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Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Distance and the logical actions of a natural climate are vapid concepts to a daemon in control of her own realm, and so even though the majority of her realm was temperate there lay, only a short distance from the feast hall, a region not unlike the arctic peaks of the mountain range separating Crolia from Amazonia. One of the many jagged, snow covered protrusions of stone had been the sight of many battles, the broken arms and red splashes across fresh white powder and gray rocks painting a backdrop for the endless conflicts that were to take place there.

(Hilly region arena, currently preparing to serve as an arena for a fight already.)
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

The tall, fluffy-tailed dragonkin should've come to the hilly locale sooner. It reminded her of her home in mountainous Crolia, and as such had something of a calming effect after a rough few days on the battlefield. Nocri wouldn't have minded a brief return to the fort that served as her home. The tall, stone walls and taller square keep were a fitting home for a dragon-slash-goddess, as was her follower's immediate obeisance toward her whenever she returned home. She never had to teach them lessons about their place. When she retired to the lordly bedroom reserved entirely for her own use, her favorites would file in without a word and serve her properly until she was satisfied and dozed off.

Not that fighting to earn her own bed warmers wasn't fun in its own right. The dragonkin liked both breaking new beasts and returning to obedient ones, she was just beginning to long for a short vacation from all the willful rabble. A few recent encounters had created some disquiet in her prideful heart which made her desire her familiar bed and its usual visitors even more, and woe to anybody who came across her as she attempted to work through that. Her poleaxe was already bloodied that day due to her efforts at self-therapy, having left a few new corpses to eventually disappear under the snow. She'd also already relieved some additional frustrations on some human who mistakenly believed himself to be both a hero and a man until she'd beaten him into helplessness, used her magic to correct his false assumptions, and roughly introduced him to his feminine side. But Nocri's appetite was vast and, as always, she had no intention of returning to the feast hall until her every urge was fully satisfied. And so, moments after pulling out of the would-be hero and standing up -- leaving the now pregnant-looking former male discarded on the snowy ground like trash after she'd broken in his new womb with her seed -- Nocri had shifted away her cock, pulled up her pants, re-donned the discarded pieces of her plate armor, and had begun to search for more prey.
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

It had been a long time since Raisa had been to a place like this. She couldn't see it now, but had caught a brief glimpse of the mountainside through the powers of sight her mother had taught her to use. That brief glimpse was enough to evoke feelings of longing and nostalgia, even though she had never truly laid eyes on such a place, and as young as she had been when she had last set foot in one. Her father had lived on a mountain like this one, and she had to, until he banished her and her mother, refusing to tolerate her "weakness" in any child of his. Would he still believe her weak, if he saw her now? She wasn't certain she knew the answer to that.

The sound of footsteps in the snow and the clanking of plate alerted Raisa that she was not alone before even one with the gift of sight would have seen the stranger. The sound was distant and faint, but Raisa's hearing was impeccable. She did not know why she had been brought to this place, but she understood the rules of this world, or so she thought. They were surprisingly simple. She had spent most of her time here so far simply exploring, occasionally tapping into her powers to truly "see" her surroundings, but mostly just experiencing all the varied environments of this place, most so different from the monastery in the jungle where she had lived most of her life.

She understood that this meant that she would need to fight, and though she had not yet sought out any challenges she would take any directed to her. So far, none had done so. She wasn't certain if those she had met were simply busy or uninterested, or if it was her blindness which had dissuaded them. Had she been in a more confrontational mood she might have corrected such an assumption, proven that she was a capable warrior in spite of her handicap, but she had been more interested in exploring this place at the time. Now, however, another opportunity had presented itself.

"Hello." She called out, her voice still somewhat soft despite its volume, unused as she was to ever needing to shout. She did not know who it was she was hearing, only their direction and that they sounded fairly large and well-armoured. Both of those things might make for a difficult fight for someone like her, but she remained undaunted. With no fear of death, it would simply be a test of how far she had come, after all. She planted her staff in the light snow at her feet as she spoke, her tone respectful but firm as she had been taught, and facing her opponent-to-be despite being unable to make eye contact "I hope I an not interrupting anything, but you are a warrior, yes? I am seeking an opponent."
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

"What an interesting development," Nocri called in return as she spotted her challenger, her own voice far louder for experience at using it to order others around. Another raiju? What were the odds? Nocri had never seen another specifically of her kind in her life. She still didn't believe the other woman to be her equal by a longshot, but she was willing to show some respect to the little fluffy-tailed dragonkin if only for her bloodline. If she really wanted a fight though, Nocri would have no choice but to firmly establish her dominance and use the smaller woman to add to their number.

She rested her poleaxe on her shoulder as she strolled toward her apparent challenger, coming to stand a respectful distance away. She surveyed the other woman for a few moments, trying to make sure that her eyes hadn't deceived her and that her challenger wasn't some sort of mutated human playing at being something greater. Nocri could just feel it in her bones that it wasn't the case though, she could feel that the blind woman had the same gifts as her, and so she continued speaking. "I never thought I'd see another like me." In truth the other dragonkin hadn't been so small and nonthreatening, her existence would've angered Nocri and a fight for dominance would've been unavoidable. Because of how little of a danger the blind warrior looked to be, however, instead the larger dragonkin only found herself curious and amused at Raisa's presence. "A child of dragon and fox, aren't you...?"

"But even if we share that, it doesn't matter," she quickly continued. "You are no match for me, little girl. You are several heads shorter than me, hardly armed or armored for a proper fight, and blind, and not one of those things would earn you my mercy as I beat you into the ground. You don't look like you've even had your first kill yet, here or in the outside world. Save yourself the pain and find me again in ten years when you've got more experience under your belt if you really want a fight with me, or just skip all of that and become my wife instead."
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

Raisa found herself tilting her head upwards as the large woman approached, defying even her original expectations now that she was close enough to make a better guess at the woman's size. What was more notable, however, were her words. Like her. Raisa was sorely tempted to exercise her powers, to truly see the woman before her, but if she was to fight she needed to conserve all of her power. Raisa had to fight to keep her tail under control, her excitement only growing at the prospect of fighting one like herself. What better way to prove how far she had come? What better way to prove that her father had been wrong than to defeat one like her, but "strong"?

The woman's words only caused her expression her harden, her hands to clench tighter around her staff. "Do not underestimate me." She spoke through grit teeth, Pride demanding that she answer this insult, but she was used to it. She was used to being looked down upon, whether for her blindness, her sex, or her size. Many believed that she could never be a warrior, that she was wasting her time trying. Her father had been the first, but far from the last. One at a time, she had proven them wrong. She was still not yet skilled enough to defeat the masters back at the monastery where she had trained, but she had defeated every one of her fellow students despite her condition.

Just as she was about to speak up once again, however, the other woman made a comment that caused her to pause, her words dying on her lips. "Your... Wife? I apologize if I have misjudged you—are you not a woman?" Raisa asked, confused enough that the scathing reply she had been planning was forgotten. She only had the other Raiju's voice to judge by, but she had been sure it was a woman's voice.

"A-And... Who makes such a request to a stranger!?" She stammered after a moment longer, her cheeks flushing a little at the implication, just barely enough to be visible under her tanned skin. "No. Enough! I am armed as well as I need to be, and I do not need my eyes to fight. Will you accept my challenge, or will you not?"
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

"Yes. My wife," Nocri repeated with a laugh. For the little girl to be rattled by such a thing showed the level of difference between them in experience. It also happened to be a convenient button for the larger dragonkin to push. "You're right, I am a woman, but I've never let that stop me before. When I want a man or woman as my wife, I take them," she grinned, though Raisa couldn't see it. "And if you don't understand it just shows your inexperience with our shared gifts. But if you're so determined to have this fight, then as someone who shares dragon's blood I must accept. I'll just have to demonstrate the gap between our strengths. And perhaps when I'm done, I'll make you my wife anyway." The larger dragonkin didn't take a fighting stance with her weapon just yet, instead allowing her smaller counterpart to do as she would. But battle was inevitable now. Whatever respect she might bear for one sharing her blood, once the the shorter raiju was prepared for battle Nocri would show the other woman her place in the most primal way possible.
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 52, Status = Fine


Raisa activates Astral Wings.
Nocri does a silly thing.
Resistance: 49 vs 55, not a success unfortunately.

Raisa wins first initiative.

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 44/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP
Nocri: HP = 125/126, PP = 46, EP = 47/52, Status = Fine
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

"First, let me see how strong your will truly is," Nocri continued with a wicked grin. She dropped her poleaxe from her shoulder and, with one hand, pointed the deadly tip at her enemy. Her spirit gave a little stir as she set about using one of the raijus' natural gifts. "Describe to me what underwear you're wearing today," she commanded of the smaller dragon. It wasn't an ordinary command, but rather one enforced by bloodline magic behind the raiju self-proclaimed goddess's words. Nocri's willpower clashed with Raisa's own in a manner as physical as if she'd crossed weapons with the smaller dragonkin as she attempted to overpower the little woman's very soul into obeying her. But while Nocri's ego was a heavy thing and easily capable of overcoming most lesser beings, the smaller fluffy-tailed warrior managed to win the battle between their souls and wills and push hers back, leaving the larger dragon simultaneously annoyed and impressed.

"So it's not all just a brave front then? That's good! " Nocri called out as she finally took a proper fighting stance, taking her poleaxe into both hands as she readied herself to teach the smaller woman her place in a more direct manner. The larger dragon was feeling a strange mixture of emotions after her failed effort to order the little woman to humiliate herself. There was pride, of course, in that nobody defied her and nobody was her equal, and as such the blind dragonkin had to be put down. But what if, as a distant cousin of her species, she had finally found an opponent truly worthy of her in both power and station? Nocri's heart was pounding in her chest in a way she'd never quite felt before. She'd never wanted to conquer and take a mate so much before in her life. She had to win this fight, for so many reasons. "I want you to show me that you're truly worthy of our glorious lineage! Make me want you as a wife even more!" Nocri licked her lips, though the motion was probably lost on Raisa, as she waited for the battle to begin in earnest!
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Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

Raisa raised her staff slightly before slamming back down onto the stone below her feet, letting her power well up out of her body, and surrounding her body. After a moment of the chaotic energies swirling around her, they coalesced into the form of two large wings, draconic in shape, but seemingly formed from solid blackness, dotted by what appeared to be a reflection of stars in the sky. Her tail audibly thudded against the ground behind her as she shifted into a fighting stance, staff held defensively in front of her.

She waited for her opponent to finish any preparations she might wish to make, but was unprepared for what the other Raiju did instead. It wasn't just words, but power pressing against her mind, urging her to obey. A frown came over her face as she shrugged off the effects, worried about just how close that had come to working. She hadn't been expecting such a thing, not even knowing that she was capable of the same herself, and certainly not for so petty a question.

"Was that meant to be an insult? Do you still refuse to take me seriously?" Raise would have glared at her opponent, were she able. Instead she simply raised her weapon, not intending to simply stand around while the woman insulted her like that. Her other comments were somewhat perplexing to Raisa. She couldn't tell whether they were genuine or yet more insults. And what was this woman's obsession with wives? Regardless, it was not something she could afford to worry about now. "Enough of this. Let us fight, and I will show you."
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 46/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP
Nocri: HP = 125/126, PP = 46, EP = 47/52, Status = Fine


Nocri spends 10 EP for +reflexes with Spirited Warrior, then uses Falcon Guard, Heavy Metal, and Supreme Might!

Raisa spends 6 EP on Scrying for +to-hit and uses Stunning Blow, Golf Swing, and Supreme Might!

Nocri's Dodge = 19
Raisa's Attack = 87, hit.
Parry time!
Nocri's Parry DC = 88, vs Raisa's reflexes check of 71 on a natural 1, Raisa is parried. This gives Nocri a free attack because Falcon Guard.
Attack: 15 vs 27 on an incredibly pathetic roll. Still a miss though.

Raisa pays 9 EP and Nocri pays 10 this round.

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 37/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP
Nocri: HP = 125/126, PP = 46, EP = 37/52, Status = Fine
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Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

"Make me take you seriously, then!" Nocri called out as her final part in the exchange before the fighting began for real. The larger dragonkin felt no need to pursue her opponent, not just yet. There was an excitement building in Nocri's heart, but she still wasn't certain that the other woman was truly worthy of it. Raisa's ability to stand against the attack on her willpower might just have been a fluke, after all. So, as preparation for their first exchange Nocri simply stood her ground. She bent her knees only barely and leveled the point of her weapon at her opponent's face. And, to Nocri's surprise and open joy, the blind dragonkin didn't waste much time in bringing the fight to her, lashing out with her unusual staff. But Nocri's size and reach gave her an advantage, and she easily caught the woman's weapon with the hook of her poleaxe's blade, then turned it harmlessly aside. The larger of the dragonkins followed up by lashing out at the blind girl with the butt of her own pole-weapon, though she fell short of landing the hit.

But Nocri could feel the force of her opponent's blow in her own arms, even several moments after she'd parried it. If the attack had broken through her defenses, it would've actually hurt despite her resilience and despite the nature of the weapon. Realizing the power that the shorter woman packed only excited the taller raiju more. "Wonderful," she remarked, a wild grin growing on her lips. The primal fire that had sparked in her chest was growing far beyond her ability to control it. Nothing had excited the cult-appointed-goddess this much since before she was even a teen. Nor had she ever felt so sexually ravenous, for that matter. She had finally found a prize that she couldn't do without. "Very well... I admit that you actually are something worth taking seriously! You'd better not make me regret believing that!"
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

Raisa dashed forward, propelled by a beat from her new wings, and a pinprick of light shining from her forehead, just above her blindfold. For a brief moment she could perceive the battlefield, down to the most minute detail. It wasn't true sight, lacking colour or light, but it was enough to reveal her opponent's position and stance, along with the details of her weapon. Raisa struck with the end of her staff, a powerful thrust aimed up towards the taller woman's jaw, but while she had accounted for an attempt to block her strike, her opponent's reflexes were better than she had expected, the poleaxe catching even her swift strike and turning it aside.

Raisa was forced to dodge aside from an attempted reprisal, tracking the sound of her opponent's weapon in order to shift herself out of its path with a step to the side. She had never been very good at avoiding attacks without using her sight, but her opponent had clearly been on the defensive—her defence had been too much for Raisa to break through, but her counter was easy to avoid even for her. An strike made of opportunity, nothing more. Raisa was wary of what she might be like on the offensive—Even though she took pride in her own strength, Raisa had no illusions that she could match the other Raiju in pure might, not with the difference in size between them. At the very least, her opponent had finally acknowledged that strength, and seemed sincere about it this time. "I will try not to disappoint you." She replied curtly, not used to opponents who continued to talk during a fight.
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 37/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP
Nocri: HP = 125/126, PP = 46, EP = 37/52, Status = Fine


Nocri activates Enhanced Shell X = 7, costing 11 EP and 4 HP total. The optional bonuses are + Grapple and + Resistance vs hostile effects.

Raisa uses Scrying to make the next attack aimed against her automatically miss, but gives her the status penalty for it as well. Also scrying for + attack.
Then she uses Stunning Strike, Supreme Might, and Golf Swing.
Attacks: 46 vs 30, hit.
Damage: 98 - 53 = 45 damage.
Resistance for Stunned: 68 on a nat 20 vs 63
Resistance for Movement and Prone: 65 vs 58
Nocri wins both!

Nocri spent 11 EP and 4 HP, Raisa spent 10 EP

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 27/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP, defensive Scry unspent, Scrying Sickness -2d10 attack/dodge and -5 Resistance
Nocri: HP = 76/126, PP = 46, EP = 26/52, Status = Fine, Enhanced Shell X = 7, Upkeep = 3 EP 2 HP
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

(I was going to wait until tomorrow for this post but given that I've woken up due to this headache 3 times already, might as well do it now.)

The taller raiju was more sincere than Raisa would likely ever know. And in honor of her opponent's strength and the excitement she was feeling at the prospect of finding another of her kind who was so clearly a capable warrior, Nocri did something she rarely bothered with and used her blossoming daemonic powers to strengthen her own body. It, of course, wasn't uncommon that she changed her own body on a whim, but usually that was usually to shift a bit of mass from one place to another to accomplish something more efficiently. What she decided to do in the face of Raisa's strength and skill was to strengthen herself purely through the application of her own soul. She channeled her energy in order to make her scales more durable and her muscles stronger, though nothing outwardly changed.

Her lack of practice, however, meant that she couldn't fully focus both on controlling her inherent magics and defending against her opponent at the same time. During her distraction, Raisa managed a square hit against her. The resulting force behind the other dragonkin's staff was something well beyond what such a short, blind woman should've been able to create. Had Nocri been anything less than what she was, she might've been physically knocked backward onto the ground and left vulnerable to a follow-up. But the increased strength in her body saved her from that, however, and may have saved her from the humiliation of ending the fight without getting a single strike on her opponent.

Contrary to the rage she normally felt when she took a hit though, Raisa's blow only served to excite her further. She let out a laugh which was half grunt of pain as she stepped backward and brandished her poleaxe in order to dissuade the shorter dragon from following up. Her fur-covered dragon-like tail thumped against the ground a few times as it wagged to-and-fro in excitement. That such a small woman could put up such a good fight was nothing short of clear proof of the superiority of raiju blood. And during it all, a strange thought flitted through her head: Nocri wanted the other woman as a mate so badly that she wasn't sure she cared anymore which of the two had to carry their spawn.

Of course, that didn't mean that Nocri had any intention of giving up or being anything less than the clear dominant between the two. "I've terribly underestimated you, it seems. I'm actually sorry for that," she admitted aloud, as a simple courtesy to a fellow raiju. She still had strength left though, and her situation was still a ways off from being dire. The taller dragonkin expected that she wasn't going to need as many good hits to defeat the other woman as Raisa would need on her. She just needed to stop fighting so defensively and go on the offensive. "But I will make you taste my poleaxe as payback for that strike of yours."
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

Drawing upon her powers of sight in full for the first time in this fight, Raisa finally caught a true look at her opponent. The other Raiju was truly massive compared to her, what one would expect from a true child of a dragon. Nevertheless, she was not deterred from her course. If she could win this fight, she could truly prove how far she had come. How wrong her father had been about her.

In her mind's eye, visible even to her opponent as a glowing light emanating from the center of her forehead, she saw not her opponent's attack as she had expected, but something else. She had powers too, of a sort Raisa could not entirely comprehend, but it provided a chance to strike regardless. Abandoning her defensive stance, the diminutive Raiju dashed forward, taking the opportunity to break through her opponent's guard. She had to adjust her usual techniques for someone so much taller than she was, but the brief glimpse of her opponent that she had seem gave her enough to judge by.

She struck forward with her staff, driving the end into her opponent's chest with enough force to topple even one as large as the other Raiju. Unfortunately she had misjudged Nocri's strength, or perhaps it had been whatever power she had used to enhance her body, but it was a solid strike nonetheless, one that even her towering opponent must have felt.

As Rasia retreated before the other Raiju could capitalize on how close she had moved to strike—She did not want to test herself in a grapple against the larger woman, even as skilled as she was—her ears picked up something odd. Something disturbing the snow, then thumping against the ground. It wasn't solid enough to be her opponent's boots or weapon... her tail? It was only due to the similarity to her own that she was able to make the connection. Was she... excited? Raisa sometimes had a problem keeping her tail under control when she was excited, was her opponent the same?

"So you are finally taking me seriously, then? Good." Raisa took careful steps to the side, slowly beginning to circle her opponent's position as her ears remained alert for movement. The glowing light on her forehead having dimmed to a barely visible speck, but every detail of the battlefield and her opponent remaining vivid in her mind to prevent any missteps. "You would not be the first to underestimate me, but I intend to prove myself worthy of this bloodline, whatever might stand in my way."
Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 27/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP, defensive Scry unspent, Scrying Sickness -2d10 attack/dodge and -5 Resistance
Nocri: HP = 76/126, PP = 46, EP = 26/52, Status = Fine, Enhanced Shell X = 7, Upkeep = 3 EP 2 HP


Raisa makes a feint against Nocri using her tail.
Attacks: 80 vs 129.... But Nocri's base dice were 1, 1, 3 for an auto fail on her part. Nocri takes a -10 penalty to Reflexes checks, -2 per die to create Parry DCs, and -12 to attack rolls vs Raisa and Dodge against her next attack.
Then Raisa makes to smack Nocri in the face with a stick! Supreme Might, Stunning Strike, and Golf Swing all used.
Attack: 44 vs 32, hits.
Damage: 77 - 63 = 14 damage.
Reflexes vs Focus: 54 vs 44, Nocri is Stunned!
Reflexes: 54 vs 63, she is not moved backwards.

Nocri recovers from being Stunned.

Nocri spent 3 EP and 2 HP, Raisa spent 3 EP

: HP = 66, PP = 46, EP = 24/52, Status = Fine, Astral Wings X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP
Nocri: HP = 60/126, PP = 46, EP = 23/52, Status = Injured, Enhanced Shell X = 7, Upkeep = 3 EP 2 HP
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Re: Broken Blade Hill (ToC PvP Arena)

For once, Nocri didn't doubt her opponent's words. For once, she didn't scoff at the other woman's boast, or think her to just be talking bigger than she was. Garnering that level of respect from the taller dragonkin was probably more a curse than a blessing for the smaller one though. The self-proclaimed goddess's desire for the blind member of her race increased ever further. She decided that the other woman would be more than a wife, once Nocri had bested and bred her. Raisa was worthy of being Nocri's queen. She would give the tall fluffy-tailed dragon dozens of pure, worthy heirs and create a family which would subjugate the rabble and claim their lands, and Raisa herself be second only to Nocri in the realm that the latter intended to one day rule. But that fantasy had to start with winning so that she could claim her wife under the ancient laws of dragonkind.

And, in line with the dragons she so revered, Nocri decided to finally go on the offensive. Trying not to give away her intent, she kicked off into a charge at Raisa with her polearm leveled at the other woman as if to impale her. Such a straightforward attack wasn't her true intent, however. Instead, she had thought to exploit what she believed to be a weakness in the other dragon's style. Raisa's attacks had been very hard hitting, but linear. They worked particularly well against Nocri due both to her size and because she generally thought herself above dodging. This time, she'd try changing things up and seeing if she could bait out the other woman's staff into a predictable path that she could try to avoid before letting go of the poleaxe with her off-hand and grabbing the other woman.

Practice didn't quite meet theory, however, as the other woman was apparently a step ahead. A motion from Raisa's tail fooled Nocri into thinking that she might lash out with that instead, and when the larger, less maneuverable warrior moved to avoid the dangerous limb's expected trajectory she set herself in a position where she couldn't avoid the staff that followed up on it. Another blow came, like an anvil crashing against her body. She staggered away with the force of the blow rather than standing firm against it, in the hopes that she might lessen the damage. But even though her efforts succeeded in lessening the pain of the latest strike, the hit was aimed effectively enough to leave her dazed even through her plate armor. Nocri was forced to give up completely on her attack and step even further back with a wild, sweeping swing at the air just to force Raisa not to pursue so that she couldn't follow up and to buy herself some time to recover her wits.

But even following yet another failure to do anything of consequence to the smaller woman, the self-proclaimed goddess felt no aggravation. The experience was actually fun, if she was being honest. Fun in a way that she hadn't felt in at least a decade. To be forced to give it her all, adapt, and persevere against a woman who was her equal not just in power but in blood was something the arrogant dragonkin could not only accept, but enjoy. Raisa was no rabble, after all. She was a future queen, whether she knew it or not, and it was only appropriate that Nocri earn her properly. "I don't doubt that you will prove yourself worthy!" Nocri replied amicably toward the smaller dragonkin after shaking her head and reorienting herself, as she prepared herself for another exchange. "I'm going to have to work harder if I want to avoid being fuel for your quest."