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Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Sugar coated bombs? Those are my favourite!" Chris watches Ian and makes notes where the bowls and silverware are, getting a pair for himself. He reaches the hand with the milk carton over to Ian. "I'll trade you", he says with a grin.
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Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Seems a fair deal," Ian chuckles, inclining his head. Of course, he's already filled his bowl full of cereal, so Chris is more than welcome to it. They swap and his bowl threatens to overflow with the amount of milk that he adds. "You're a new face around heah. Ah'm Ian. On the second floor." It doesn't come out often, but his Australian accent is noticable on a few syllables.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Name's Chris. Chris Ritter. Pleased to meet you." Chris pulls off his leather gloves to eat. Nothing here should overwhelm him.
Cereal box. Milk carton. Spoon. Bowl. Table.
The images flicker before his eyes as he digs into his breakfast.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Likewise." Ian remains standing at the counter, himself, leaning back against it as a few heaping tablespoons make their way to his mouth. "So ya know," he says between bites, "Ah'm availible for any type of heavy lifting, and even some not so, like this, whenever Ah'm not in classes." It's an offer that does its best not to seem like he's drawing attention to Chris' disability, one that would likely be made to anyone. And unless the other boy is big on small talk, Ian eats in relative silence until it comes time to drink the chocolate milk from the bottom of the bowl; seems he slurps a little in that case.
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Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Thank you, but that's not necessary. My attendant should come in soon. He's usually around me all day." Chris looks over to Ian to check for that pitying look he expects, but doesn't find it. "But if you'd put the cereal where I can reach it I'd be grateful anyways."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Kyle sets his end of the travel case down, just inside the entryway. He looks at Siphon and comments, "You know, I'm starting to thing that trying to stuff that entire V8 block in here was a bad idea."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon sets his end down as well. "Yeah, it probably is a bad idea."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Sure thing, mate. We'll just need ta pass the word ta the rest of the guys to remember not to put it beck." He commences to shifting things around in the cupboards so things will be a little more accessible for Chris in the future, should he be alone.

Picking his head up, he looks over at the noise in the doorway. "Need a hand, mates?" He grins a little as he see's Siphon and Kyle struggling with the case.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon nods. "Yeah bro, if your not too busy that would be great. Gotta take this up to the third floor."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Yeah, think Ah can manage that. Too bad we ain't got an elevator, aye?" He dumps his bowl in the sink for the time being and heads over, grinning a little bit more. "You two gells gonna help or do Ah have ta do this by me lonesome?" Siphon, of course, knows why Ian's grinning. Kyle, maybe, maybe not.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Kyle responds with a somewhat unreadable look. "If you feel like trying to move it by yourself, feel free."

At the least, Kyle's guessed that something's up, but there's a fair chance he knows.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ian chuckles. "Allright, then." He moves over to stand behind the trunk, eyeballing the distance and path between where the trunk sits and the stairs. Leaning down, he puts his shoulder to the trunk, pushing it and, initially, going nowhere. Then, slowly, it starts to move, inching along the floor. "Just let me know if Ah'm going'ta hit anythin', would'ja?" The more he pushes, the easier it seems to be moving, given, of course, that he's actually using his telekinesis to push the box, not his own body strength, but that's not readily visible to the naked eye.

He stops at the bottom of the stairs. "Ya don't aim ta make it easy, do ya? Ah think a room transfer would be quicker." He laughs.

(Pausing here because 1. I have to go do dinner and 2. I don't want to do everything all at once, in case of comments.)
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Well, if my eyes don't deceive me..." "Can I help?" In the doorway stands a rather tall, rather muscular man, wearing a navy blue shirt that seems to be a bit tight around the shoulders. Chris rolls over to him. "Hey Ian, that's my attendant. Benjamin." The tall man gives a short nod into the room, not really knowing who Ian is.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon turns to see Benjamin. "Welcome back Benjamin, how did things go last night?"

He made a mental note to let them know that something had happened last night that Ben might need to be worried about.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Kyle gives the newcomer a quick glance and a nod, nothing more than a quick acknowledgement. The same goes to the wheelchair-bound boy right before Kyle jumps onto the travelling case. He quickly jumps off and starts to help make sure the case doesn't hit anything. "Would've been even easier to C4 the wall and just use a crane, but I'm fresh out of cranes."

While it's probable he also has no C4, it's worth noting that he didn't specifically mention it.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon shakes his head. "And here everyone thought I was the blow things up first don't ask question type."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Kyle's response to this was a brief, 5-7 second burst of maniacal laughter.

((Think Mark Hamill's version of The Joker, with regards to the laugh.))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

He shakes his head again. "Sometimes I wonder about your sanity Kyle."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Just before he passes out of sight up the stairs, Kyle asks, "What's this 'sanity' thing everyone keeps talking about?"
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon slumps his shoulders slightly and mutters, "point proven."