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Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Damon stumbled back in, battered and bruised in a freshly ruined jacket. He made it as far as the chair closest to the door before he collapsed for a nap. He'd never used so much power in so short a time, and coming down from the adrenaline rush of fighting for your life didn't help much.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon made his way back to the dorms with haste, and entered the building by simply passing through the doors. He spotted the boy Damon, seemingly slumped into a chair. After checking to be sure he was in fact asleep, and no one else was there, he decloaked.

Thinking best of how to wake him up, he decided for a bit of an evil time. Grabbing a book that had been left on a table, he opened it and then shut it closed, loudly. The resulting noise he hoped would wake the boy. If that failed, he'd have to go over and shake him.

"Hey, Damon, wake the heck up."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Damon woke up just enough to mutter "Fuck you and everyone who looks like you," before going back to sleep.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

He shook his head at this, and let loose an irritated sigh. "Fine, you want to play that way..."

He walked over to a sink, and drew out a large glass of iced water, ice cubes included. Taking aim about ten feet away, he chucked the contents of the glass at Damon, landing it right between the eyes with two of the cubes, the water splashing his face.

As if that wasn't bad enough, his voice had changed again. "Wake up human. We need to speak, NOW."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Goddamn it, what!?! I'm trying to sleep!" Damon either hadn't noticed or didn't care about the change of voice. He stood up, incredibly and obviously irritated at the rude awakening.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

He might not have noticed the tone of voice, but he likely would notice the glow in Siphon's eyes. His eyes had regained the fiery red glow to them for just a moment, and then he spoke, getting quickly to the point.

"I apologize for rudely waking you, and your free to go back to sleep after we are done. I must ask of you a favor regarding the events you have witnessed tonight. I ask of you that you speak to no one else other than myself and the two sane women you saw on the roof top tonight. Events beyond what you can comprehend, hell what I can comprehend are taking place, and it wouldn't do good for it to be getting out to just any random person."

He steps a single step closer, not threatening, but rather to speak lower. "Please, I ask this of you as a small favor. Can I count on you not to make things worse than they already are?"

For just a moment there was genuine concern in his eyes, but not for himself or fear of being caught, but rather fear that the boy himself would become a target of the madness that the insane woman had caused.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Damon moved close to Siphon, his voice barely a whisper:
"Who am I going to tell? What am I going to tell them? Some bitch made of shadows spent half a night trying to carve me up? Yeah, I'll let that get out. How many flavors of stupid do you think I am, that you have to ask me to not tell anyone some completely unbelievable bullshit? You woke me up for this?" Then he backed up a bit, and calmed himself down. "Listen, champ, what I mean to say is this: Even if I had anyone to tell, which I don't, why would they believe me? You saw what happened. Some of it, at least. If I hadn't been there I'd think someone dropped a bomb." He turned around and walked back to his room, hoping to resume his sleep uninterrupted. "Your secret's safe with me."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

He let the attitude and the slight hostility pass, not wanting to make too much of it. "We appreciate you not saying anything. Just be careful, because she seemed to be focusing a lot of her attacks towards you at the end, so you may be a target. And might I advise you sleep in your room? If you need help getting there I can help you."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Vengo and Vulkoran wander back into the dorm, still bantering on about Online FPS.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon spots the two others and turns. "Hey Vulkoran. Hey question, where's your brother? I have a question for him."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Hmm? Oh, hey Siphon. He should be in his room, unless there's something he hasn't told me."

"Who's your friend?"

"Oh, right, you two haven't met. Vengo, Siphon. Siphon, Vengo."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

He nods and extends a hand outward. "Good to meet you Vengo."

He looks to Vulkoran. "Eh, what room is he again? Haven't been keeping up with the new room assignment's just yet so I'm a little turned around. Don't want to be going and knocking on some random guy's door now."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Vengo returns the handshake.

"Good to meet you too."

"It's room 330. Though he has a roommate now, so technically you're still knocking on some random guy's door."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Figures. Hopefully he's still awake. Let's just say it's a technical question that's bugging me,and he might be able to shed some light on it. I hope anyway."

He bows his head slightly and then says, "I apologize for the greet and run Vengo, perhaps later we will have more of an opportunity to chat."

Thanking them again, he heads off for the appropriate room.

((I'll let you remake Coraxus's room if you haven't already done so.))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

((Oni's made it already.))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Yoshio Sits up from laying behind the counter...

"Hmm... Don't use a stool to take a nap.... Noted..."

As he makes an pained effort of cracking all the kinks out of his back as he looks around... Noticing the same kid there from earlier... sleeping yet again... only, Wrecked! It looked like somebody tied raw meat to him and threw him into a pit of Dogs!

Turning his head the other way with an adible *pop* He noticed Vengo was in the room also, Begining to stand up he asked:

"Yo! Vengo! What time is it?"
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Vengo and Vulkoran sat asleep on the chairs, having fallen asleep mid-way through their discussion.

"Hmm... uh, what? Aw crap, I fell asleep. Oh, hey Yoshio. What, the time? It's... oh bugger. It's time we got ready for lessons. I'll see you around Vulko."

Vulkoran, who was still half asleep, raised his hand a little in achknowledgement.

Vengo turns back to Yoshio.

"C'mon, we'd better get a move on."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"...tryin' to catch me riiiiidin' dirty- Oh, mornin' guys." Chris rolls into the communal area, still wearing yesterday's clothes. "I thought classes weren't starting yet? Why're all of you in such a hurry?" Without any haste Chris rolls over to the fridge and grabs a carton of milk. As he looks around he spots the cereal on a shelf - out of reach. "Aww crap. Hey, can somebody give me a hand here?"
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ian makes his way downstairs, shaking his head, still trying to clear the sleep from his head. There were times when sometimes the right amount of sleep was too much. Given the fact that he wasn't in uniform was a good clue he wasn't starting classes today either, or at least didn't plan on it.

"Mornin', mates." He glanced around, noting that the lounge was full of mostly newer students. The plan was cereal, but it looked as though someone had beaten him to it, at least in theory.

"What'll ya have, mate? Somethin' healthy or sugar-coated chocolate bombs?" He takes down the latter for himself, in the form of Cocoa Puffs. While Chris decides, he hunts down a bowl and spoon, and another set, if he hasn't gotten those either.