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Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Eh? I guess it is kind of unusual... Maybe there's just more people moving to the city? I'm not picking up anything... unusual or inhuman or magical though... the purple haired girl whispered back to her friend even as the pink haired girl epuld be assigned to sit next to her and Elena. "U-uhm... I-I... I h-hope you d-don't mind m-me sitting n-next to you h-here... I-I'm always n-nervous dealong w-with new p-people..." the new girl stammered out. U-uhm... No... N-not really I dont guess... I'm Miko. And this is my friend Elena. Nice to meet you Sakura..." The sex nin would offer a greeting to the new girl.
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, possibly," Elena commented to Miko before the new girl came and sat next to her and Miko. "Oh no of course not. I only arrived yesterday myself, after all. So it'd make sense for us new girls to stick together and all, hmhm," Elena then said with a giggle to Sakura, after Miko spoke to the girl, the angel offering her hand in greeting to shake the other new girl's hand.

"So Sakura, what brings you to this school so soon after me?" Elena asked Sakura curiously after the girl sat down and whatnot before the class would carry on.
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Me!? Oh well uhm... W-well my m-mom got a new j-job out in this area r-recently and w-we had to m-move... She and m-my d-dad had gotten d-divorced s-several years a-ago and she has yet to r-remarry. This n-new job she got is really g-good and pays w-well, so... here I am..." Sakura explained to the other two girls.

"A divroce huh...? That's pretty rough,
Sakura... Well I'm happy to be your friend if you'd like.
I know it can be hard adjusting to new school and everything..."
Miko said to new girl congenially.

"Oh? Th-thank you, Miko! That really m-means a l-lot to me! Wh-what about you, Elena?
Wh-what you br-brings you out h-here?"
the new pink haired girl would ask the other new girl of the group.
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Ah I see. That's sad, I'm sorry to hear that their marriage didn't work out," Elena replied softly with an apologetic look on her face as she spoke to Sakura. "And me? Well, I kind of just moved to town too. I was looking for someone, and thankfully I managed to find them. And while I probably could have just dropped out and been just fine, I figured I might as well finish out my last school year," Elena went on to say when Sakura asked what brought her there.

Unless the two had more to say, Elena would shift her attention back to the teacher and pay attention for the remainder of class, unless Miko or Sakura tried to get her attention for whatever reason.
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"R-really? W-well I'm g-glad you decided to s-stay after all Elena. I-it gives me m-more friends. Its really h-hard making new f-frirnds, even m-more so in a new s-school. Know what I mean?" Sakura would add before returning her attention back to the class.

The rest of the day would go pretty normal up until time for PE, when Elena would spot Sakura off to a corner by herself, blushing hotly and fidgeting nervously. If Elena or Miko would approach the new girl she would-meekly and nervously reply "U-uhm... C-Could one of y-you p-please help me w-with s-something... See... i k-kind of have this s-s-small... err... well rather s-sizeable problem... You s-see Im...Im n-not q-quite n-normal... Uhm... in the s-s-s-sexual sense... I have... h-have an, uhm, an extra p-part... And I'm kind of really super self conscious about it..."
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Mhm, it is good I stayed. Because I found who I needed to find, and I can make some new friends here too while I finish my last school year," Elena replied with a smile.


As the rest of the day went by, Elena kept herself ready for anything, and made sure that she paid as good of attention as she could to the teachers. When PE class came around though, Elena waited until most of the others were done and when she saw Sakura fidgeting in the corner, she couldn't help but feel that the poor thing was embarrassed about something from the looks of her. "What's the matter Sakura? Oh you have one too?" Elena asked curiously, glancing around to make sure no one else saw her before she pulled her longer pants out a bit to show the bulge in her panties to Sakura. "Don't worry too much about it. You brought longer gym shorts, right? If so then you should be just fine. Just try and not feel too self conscious about it alright," Elena went on to say, trying to give the girl confidence.
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"O-oh... Oh my, I, ah, s-see...
Uhm yes, I do have shorts. Im j-just... Not s-sure of how people will react... I kn-know b-boys don't care m-much for the male g-genitalia; unless its thier own that is..."
Th-thank you Elena..."
the pink hairedgirl said before finishing changing into her gym shorts and joining Miko Elena and the rest of the class. "Heh... Thats true, but I try not to be judgemental of others, Sakura. And at thr very least the uniform is not required to be bloomers." Miko said sticking her tongue put at Sakura and giving her the stink eye playfully.

PE class would go largely without incident and before too long and the triowould eventually meet up at the gate of the school as the day ended "Hey,
Sakura! Why dont you join me and Elena shopping today!?"
the sex ninja would ask the new girl,
"O-oh, no! I-I-I... I wouldnt want to impose on your twos time together or anything!" she said shyly "Dont be silly Sakura, were friends now after all, Right Elena? Besides, you're new. Youll need someone to show you around right?"
""W-well... I-if either of you two really w-wouldnt m-m-mind... Then Id be very honored to join you! Thank you again!"
Re: Blue Balled Angels (Mind Flayer)

"Well so long as you don't pop a boner or anything during class then you should be all good," Elena whispered back to Sakura to ease her worries.


After PE ended and the rest of their classes proceeded without any incident thankfully, Elena was walking out with Miko and Sakura and smiled, nodding in agreement with Sakura joining them. "Aye, I have to go to the bank too to get myself an account there anyway. So, Miko mind if we stop back by your place to pick up my things to do that? And yeah, we're friends now, why so I see no reason we shouldn't head out together," Elena said when they were leaving school, heading to get her money first to put it all in the bank, and once that was done, then she'd get to shopping, keeping a few hundred dollars worth out to get herself some clothes and whatnot.
"Oh. Okay. Thanks to both you, Elena! It really means a lot to me! N-not everyone is so o-open or willing to l-let a new person into their g-group as you are. It can be really h-hard to make n-new f-friends when you find yourself someplace n-new, you know..." the pink haired girl replied. When they would arrive back at Miko's apartment, the pink haired girl would be rather surprised at the angels rather impressive stash of money "Oh my, Elena! Your family must be rather well off to give you that kind of an allowance!" the pink haired girl teased her new friend, "I hope you didnt do anything unscrupulous to get it! Teehe!" Once they would have ran by the bank to deposit the angels money, they would head to the mall to do their shopping with Elena and Sakura both being surprised at just how large it really was "W-O-W! Its so big... I hope we dont get lost in here. Ihm, h-hey Miko. W-would you care to help me pick out some nice clothes while were here?" Sakura would ask out meekly. "Sure," Miko answered back in agreement "Just stick with me and Ill show you both the best places to shop and make sure we dont get lost okay?"
"Oh it's okay sweetie. And I know how you feel about making new friends and stuff in a new place, believe me," Elena replied with a nod to Sakura's words.

When they arrived at Miko's apartment and Sakura commented on her money stash, Elena chuckled softly and shook her head. "No no, it was a my travel funds from my master who trained me, you might say. It really isn't all that much," Elena said to Sakura with a bit of a grin. "Oh of course not hon. Though that doesn't mean I'm opposed to doing anything unscrupulous at all," she added with a wink to Sakura as she got her money together.

After taking her money to the bank and getting it put in and her account all set up, and her debit card given to her and everything, Elena followed the other two to the mall and nodded to Miko when they arrived when she said to stay with her. "Of course. I don't know the first thing about this place, so it's probably best I stick with you anyway," Elena said with a nod, following Miko along through the mall and sticking close to the ninja girl. "Oh yeah Miko, aren't you supposed to go see your dad today about what you mentioned yesterday?" Elena asked Miko curiously.
"Huh?... O-oh... oh y-yeah, y-yeah I did... B-but, uhm... I d-dont want to leave you and poor Sakura all by yourselves in a strange place, Elena... My dads not going anywhere, and the 'issue' I need to discuss will likely be there still when we get done shopping. So it can wait till we finish. I wouldn't be much of a friend if I just ditched you two here by yourselves without any knowledge of where to go or a way to get back now, would I?" Miko replied as she playfully poked the angel in her cheek

"O-oh, th-thank you Miko! Th-thank you so much, you and Elena! You dont know how much it meabs to me have you both take me in and show me aroubd like this. Hopefully one day I can repay your kindness!" Sakura replied glowing and blushing from the openess Miko and Elena had shiwn her thus far.

Miko would show Elena and Sakura around the mall, leading them to fashion outlets, designer stores, 100 yen shops for essentials, make up outlets, hit up the food court, and do some shopping for recreational items. Once they were done, the three would catch a bus back to Miko's house where Elena could get her new belongings put up and sorted out. Once they were done, Miko would look to Elena and beckon her over to ask her quietly "Hey Elena, coukd you maybe take Sakura out to the balcony or something and keep her busy while I open a portal to the Shikima realm? It woukdnt do for a civilian to find out about us, you know?"
"Oh don't worry about that Miko. I think we'd be alright. Besides, I thought Yaku or Fubuki were gonna show us around while you handled that with your dad?" Elena replied as they continued walking through the mall, "It's fine hon. I'm more than happy to be your friend. I've honestly not had a whole lot of friends before this myself really," she added to Sakura before glancing around at the stores around them.

Along the way she'd grab them all some cookies to munch on as they walked around, and after she'd gotten herself a few outfits and a few other things she found that she liked, or needed, such as her own bottle of shampoo, going for some coconut scented shampoo for herself. She'd also get herself a purse, a backpack for school, and a couple of pairs of shoes to wear as well, along with some lingerie to wear underneath her clothing. It was difficult for her to get panties to fit her however, thanks to her extra parts between her legs, but she managed to get some that fit well enough, even if the panties did virtually nothing when she started getting aroused. Afterwards, they'd head back to Miko's apartment, catching a bus to ride and once there Elena put her things away and nodded when Miko asked her to entertain Sakura for the time being while she went to see her father.

"Alright Miko. If you want, I'll see if she wants to go with me to that little fast food place down the road and back while you're talking to your father. I mean we can see the apartment from there practically, so it shouldn't be too dangerous or anything, and that ought to give you plenty of time to go there and back," Elena replied with a nod.