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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Sara rolls a 18 on her sniff check)

Sara starts smelling the air then crawls under her table and begins sniffing Alicia eventually ending up under her coat gasping. "Is that...alure une nectar? I'll give you whatever you want for that whole bottle." Sara remains under Alicia's coat.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Just what do you have anyway?..."

Alicia opts to look over all of the merchandise before deciding on what to buy...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia sees a table full of all kinds of weapons, body armor and more importantly potions. Somehow Sara ends up on top of her head. "See anything you like?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((You know, was kinda asking about the shop inventory :V... "weapons, helmets, and potions, don't really cut it...))

"...Erm...can I get some details about what some of the potions do?... And how many I'm allowed to take with me?... Thanks."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"If you give me that bottle of nectar you can have as many as you can carry! I have healing potions, potions for magic stuff, poison potions and curse potions. In a variety of sizes from small!" Sara jumps off Alicia's head and holds up a small flask. "To big gulp!" She grins holding up a huge max potion.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...I'll take all of the mind and healing potions then..."

Unclasping the bottle of Alura Une nectar from her holster, Alicia prepares to exchange it for an excess of magical and nonmagical herbal mixtures...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Sara squeals and hands Alicia an armful of potions.

5 HP Potions, 40 HP heal

3 MP potions, 10 MP recovered

"Thank you for your business!" Sara packs up in the blink of an eye and runs off into the caves to probably get lost again....
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Strapping the potions to her handy dandy holsters somehow, in a way so that they would be protected from breaking... Alicia then continues onward into the caves...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Ugh you and your perfect travel rolls)

The caves seem deserted, perhaps the monsters had been scared off by Sara, either way she finds nothing blocking her path until she enters a huge water filled cavern with a single woman bathing in the water. "Oh why hello there, you aren't lost are you?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Another uneventful journey, perhaps it had been a blessing to meet that mad woman. These were the nature of the girl's thoughts as she wandered into a water filled cavern, for the first "real" encounter of her trip thus far, that of a woman bathing in the water. Unlike the last time however, Alicia had prepared herself in advance to cut the woman down even while exchanging banter with her.

"Not that I know...may I ask what you are?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"Just a simple woman taking a bath, perhaps you would join me?" She smiles and beckons with a finger.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...And then once I am disarmed and naked you will capture me and have your way with me I suppose?..."

Alicia rolls her eyes she responds, looking to be almost bored. Having become accustomed to the antics of the monsters here, the pale girl did not seem to even be alarmed by the woman's attempt to 'seduce' her...nor did she seem to be amused.

"...Well then, do you want to be cut into pieces? Or skewered?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"Tsk, well aren't you an observant little thing...." The woman starts to rise from the water soon a pair of wolf heads arise, followed by large serpents and tentacles with the woman resting on top of it all. "The thanks I get for trying to be nice." She gives a sarcastic pout.

Guardian of the underground: Scylla
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"Blame your friends. You only fall for the 'nice' act so many times after all...Who knows, maybe I'll lose."

Returning the sarcastic banter, Alicia's scythe is already transformed into a pendulum blade,as she rushes forward and slashes out.

((A hunting we will go... a hunting we will go...))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


Alicia weaved through the barrage of fire and magic that flew towards her, Alicia was unable to reach the woman though but is able to sever one of the serpents from her with a mighty swing. "Ow! It will take forever to grow back!" She glares as Alicia lands unharmed back where she began.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...You'll get over it... Provided you survive of course."

Continuing her momentum, the girl aims to take another of the heads with her pendulum blade, appearing to be having more fun in cutting her opponent down than was probably healthy...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


Alicia's second attack is less successful, she severs one serpent but takes a nasty bite from the other on her shoulder making it start to feel stiff. "Hmph...you're tougher than you look child, I can see why he did that now..."

Alicia takes 6 damage from the bite and manages to avoid being paralyzed.

HP:45 (forgot to take HP last round from demon hunter) MP:8
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Gritting her teeth as she was bitten, Alicia leapt away again, this time time try to shake off the stiffness in her numbed shoulder before her next attack.

"...He?...Just who are you referring to?..."

Exchanging banter once again as she opted to continue the fight and charge in again, the girl now had more things on her mind than when she first began her bout...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(13, actually not bad in this game)

Alicia severs the last serpent but leaves herself open to a lightning bolt from Scylla herself. "Pah, I'm not the one who you should be asking for answers girl." She seemed in great pain after losing 3 pieces.

Alicia gets shocked for 5 damage

HP:40 MP:6
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Well yeah...))

"...See you in hell then."

Slightly charred from both the burning caused by her own weapon and the lightning bolt, Alicia leaps forward with her blade, so as to finish off Scylla.