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C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

Part 4.

Time to continue.

1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.
Blue body suit.

Celia, after a short rest, continued walking north through the jungle. She was over halfway to the location where the SOS signal was created and sent from. It was only a matter of minutes before she would reach the location. During the entire walk Celia had heard very faint sounds. like something was brushing through the trees and bushes. What freaked Celia out was it was the only sound she kept hearing, other then faint wind now and again. It was possible that the life on this planet only came out during the day, but Celia doubted it.

After only a few minutes Celia reached a clearing. Her eyes opened in horror and her mouth dropped open. There were five maimed and dead bodes in the clearing. Three men two women. Their bodys were torn apart and there clothing were ripped to shreads. They were all close to a small ship. Celia then immediately activated her gauntlets laser. Something deadly was in the area. The dead people in this clearing were ill equipped to handle whatever did this.

1.) Celia investigates the crashed ship.
1.A) Celia goes to investigate the crashed ship but is attacked by something.
2.)Celia flee's the area.
3.) Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


She sounds like she's a trained... officer? Mercenary? In any case, she's involved with the military and was contracted/ordered to deal with a potentially disastrous situation... so I don't think she'd outright flee. Be shocked and ill, maybe, but she sounds like she's made of tougher stuff.

And... if I'm going to stick to my guns of following cinematic tradition of pumping up the drama, then obviously she has to get a little better of an idea of what's going on before she gets into the action. XD That's just me, though.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

Whatever attacked the crew isn't going to be scared of her, it's probably just waiting to make its move or even on the ship. Just waiting for her to be caught offguard.
Part 5.

Time to continue.

1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.
Blue body suit.

Celia decided it was time to do her job and investigate. There could be more survivors or something of importance, possible on the ship. Iris, with her gauntlet still activated and ready to fire, walked over to the parked ship. unlike hers it was in a lot better condition. It wasn't burrowed into the ground. As Iris began to walk over to the ship something surprising happened. The ships side entrance swung open, a person halfway popped out of the doorway. A slightly taller, older, and slender woman appeared. Her face showed shock and disbelief. She had mint green eyes and very long black hair. She wore a similar body suit like Celia's, only it was a dark shade of red. The woman had a device on her wrist, but it wasn't a gauntlet. The woman then looked around, looking panicked, then looked at Celia and said " Quick! Get inside! It's going to show up again!" She seemed to have a lot of fear in her voice.

With that Celia dashed to the side entrance of the ship and climbed inside, being assisted by the woman who helped pull her in. The woman slammed the door shut and locked it. Celia, trying to be professional, said in her calm voice " Ma'am. My name is Celia, Elisabeth Clara. I was sent by the Earth government to investigate a distress signal that came from this location. Would you mind informing me on wh-" Celia was cut off there by the woman. She began franticly saying " M-me and my crew were pulled into this planet while we were flying by it! We managed to get an SOS signal out but after that the ship shut down! Somehow we managed to land it but we couldn't get the ship to activate again. After we got here my crew and I went outside. When we did... Th-this big, hairy, purple, beast came from nowhere! My crew attempted to kill it but... It slaughtered everyone! I managed to get myself inside and lock the thing out of here. It's been stalking the ship since..."

Celia didn't know what to do. Her ship was totaled and this one was without power. Her and this mysterious woman were stranded here together with some giant thing outside ready to kill them. Iris thought hard. She could wait for help or a search and rescue party to show up. Or she could try and kill whatever the hell was outside. With her weapon she was sure she could do it, although it was very risky.

1. Celia stays inside the ship and talks with the woman.
2. Celia goes outside and attempts to kill the beast.
3. Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


She already figured out everything important from the woman for now. Staying on the ship and waiting for rescue won't work, all the ships are being brought down. They're going to be stuck there if they don't beat the beast.

After the beast is dead (or at least chased off) we can talk more and work on a plan to get off the planet.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

2 - She won't just hide and wait. And even if there would be any rescue - The Ship(s) would crash or be without power so first: Kill that beast.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


Sit tight and come up with a plan to kill the thing rather than just run out and hope she kills it first. Also strengthing the defences on the base might be a good idea.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


It killed off 5 other people and now you think that one person can kill it? Unless they were wearing red shirts, I'd have to say no.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


It killed off 5 other people and now you think that one person can kill it? Unless they were wearing red shirts, I'd have to say no.

+1 win for the Star Trek reference.
Part 6.

Time to continue.
By the way, to everyone who votes and reads, thank you.
1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.
Blue body suit.

After a bit of thinking Celia had made her mind up. She was going out there and was going to kill the beast. She figured the only reason that thing killed those five people was that they didn't have any weapons. Celia looked over the woman, knowing she wouldn't approve of this decision, and said " Ma'am. I'm going out to han-" The woman that cut Celia off, grabbing her by both shoulders and began talking. She said " N-no! It will kill you! Three of my crew members were armed! The thing moved to fast for them to aim and shoot it! You need to stay here or you will die!" Celia didn't know how well trained and how strong this womans crew members were. Celia was above average when it came to things like this and her laser was military standard issued and stronger then a standard blaster that most normal people got. Celia gently brushed the womans hands off and said "Ma'am, Ill be fine. Just stay in here alright?" The woman, not wanting to argue farther, put her arms down and slowly nodded. She had a look of gloom and sadness in her blue eyes.

Celia opened the side hatch of the ship and hopped out, the woman shut the door as soon as Celia was out. Celia stood still for a moment, just waiting. She had, had a feeling that something was stalking her on her way here, now she knew her feeling was correct. The thing that had killed the womans crew had been stalking her. It wanted to do the same thing to her. Celia looked to her right to a moment, seeing the dead and destroyed bodes of the blonde womans crew. Celia promised herself she wouldn't share their fate and would avenge their deaths.

Celia soon heard the sound again, the sound of flesh scraping against trees and bushes. Soon Celia heard a very low pitch growl. It sounded something like a bear or a dog, or... A gorilla? Soon, after only a moment longer of waiting it happened. A beast the size of two fill grown gorillas slowly emerged from the trees, staring Celia right in the eyes. Celia thought it was one of the ugliest things she had very seen in her entire nineteen years of life. This thing had a thick coat of dark purple hair, it seemed frizzed and messy. There was mud, dead plants, and twigs all within its thick coat of fur. It's body was big and thick, shaped a gorillas just twice as big. It had two big muscular arms and hands, same for legs and feet. It's head resembled a gorillas, only it had giant, yellow teeth sticking out from its mouth. It's eyes were a bright shade of red, a lot brighter then Celia's dark red eyes.

Celia knew this thing was about to attack, she could tell just by seeing how pissed off this beast looked. Celia stood her ground and aimed her weapon. She was staying her ground she observing the beast even more. It was the pure definition of ugly. The thing then suddenly began growling out loud, loud enough for anything within a two mile radius to hear it. It was so loud Celia had to clasp her ears shut to keep them from bleeding.

The beast then stopped its loud growling and like a bolt of lightning began running at Celia on all fours. Celia hardly had enough time to think, but managed to jump as far to the left as she could. The monster went barreling past where she was and smashed right into the blonde womans ship! It smashed in, head first, and bounced off stumbling backwards facing the right. The thing was in a lot of pain and grasped its head with its right hand trying to ease its own pain. Celia, on the ground to the left, knew this was her only chance. She aimed and fired her laser and the thing, hitting it directly in the back.

1. The big, purple, gorilla dies. Celia goes and inspects its dead body then goes back to the ship.
2. The big, purple, gorilla screams in pain and runs off. Celia returns to the ship.
3. The monster is hurt but attacks again.
4. Other.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

Also 3!

Can't make this encounter be too easy if it murdered the entire crew like this.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

I guess you all want to see the fight continue huh?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

I vote 3. However I also insist that Rose give Celia first aid treatment before the twosome get more involved. Else Celia won't be able to reciprocate, or indeed be very interested. Aching muscles, creaky bones, and assorted scrapes and bruises and all that would certainly take away from her interest, so let's get her hopped up on painkillers first.

Of course this assumes that "Rose" here is indeed a (the) surviving crewmember of the crashed ship, and not some shapechanger or other native trying to get in Celia's pants...
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.

I vote 1.

This is not the reaction people typically want after just meeting someone then being battered around by a giant purple gorilla thing.