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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul found Will sitting behind his desk in his office, looking a combination of bored, worried, and pissed off.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Oy, Will. Got a minute?" Przemek waved at the man. He was back to his usual personality - that is, merely annoyed - and wanted to get this out of his hair as soon as possible. After such a clusterfuck, he felt that he deserved a big, big meal. Or a two. He wasn't entirely sure, but the idea of two meals in one appealed to him more and more with each passing second he spent thinking about it. Still, duty first. He could salivate himself to his heart's content later. "About that whole thing with Ashley... I suppose I should fill you in? Speaking of her, how is she doing?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will motioned for the ghoul to come in and have a seat. After he had and closed the door, Will spoke.

"Well, we're not really sure. Henry went down to talk with her and run tests and she passed out on him. None of our medical scans are showing anything out of the normal other than blood pressure is about where one would expect it to be after something traumatic. That worries me a bit that there seems to be nothing wrong with her, yet she's out cold."

Sensing perhaps the next question, or deciding to cut the ghoul some slack, Will also added, "and as for Miranda ... She's not doing so well. She lost a fair amount of blood and the big guy is still working with Magnus to remove pieces of the bullet from inside her. She got hit with an explosive tipped round, it fragmented inside her shoulder. Magnus thinks she'll live, but it could be months before she's fully able to use that arm again. Still an outside chance that she could lose it."

Letting out a sigh, he looked squarely at the ghoul.

"What the hell happened out there anyway?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Another long moment passed while Alec continued thinking in overdrive about how to respond, when he had a sudden realisation.

"Actually... it's just occurred to me that I don't know where our rooms are yet. Though I guess now we have an excuse to find out."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul frowned as he processed the info. "Shit. This does not look good." He grumbled, taking a seat and wondering how to relay the information. Deciding to start from the beginning, he began to speak. "Things went like this: it started with Ashley calling me for help with checking out that Cabal facility on our turf. When I got to the meeting point, I only found traces of her presence and evidence of a struggle, so I called you for reinforcements. I tracked the bastards to their home, though they seemed to be preparing to bail out. Stallers was there, Miranda recognized the bitch. We entered the facility through an unprotected entrance and began to explore. Before finding Ashley, we've come across a helipad, with a chopper preparing to take off. Stallers was there, but we were also spotted and Miranda got hit before anyone else could take a shot. We've sent her back along with the new chick while Mikki and I continued to search for Ashe."

Przemek paused to let out a sigh. Will was not going to like the news. "When we found her, she was being tortured by some sick bastard... He used some kind of machine to create electric shocks. At that point, I just lost it and gutted him completely while Mikki got Ashley free. We've bailed, especially since earlier I've spotted something that could have been a bomb being carried into the building. We took the underground route, but Ashley woke up on the way. She seemed to be in fairly good state, despite the treatment she got... Unfortunately, it seemed that Stallers was planning to use her for something. Ashley told us she remembered being injected with something, and told that she'd help Cabal bring down the Sanctuary or some shit. I've got no idea what they might have used on her, but considering who was involved, it was most likely something special. And that can't be good."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will listened, an unreadable mask on his face.

"Well, Henry said he found no sign of anything in her, no bio-readings that come across as out of the ordinary. Though the fact we don't know why she's out cold suggests it's something we're not picking up. No idea what could cause that and not show up on scans, may have to run some additional blood work, dig deeper."

Will paused for a moment, then added, "you said Stallers was there. I know it seems insignificant but ... how did Miranda react when she saw her?"

Melissa smiled again at Alec.

"Follow me, I have an idea."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Insignificant?" The ghoul snorted. "Yeah right. There's bad blood between those two, that much is obvious. Well, I don't know if Stallers recognized Miranda or no, but our girl was not pleased to see her." Przemek frowned as he recalled the details. "She was angry... Not completely mad, mind you, but obviously upset. Shocked, I guess... Maybe a little afraid? She had nothing against killing Stallers if we had the chance to do so, and when talking about her she used words not fit for public use. Whatever queen bitch did to Miranda, she did not forget." He stared at Will. "I assume you know the details."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will was silent for a moment before slowly shaking his head.

"Afraid, definitely not. Pissed, yeah you could say that. Don't tell her I told you this, but Stallers is responsible directly for the death of Miranda's father, and the only person she ever had fallen in love with. So yeah, she has plenty of reason to want to kill her. For a long while we had to keep her off of duty, this is before you joined us actually. After a while she got it through her head she couldn't just go all gung ho looking for a fight. So yeah, seeing Stallers today was there, definitely needing to know how her reaction was."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek scratched his chin as he processed the information. "I see... Well, that certainly explains things." He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I think she has enough self control to keep herself in check... Or at least had. Don't know how she will take that last shot." The ghoul looked back at Will. "I don't think we can count on her to stay completely collected when Stallers is around, but I think she took your advice to heart. Anyway, is there anything else you'd like to hear about? It's been a long day and I'm freaking starving." As if on cue, Przemek's stomach let out a rumble.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will shook his head.

"No I think that about covers things now. I'll fill Magnus in when she's free, go get something to eat."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Alright then, I'll see ya later. Tell Magnus I said hi." Przemek stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He was glad that Will didn't bother to ask about the bug he was chasing earlier - explaining that was something he really didn't want to do. Hopefully no one would remember about it in this mess. Shaking his head, the ghoul quickly made his way to the kitchen, where he started to prepare his meal. Deciding that he deserved something special after this meal, he set out to prepare the biggest pizza he could, with several layers of cheese, meat and hot sauce. Lots and lots of hot sauce. He knew that some people complained he tended to use too much of it in his cooking, but he didn't care. It was HIS food, after all. Touching it was a death sentence.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((Moving some events along. Your characters are mostly free for a short period of time, no need to say what they have been doing. This is just to get the next phase going.))

After some indeterminable time, Melissa got up and smiled at Alec.

"I'll be back soon, going to find that Will person and tell him we're taking this room. Don't go too far without me."

Chuckling slightly, she got dressed and walked out, leaving Alec to mull over exactly just what in the hell had happened, and what he had gotten himself into.

Some more time passed, and Alec might have started to drift off when suddenly alarm bells went off like crazy. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out alarms going off in a place like this meant something BAD was happening.

Elsewhere across the Sanctuary, the alarms were going off as well. Anyone who checked the alarm panels near them would see that the origin of them was the medical bay on level six.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki had been sitting against the wall near the library, reading once again, when the alarms went off. First thing she did was set the book down and try to find someone to ask what was going on, heading off towards Henry's usual haunt, since he rarely left anywhere...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul's reaction to the alarm was rather predictable. Quickly chewing down what was left of his meal, he lunged towards the nearest alert panel, took one good look at it, then let out a string of horrible curses and bolted towards the medical bay. He was willing to be he already knew what was going on, and he didn't like it one bit. Pushing through everyone who happened to get in his way and constantly swearing he ran, hoping that for once this would turn out to be a false alarm. Otherwise he wasn't sure whether he wouldn't end up doing something horrible to people responsible.
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Rousted from his daydreams by the alarm, Alec pulled on his clothes and ran off back towards the main lab, hoping to find someone who could clarify what was going on.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki found Henry in his lab, trying to pull up video from the medlab while talking to Magnus on the radio.

Przemek got about half way to the med lab when the Big Guy nearly walked into him as he rounded a corner. Something ... didn't look right about him though, he seemed far paler than usual, and he acted like he didn't even see the ghoul at all.

Alec nearly ran into John as he came around one of the corners, not far from his starting point.

((And here we go, muhahaha.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki walked around to behind henry, trying to see what was going on ont he screen he was looking at. "Enry, 'at's rong?" She asked when there was a break in his radio conversation.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

This was, perhaps, the worst possible encounter for the ghoul under those circumstances. The moment he saw the Big Guy, Przemek's anger was replaced by pure panic and fear. Letting out an ear splitting shriek, he rapidly turned around and ran in the opposite direction, away from the yeti. Only after covering a decent distance to ensure that the "threat" was out of sight did he calm down and tried to get to the med lab again, but taking a different route this time, to avoid meeting the abnormal he just saw. As much as he hated it... He just couldn't get over that irrational fear. It was a part of him, as much as his claws.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry looked back to Mikki as he replied.

"Not sure, the med bay alarms started going nuts and about the same time I lost all video feed in the whole damn section. Can't see a thing down there, which could mean someone or something hostile is already on the inside and knows how to mess up our systems."

The ghoul might take note as he fled that the Big Guy remained oblivious to him even after his performance. He didn't follow, though the ghoul could hear him stagger down the hallway until he was far away enough to no longer be in earshot.

When he had calmed down and started moving again, he found a secondary hallway that led where he wanted to go. As he moved through though, he saw one of the wall cameras. Or rather, what was left of it.

It had been smashed to pieces with strength that surpassed anything a human could manage, clearly no longer functional. As he continued to move towards the source of the alarm, his senses picked up two things.

First, there was a heavy scent of blood in the air. As if something were bleeding massively. Second, and perhaps most disturbing, was that he could sense something that smelled not unlike Chris's scent, yet it didn't seem to be an exact match.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Now that he was away from the Big Guy and much calmer, Przemek began to take note of the yeti's weird behaviour. The ghoul didn't have time to ponder this, though, as he quickly found signs of something passing through the corridor. Something powerful and aggressive, if the remains of the security camera were any evidence. This was, however, nowhere near as alarming as the scents he picked up on his way to the lab. Blood, and lots of it. And on top of that... Something unknown. Something dangerous. His instincts warned him not to go there, but he knew someone had to investigate and he was one of the few operatives on site equipped to deal with dangerous specimens on the loose. Still, with his animalistic side raising warning flags, he decided to err on the side of caution and move slowly. He began to look around for other means of approaching the lab than corridors - those were the most obvious routes and therefore, the most dangerous ones. He'd have called Henry if he could, but alas, he didn't bother to replace his cellphone - he didn't think he'd need one so quickly. For now, he'd have to rely on stealth and observation.
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