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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah shrugged at the questions. "I got no idea, as I just got here..." Sarah admitted, shifting her feet awkwardly as she looked to Mikki for some assistance.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Alec mentally sighed as Druitt mentioned yet another thing he'd never heard of.

"Lazarus virus? What does that mean? Oh and speaking of my friend, she ran off a while ago and I'm not sure where she is. If there's trouble then your people might want to keep an eye out for her."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I... Don't really know." The ghoul admitted. "Though if I recall what Henry said correctly, Chris was the one who discovered this... And he's got Magnus and Tesla coming his way, so they should be able to handle him, I think." Przemek added, forgetting that Will was likely unaware of the fact that Tesla was alive and inside the Sanctuary. "If you ask me, I think that Big Guy might have caught that from Miranda, since he did the surgery on her. That bullet wound she took... They must have used an infected shell." The abnormal scowled, feeling his anger spike again. "Listen, go and get to Magnus. Tesla proposed we use our supply of source blood or whatever to make a cure. I'll remain here and intercept Miranda if she goes berserk. I've got enough power to take her on and my immune system might resist the infection."

Yet even as he said that, the ghoul wasn't so certain about that last bit. Sure, he had a superhuman, fast-acting immune system to supplement his rapid regeneration ability in case he ever sustained wounds from a poisoned or infected source and could replace dead cells at a staggering rate, a fact he had tested more than once. But Lazarus was something else - it was artificially created as a weapon. As confident as his voice was, Przemek wasn't too eager about the possibility of going even more apeshit than usual.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki remained on the ground as Henry went to work scanning them all, her tail ceasing it's back-and-forth flicking to coil around herself, the tip of it resting in one of her hands, to keep it out of the way. She let Sarah answer Magnus' question first, but when they both looked at her, she spoke up as well. "E was jusst all angry, 'Elen. I 'ound him when 'Enry sent me, and 'Igguy was in the 'all, looking ssick. I 'rought 'im in 'ere, and then he jusst... Ssnapped, angry. I tried to talk to 'im, 'ut e didn't 'anna, then Chris and Ssarah got here, and 'Igguy looked like he was gonna attack them insstead, so I grabbed him." She said all in a rush, shaking lightly and pointing out the grooves in her forearms, the wounds almost healed in the few minutes she had been sitting there. "'Igguy sstruggled for a little bit, then just went to sssleep. 'Een like that e'er ssince..." She finished, looking over to the subject of her retelling, still on the couch.
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen frowned, not liking the story she was hearing.

"Damn, so a little while then. We've screened everything that has come in here though how ... oh dear lord, the wound..."

Chris tilted his head for a moment, looking at her.

"What wound?"

Magnus looked back at him, eyes wide.

"Miranda was brought in with a gunshot wound, special bullet designed to pierce her skin. Biggie did most of the surgical work, they must have laced the bullet with Lazarus to start an infection. That means though Miranda is likely infected as well, we already know Lazarus hits them hard. Could you ..."

Chris let loose a growl that sounded a bit more throaty and demonic that it should have from him, finishing Helen's sentence after she cut off.

"I'm on it. Bay One?"

Helen nodded, and Chris took off at a dead run.

Henry finished his tests, going over the results twice to be certain, then looked up at Mikki and Sarah.

"Well, good news for you both. Looks like Lazarus doesn't have any effect on you folks. Traces of it in your system, but it's dead. Looks like you're completely immune."

Tesla thought a moment before speaking.

"We need to get him to a secure medical room then. Typical restraints won't hold him, and more than likely his strength will be enhanced under the influence of the virus. After he's moved, I'd like to begin testing to try and reverse this Helen, immediately."

Helen nodded, motioning for Sarah and Mikki to follow them, more as a backup than anything.

John shot Alec a look, then spoke.

"The Lazarus virus causes infected abnormals to become hostile and attack anyone or anything in their path, sometimes increasing their strength. As for your friend, well this may be coincidence but the alarm that was pulled is coming from the same medical lab she was brought into when we got here."

Will looked at the ghoul for a moment, probably about to ask him if he was sure, then decided better of it.

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can. Watch yourself, and don't let those snakes bite you. Pretty sure the venom will mess with even you."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Great." The ghoul groaned. Poison. Of course he had to face something with poison. Where were the times when good old-fashioned claws and teeth were enough to be considered threatening? "Hurry up then. Considering how she might turn out, I may be unable to stop her for long without resorting to something drastic." Przemek growled back to Will. This was true, unfortunately - Lazarus boosted physical abilities of the abnormal, so Miranda would be stronger than usual. And the ghoul had to watch out for both infection and poisoning during the fight. Even if he didn't use his claws, he'd have to hit her pretty damn hard to ensure she stayed down until help arrived. "God, this is gonna suck so much..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Will took off at a run, leaving the Ghoul to his thoughts. He hadn't been gone for long when Miranda started to stir, though she seemed more interested in sitting against the wall than anything.

He could see her face contorting, as though she were fighting herself. Clearly she was trying to fight off what the virus was doing to her, though how long she could do so was open for debate. Her eyes looked up, looking toward the glass, and then he got a bit of a surprise.

"Przemek ... are you still out there?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek had been watching Miranda carefully. He had no idea what she'd do to herself or to her surroundings, and had to be ready to intervene in case things went south. For now, however, it seemed that the medusa would stay put. Apparently she wasn't out of the fight yet, and still managed to resist the virus, if barely. The ghoul certainly underestimated how long she'd manage to stay conscious, though - he did not expect her to call out to him, much less notice his presence. This was a good sign... Probably. "Yeah, still here."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

There was a trembling sigh from her, one both of pain and relief.

"I'm ... I'm sorry for wrecking your day. Bet this wasn't what you expected when you got up today. I uh ... I need you to do me a favor though. Whatever happens ... please ..."

She stopped for a moment, groaning in pain as another wave of it hit her hard. When she spoke again, her voice was barely holding, and it was cracking with pain and emotion.

"Please, don't let me out. Don't let me hurt anyone, I don't care what ... do what you have to if need be to stop me. If you must ... kill me, but don't let me hurt anyone please. I ... forgive you in advance. I'm sorry to put this on you but ... I don't think I can stay sane for much longer. I'm ... losing this fight. Please ... promise me you'll do whatever it takes."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek fell silent for a moment, debating over how to respond. One could see this was difficult for him. The ghoul was scowling hard, seemingly starting to speak a few times, only to pause before uttering even a single word. Eventually, he formed a response. "Don't worry about that. You're not leaving this place on my watch, you can bet your ass on that. And you're gonna come out of this - we've got people working on a cure and those bastards are going to be done soon." He spoke with confidence. 'Hopefully that jackass Tesla knows what he's doing.' "Just stay put as long as you can. And frankly... I've had worse days than that. You of all people ought to recall." Hell, everyone in the Sanctuary would. The ghoul was awfully... Verbose whenever he was having a bad day and tended to inform his surroundings at large about this, usually with a colorful choice of words. He was pretty damn sure that some of his rants were even secretly recorded by certain residents for private amusement. He wasn't exactly sure who did that, but he really wanted to exchange a few "words" with the shmucks who did...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

A stunned silence followed the immunity results from Sarah, before she quietly nodded at the request to follow. A part of her was stunned in silence for her own reasons.

Immune? How? It's not like there was any reason for her not to be, considering all she had heard of the other incarnations of Lazerus thus far... Either way, it wasn't the time to question it, and thus she followed behind the others, her stun weapon ready should issues arise.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nodded, standing up from her spot and following gladly. She was just happy she didn't have to go down to one of the basement rooms, though she didn't know why she wasn't sick, it sounded like she should be...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The group reached their destination with little delay, the big guy completely out of it. Soon enough, he was safely placed in an isolated medical room, one that Henry himself had designed just in case something like this ever happened where a sick but normally friendly abnormal needed medical attention, while being secured away. After gently placing him on the bed, they walked out.

"Nikola, get to work. As for the two of you ... there's something you need to be brought up to speed on. We're not entirely sure how, but somehow the Cabal has managed to ... control Ashley. She managed to escape, and we think that they are planning to use the other Montana subjects as blank slates to create more of what they have turned Ashley into. For lack of any better way to put this, all indications are they have turned her into a vampire."

Nikola wordlessly walked out the door, likely heading for his lab along with Henry.

There was a long silence from Miranda, so long the ghoul might wonder if she had passed out again. When she finally spoke, her voice was trembling, but she seemed determined.

"I'll ... do what I can. I'll hold out as long as I can, but I do have to warn you, it's getting harder every minute. If the time comes though, don't hesitate to do what you need to, and don't take anything I might say under this things influence to heart. You're ... a good man."

She fell silent again, save for her ragged breathing, though the ghoul thought he could hear footsteps coming from way down the hall.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek said nothing, but there was a visible tension in his body. A tension that suggested not fear, but fighting will. He'd stop Miranda in her tracks if it became necessary, and he'd damned well do it without killing her. As he heard the footsteps, the ghoul shifted a little, moving into a position from which he could keep an eye on both the infected abnormal and the incoming source of sound. "Someone's coming." He growled, stretching his senses to their limits as he tried to identify the person making his way towards the pair.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Asshley's ssick too?" Mikki responds slowly, frowning. All sorts of bad things were happening today...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah groaned. "PLEASE tell me there's something we can do. ANYTHING. Standing here without being able to help isn't good for any of us."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen half shrugged.

"As near as we can tell from the footage video, she's apparently working for the Cabal now, which means they did something to her. Beyond that, I just don't know Mikki. Honestly Sarah, I don't know. We need to find out where the hell Ashley went, figure out a way of stopping her. We don't even know exactly what it is they've done to her, or how bad things will get. Although, I admit, I am loathe to place you in any further danger than I already have. You've barely arrived and been thrown into the middle of what likely will be an all out war."

The ghoul wasn't sure he could identify the steps coming, they seemed to be coming on the run. A few moments later, he didn't have to try to ID them, as Chris came around the corner, stopping when he saw the ghoul and the closed lab door.

"Um ... I see you already know. How is she?"
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