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Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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One of the many two person rooms, this particular one is currently assigned to just one student. Only the standard beds and other furniture is present in the room.

That is, until the occupant arrives.

Kyle opens the door wide enough for Siphon and Ian to get the case through, and then takes off his somewhat trademark coat, throwing it over one of the desk chairs.

Once they get the case in, they'd notice that Kyle appeared to be waiting to speak with both of them, while at the same time doing some minor stretching.
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Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

((Carried over from the Communal area, since I missed this earlier.))

"Good. He remembahd ta leave the door open," can be heard from the hall. It's a little amusing, though, to see Ian nudging the door further open with the case. "Alright, mate, where d'ya want this monstrosity?"
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Siphon joins the two in the room for now. "Good workout huh Ian?"

He chuckles.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Ah might've sprained somethin', but then, my dad used to say that before all the wei'dness stahted." He chuckles, tapping the side of his head.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Siphon chuckles again. "Least your young enough to remember your folks. Ancient me here doesn't remember that much about them."

He doesn't appear down, but rather quite the opposite.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Kyle laughs slightly at the banter. "Just put it between the beds for now. I can shift it elsewhere once I've gotten the books out. And thanks for the help. The original plan was to try to use a pulley to get it in through the window."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Not a problem, and again Ian, thanks for the help."

A slight frown as he adds, "I hate to run on you folks, but I need to catch up to Chris and Ben to alert them of something of interest to them that occurred last night, can I catch you later?"
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"I have no problem with that. Just remember that you were going to tell me what the hell happened, as well."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

He nods. "Was going to tell you first, but since Ben showed up earlier than I expected and will want to move out soon, I should catch them while I can. I will look ya up later."

He turns to Ian and nods one final time. "Sorry I keep having to run out on ya Ian. I'll look for you later on today after things settle down and we'll catch up on things."

He heads out of the room, heading back for the communal areas.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

For some reason that Ian might not fully know, Kyle begins singing, starting in the middle of a song. "Work all night on a drink of rum. Daylight come and me wan' go home. Stack banana till de mornin' come. Daylight come and me wan' go home."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Yeah, the pulley, but ya were all outta C-foah." He chuckles, carefully maneuvering the chest to where Kyle indicated. "No worries, mate. Ah'll see ya when I see ya." He watches Siphon go, then turns back to the singing Kyle. "Well, if there's nothin' else ya need, Ah'll leave ya to yer bananas and yer rum. But if it's in theah, good thing you had me carryin' it up the stai's." He inclines his head and makes his exit, unless stopped.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Actually, the song has to do with a stunt I pulled earlier. And the only thing it the case is books. Thanks again for your help, though."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Anythin' Ah ought ta be aware of?" he asks of the stunt. "Or anywhere Ah might want ta avoid?"
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Kyle thinks for a moment, then responds, "Well, there will be the remains of a wooden shipping crate around that one large tree near A Building, as well as a parachute tangled in the branches of the tree. Might want to avoid the janitor for a while, since Siphon and I just left that stuff there."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Ian lets out a noise. "Appreciate the warnin'. Ah'm on relative good terms with the man, but Ah don't like ta press mah luck. If ya need any of that junk, Ah can help ya get it back heah, if ya want."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"No need. The only thing I needed it for was landing safely."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"And it seems ta have performed it's task nicely. 'Less of course, ya landed on yer head." He laughs. "Well, Ah'll leave ya t'yer unpackin'. Ah'm a floor down and a bit down the hall, if ya need anythin' else moved. Might be headin' out for a bit, though. Not sure."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Will remember that. Right now, I've got to unpack. Might also make since to stay put, since Siphon's got to be able to find me."
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

"Sounds like a busy day, then. Ah'll leave ya to it." Tipping his head in a final greeting, Ian heads off, leaving Kyle to his business.
Re: Boy's Dorm, Room 314 - Kyle Atreus

Kyle opens up the case, and begins pulling some of the books out. Most of what he pulls out are assorted notebooks, but there are a few hardbound books on a variety of scientific topics that also are removed. Most of the latter look like they should be in some university professor's office.

Most of the notebooks are just stacked on the upper shelves of the bookcase on the far end of the room from the door. The heavier books take up the lower shelves.