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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(5, rar!)

The scythe swings a moment too late and the bat soars down at Alicia, it's sudden correction to avoid the weapon causes it to simply bowl Alicia over with it's wingspan instead of grabbing her.

Alicia takes 1 damage from falling on her butt.
(No! Why have you forsaken me 1? You will pay for your betrayal!)
HP:10 MP:5
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((That's a good 1, go play with the monsters instead of poor Alicia. I need my 20 back though D: ))

Bowled over by the wingspan of the bat, Alicia falls on her rear, scythe dropping nearby. Her body already having been strained to a certain extent, the girl then opted to let fly with her knives again while she attempted to recuperate a bit...

((Knives! Go go go!))
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Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(No 20, but 16 wants to be your friend)

Alicia's knives fly true and strike the bat cutting into it's wings and causing it to make one last desperate dive at her.....

HP:10 MP:4
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Too far for the knives...can't reach my scythe either...at least...not by hand...

Concentrating her mind, Alicia uses her powered to levitate her scythe...then sends it spinning towards the near deceased bat, intent on finishing it once and far all.

((I'm getting really lazy with posts o_O;; ))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(17 says there are only so many ways to stab a bat)

The sythe comes up and doesn't even have to move as the bat swoops down directly into the blade and gets split in half. Somehow the death of the bat invigorates Alicia.....even if she's butt naked.

(Oh my god, I forgot about the bats and axe armor Alicia should have hit level 2 with the gargoyles *double facepalm of shame*)

Alicia gains Level 3 (because the GM is a twat)
HP:40 MP:10 STR:30 INT:100

HP:20 MP:10
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Hahahaha, oh well :p. At least I still won.))

Surprised at energy returning to her as the bat dies, Alicia attempts to stand...and finds herself well enough to do so without collapsing. That is, before pain starts to sear through her again...but to a lesser degree.

Erk...still not cured...but a tiny bit better...can it be...the existence of evil that plagues me instead?...Rather than a specific...entity?...

The statement in itself was still redundant even in light of this however. Even if slaying other evil begins lessened her pain, to remove it completely she had have to exterminate the source of evil still...Dracula.

...At least I know...that there is still hope...

After fetching her scythe and using it as a "cane" of sorts to stand while her knives returned to her of course, it was then that she became fully aware of the fact she was naked asides from her weapons, the pain no longer overwhelming the majority of her senses. Shuddering slightly as a breeze blew past her, the girl resolved herself to getting something to cover herself.

Need something to wear...cold and embarrassing to be like this...

With this in mind, she advanced towards the castle, maybe in hopes of putting on one of the empty suits or armor or such...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(1's evil brother 2 is here to see you Ms. Keylo)

As she cuts through the inner gardens headed for the keep Alica hears giggling and rustling in the bushes before a massive rose rises up and opens to reveal a young girl, "Hi~ you don't look so good....come over and we can have a fun little nap together....." More smaller roses sprout around Alicia and start idly swaying in the air attached to long vines.

Mini encountered: Alura Une

(At least it's a cute one for once eh?)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia is unswayed in her resolve, even when approached by a sentient being such as the one before her now. Having braved Dracula's castle once already, she was more than aware of the dangers of heeding the words of monsters, through both experience and being witness.

"Back off demon... I'm in no mood for your games..."

Scythe and knives at the ready, she intended on hacking the monster apart should she make any move...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(4, but you got lucky.....sorta)

{Alura Une uses her special move, sweet nectar}

Before Alicia can attack one of the smaller flowers squirts a sweet gooey liquid all over her. It tastes better than honey and her body begins to warm up becoming aroused. "Aww look at you now, why don't you join me in here, there's a lot more..." The alura une dips her fingers in the waist deep pool of nectar.

{Until the Alura Une is defeated Alicia will suffer extra damage from erotic attacks because of the sticky nectar covering her}

HP:20 MP:10
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Her body recoiling slightly at having a sticky substance sprayed onto it, Alicia was forced back a few steps...her body shuddering a bit as it became aroused. Nevertheless, knowing full well of what would happen if she were to submit, the girl clenched her teeth, directed her focus on the pain caused by her curse...and leapt into the air with her scythe raised towards the plant, intent on splitting it in two.

((This has the potential for some amusing screwups...))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Welcome back my faithful servant ,oh, and 1 agrees with you)

Alicia lauches herself completely wrong and off balance, flailing futily as she landed face first in the rose with a splorch. "Oh you decided to join me after all, I'm so happy!" The une pulls the now thoroughly coated Alicia up and begins rubbing between her legs working the sex nectar into her, every nerve tingling with lust.

Alicia suffers 13 damage 5+5(critfail)+3(nectar)

HP:7 MP:10
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Knew that was going to happen for some reason...))

If not for the fact she had literally crashed face first into the nectar, Alicia would most likely be swearing profusely as she made a complete blunder and fell right into the clutches of her enemy. Dizzy and disoriented from her landing, the girl did not resist her opponent, until it had already began rubbing between her legs...


Doing her best to ignore the lust now coursing through her body, the white-haired girl moved her hand to that of the Alura Une's... and let fly a point blank psychic blast.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(11....it's going to be close)

The une fell backwards into the nectar before hopping back up and dragging Alicia down until both were neck deep in it. "We're going to have fun together for a looooong time" She places a handful of nectar in Alicia's mouth giggling.

Alicia takes........9 damage. 6+3
(Game over. Horrible sexy scene approaching as punisment)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Stupid dice plotting against me! *shakes fist*))

No...I can't...

Reason leaving her as the nectar's sensations proved to be too overwhelming for her, Alicia began to respond to the une's advances...no longer resisting.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(I hope it works for you, I'm not good at writing long pieces usually *crosses fingers*)

"See? Now you can be much happier now." The une smiled and cradled the frail girl in her arms feeding her nectar until Alicia could barely remember her own name much less why she was there or why this girl was feeding her honey. All Alicia could manage was a weak whimper for an answer. "Shh....." She placed a finger on Alicia's lips. "I made you feel all better, now you'll make sure I can make lots more nectar for you...." As she soothed a weary Alicia several roses began sliding up to Alicia, two attached to her chest and began gently kneading and suckling on them while a third engulfed Alicia's sex probing and adding more nectar just enough to keep her mind floating in pleasurable bliss. Alicia had no idea how long she was like that, time stopped entirely for her, she could have laid there for years awash in pleasure while the une cuddled against her new pale little doll. The very last thing she could recount before her memory completely failed her was the rose petals closing around them and being lulled to sleep in the warm darkness, possibly for eternity and not having a care in the world.

Alicia had no idea how she got to being outside laying in the grass covered in warm nectar with her weapon by her side, her chest and crotch ached so it couldn't have been a dream, all her questions were put on hold for the moment though then the rose opens back up with the naked girl stretching and yawning. "Mmm....that was the best meal I've had in long time. I could just eat you up forever and ever..." She leans on her rose smiling curious to see Alicia's reaction.

(Alicia has been revived and even has a new set of clothes somehow! Huzzah!..........she's still covered in une juice though.)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

The pain ebbing away...replaced by a more wonderful feeling...darkness softly wrapping around her...

Alicia stirred slowly from her slumber, as if she had been sleeping for a long time....Her memory slow in recovering, Alicia was rather...disoriented when she woke up, unsure of whether or not she was even alive.

Is this...the after life?...

That is, until a familiar pain in her chest made reality known onto her, crushing any hopes of having had been released from her journey. Yet...how was she alive after that?...And how had her destroyed dress returned to her?... Such were the thoughts in her head until she spotted the creature that had defeated her in her weakness last time. Wasting no time, the knives from the holsters laid on the grass near her flew out at the monster immediately...only to stop centimeters from the flower girl by her own will.

"...Did you...do this to me?...Why am I...still alive?"

Should the response prove unfavorable she was pierce the humanoid figure with all the knives she had under her control...

((Let me know if I'm allowed to do this or not.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(It's good both were flat footed)

"I don't know most people I eat go into my lovely flower, you just went outside while I was asleep and all full" She huffs. "I want you inside my flowers!" A vine grabs Alicia's ankle and pulls her off balance, her reflexes remain however and the une gets covered in tiny cuts as knives dart around her. "Ow! OWWWWWWW!"

(Rolled a 13)
Alicia takes 3 damage.

HP:37 MP:9
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((And sorry to break it to Alura Une, but that was her one and only chance not to have Alicia carve her a new one for the earlier crap.))

Taken off guard by the sudden vine wrapping around her ankle, Alicia fell to the ground...but not before setting off her suspended knives and making them dart at the plant woman. Aim disrupted due to being caught off guard, the knives merely wove around the plant woman and lacerated her...but still did damage to her overall. Unfortunately for the monster though, after having chosen to outright attack Alicia without warning...it was doomed to die at one point.

"Nevermind then... Goodbye... Have a nice dream... See you in hell..."

Controlling the knives from the ground, Alicia aimed to impale if not outright cut the plant woman into many pieces...
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Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Oh 20, going full Carrie on this one are we)

The knives begin flying through the air shredding all the vines and badly cutting the girl. "Eeek! I'm sorry I'm sorry I was just hungry!" The rose closes up and seems to begin cowering and shaking in fear as the knives stop swirling in the air.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

As the rose retreated into its bud, the knives returned to their sheaths...which in turn returned to Alicia and strapped themselves to her legs once again. The fight had yet to conclude however, as Alicia walked up to the rose...her scythe returning to her. Then, after tapping lightly on the rose buds, as if "knocking" on a door to invite the monster to come out, the pale reaper of a girl raised her scythe high into the air, blade pointing downwards. If the Une thought to hide from her for longer than five seconds, she would bring it down and cleave her in twain. If she came out however then...perhaps it would be different.

((Long story short: If she comes out of the flower, the scythe blade will stop right before it cuts her. If not... she gets cut in half along with the flower. Here's hoping for her sake its the former, since Alicia is decided whether or not to kill based on that :p))