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RPG RPG Maker Loli Shota [Butakoma 300g/ぶたコマ300g] びたみんクエスト2ND ATTRACT / Vitamin Quest 2ND ATTRACT (RJ354108)

how exactly do you recruit girls for the brothel part? I can only fight them, I don't know the trick to it.
how exactly do you recruit girls for the brothel part? I can only fight them, I don't know the trick to it.
As the male MC, you need to fertilise the female enemies to "recruit" them. (its some sort of enslavement magic)
I am stuck at the Kairi boss fight... is there a specific strategy? She is dealing like 800 damage to all party members in one round.
So I need to level up and get that spell or something?
It's like catching pokemon.

You have 4 abilities from the very beginning like Sarav said. The first 3 abilities drop their resistance by doing perverted stuff, the 4th ability is your pokeball (only that instead of throwing a ball, the MC will try to impregnate them). So, first use some of the first 3 abilities and on the third or fourth turn, use the last one (because after that the "police" will likely appear). If your attack is successful you will see the impregnation animation and the girl will be in the brothel.
Also, with levels you learn the spell to stop them from calling the guards.
I can't beat this stupid second boss, I get her down to the music changing, survive her attempted 1 hit slams, and then she starts muttering and death scythes my entire team. I can't kill her fast enough to stop it

seriously how do you even fight them to recruit them?
all i get after keep pressing z / space/ ctrl / x is end of convo,
the male mc ask if they should scout - then convo end, zit , nada

can someone make PROPER guide walkthrough while this game have no proper translation , what to do from here and how do you do it?
seriously how do you even fight them to recruit them?
all i get after keep pressing z / space/ ctrl / x is end of convo,
the male mc ask if they should scout - then convo end, zit , nada

can someone make PROPER guide walkthrough while this game have no proper translation , what to do from here and how do you do it?

It's either shift or tab iirc, maybe q e or r; just hit every key that you haven't already and you'll find it eventually. Also shame on you for casting aspersions toward those that spent hours upon hours to make the guide that already exists and is extremely helpful.
It's either shift or tab iirc, maybe q e or r; just hit every key that you haven't already and you'll find it eventually. Also shame on you for casting aspersions toward those that spent hours upon hours to make the guide that already exists and is extremely helpful.
maybe i should properly rectify what I said

PROPER ENGLISH clean guide, existing guide is a very mix with kanji names for boss and NPC, and a proper guide usually tells you what to do from day 1, current guide only tells you location unlock by order, enemies, npc loot available and etc

Shame on you for shaming me for that, as a non native english speaker, i was not shaming anyone but asking a proper clean guide, full in english and easy to understand - i even said "what to do from here and how do you do it?" should be easy to enough to know what i meant by that

Full 100% unlock walkthrough
Choice 1
Walk here -> meet this guy -> etc etc etc
your reply is anything but unhelpful misunderstanding , " It's either shift or tab iirc, maybe q e or r; just hit every key that you haven't already and you'll find it eventually." - turns out it was W, and i got that after hours scrolling non stop and triple read the guide slowly- they should had included that in control guide (ctrl fast skip, x - cancel , q and w for page scroll, etc)

i couldnt make the most out of guide despite you claim it helpful, sure it is helpful in certain way for you, but you gotta look for both side's view too, you can tell by how many time i edited this message to fix my wording and spelling, one can easily struggle to get better comprehension
Last edited:
maybe i should properly rectify what I said

PROPER ENGLISH clean guide, existing guide is a very mix with kanji names for boss and NPC, and a proper guide usually tells you what to do from day 1, current guide only tells you location unlock by order, enemies, npc loot available and etc

Shame on you for shaming me for that, as a non native english speaker, i was not shaming anyone but asking a proper clean guide, full in english and easy to understand - i even said "what to do from here and how do you do it?" should be easy to enough to know what i meant by that

Full 100% unlock walkthrough
Choice 1
Walk here -> meet this guy -> etc etc etc
your reply is anything but unhelpful misunderstanding , " It's either shift or tab iirc, maybe q e or r; just hit every key that you haven't already and you'll find it eventually." - turns out it was W, and i got that after hours scrolling non stop and triple read the guide slowly- they should had included that in control guide (ctrl fast skip, x - cancel , q and w for page scroll, etc)

i couldnt make the most out of guide despite you claim it helpful, sure it is helpful in certain way for you, but you gotta look for both side's view too, you can tell by how many time i edited this message to fix my wording and spelling, one can easily struggle to get better comprehension
You are being entitled and assholish about it.
i couldnt make the most out of guide despite you claim it helpful, sure it is helpful in certain way for you, but you gotta look for both side's view too, you can tell by how many time i edited this message to fix my wording and spelling, one can easily struggle to get better comprehension

Maybe you could put all that efforts into learning Japanese and solve the problem yourself?

The game come with a Manual folder that oh so helpfully points out how to use that "R button"(default, W key) so clearly the answer is already there, just not the way YOU want it and now YOU want SOMEONE ELSE to do it FOR YOU.
You are being entitled and assholish about it.

which part was entitled and assholish about it? its literally a question, and i was trying to be clear about it? if you dont offer anything constructive in the reply and wanted to just call me asshole straight , i dont ever recall i needed to have your approval or opinion in the first place but sure, feel free

Maybe you could put all that efforts into learning Japanese and solve the problem yourself?

The game come with a Manual folder that oh so helpfully points out how to use that "R button"(default, W key) so clearly the answer is already there, just not the way YOU want it and now YOU want SOMEONE ELSE to do it FOR YOU.

game come with manual in JAPANESE, wdym the answer already there? The reason i said what i said in the first place WAS BECAUSE its in japanese and language i dont understand, how does it helpful when you cant comprehend it??? and some part, of the guide is not in full english, i'd like to see a clean/proper translation for the kanjis, is what i said

its a request or hope that someone or anyone can do a full guide in the future,
and all that effort is just expressing myself about how im having hard time understand it, OBVIOUSLY if i can learn japanese easily i wouldnt say that?? Water is wet, wind is breezy, dont get japanese, go learn japanese, if that was the common solution, then there's no need for guide to exist in the first place - not really a good advice there, but since you already point the obvious before , i guess?

This replies offers nothing constructive and leads to nowhere
game come with manual in JAPANESE, wdym the answer already there? The reason i said what i said in the first place WAS BECAUSE its in japanese and language i dont understand, how does it helpful when you cant comprehend it??? and some part, of the guide is not in full english, i'd like to see a clean/proper translation for the kanjis, is what i said

its a request or hope that someone or anyone can do a full guide in the future,
and all that effort is just expressing myself about how im having hard time understand it, OBVIOUSLY if i can learn japanese easily i wouldnt say that?? Water is wet, wind is breezy, dont get japanese, go learn japanese, if that was the common solution, then there's no need for guide to exist in the first place - not really a good advice there, but since you already point the obvious before , i guess?

This replies offers nothing constructive and leads to nowhere

Even if they translate it, would you actually know what it refers to? Something like "Man-eating ruins" mean anything to you? Kuraara? Tabatha? Susuno?
If you're using some kind of translation patch, and they translate some stuffs differently, are you gonna come back here and 'request' we also follow that person's way of translating? or will you go bug them to change their translation for YOUR convenience?

Keeping names as seen is so people can VISUALLY recognize the name without having to understand it.
If they see 'お前は馬鹿だ', all they need to find is 'お前は馬鹿だ', they don't need any further explanation.

You said earlier you're non-native English speaker, have you ever consider putting whatever effort you put into learning English into learning Japanese too?
The internet have plenty of resources to study for free, you're just too damn lazy and would rather be begging people work for you in 'your way' (and for free)

Also, if you think guides are only for people who can't understand the game's language, you clearly are missing the point of what guides are for.

'offers nothing constructive and leads to nowhere' was where you started
Even if they translate it, would you actually know what it refers to? Something like "Man-eating ruins" mean anything to you? Kuraara? Tabatha? Susuno?
If you're using some kind of translation patch, and they translate some stuffs differently, are you gonna come back here and 'request' we also follow that person's way of translating? or will you go bug them to change their translation for YOUR convenience?

Keeping names as seen is so people can VISUALLY recognize the name without having to understand it.
If they see 'お前は馬鹿だ', all they need to find is 'お前は馬鹿だ', they don't need any further explanation.

You said earlier you're non-native English speaker, have you ever consider putting whatever effort you put into learning English into learning Japanese too?
The internet have plenty of resources to study for free, you're just too damn lazy and would rather be begging people work for you in 'your way' (and for free)

Also, if you think guides are only for people who can't understand the game's language, you clearly are missing the point of what guides are for.

'offers nothing constructive and leads to nowhere' was where you started

"You said earlier you're non-native English speaker, have you ever consider putting whatever effort you put into learning English into learning Japanese too?"

English was one of the basic language you learn as you grow up, YOU GROW WITH IT, at least in SEA (South east asia) - ALL school have english, since kindergarten
you can see almost every country have english class since kindergarten, and you literally compared english with japanese, idk if ur a troll or seeking attention,

"Keeping names as seen is so people can VISUALLY recognize the name without having to understand it.
If they see 'お前は馬鹿だ', all they need to find is 'お前は馬鹿だ', they don't need any further explanation."

this is PURELY subjective, just because its easy recognize to you, it doesnt apply to others, not everyone is the same as you, to others they look LITERALLY moon runes, hard to recognize,

"Kuraara? Tabatha? Susuno?"
Literally my point for having fully translated, you know whats the difference the original and the one you said? I can READ them, I can PRONOUNCE them

'offers nothing constructive and leads to nowhere' was where you started"
literally my point with your reply, you just compared the difficulty of learning english ABC with japanese kanji, what did i expect from someone that cant look it from other's perspective,

you either a troll or seeking attention, idk what further replies you gonna say onward since the last two is pretty moot but i rather not stoop to the level to argue with stranger in hentai website, all my reply has been me repeating myself to point the point that you MISSED and then you point them out, then i repeat myself again over and over
"Kuraara? Tabatha? Susuno?"
Literally my point for having fully translated, you know whats the difference the original and the one you said? I can READ them, I can PRONOUNCE them

You can read/pronounce them, but do you KNOW who/what those are?
I didn't pull those names out of thin air, those are from the game itself.

If after I translated it you still can't follow the guide then what is the point besides your own tiny whiny ego.

you either a troll or seeking attention

Because I clearly wanted more of your posts /s

but i rather not stoop to the level to argue with stranger in hentai website

after already doing so in multiple posts? this is like those cliche "we'll get you for this" line from typical nameless mooks.
You can read/pronounce them, but do you KNOW who/what those are?
I didn't pull those names out of thin air, those are from the game itself.

If after I translated it you still can't follow the guide then what is the point besides your own tiny whiny ego.

Because I clearly wanted more of your posts /s

after already doing so in multiple posts? this is like those cliche "we'll get you for this" line from typical nameless mooks.

You can read/pronounce them, but do you KNOW who/what those are?
I didn't pull those names out of thin air, those are from the game itself.

If after I translated it you still can't follow the guide then what is the point besides your own tiny whiny ego."

im gonna reply to this one thing since you keep missing the point.

imagine this, dont imagine too hard tho, im gonna use a translator for this so dont expect much
read a comic, read a magazine, read manga, newspaper, or novel

ハリー・ポッター casted expelliarmus!
" I love you" - ジェームズ said

see my point? remember when i said that not everyone is the same? some people when read something, even if game dialogue, will read it with certain voice in head - like in the text guide

|1st Map:アーマ・ナ森林.中央 Loot:
|不思議な蕾 x3
|2nd Map:アーマ・ナ森林.北 Loot:
|にやついたお面 x1; 神樹森の導き 独咲 x1; 剛毛モミアゲ x1
|3rd Map:アーマ・ナ森林.西 Loot:
|伝達:アーマ・ナの息吹 x1; 咲き誇る蕾 x1

| **Main Quest**
|-> 1st Map:食人遺跡 1F Cutscene
|-> Make your way to the Boss room
|-> 3rd Map:食人遺跡 B2 Cutscene
|-> 4th Map:食人遺跡 B3 Cutscene: Enter the 2xBoss (Save 08)

|1st Map:リオカフ丘陵.南 Loot:
|増幅のカケラ:橙 x15; 増幅のカケラ:紫 x15; エルフの作った飲み薬 x1; アリュリア草 x1;
|増幅のカケラ:赤 x15; 増幅のカケラ:青 x15; 増幅のカケラ:緑 x15
|Side Map:リオカフ丘陵.宿屋 Loot:
|全体増幅:防御力+3 x2
|2nd Map:リオカフ丘陵.北 Loot:
|増幅:HP+100 x2; 紫色の毒液 x2; アリュリア草 x2; 増幅:MP+30 x2

see my point yet? At least to me, in my perspective, my brains can only pickup what my eyes can see and read, 1st man, boss room, B2 Cutscene

now imagine that a full readable (to me and anyone who doesnt know japanese) sentences, it would EASIER to understand? Like how everytime you reply to me in ENGLISH, its easy for me to understand you and your reply

NOW imagine you been talking in Japanese mixed with english, i wont even get half the stuff of you trying to say or none at all