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RPG [Blue Mad Diode] BLOOD RUSH (RJ176090)

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Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

I'll be honest, I don't really like the higher 'tiers' of gore. Thinks like the characters getting minced didn't appeal to me, but I'm... almost okay with the skull-fucking. Definitely okay with that game over rape animation where they look like they've been through quite a bit.

But despite the gore, this game still interests me. The demo provided a nice idea of what to expect. Good combat, nice animations (and since the status effect says rape I'm expecting more than groping and pummelling), and good looking CGs. I'm just sad that it looks like it won't be translated, given that it's just a .exe file.

I wonder if that 'surrender' action will stay in the full game. Would certainly make getting game over CGs easier.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

I'm just sad that it looks like it won't be translated, given that it's just a .exe file.

Don't be so sure, it looks like Habisain has been making progress on having RPMaker Trans capable of working on MV games as well.

Just to bring people up to date with stuff that I'm working on regarding RPGMaker MV.

I've been doing some tests with regard to the single file games and I've found a library that seems to work (or at least with all the games I've tried it with). So I'm currently integrating that into my codebase, and hopefully I'll soon be able to get a utility out, similiar to Libellules, but which is also capable of handling packed games as well.

Finally, I'm progressing with my work on RPGMaker Trans to handle RPGMaker MV. This may be useful to people as RPGMaker MV is expensive, and I can't imagine that editing JSON files by hand is terribly fun. The plan is that RPGMaker MV support should be in RPGMaker Trans by this summer, but hopefully earlier. This will obviously include support for single-exe files, but they won't be as well supported as the archive files.

Given that this game doesn't release until October, that's quite the grace period for habisain to work his magic.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Any1 could post any save with CG unlocked?
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Any1 could post any save with CG unlocked?

There aren't that many to begin with since it's still a demo


  • save.zip
    33 KB · Views: 178
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

if u don't like gore, this game isn't for you. I found a scene with a meat grinder.

Yeah, lost on that fight, saw the food being served, watched the police person pop in the DVD, saw the scene start, and...

Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Well, it's supposed to be 'Seriously Damaged Good: The Game', not my cup of tea either but their games have a following.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

going to have to get a new computer to play this.....my current one keeps freezing every now and then.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

New trailer on the demo page and looks like the finally release date was decided on middle october

PD: Sorry for my bad english
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Just out of curiousity is anyone going to attempt a partial once it releases?
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Just out of curiousity is anyone going to attempt a partial once it releases?

Do we even have the tools to do so? This is an MV game, so it's much more complicated to access the game's files.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Do we even have the tools to do so? This is an MV game, so it's much more complicated to access the game's files.

Quite the opposite actually. MV games are basically web apps (probably for easy mobile functionality), and they literally store their scenario data as txt files. UI stuff is also probably fairly easy to access. Depending on the way the author packs the game, you might need to unpack it to get at them, but that's just basic security through obscurity. Tools are out there.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Quite the opposite actually. MV games are basically web apps (probably for easy mobile functionality), and they literally store their scenario data as txt files. UI stuff is also probably fairly easy to access. Depending on the way the author packs the game, you might need to unpack it to get at them, but that's just basic security through obscurity. Tools are out there.

Yeah i have seen a few MV translated games. If i recall yugifan did one.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

Posting here for when there's a full translation of it. <3
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

As it has been states, the release date will be on Saturday October 22 this year.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

As it has been states, the release date will be on Saturday October 22 this year.

So literally the same day as ViotoXica?

I bet Destiny Soul comes out the same day just to make things as complicated as possible.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

All of a sudden millia wars DX is further along than we thought and it releases too. I'd buy a lotto ticket.
Re: [RJ176090] BLOOD RUSH

It seems the dmm and dlsite versions are going to be a little bit different from each other due to different censorship rules.
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