me, and I wasn't willing to give it, so I ran." She said, shrugging as she tested the water. "It's not important." An obvious lie, since she wouldn't be running if it wasn't, but she just wanted to drop the subject for now. It wasn't the right time to reveal she had been a cultist herself but, then again, when would that time be?
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den of course, did not look as the girl dis-robed herself. She didn't mind the girl taking time to answer, assuming she would. And if not well... It wasn't that urgent as of yet she supposed.

Finally Erin spoke on the matter. Den listened carefully though the girl wasn't elaborating. There had to be more to it than that but the girl seemed evasive on the matter.

"Cultists. They seem to be spreading like flies these days...," says Den dryly, even as she considered the town a bit, "Well. Whatever their reasons I guess it's not important. I they likely think you lost in these woods to the beasts. Just point them out to me if they rear their heads around here."

She sighs and stretches a bit on the bedroll, lying on her side, facing the bed. "Well, how about you then? What's your story, if you don't mind me asking. I doubt you fell out of the sky and then got chased by cultists. Though if you did, that's a good story too.," she chuckles a bit. She gets up and decides to do some maintenance while she was stuck doing nothing, pulling out her greatsword and a whetstone and starting to smooth out the dents. Claymores weren't very sharp, they didn't need to be, but having a clean edge was important.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Hope they lost me, yeah." There was a reason she wasn't blasting her magic at them, after all. She knew most of them, personally, and they were people with families, hopes, ambitions. Most of them were harmless... even nice. Some weren't, but you got that everywhere. She sighed, wondering if she'd made the right choice, if she hadn't just let panic take over her again, but it was too late to worry about that.

"Cults don't appear out of nowhere, I bet." she replied to Denna's claim of their proliferation, as she determined the water was ready and got into the tub, holding a soft moan back. "When people are dissatisfied and looking for something else, and someone offers it to them, that's where they grow. If there's more cults lately, probably something's pretty wrong." She explained while she scrubbed herself thoroughly all over, and particularly her crotch, trying to eliminate any traces of the wolf.

"As for my story... not much to tell. Been an, urhm, aggressive girl all my life. Eventually learned magic, local witch taught me. Had to leave the town after that, thanks to some old childhood feuds. But well, small town, feuds last for generations. How'd you come to work as a sword for hire?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Small town, explains a bit. Things are wrong everywhere, kid. The aliens wiped out most of the country, and rumors have it they're all but in control of Anudor and are marching on us. That poor Su-Ku-Ta downstairs is one of the few of her kind left after the desert got wiped clean if the rumors hold true. I haven't heard crap all about the jungle to the south, which is telling in an of itself. Means no ones coming in or out. And Crolia... Well Crolia is holding their shit toghether, but the orcs seem to be capitalising on the world gone to fuck to take over. And you must have heard about the demons forming their own city state on Badarian soil to the south. Things are bad everywhere. Aliens, demons, god knows what else... So, yeah, cults everywhere.," shrugs Den as she sharpened her blade.

She pauses a bit as she was asked about her history. "Come to it? Family trade. I was raised by a retired merc and his wife, farm girl. Doubt you'd have heard of Jarold "Scorpion" Stromson being from a small town, but it was of note back when the Black Powder Scorpions Mercenary troop still existed. He's who I learned the basics of fighting from. While men weren't much better off, plenty of women get grabbed cus kids by god knows what, so he taught me no means no works a lot better if you can take their head off. It was a good life. I mean, I wouldn't say we didn't have hardships, we did. But nothing like this. when I came of age I went into the bodyguard business. It's safer than mercenary work overall, you guard political fools and rich merchants from the occasional assassin or nutjob. Course the problem then is you're in politics now. And if there is one thing I cannot fucking stand, it is god damned politics."

Den starts working the whetstone faster as her temper flared. "While I'm not so blind as to paint everyone by the same brush, exceptions exist, politics are basically a bunch of old fools, clever men with loose morals treating folks like pawns to maneuver around for their own power base. I'm sure they'll say it's for the greater good of the people beneath them and such, and maybe for some it's even true. But fact is, when you spend more time trying to take from others for you or your owns benefits, you've got a fucking problem. There is a certain level of parasitism in life itself, we can't survive without eating other life forms, and in some entities their soul energy. Fine. But I've watched too many people starve cus merchants push prices up too high, and nobles letting it go for a cut. I've seen people killed for wars they had no part of. And half the time assassins were desperate or vengeful folks these fools hurt callously, and I had to save their lives despite them deserving that sword in the stomach."

She sighs and stops with a wince and swear as her temper distracts her and she nicks her thumb. "Fuck. Ugh." She puts it in her mouth a bit with a wince, speaking around it. "I had hit the road to mercenary work instead after that. Wanted to visit home and ask for advice from dad. Not long after though, before I got there... The aliens came in. Wiped half the country clean, my hometown included. And quick as they came, buggers were gone, no idea where. I ran into a few of their Hunters. Clawed me up something fierce when they tried to rape me too. Wolves were gentle compared to that, they don't got paws made of straight razors."

She sighed and set the blade and stone aside, bandaging her thumb up a bit and laying back down beside it. "Anyways, since then the country is barely managing. Few petty nobles fighting with bandit lords for ground and control, alien nests about, warped creatures... This isn't a time to be greedy. I don't consider myself a mercenary, yeah I'll accept pay if they insist but I don't like to take from those who are already in need. There's tons of folks in trouble without the resources to turn to mercenaries and can't get help. So that's where I come in. I'll fight for them for little more than a roof and a bite to eat, if they can spare either. If they can't, I do the job and sleep under the stars and eat what I can hunt. In the grand scheme of things, I probably make very little difference, and to political folks, that is all they think of. But to the little people like you, me, those folks who are captured or threatened, what I do can literally mean the world to them. And to me, that's what is really important."

She pauses a moment then chuckles, "Sorry, I kinda just lambasted you didn't I. Not many folks ask me that stuff really. Suits me fine, it's not really important all considered."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin listened attentively while scrubbing. She was actually pretty uninformed about what was going on in the world, partly because of her isolated upbringing, partly because it was something that nobody cared about much in the circles she'd moved in while in the city. So when Denna started giving her a summary of the state of the world, she listened attentively.

And when she moved on to her own life, even more so. She had to admit she was curious to know what led a woman to fight as a way of living, even more when she was risking her life for no pay, as when saving Erin herself. The answer to that question didn't disappoint, and she was left feeling a newfound respect for the warrior.

"That's... very noble of you." She said at the end of it all, surprised. "I'm... well, judging by your description of politicians, anyone would hate them, but I'm sure very few people would go beyond complaining, to actually trying to improve things. Much less if improving things meant risking your life. And you're right on that one thing - to the people you rescue, like me, it's..." She chuckled. "Well, it's kind of important, yeah. I guess that's why you want to try and rescue the others, isn't it? Because if you don't, then nobody will."

Erin fell silent for a couple of seconds. Her thoughts were taking her on a route she knew couldn't end well at all, but if she didn't listen to them she'd end up regretting it for a long time. Worst part was, even if she did she'd probably regret it. No good choice, she thought with a sigh, before finally saying:

"Guess I'm in as well. Better chances with two than with one, and all that." She gleaned the subject, uncomfortable talking about heroics, feeling she was no hero - after all, heroes didn't use demonic magic. But she could give a hand to someone that was, perhaps. She quickly changed the subject. "Got any ideas for gear we should take? Maybe something to throw'em off our scent?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You sure?," asks Den, blinking, "I won't ask you to jump into the fray with me. There's never a guarantee of success. I risk my life and soul each time I go into these messes, nevermind the rape attempts. I can't always protect you despite my best efforts... But I also won't stop you from helping if you accept the risks. Much as it pains me to see anyone hurt around me, I'd be a fool to turn down aid on a matter this significant."

She muses, considering what they could use. "Honestly, while I can hunt, I'm not much of a woodswoman. I had hoped that we could get clothes easier than this and then talk to the watchman and see what he knew of the beasts and the landscape and perhaps how to throw them off or scatter them. The town makes me uneasy, but it's entirely possible they've come up with some clever method to stay hidden or keep the creatures at bay, a method we could use. Besides that I fully intend to speak to the other mercenaries as well and perhaps we could work together."

She muses a bit, sighing. "But for now, I need rest. I've been up almost an entire day now after keeping watch and with all that's happened... It's a brief chance to get some sleep before something goes wrong again. Wake me if anything happens, okay?" She placed her dagger beneath her bedrolls pillow for easy access if need be and set her sword and bow beside it. Never knew when something bad may happen.

She laid her head then on the pillow and closed her eyes.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

After Denna declared her intention to sleep, all Erin said was "Sure.", letting the woman rest. She was right - while Erin herself had slept in the cave, Denna hadn't had that rest. Poor girl was probably exhausted.

She just kept scrubbing herself clean, until she started feeling a bit raw, and then she just lay on the bathtub, letting the day's stress drain out of her, until she felt half-asleep.

And, barring any interruptions, in a while she'd get out, dry herself, and go to sleep as well.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

Nothing would disturb the two girls as they rested in their room, even as Erin fell half asleep in her tub. They day's light was becoming orange due to the incoming dusk. The merry sounds from when they first arrived only continued, and arguably got even more rowdy than before. Poles were being put up with banners over them, which Erin would catch sight of while getting out of the tub. 'Harvest Festival!' it read. Soon to follow were many tables, and wagons rolling into town filled with fruits and vegetables suiting that of the season, as all the plants she'd recognize were those that were reaching the end of their season. The noise didn't last long however, allowing both girls to be at peace once nightfall came and everyone was going into their respective houses. The occasional sounds of footsteps going through the hallway as patrons of the inn went to their rooms. Once all the noise died down, a little while longer and their door was quietly opening. If either girl was panicked by this, they'd see the inn keeper there, quietly trying to make due on her promise and take their clothes and armor into her small basket with other clothes and materials inside. Erin would recognize one piece at the top, that being what the night elves wore. "Sorry," she would apologize if she woke them, before closing the door and quietly sinking away with their apparel.

The girls would find their fatigue take them, and around midnight, they'd both be fast asleep. Nothing in the town but the crickets of the forest and the hooting of owls would disturb the peaceful silence of the night. The darkness however was disturbed by the bright full moon in the sky, illuminating the forest considerably well and providing plenty of light, but not enough to disturb the peaceful rest of two young girls.

Denna - Perception: Fail
Eris - Perception: Fail

Little disturbed their rest at all, in fact. Even the quiet sounds of soft footsteps heading up the inn's stairs, or the quiet opening of their door, left unlocked. Numerous bodies slowly crept into the room, and surrounded the girls in their sleep. Only when a board made a loud creak that their senses sent the alarm they needed. Erin and Denna would have their eyes open wide to the sight of nude townfolk filling the room, wearing various headdresses that gave off the impression of various beasts. Men wearing fur on their faces and canine ears on their heads, and women with black streaks along their cheeks to look like whiskers with feathers coming from their hair just to name a couple. The diversity between the townsfolk was great, but all were equally savage. Meanwhile, opening their eyes was all they could do, and behold the terrifying sight before them. Denna would recognize Krill, fangs coming from his lips and his face painted brown with a headdress to make him look like a bear. Krill would mount himself over her, while the many other townsfolk would rush in and pin the girls down where they lay. He held a rag in his hand that glistened in the light from it's moisture, as did the inn keeper, with feathers in her hair, and her body straddling Erin's while countless townsfolk held them down.

If Erin tried to cast any of her spells, she'd find a sudden wall between herself and her abilities. A voice soon confirmed why, in the back of the crowd. A woman's voice. "Her soul has been sealed. Fear not her magic, and enjoy their flesh~ We celebrate the coming harvest tomorrow. See to it that they are with us~" the woman cooed, her appearance unknown due to the blockade of naked flesh surrounding them. Men with impressive rock hard erections, and women moist with excitement while looking down at them. "Just take deep breaths~" Krill instructed Denna. "You're going to partake in a glorious ceremony~" The inn keeper giggled. Then, the drug soaked rags were pressed against Denna and Erin's faces. They'd only be able to hold their breath for so long. "You're going to witness the awakening of our god~" they both said in unison. They'd be held until they finally gave in, and breathed through the rag. Unconsciousness would set in... Their vision would darken. When their bodies went limp, and sleep began to set in once more, the inn keeper would lean forward, and kiss Erin's breasts, while Krill would spread Denna's legs out, adjusting his length to her pussy. "Want to see me fill this woman, my love?" he asked one woman from the crowd, who seemed to be his significant other Denna witnessed earlier that day.

"Yes dear~" she replied with a smile. "Fill her with your children~" she encouraged him. Perhaps thankfully, Denna and Erin could accept the drug's embrace, and fade into unconsciousness. Either that... Or remain conscious through the whole ordeal of their violation.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

She should have known better. Rigged a trap, or something in case, but it was far too late now. So many limbs and worse held them as the cultists poured in, shocking her awake. She cursed her foolishness at risking this, risking Erin, she should have trusted her instincts that said move on rather than linger. But no, she had let them linger and now, now they'd be violated.

She glared hatefully at Krill as they pressed the drugs to her and Erin, and moved to violate her. Children? The woman encouraged her husband to impregnate her! While having a human child was far more preferable than the alternatives, she had no desire for such before she had moved to settle down. But she doubted these cultists would let them go anyhow.

She thrashed best she could despite it, holding her breath, trying to get at least one arm free to retrieve her hidden dagger, to do something anything. Worse, they had a caster as well, likely the cult leader who had sealed Erin, who;d be even more helpless than she before the horde. Hopefully the other mercenaries, if they weren't also cultists or already captured, could hear the noise and do something, anything.

If she could get free, perhaps she could use this beast cult to save everyone. But for now, they were prisoners as well and she shuddered to imagine what they thought of as a god, and what they wanted their role to be. Not bare it at least given Krill seemed determined to fill her with his young instead.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin woke up with a sudden start, looking at the images around her in fear. Recognizing the innkeeper did nothing to soothe her worries, not when she was surrounded by all these people she didn't know, naked, dressed like animals. And she had a very good idea how in this forest nakedness and animals related.

So she looked at the innkeeper in front of her hatefully, growling herself as she struggled against her - weakly, because her focus was directed towards herself, to her own power welled within.

Her eyes opened wide in surprise, panic seeping deep in her when she realized there was none to be found. The woman's words made everything make sense once again, soothing that fear if only partly - at least, she knew what was going on. A Seal, just like the ones she could use.

It didn't matter. She struggled and strained against the people holding her until a rag was pressed to her mouth and nose, and she knew she didn't want to breathe from that. She turned her head, biting the rag and pulling to get it free from its holder's hand, with little success, holding her breath until she could no more, and she finally took a breath.

Something creeped at the edges of her consciousness, sight darknening and limbs going limp, but she refused to let go, refused to lose control. Not this time. She growled, hoarse: "I'll kill you all.", even as the innkeeper kissed her breast, a gesture that shouldn't have elicited a moan, but did; even though Erin quickly bit it down.

She didn't even want to know what they were saying, what it meant. They were going to try and impregnate Denna... and probably even her, which filled her with panic, but she could get rid of the pregnancy on her own well enough. But what was this about the awakening of a god?
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Both girls decided not to take the embrace of unconsciousness to escape what was to come, much to the apparent delight of those around them.

"Look, she keeps her eyes open, my dear." Krill pointed out to his wife, while licking his lips, teasing his tip along Denna's pink folds that have long avoided violation until now. "She wishes to see our union, my seed pumping into her body." he declared, before his wife came close, laying down next to Denna and wrapping her arms around the drugged knight. She put her lips close to Denna's ear, her hot breath tickling her sensitive flesh. "Isn't it big?" she asked. "He's going to sheath all of that inside you." she announced in a whisper, lifting Denna's head to clearly see his thick and pulsing length sliding along her folds and teasing her entrance, letting her feel the underside of his cock roll along her folds to bring forth her sexual fluids. "Such a thin body..." the woman continued to whisper, smoothing her hand along Denna's belly, down to her crotch, where she took a moment to stroke her husband's length. "It will be a tight fit, but perhaps the drug will help with that? He might just... Slide right in~" she cooed with a giggle, before biting on Denna's ear and sucking on her earlobe.

"I decided that I was going to fuck you the moment you walked up to me," Krill announced. "And your friend too, but I'll have to think about it, since many others will have gotten to her before me~" he chuckled with a wide grin. He wasted no more words however, as his wicked expression softened to a more pleasured one. Biting his lower lip, he gave a single thrust, slamming himself into Denna's body while moaning with pleasure. The chloroform didn't do much to numb her sexuality it seemed, as she felt his tip part her lips, and his shaft slide into her pussy, and feel every last detail of it as his fat meatstick stretched out her insides to fit his impressive girth. "Mnnnn~ She's tenderly sucking me in. It's like she wants me inside~" Krill cooed. "That's because she's drugged, dear." his wife informed him, much to the dismay of the man. "Don't ruin it for me!" he replied, before focusing on Denna once more. He grabbed her hips, and lifted her lower body a bit. He put her legs around his waist, limp as they were, and stood on his knees. The angle allowed to see every inch he brought in and out of Denna's pussy. As his firm tip rolled along every sensitive bump inside of her pussy, Denna found herself too weak to ignore the pleasure, and too weak to suppress her weak moans. Both Krill and his wife said nothing, but gave their own grins and chuckles at Denna's pleasure. It wasn't long after that, some minutes passing of feeling Krill's cock moving back and forth inside her submissive pussy, that Denna felt a climax building. Krill seemed keen on picking up on this, before quickening his pace, making Denna moan louder while her body remained helplessly limp. "I'm cumming..." Krill moaned, thrusting rapidly into Denna, making loud, wet slaps from the meeting of their flesh.

Then, he hilted without warning. Denna felt her body tremble in climax. Her fluids coated his cock, while she felt his girl slayer throb inside of her stretched fuck hole. Warmth began to spread inside of her. A dirty feeling in her pussy and womb. He was cumming inside of her, laying his seed as it were. He made a few more slow thrusts, before drawing out. A thin strand of sexual fluid remained between where his tip and her pussy 'kissed'. Thick globs of semen oozed out of her abused cunny hole, while his sex soaked cock dripped on the floor. Moving up, Krill mounted just over Denna's face, before putting his length to her lips. "Taste it. This is our union, the result of my seed flowing into you. Think of it, while our child grows in your stomach." he instructed her, before easily pushing his cock into her mouth, tasting her own fluid and his sour cum on her tongue, forced to swallow that and any extra left over globs of cum that dripped from his tip. Once his cock was clean, he drew out, watching his wife then lean over and begin kissing the violated Denna, partaking in the taste she was forced to endure. "Let us go prepare for the ceremony, my love. We've already done well to introduce ourselves to our new neighbors." Krill announced. "I think that one shall live with me." he said to his wife, holding her hand as they both stood up. "I wouldn't mind. She seems rather kind, and good to be around~" she cooed. Then, they both walked out together.

Soon, they were replaced by the other townspeople. The chef she saw while walking through town, a well rounded man, as well as the man who leered at them before, both grinning and excited. "Oh, finally! I haven't had some good pussy in a while!" the chef stated, quickly lining himself up with Denna's leaking hole. "Remember me, bitch?" the leering man asked. "Let's see you scowl at me with this in your mouth!" he declared, before thrusting his length into her lips, allowing her to taste a new cock with no strength to possibly bite it off. Both men were without the 'gentle care' that Krill had, if one wished to call it that, as they simply thrusted their meat into her holes without too much concern for how uncomfortable it was to be fucked in two places at once. Her fluids were leaking prolific enough to begin dripping from her raised ass, mixed with the cum from Krill. "A nice, athletic girl too~" the chef chuckled, while appreciating the sensations of her pussy twitching with pleasure around his length. Driven to another climax, both men would eventually cum themselves, forced to drink the foul man's cum, while the other emptied his load to add with that of Krill's. Satisfied, both men drew out and let the others have a turn...

Turned on her front, with one man underneath her, his cock sliding into her pussy, another on top of her, slowly piercing her ass, and a third holding her head, sliding his cock into her throat, Denna faced but the beginning of her night. Surrounded by lustful men, encouraged by their wives, some of which even lowered down and licked, and sucked on her nipples while she was pounded in her ass, pussy and mouth. "She came so much that she's making a mess of the floor!" a spectator announced, and such was true. Denna was made to climax, and tremble with pleasure while a man spanked her rump and drove himself up into her pussy, and another crouched on his feet, grinding into her anal ring with his manhood. One by one, they all moaned. Semen flowed into her gullet, as well as her ass and pussy, each cock that finished with her, drawing out, and replaced by another. Getting raped like this was exhausting in itself, and as such, the drug would finally claim her as her body became exhausted. While being stuffed in all three holes, each man holding her and thrusting himself into her, groaning and their cocks throbbing as they added more of their filth inside her body, she'd pass out. Cum dribbling down her chin, and from all over her body due to the men who decided to dirty her frame with their seed.


Meanwhile, Erin seemed to appeal more to the female crowd. Men seemed to gather around Denna, while the spirit caster would see a man with black hair spearing himself into the knight while she helplessly moaned in pleasure. Some still looked to prefer Erin, however. While Denna's violation commenced, hers had yet to begin. The female villagers looked excitedly to the subdued woman, one of them being the blond woman who mocked her that afternoon. "Still got that ugly frown on your face? How typical of an ape like yourself." the woman mocked her further. "You're our pet now~ And for our hospitality, I think you owe us a service." she announced, before climbing onto the bed, and mounting over Erin's face. Chuckling evilly, the woman put her hands to Erin's hair, gripping painfully, and rubbing her crotch along Erin's face, disgracing her before the crowd. Her wet and slick folds stained her lips and face, while the woman laughed and made degrading comments on how pathetic she looked. In the mean time, other women had crawled into the bed. One held her knees, burying her face into Erin's crotch, and her tongue into her recently violated honeypot. Two more came, embracing Erin's body and taking her tan breasts into their lips, sucking and licking gently, teasing the girl for what was to come. "You look good, with your face between my legs. It's where people like you belong." the woman insulted her, before the girl between her legs inserted her finger into her pussy, fingering her rapidly, and making the spirit caster cum in her hand. "Already?" the woman inquired, amused. "How weak. I think we need to teach you a thing or two about endurance." she announced.

Without warning, she put her hand to Erin's crotch, and Erin would feel magic at work from the other woman's spirit. Something was growing from her sex. Throbbing, and enlarging. Only when she drew back from Erin's face and gripped it in her hand did the green eyed Erin see it. She had been given a penis. "Look at this ugly thing. It's yours~" she announced, squeezing Erin's length in her hand, before stroking it, drawing out the copious amounts of precum. "You only just got it and you're already spewing out your filth. You're worse than a man. You should be ashamed of yourself, you trash~" she taunted Erin with her verbal abuse, all the while not halting the motions of her hand, sliding it up and down along her excited shaft. "If only you could see yourself~" the woman chuckled. "That stupid face you're making just from me touching your new dick is disgraceful... Though I wonder how pathetic you'll look if I do this...?" the woman cooed, her tone sadistic as she pushed her breasts up, trapping Erin's length between her globes. "Oooh~! That's hilarious!" she laughed, before leaning her head down and taking Erin's tip into her mouth, sucking on it and licking up the copious amounts of precum leaking from it, moaning at the taste. "Such filth... Mmm~"

Erin was given constant attention to her stiff points from other girls as the apparent other spirit user took to sliding Erin's cock through her soft bosom. "Milady, won't you allow us?" a harem of women requested. The blond woman fussed a bit, before freeing up enough space for a second to join her. Two women licking up and down along Erin's length, the added teasing torturing her with a slow buildup of a climax. Slowly, her peak rose, until... The blond woman squeezed around her base tight. "Oh, I'm sorry~" she cooed. "Did you want to cum?" she asked, a most sadistic look on her expression as she held Erin's cock, large, throbbing, and in desperate need of release. Showing her teeth to Erin, the woman so casually flicked her tongue along Erin's tip, teasing her as the need to cum became unbearable. "What a beautiful face... Your tears of suffering shine so wonderfully in the moonlight." she said, before lowering her mouth over Erin's entire length, sucking on her phallus, and pulling back before she can cum. Great deals of precum leaking out, her release desperate, and the constant orgasm denial causing ungodly amounts of suffering, enough to cause her eyes to roll back into her head. "Fufufu~ You're no better than the dogs of the forest." she said, before suddenly jerking Erin off rapidly, making the girl's erect cock gush like a fountain, spraying her seed into the air, which came back down and dirtied her own body, soaking her breasts and belly.

"So much cum~" she moaned, trailing a hand around Erin's breast to collect the cum she spilled onto herself, before putting it to her mouth and sucking on her finger, cooing at the taste. "Absolutely vile~ You'll contribute well to the awakening of our god~ But first, we'll get you lots of practice." she announced, before snapping her fingers, the others seeming to follow her lead easily. One of the few men came forth, and as per her instructions, got underneath Erin, laying her on her back on top of him. Moaning into her ear, he began to slowly push into her ass, before the blond leader slammed her hand down on Erin's crotch, forcing her down on his hilt to make his cock painfully sheath itself entirely in her ass. "Don't be gentle. Fuck her with all you've got." she instructed him, before he gave a grunt of acknowledgement, and began thrusting into Erin's ass rapidly, which hurt, but quickly began to transfer over to pleasure, making her slowly rock hard again after cumming. "You're sick...! Ha-ha-ha! You're actually stiff again from getting a cock in your ass! You're always sinking to a new low!" she declared of Erin, before mounting the woman's waist, and pressing Eris' length down onto her body, and rubbing her folds against Eris's stiff futanari cock. She snapped her fingers again, and a second man came. The blond woman leaned forward, before Erin felt her legs grabbed behind her knees, and a second cock pierced her, spreading her folds open, forced to welcome a cock into her pussy as well as her ass.

They barely even began moving before Erin was cumming once more, dirtying herself and the bed she rested upon. "You're truly pathetic." the blond woman said with disappointment. "Just like the rest. Another bitch who can't even look straight when getting fucked from three sides... Just like her." the woman directed Erin to Denna. The knight was on her knees, doubled stuffed in her ass and pussy just like she was, her body covered in cum, her eyes rolled back into her head, and her throat moving on reflex, swallowing the seed of the man holding her head, drinking in his essence. "No... I take back what I said earlier. You're worse than a dog. You should be privileged if a dog wished to use your mouth and pussy to relieve himself... Like a bitch~" she taunted Erin, before moving her waist, and taking all of Erin's length into her folds easily, while Erin herself felt her soul being sucked out of her, drained into the woman riding her, and instantly cumming after her penetration. Only mere moments pass, two cocks shifting in and out of her, and the blond girl riding her cock and sucking her energy out, before she was cumming yet again... and again... Their hips pounding against Erin from all directions... Cumming... Cumming... Cumming... Her soul being sucked out, almost to the last drop... Before she passed out with the sensation of the two men releasing their loads inside of her to part with.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin could do nothing but watch as Denna's rape begun, watching Krill's length slide into her almost effortlessly; and though the crowd around herself was very different, she held no illusions that they'd be any nicer.

The blond woman quickly grabbed her whole attention, her taunting comments making Erin's blood boil. She would've tried to spit on her, but her body did't respond and the time had passed when she pulled her head and smeared it all over with the juices leaking from her slit.

But she didn't mind that as much as the girl between her own legs, pushing her control aside, the ones on her breasts, gently nudging her towards orgasm in a way the woman's rough handling wouldn't have achieved.

She gasped lightly, trying to bite her lips to hold back, unsuccessfully, and it seemed as if the woman had decided that was some sort of signal, because she redoubled her attack on her wet folds, plunging her fingers into the bound sorceress who was left moaning and whimpering as she fought back until the orgasm finally washed over her, leaving a blank, searing pleasure in her mind and her body gasping for breath.

She wouldn't get a break though, and as the woman worked her magic she could recognize the feeling, pleasant and just slightly painful on her crotch as a shaft began to emerge from her, sensitive and twitching even to the blonde's abusive touch, responding in a shamefully eager manner even despite her owner's desires.

Erin's defiant look had all but melted under the woman's skilled strokes, prompting even further taunting, and this time she couldn't even think of replies. It wasn't all that bad, was it? If she was going to be stuck here, she might as well enjoy it... not that she'd be able to stop it, a small voice said from the back of her head before the drug-induced pleasure spiked and drowned all sense in her as the blonde's breasts wrapped around her manhood, warm, soft globes of pliant flesh wrapping around every nook and cranny like a glove. And then, the woman's mouth latched onto the very tip of her shaft, sucking the precum out, and she felt herself on the verge of orgasm, and almost willing to give in to the pleasure.

She fought it back barely long enough for one of the other women around her to ask for permission to join, giving her a brief respite - but then the two began working on her shaft at once, sucking and licking on her extremely sensitive shaft, and the pleasure just piled up more and more, teasing her despite her best efforts - first, she wanted to avoid the pleasure, but as it grew more and more, and with release ever distant, she started to ache for release. She almost sighed in relief when she felt herself on the verge of another orgasm...

And then the woman grabbed and held her shaft, making her yelp in sudden, almost physical pain as her orgasm was denied in the worst possible way. She looked down, not realizing she was tearing down, her mind too wrapped in the pleasure to keep her pride. Then the woman licked her again and Erin could do nothing but whimper softly as the sensitive tip of her shaft was stimulated while she was being denied any kind of release.

This seemed to be just what the woman wanted because she then turned to sucking her, taking great care in pulling off before she could actually come, with Erin herself whimpering, crying, almost begging if she could've spoken to be allowed to have an orgasm, just one, but she couldn't, and so she took the endless torment, eyes rolling to the back of her head as the stimulation overwhelmed her time and again.

And then, suddenly, the woman was jerking her off and Erin was moaning loudly, and she found herself gushing all over in a brief second, grunting and panting as she released all her pent up seed and frustration in an arc that made it fall right back on top of her, but she couldn't have cared less.

If before she was limp, after that brutal orgasm she was completely incapable of resisting, the woman's surprisingly gentle touch on her breast making her shudder as the people around her moved. She didn't quite notice, or care, until she felt one of the men wriggle underneath her. Her clouded mind didn't realize what was happening, until she suddenly felt something probing her rear, eliciting a yelp of pain, that turned into an actual scream when she was suddenly forced to take the warm, throbbing length of the man underneath her in her ass.

Tears flowed down her face as the man pumped, rough, fast, painful, but slowly the pain started becoming pleasure, warmth radiating from her abused rear. Whether it was the drug or her own body loving it, she couldn't tell, but her shaft was hardening once again at gigantic paces, and soon it was as hard as before - and just as sensitive.

So when the blonde woman straddled her and started rubbing her slit over her engorged cock she couldn't do anything but moan in pleasure, and when a second shaft pierced into Erin's own folds and began pumping, she let herself get lost in the pleasure, and in a matter of mere instants she was spilling her seed once more over herself, almost without a care in the world - only those smoldering remains of anger that didn't seem to be washed away by anything.

The blond woman said something, but Erin didn't care. She pointed to the side, but the girl's head didn't move, just panting and trying to get her thoughts back in some semblance of order - all that was quickly forgotten when the blond woman finally impaled herself on Erin's thick girlcock, her warm, wet folds wrapping all over her, skillfully leading her to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, each one rendering her weaker and weaker. Lust gave way to fear then panic, as she felt herself vanish a little with each consecutive orgasm, until she felt on the verge of death itself, and then it all faded.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

She was tempted to just fall limp to spite them, but she needed to be concious if help of any sort came or an opportunity to flee or fight. But her limbs felt so... limp. She settled for glaring at Krill's declaration and his wife for their actions. She would have responded, swore, bit, but even her jaw felt limp and useless. Worse, not only weakness but an aphrodisiac it seemed as the grinding made her shudder and slicken at the sensation. She was too weak to even suppress herself, making her tear up at her utter helplessness. She didn't know how they planned to subdue or brainwash her, but she would ensure that these people would pay. Though if they too were brainwashed, perhaps a means to deprogram them existed...

Any further thoughts of rebellion were disrupted as her virginity was finally claimed. Her body tight and toned, she shuddered violently as she was stretched wide. She could imagine if one of the beasts had done so like that horse, she'd have broken utterly. She was made to watch as he drove himself into her, almost tenderly, as his wife toyed with her, like she was a child or pet that needed to be comforted or some nonsense. It made it all the more humiliating.

At her position, she could not even see Erin, but she had no doubt she would be going through similar, if not now, then soon.

Her body controlled, and moans issuing forth as she was manipulated and screwed like a doll, caressed and pumped, and to her great displeasure, her arousal rose towards her first peak. She trembled as it approached, and worse his seemed to be coming along with it. Then things went pink for a brief second as she climaxed, hard and euphoria took her mind, making her even limper than usual, barely registering at first the throbbing jolts and the gooey warmth sticking inside her body as she soaked her impregnators crotch with her own juices.

The sheer power of her orgasm made her feel even more tired than before, her barely having the energy to glare as she was force fed, then forcibly kissed. They proposed taking her home with them afterwards. She shuddered at that idea, being some fuck pet for insane cultists. However as they left her to the many men for their next go, she almost wished they did take her home with them then and there.

Her mouth and body plugged full once more by vile men became a blur as she was forced to swallow and be filled over and over, forcing powerful climax after climax from her. She barely registered as her rump was violated, the pleasure and drug dulling the discomfort of it as it was filled with warmth as well. Her body a sex toy for the men, and even some women to abuse and fill. There was no doubt in what scant thoughts she was having that she was certainly pregnant, though with who's she would probably never know.

Again and again, she was violated in every way they could, mocking and gluing her with their sticky releases, seeming like they were hellbent to replace every fluid in her with their seed, like they sought to impregnate the very fibre of her being with their seed. Her thoughts could barely remain coherent, and it all blurred until it faded to black, her vision lost in yet another tide that glued her eyes shut for her.

Made her almost miss the wolves.