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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Huh, well... She didn't expect that, but seemed Tasha was going to be working closely with her. Denna's thoughts on the matter though were cut short as she gasped and each person gave her pleasure. Even the women. This wasn't getting less awkward for certain.

"Uh, I'll handle the guys. Guess... Tasha can handle the girls?," says Denna, "I admit to not having the most experience with women. I've things to get done today still, so I won't just take all of you." Not entirely a lie. She doubted she could handle them all. But here went something.

"You... Can join too David.," she nods to him. If she was going to go to these ends, may as well lie with someone who was actually kind to her, even if it wasn't quite of his own free will. She wasn't sure if she could handle four when not drugged out of her mind but it was too late to back down now.

She did have to briefly wonder though, was it the corruption that had made them so... Endowed? Was there other factors? She was no mage, she hadn't the foggiest idea how it worked beyond the basics. And seemed like there was little avoiding it now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The men joined with Denna, and the girls with Tasha. Meanwhile, David looked amazed. "O-oh! It'd be my honor to participate in the love making ceremony with the messiah!" he boasted, quickly joining the other men. And quickly hard as well while wearing a big smile that sent conflicting messages. The cock looked like it was ready to ram inside of her, while his mouth was raised in a smile that said he wanted to hug her and give her a massage in the most gentle and kind way. Easily the man would win father of the year award just with his very pleasant smile. "Come, let us pour our essence into the messiah so she can continue her deeds to reunite us with Kyubi." one of the priests said, opting to lead the group to the infamous cave, to Kyubi's room itself as each of them undid what little they wore to stand in a circle around Denna, their breath heavy and their cocks hard, including David's.

Meanwhile, Tasha was left alone with the girls, who all soon were staring at her with questionable eyes. Tasha, always the odd one out from the rest of their nature, would be given all their questionable glances. She could tell they had the slightest doubts that she would serve Kyubi. In their brain washed states, they became good at identifying possible traitors. "So," the beautiful woman stepped forth, seeming eager to give Tasha her chance. "Rantia had a fascination for the animals, which is why we have so many to begin with. If it's just us, that's fine. But if you wish for us to maintain the ritual and tend to the animals with our bodies, we can also do that. Which would you prefer, Tasha?" she inquired.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I'm the Su-ku-ta, remember? Bring the pack in. Everything has been moving so fast, I haven't seen them since I left for my hunt," Tasha grins, showing off a few of her pointed teeth and flexing her wings as if to remind them that she was the most animal-like one in the room, "I will, however admit my unfamiliarity with what the ritual entails."

She breathes an inward sigh of relief. That answer should satisfy their questioning gazes for now. She wasn't lying either. Her nature gave her a bit of a fetish for beasts, predatory specifically in her case. Part of why she preferred lying with other hunters, or especially strong individuals like Krill. She mentally thanks Denna as well for allowing her to play with the females of the priesthood. She'd have a much easier time enjoying herself with them compared to the men. They might all come from the same flock, but her memories of the men were vivid enough that it may have been a challenge to keep up her guise. At least, she didn't have to hold back the snarling wolf in her mind with the priestesses.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna walked with the guys, trying to ignore the fact that David was built like a horse. Well, whatever. She took her path, and it had to be done. Least Tasha seemed to be more into it. Pity she wasn't the Messiah and herself the bodyguard. Then again, sounded like she was going to get nailed by animals. So Denna supposed she shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

As the men all surrounded her, she took a deep breath and smirked. "Just watch your roughness boys, I'm with child."

She grasped two of the men by the cock as she got to her knees too, albeit somewhat inexperiencedly, began serving the third man's cock with her mouth. She turned her eyes back a bit on David, nodding, figuring he'd find a way to join in easily enough. This was awkward as all hell for her but god damned was she not going to let them doubt her. Last thing she needed was spellcasters on her case, especially since she'd need their help protecting everyone.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll do you in the other hole instead." David said reassuringly, one would assume. Everyone took a moment to oil themselves up, sans the two men taken by Denna's hands and mouth, letting her oil them up herself. Meanwhile, an oiled up David came up from behind, taking Denna from the rear while one man stood in front of her, hands on hips while she bobbed her head back and forth, sucking on his cock, and the two men on the sides watched with smiles as she stroked them. Their cocks throbbed at her touch, pre-cum oozing at the seams as she pleasured them, a collection of it gracing her tongue as she sucked one guy off. Meanwhile, David had lubed himself completely and was on his knees behind her, taking her ass and lining her up, before she felt his slick, oiled cock prick her asshole. Soon it was sliding in as if no resistance was offered by her tight pucker. She felt slightly suffocated as it went in, until he was hilting inside of her asshole, soon to lightly hug her from behind and play with her smaller breasts, gently twisting and pulling on her tips. Soon the sound of sweaty flesh smacking against flesh echoed in the room, as David began to fuck her from behind, his thick girth vanishing in and out of her asshole.

Meanwhile, Tasha would end up following behind their new pseudo leader directed by the hands of the girls she was with. Only they took a right turn inside the cave, to behold the room they kept the animals in. Various species of all races were there, including a very, very large dog that would stand twice as tall as he if it tried to be human for a moment. Corrupted and malicious looking, it merely growled as it saw Tasha, as if to try and establish that between the two of them, it was the alpha off the bat. "This is Rantia's personal pet." the outspoken girl announced, her long black hair flowing. "We must take this back to her, but he seldom listens to anyone but her. If you are to assume temporary position over Rantia, taming her beast would aid us tremendously." or so she said, while the maidens backed away as the beast snapped at their attempts to try and unchain it. It seemed like it didn't even consider the human women good enough to fuck. Meanwhile, it looked at Tasha as the main threat of the room. Or just the main presence while the rest were in reality just sacrificial small fry.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David's comment was not reassuring exactly, just for different reasons. She oiled up the men she was handling. She shuddered at the taste of his pre, but powered on determinedly, working to drain them completely. Leave no doubts.

Denna braced herself when she felt David line up, before grunting with the strain as he slid into her. David was quick to try and comfort her though, hugging and working her breasts as he began to pound into her body.

Denna closed her eyes a moment, before went back to her work, determined to take all they got. She doubted she needed to prove anything to David so let him do as he wished, focusing on working to empty out the three priests, working a bit faster as she licked at the one in her mouth and tried to find the others weak points as she stroked them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha watches the large corrupted wolf snap at the maidens trying to unchain it from the wall. She definitely notes it trying to assume the alpha position immediately. If she was going to make it hers, she was going to have to fix that at some point. But, she'd try not to be aggressive, stepping just close enough for the hound to sniff her hand, though she's ready to dodge should it try to bite. Her wings spread wide behind her, making her look significantly larger. They beat once to try and blow a whiff of her pheromones at the hound to try and make him a bit more friendly. "There. You have my scent now. Feeling a bit more comfortable?" she says in a gentler tone than she normally used with people. She looks over at the hound's food and water tray, trying to determine if perhaps it was thirsty and/or hungry.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Residing with just taking it, it seemed the men noted her laid back attitude towards the situation. David started by reaching one hand down to finesse with her crotch, stroking her clit to add more pleasure to her sensations. "You don't look very comfortable with this." he noted. The other priests nodded. "Yeah, if the responsibility of replacing Kyuubi is too much for you, well we have our true leader waiting for us up north." he said. Then, it'd seem only Denna was moving, as it appeared that she was found lacking.


The scent didn't seem to do much for the wolf but act as an introduction. He growled in a fit of disapproval, but as she fanned her wings out, he seemed to react to it. His eyes seemed to focus on the wings, not the size. It was a trait that Rantia possessed as well, and something Tasha shared. Though he seemed to still clearly know she was not Rantia, even if she had wings as well. So he growled, albeit a bit lower. As well, there seemed to be no signs of food nearby.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha looks to the empty food trays and nods."Ah, well that explains some things. Here, I'll be back in a moment," Tasha says cooly before using her instant transmission to disappear in a blink. She reappears in Chef's larder to pick up a haunch of the deer that she'd brought in earlier that day. If she saw the cook, she'd say a quick hello and promise to bring in a fresh one to replace it before using her instant transmission to blink herself back to the room with the likely confused priestesses and hound. This time, with a nice hunk of meat in her hand. She holds it up, though keeps it out of range of the corrupted hound for now.

Two uses of Instant Transmission 12 EP total.

"I caught this myself, and if you're a good boy, I'll take you with me to go hunt for more. You're a hunter, I can tell. Well, we can hunt together as long as long as you recognize two things. One, I am the new alpha. Your new Rantia, and everything that entails. Which brings me to the second thing. You will do as I say," Tasha says sternly to evoke the wintery demeanor she was sometimes known for, before softening a bit and offering the venison, "Let's redo our earlier introductions. My name is Tasha, your new owner and potential packmate."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF


Denna glared back and steeled herself before thrusting back hard to try and shove David over and ride him from on top.

"Don't you start. Believe it or not, not everyone in the world started experienced, and I've not exactly had many people your size somewhere like that before.," says Denna with a grumble, "Your criticisms are fair, I am inexperienced, but I never said I was giving up. So don't be so fast to give up on me. You guys took my first time hammering away while I was paralysed. This is really the third time I've been with people. So I would hope you all would be a bit understanding."

"But no, evidently you want to upset me. Fine. I'm upset. So you're going to take it.," she growled, before redoubling her efforts at working at their cocks with hands and mouth, working furiously.

She was tired of constantly being judged on things she had no experience at all with. She'd been forced to be sexual for all of one day and was supposed to be a prodigy? Them doubting her didn't help anything, because she had done nothing like this before. Organize people as a caravan? She could do that. Protect people, sure. Be some sort of libidos cult leader thing? Totally outside her experience area.

But if she wasn't, lot's of people would die. She just wished she had time to actually learn how to do it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The wolf snatches the meat out of her hand with precision and savagery, but his skill was not unnoticed, as his fangs came deceptively close to her hand, missing only by just enough. Those not perceptive would have thought they almost lost their hand. Though Tasha saw that the wolf simply knew better. He devoured the meat easily and quickly, before looking at her with a direct stare, eyeballing her. He didn't look convinced, but it was clear she earned his attention and a moment of peace. His tail rose, and gracefully fell to the ground. Then back again. It was like a clock, counting down the seconds Tasha had to make an impression. The threatening aura vanished, allowing her to draw near without fear of battle.


David let out a happy laugh as Denna suddenly took charge and began bouncing on his cock. In response he gripped her ass and began thrusting upwards as well, as she felt his massive prick plow through her body powerfully. The priest in her mouth tightened his hands around her head, hilting and groaning as he came, cum flowing into her mouth until her cheeks puffed out to accommodate. The other two men followed suit, either the cum spilling out of her mouth or swallowed, before the next took her head and shoved her face to his crotch to take his cock into her lips and cum. Three mouthfuls Denna was fed. Then finally once in her lower hole as well. Though once it became apparent David was firing off a crazy amount, he withdrew, cum spurting from her asshole before his cock slid up between her legs and breasts, coating her front in ropes of thick, gooey seed.