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Broken (Group Thread)

Re: Broken (Group Thread)

"Well, I don't mind, but eh... mm, hold on."

She turns and starts towards the back of the store, but then stops again, remembering something. Her viney shell deflates, no longer squirming so much and wrapping itself close to her skin.

She spins and takes Jonas' right hand in a firm handshake. "Sorry about that. Can't be too careful, right? My name's Olivia."

She then continues back into the store, looking for the injured harpy she'd met - sort of - earlier.
Re: Broken (Group Thread)

The girl had remained near the back of the store and by the time Olivia moved back to investigate she seemed to have become a little less anxious about the situation. Still, she didn't remain still, her larger claws clacking lightly on the ground as she kept looking around, her gaze flicking back to Olivia every few seconds. Her wing seemed to be dropping less dust though.

"It's getting late. It's not good to stay down here when it's late. This place is left alone, dangerous hunting grounds for them. If you have what you want you should go... or follow, your choice, won't stay here though."

A distant howl makes the girl jump, causing her to lean awkwardly on her overgrown leg. She lets out a whimper and moves her good hand down to it, tightening the bandages which tinge a little more with blood. She muttered something quietly to herself, shaking her head before starting to move herself so she could get a look at Jonas from behind one of the shelves.

"I don't like company... but if you want to stay here I have space... just don't try anything."
Re: Broken (Group Thread)

"I would like to have some company again, at least for a while," Olivia replied to the avian's offer.

The noise catches her by surprise, and she jumps a little as well - considering that she'd not heard anything besides the wind all day, it was a little startling. She saw the girl flinch as she accidentally shifted her weight onto her injured leg, and winced in sympathy. Had she come looking for medicine? "What about you? Did you find what you were looking for?" she asked as she made her way over to the injured woman, keeping her voice low in case whatever made that noise was nearby. "Do you want any help, Ms., ehm...?"

Her eyes roamed the shelves as she walked, looking for any bandages or other kinds of gauze or cloth she could replace the bloodied bandages the harpy had wrapped her injury in. Perhaps some aspirin, or antibiotics...?
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Re: Broken (Group Thread)

Jonas had already gone to looking about the aisles of the small shop, scavenging for anything that might be useful or good for bartering in the near future. When he came across the avian woman, however, he stopped, and looked over her mutations with sympathy. "Poor thing. She's worse off than me." he says in a low voice, trying not to spook her, and realizing this was the set of shelves where Olivia had come from, the gears in his head slowly clicking into place. "Looks less human than me, but damn if she isn't more human than me." he thinks to himself, then goes about scavenging the shelves.