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Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jackson was caught off guard at Ian as he shut his eyes and focused on the music. When Ian did speak, his eyes shot open to see what was going on. He saw the cloth and relaxed back in his seat.

"Thanks..." He said as he reached out with his free hand and took the cloth, noting the cold feel of ice. Jack looks straight up at the ceiling and places the cloth with ice on top of his marred face. After letting it set it's self in place he reaches in to his pocket and pulls out his key card.

"Jon... Here." He said as he passed the key to him.

"I'm free for the morning so go ahead and use my room to get changed. There are a few spare uniforms in closet. Just don't touch the guitar." He finished with an amused smirk.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan was lost in thought, so at first he didn't register the meaning of Jack's words. However, he quickly snapped back to reality. The offer suprised Bird - he didn't expect such a display of trust. Perhaps Jackson was just that kind of person. Either way, Jonathan didn't intend to abuse the situation. "Uh, thanks." He accepted the card. "By the way, which room is yours?" It'd be good to know that before going.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"218... Just head up the stairs and head down the hallway. You can't miss it." Jack answered. To Jackson the room key was nothing really. If he needed to get in... or get in to any other room for some reason he could just use his power to open the locks. Then their was the face it seemed the room was set up for roommates but the other student never did show up. Something must have happened to cause them not to show up. So get rid of the extra uniforms may open more spare for him.

"Once your done just bring back the key." He said as he started to place the other earbud into his free ear.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"Alright. Thanks again." Jonathan got off the couch and left the communal room, following the directions given to him by Jack. He briefly wondered whether he should have really accepted such a gift, then shrugged. Too late to reconsider. Up the stairs, down the hallway. Then, the card. In just a moment, Bird reached room 218 and entered.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

He nodded to Jack, leaving him to rest. Black eyes often brought headaches and the less unwanted noise around, likely the better.

Lots of new faces this morning. Ian makes note of Nova coming in, eyes squinting a little as he tried to remember if he'd seen him the previous night or not. He made room for him at the counter while he cleaned his dishes, giving the other student a nod before leaving them in the rack to dry and making for the door. First to the infirmary, then to class.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan left Jackson's room and returned to the communal room. He was already wearing the spare uniform he found, carrying his regular clothes with him. "Thanks for the help." Bird pulled the borrowed card key out of his pocket and handed it back to Jack. Afterwards, he moved to one of the corners of the rooms where he had dumped his backpack. He brought it there earlier when he arrived at school, just to get the load off his back. Jonathan put the clothes inside, then sighed and made his way outside the building. It'd be better to move on and go to the classes soon.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Simon was returning from his brief morning meeting at the tennis courts, and was now heading to his room to do some more research and thinking on the events last night. As always he turns and heads through the dorm gardens rather than using the front door. Before he gets far though, he feels a ping from his shadow rather unlike the norm. He stops on the grass and looks over to the front door, a few seconds later Jonathan emerging from the building.

'Hmm? One of the latter arriving new students. He was present at the aftermath of the battle. I wonder how much he saw?' Simon wondered watching Jonathan head along the path. Though what he was really currious about was why his shadow had pointed Jonathan out. He'd very vaguely came to understand some of the whispers the shadow made, but this message was something new. The shadow was suggesting... a feeling of something familiar? That didn't make sense.

Simon stood pondering a moment longer, listening to his shadow and trying to figure out what was so interesting about the new guy. While he didn't intend so at all, it could easily look a little suspicious the way he stood in plain sight starring from a short distance.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan sighed. The worst part about getting up early wasn't the "getting up" part. It was what came later, usually when you're ready to start the day: a desire to simply ignore everything and crawl back to bed. Bird absolutely hated this feeling, which contributed to his nearly permanent (before afternoon, at least) bad mood. With a frown on face, the young man continued to walk away from the building.

Of course, he wasn't unaware of his surroundings. Simon stood out, and Jonathan couldn't miss him just like that. However, the boy simply didn't give a damn. He quickly jumped to the conclusion that he was observed because Simon was trying to judge him for some reason, and Bird didn't care that much about the judgement of others. Being a late bloomer (altough he didn't know it), he still hadn't developed any sensory abilities of a true darkling, so he failed to notice the conscious shadow. Jonathan just continued to walk, his feet carrying him towards the courtyard. From there, he'd continue to the proper building to attend classes.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan passed by, and Simon moved on. For now he'd stick to his earlier intentions, meaning researching in his room. He was already well ahead of his curricular private studies, so there should be plenty of time for some extra curricular studies. Namely, he wanted to look into possession. He sometimes thought it would be interesting if he could be graded on his more obscure knowledge as well, but that wouldn't make sense would it?

He continues through the small garden area ringing the dorm, and deftly climbs in through his window as always.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jackson woke up after having fallen asleep to his music. He looked to the clock to see it was time for lunch but that wasn't on his mind right now. He takes the rag from his face finding the ice had melted over his little nap. His left arm was burning up in pain and he couldn't push the pain out of his mind. He need to get rid of the dead skin and clean the wound but to due it would mean pain far worse then what he was feeling now.

He sat there listening to music a while longer until he decided to get it over with now then wait for later. Jackson stood up and headed for his room. The only good thing about what was about to happen was he at least knew there wore some pain killers in his bags.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan entered the dorm, looking as grim as usual. He seemed tired, and he had a good reason for looking like that. This day was a crazy one and he had to move his stuff into the room he was assigned. He found his bags right where he left them - fortunately his stuff was right where it was supposed to be. Bird picked up his bags, then marched towards his room, pulling the key card out of his pocket as he muttered strange words under his breath.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

After wandering around for almost a half hour, Gabriel finally found the dorms, his half-assed map leading him on a winding path across campus and back. Upon entering the dorm, he sighs as he sets his bag down to rest shortly in the entrance hall, before picking it up and heading to his room, marked by the keycard he had in his shirt pocket.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jackson walked into the room and looked about noting not many of the others wore up yet... or at least weren't here. He grabs an apple and moves to sit in a corner. His mind was focused on trying to understand why he had suddenly had two black outs in less then the span of three days. Was it the change of environment...? He starts to take large bites out of the apple every so often looking up to see if anyone else was out and about.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Eventually, a blurry-eyed Ian wanders in, rubbing heavily at his eyes with the heel of his hand. In fact, he's over the counter, mixing up instant oatmeal and getting it into the microwave, and turning around from the fridge again before he even realizes that Jackson's there.

Letting out a little surprised noise, he nods to him. "Mornin', mate. Sorry, still a bit hazy." He chuckles.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Aloysius walks into the communal room, his hair slightly messy and his eyes still indicating fatigue. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets about making toast, staying well out of the way of the others.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jack kept himself from laughing at Ian's surprised noise.

"No problem... Seems we're all a little hazy." He replied as Aloysius walked in to the room. He took another bite out of the apple before relaxing back a bit. Ian would have a clear view of Jackson's no longer blackened eye.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"One of those nights and Ah don't remember havin' the fun that goes along with it." He chuckles. He slides out of Al's way if he needs the counter space but otherwise stays there until his oatmeal is ready, getting sugar and fruit to mix into it. That done, he finds a chair to perch into. "Yer lookin' bettah," he says, nodding in Jack's direction. "Though that healed up plenty quick, didn't it? Guess it wasn't as bad as it looked."
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan walked into the communal room, accompanied by the sound of cracking joints as he stretched for the last time. He stifled a yawn as he took a look at the people inside, then moved towards the kitchen, greeting whoever was paying attention with a simple "Morning". The shot of energy he got from the shower had run out quickly, and now he seemed to be rather grumpy. His appetite wasn't affected, though - once again, he fixed himself a mountain of cereal and once again, he went through it like knife through butter.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah it healed a hell of a lot faster then I thought it would have myself. Jackson replies to Ian along with touching the area about his eyes. He didn't want to let anyone to know about his blackouts just yet seeing as he doesn't know anyone that well yet.

As Jonathan walked in Jack did his little three fingered wave before taking his last bit out of his apple leaving only the core which he threw over Ian and sinked it into the trash bin.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Thankfully, the arc of the apple core is pronounced enough that Ian lets it go, rather than letting what's slowly becoming instinct take over. He does duck a little, though, to give it a clear path.

"Well, that's good, then, though, idinit?" he remarks of Jack healing so quickly. "Saves ya from explaining away a shinah." He polishes off the rest of his cereal as well and, after making sure nothing else is going to come flying toward him, he gets up and rinses his bowl in the sink. Task done, he gathers up his things, looking intent on heading for his first class.