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Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ian pauses as Kyle jumps onto the case, not because he's struggling, but to turn and see Ben. "Mornin', then. Thanks f' the offah, but Ah've got it." He flashes a crooked smile and then shakes his head, watching Kyle go up the stairs. "Where my takin' this again?" He looks to Siphon. "Ah know third floor. What room?" He kneels down, levering the case up a little, using the steps, so he can get his hands underneath it. To the casual observer, he's getting a grip to lift it up into his arms.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Room 14. Sorry I didn't get the chance last night to catch up to you like I promised, but sort of had something come up."

He pauses a moment then looks directly at Chris and Ben. "Later on I need to fill the two of you in on something, especially you Ben since it does cross over into your own interests to know."

Lifting his own end, he adjusts his grip then says to Ian, "ok let's get this nice little battering ram on the move, shall we?"
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ben nods at Siphon and crosses his arms again. "Have you finished breakfast?" "Not yet." As Chris gets back to the table Ben pulls up a chair and sits down across from him. "So, how was your night?" It takes a moment before Chris has chewed down. "Pillowless", he answers. "As Siphon left for a nightly trip he forgot to turn off the light. Maybe I should build a remote control for the light switch." "Need me to buy something? I think I saw a hardware store in town." Chris leans back in his wheelchair, thinking. "Hm. One of those all purpose remote controls and a receiver, an electric motor and stuff to build a circuit. Good thing I have my tools."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Now seemed a reasonable time. Simon had been leaning outside watching in through the windows occasionally, in between reading a book. He moved from his place outside and slips in through the door to the common room.

Quickly stepping sideways away from the door, he takes a short look around the room and moves over to the open kitchen area. His deposits his book on a work surface, and turns on the oven. Removing a few items from the cupboards and some from his back pack, oats, butter, flour, golden syrup, he begins.

Frequently giving passing glances to the entrances and keeping note of those still in the room as he works, it's not long before sweet smells start drifting over across the room.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Loud banging followed by an angry sounding female voice can be heard getting louder and louder until finally a girl of about thirteen wearing a black hoodie, a denim pleated mini skirt, a pair of gym shorts under that, a pair of multicoloured striped stockings and a pair of working boots walks into the communal area of the boys dorm.

"Have...Have you seen my brother?" The girl asks as she catches her breath, obviously carrying around the amount of bags that she has tired her out somewhat.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Chris' eyebrows shoot up as he sees the girl. "I... don't think you should be here. The girl's dorm is across campus."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Yeah I know that, Im not stupid." She says in a huff, dropping one of the bags on the floor. It makes a loud metallic clunking sound as it hits the floor. "Sorry, didnt mean to snap at you. Its my brother, he knew I was arriving today yet he wasnt even at the gate to greet me. I bet he forgot."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Well then, it's not like I can stop you." Chris waves over to a blackboard. "Look up his name on the list."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Thanks," She says to the boy as she picks up the bag again with ease and hangs it over her shoulder with the rest of them. From the size of the bags and the amount that she has it would normally be too much for an average girl of her age and build to carry, and if anyone looked long enough they'd notice she has heavy bags under her eyes. "Right, what room is he in..." She says to herself as she scans the board. "Ah, there Art is," She says aloud as she find his room number and name along with another boys name.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Simon's cooking was going nicely. Nothing to it. So he kept a casual eye on the young invader while he waited. Opening his coat he pulled his student roster book from an inside pocket and thumbed through it.

'Art... Art... ah. That would be Artemis. Therfore... Wingate... meaning you must be... Emily. Hmm.'

He glances down at the clock on the oven, putting the book back away. 'A little longer.'
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ian can be seen taking a deep breath, inhaling the smell of Simon's cooking and grinning. "Aye, you just help me get this thing goin'. I'll take care'a the rest." He pauses. "Though if ya intend ta head up the stairs, Ah'd suggest ya do it now, before Ah get goin' on this." Seems he's addressing Emily, but it's also for anyone else that might need to head up, too.

((Waitaminute...how'd Chris get downstairs? *laughs* Not that Ian has a problem with carrying the case up, but stil...did I miss something?))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon nods, then moves to the end closest to the stairs and lifts, his arm muscles bulging outward with seemingly medium effort. It isn't that the chest is too heavy, it's that he simply isn't a massive enough person to wrap his arms around both ends, therefore it's a bit bulky to move. "Ready when you are mate."

((That's Kyle's chest, and Chris is on the first floor of the building, roomed with Siphon, so he doesn't have to get up and down the stairs.))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Ian flashes Siphon a grin. The chest is a bit hard to handle, but thankfully there's no weight to it, thanks to the telekinesis. Shifting around, he and the other man start to carry it up, taking it slow for Siphon's sake, since he's backwards. "You goin' ta be all right? Mebbe we ought ta push it up?" He arches a brow, though really doesn't seem to be struggling under the weight of it at all.

((Ah, yes. Okay. Don't mind me. And seems anyone wanting to take the stairs now has to wait, at least until we hit the second floor *laughs*))
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon shakes his head and chuckles slightly. "Nah, I'll be fine, good excercise walking backwards. You should try running backwards some time, it's harder than you'd think on your legs. Appreciate the concern though mate."

He doesn't seem to realize that's now the second time he's said that.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Eh, Ah prefer a different sort of workout. Served me pretty well so fah." His words seem to ring true, as Ian doesn't look like he's struggling too much to get the case up the stairs. Once they're out of sight of the group on the main floor, he quietly calls a halt to Siphon. "Ah'll take care of this lug of a thing. You just make sure the coast is cleah, allrighty?" And, provided he gets the okay from the other man, Ian hoists up the trunk with his telekinesis fully and just guides it along and up the stairs, heading for the third floor landing.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

((Please excuse the slight time warp in this. Simon is evidently just fast at cooking somehow.))

Simon watches the clock intently as the minute creeps to it's end. "Bing." he says filling in for the oven's lack of bing. First thing he's said today. He dons the oven gloves and removes the tray. Flapjack, as it should be. Not stingy on the syrup and only the correct amount of flour. Unlike most of that dry dusty stuff in shops. He separates it into portions, and leaves it aside the cooker to cool.

Simon then checks the oven is off and quietly goes to leave the room.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon nods, having a fair idea as to what Ian was planning. CHecking around, he doesn't see anyone at all, and flashes a thumbs up sign to Ian. "Looks good. Have to say, having you around to help out is very useful, thanks."
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"So you expect me to believe that you only arrived here yesterday when you left home four months ago?" Emily asks Art impatiently as they both enter the communal area, Emily still carrying the bags and Art in his pajama's.

"I had...stuff to do," Art replies though it sounds unconvincing.

"Like what? you were supposed to be here just before the end of term and yet you've only just got here? What was so important for you to get here late?"

"Nothing in particular, just...stuff.." Art sits down in one of the chairs as Emily dumps her bags and sits on the arm of Arts chair.

"Okay, you obviously dont want to tell me, I dont know why I bother worrying about you sometimes." Emily says in a huff. "Anyway, how have you been living so well with only £500?" She asks him, her anger seems to have gone.

"Oh I've been getting by, you didnt happen to pick it up before you got here, did you?"

"Luckily for you I did. At least one of us has to be mindful of these things, god forbid you remembering anything. Like meeting your sister for her first day of her new school."

"I honestly thought you were arriving in October. So whats happening in October that I confused that with?"

"Honestly Art, I'm surprised you remember anything at all. Your birthday is in October." She sighs in disbelief.

"Oh, right...Yeah, I remember now.."

"And I dont suppose you read that letter either, did you?"

"You mean that was for me?" Art answers with a look of surprise.

"Please dont tell me you gave it to someone else,"

"No, I uh....I disposed of it because the person I thought it was for was busy at the time...."

"You're an idiot, you know that?" She says to him half laughing. "Anyway, before I go over to my room theres a few things I've got for you." Emily gets up off the chair and grabs one of the bags, a duffel bag. "Here, Grey thought you could do with more Mythril so he managed to 'borrow' some from the stores." She then goes into another bag after handing him the duffel bag and pulls out a PSP and a mobile phone. "You left these at home," She says handing them to him. "You'll have about sixty or so text messages from me alone, and probably about that many from Aya." Emily picks up the other bags and throws them over her shoulder. "Well, I'm off to check out my room. Catch you later, big bro, oh and you want to spar later? I hope you havent gotten rusty in those four months."

"Sure that sounds good to me," Art replies to her before she leaves. "I'll catch you later." With that Emily set off for the girls dorm and Art lent back in the chair and lets out a sigh. "Looks like thats something else I need to keep from her," He says out loud to himself, neither paying attention nor caring if theres anyone else in the room.
Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

"Yeah, well, just don't get the idea Ah'm not much more than a pack mule," he says with a wink. Given that he's gotten the thumbs up, Ian isn't even using his hands to tote the trunk along at this point, relying solely on his powers to get it up the final flight of stairs and over toward Kyle's room. "Good. He remembahd ta leave the door open." It's a little amusing, though, to see Ian nudging the door further open with the case. "Alright, mate, where d'ya want this monstrosity?"

((And, looks like threadchange...))
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Re: Boy's Dorm (Communal Areas)

Siphon comes back down the stairs, hoping to spot Chris and Ben. If he does, he'd say, "yo Ben, Chris, got a few minutes?"

If not, he'd have to find them later.