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BTCS Perseus, Interior


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The briefing room is immaculate, with a large oak table dominating the room. Diana moves to the head of the table, taking a console offline before using it to access the secure files that she copied. "Right... I made a copy of this secure file. Hopefully it gives us more information. While I do that check, let's talk about what we know so far."

"Peter Oswald has a mind like a machine. But he does have a mind, so he's at least partly human. We also know, based on other logs, that Andrew Duvois was trying to obtain this video, which purportedly led to the mental breakdown of Nicholas Tierney." Diana frowns. "I feel like we still don't have the whole picture, though."
Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

"Never do have the entire picture. Seems like we have enough to keep moving, though." Ariana said, setting her helmet down on the oak table.

"Send me a copy of the video. I could run a trace for subliminals in it, or anything else suspicious in the file itself." Alberik offered, using the outer speaker of the helmet itself.
Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

Whilst the captains of their own space-faring vessels would stroll in, and collectively discuss what little details they could glean from the... interesting Head of Sanitation himself, Kisal Noka found himself almost entirely confused about the situation that was developing; not only was it completely outside his past experience, what little military training he managed to secure from Diana's rather tolerant crew didn't do a grand amount to help, either.

As always he seemed content to remain off-centre from the others, whomever turned up; it was no meaning to seem moody, stand-offish or otherwise imitate the dark, brooding individuals found in the occasional film he watched out of curiosity, he simply preferred a spot in which to see more of the surroundings, canid ears, eyes and twitching nose all constantly on alert, even when the biologically engineered male tried to 'shut-down' mentally.

Waiting for a lull in the conversation between figureheads, he rumbled from his place, fingers dancing over each forearm of his in a slight show of nervousness. "If I may... I scented... unpleasant things, seen suggestions of horror, and heard... I feel out of place, Captain, my apologies - this is all..." He trailed off, feeling as though he was speaking out of place, words failing his brain for a awkward moment. Muzzle tipped down as he closed his bright eyes, ears flattening in slight embarrassment, before he straightened up, fixing his posture and bettered a sense of calm.

"...outside of previous remit, experience, confusing. The man you speak of - Peter Osweld - Oswald, smelled and sounded and moved much as a human did, but the stench of chemicals about as well as the noises surrounding the office makes it difficult to... determine if anything is alien about him, in... multiple senses of - meanings of the word - Captain and... it is... hm. What would occur, to make what happened there... happen? Must be considered very unusual, yes?" He tailed off with a tilt of the skull, ears perked, nose wriggling lightly, testing the recycled oxygen in the broadly lit briefing room.
Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

Kruttz made his limping way into the briefing room, a short bit after the others, with his Boyz apparently waiting at their shuttle. "Oi, so what's this video 'ave ta reveal?"

Oddly enough, the security encryption on the file seems to be a fairly standard version of the high-level security encrypts used by the Conglomerate executives... Fortunately, it's one that Diana has an access code for.
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Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

Diana nods, using the code to unencrypt the file, then sending a copy to Alberik. "File sent. I'm doing a scan over here as well." The cyborg does a full security scan on the file to ensure that it won't pose any threat when viewed. "I agree with you, Kisal. That man seemed odd. Definitely someone to keep an eye out for... but he didn't seem suspicious enough to stay and dig deeper."
Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

The scan revealed no further security, and Alberik's scans would show no signs of subliminals... Although there seemed to be an existing modification that seemed to erase the exact origin of the file.

The contents of it showed a "singularity incident". Wherever the file was from, numerous drone walkers and other robotics were on a rampage, slaughtering facility personnel. However, right as a Falcon VIII Riot Suppression Walker was entering center frame, a number of energy weapon shots, vastly different from known Conglomerate weaponry, ripped through the out-of-control walker from off-camera. As a second one moved forward to take its place, and apparently targeting the unknown attacker, a human-shaped armored form equal in size to the 3-meter tall walker launched into frame, punching the walker with some manner of small explosion occurring upon impact. As the second ruined walker fell, missile pods materialized and attached to the form's shoulders and two gatling-style weapons materialized and attached to the arms. A withering barrage of energy shots from the guns, as well as missile volleys appeared to level most of the rest of the drones. As a group of Falcons formed up to mass-fire on the form, one of its arm weapons shifted and reconfigured into some manner of cannon, which blasted the group using a single with the apparent force of an artillery shot.

A single melee-configured Guardian VI Defense Robot attempted to ambush the form by dropping from the ceiling, only to be taken out by what appeared to be a robotic feline of comparable size to a ground-based civilian cargo carrier. The form seemed to have some manner of symbol on the fronts of its shoulders, a central, stylized red mark with four protrusions at the diagonals, all edges outlined in silver. The feline had a cyan mark of some manner on its shoulders. Unfortunately, the video quality was too poor to get a clear image of either symbol, and shortly after the last kill, the video ended as the feline swiped a paw at the camera.
Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

"So we have... AI gone berserk, drones and walkers killing civilians. Human-shaped armored figure fighting the walkers. Defense bot attacking the human-shaped figure. Feline entity attacking the defense bot and the camera. It would seem that our humanoid and feline entities are defending the civilians, although that is not necessarily so. I suppose the next question is where. Alberik, you may wish to perform an independent analysis and search for possible locations." Diana starts an analysis of the background scenery, trying to find any detail that might help pinpoint the location.
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Re: BTCS Perseus, Interior

"No tampering with the recording itself, it doesn't seem staged or falsified. Location and recording data appears to be scrubbed however... Impossible to recover." The AI spoke once he received the file, already cross checking the images with anything publicly available for clues as to it's location. Tourist propaganda, news footage, architectural plans correlating to the structures on screen, on-site entertainment videos... It would be much easier if the video had been filmed at night, he could simply compare the night sky with starmaps.