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Calgary, Canada

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Home to the largest and most fortified of the Sanctuary's in the world, Calgary is home to no fewer than two hundred different abnormal species. It's also a busy area, filled with many humans. The Sanctuary itself is a huge multi-floored building that extends below ground as well, looking like someone half designed it to look like a castle, then changed their minds.

((Shrike, Lurker and Caulder, you're up here!))
Re: Calgary, Canada

The Rocky Mountains

Several dozen miles to the west of Calgary, deep within the Rocky Mountains, a thump echoes through a low-lying valley, several stones clattering down from their perches higher in the mountains. Another, and another, each one shaking small rocks and pebbles loose, flocks of birds flying up and out of the trees in the valley, marking the passing of a large, lumbering creature making its way along the underbrush, glowing runes and inscriptions on a thick stone totem that rests on its back, and its massive hands gripping at trees to move around them.

With another thumping footfall, the creature breaks from the treeline, slowly lumbering towards a small lake nearby, and squatting down to take a drink, thirsty from the nap it had just awoken from, pondering which direction it should wander next.
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary HQ -> Biohazard Robotics Lab

The whirring of robotics quietly working away at a task was all that Sarah could hear for now, watching the machine work on restocking her supplies. The pale woman hummed a bit in the quiet workstation, at present empty of anyone else, as various mixtures, either synthetically replicated or diluted from earlier sources, found their way into new containers, mixing and stirring quietly away before feeding into syringe vials.

As syringes finished, the lab fed them back from the machine, moving them to a vent opening from the contaminant area and delivering them to her. Flipping open her serum case, she slid each of the now-glowing hypos into the casing, snapping it closed and sliding it into her trenchcoat's inside pocket. "That should do for a bit..." she mutters, stretching slightly and setting the device to go through a cleaning cycle..
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary Robotics Lab

Chris entered from one of the doors, speaking loudly to get Sara's attention.

"Hey Sara, do you have a bit? May need you to take over watch for a little bit here."

Rocky Mountains

As the lumbering creature drank, the 'silence' was broken by the sounds of a helicopter near by. Watching on he would notice a large helicopter with no markings fly over head, and about a dozen or so men with heavy assault weapons 'rope' down. One of them carried what appeared to be a briefcase of some kind, while the sounds of a second 'chopper could be heard off in the distance. Whoever these people were, they were heading right towards his position by the water, and they did not look friendly in the slightest.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary Robotics Lab

Chris entered from one of the doors, speaking loudly to get Sara's attention.

"Hey Sara, do you have a bit? May need you to take over watch for a little bit here."

Sarah scooped up her carpet bag sitting nearby, slinging it over her shoulder as she nods to Chris. "Hey, just got done here actually. Was just refilling the supplies and all that," she explains, giving a respectable nod to him. "Watch over what?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

The beast raises its head from its well-earned drink, turning to face the men and slowly lumbering towards them on all fours, his fists thumping each time they made contact with the ground. Before closing too far, he reaches both hands up to grasp at both ends of the totem on his back, lifting it up and planting one end in the ground in front of him, his right hand resting atop it as he stares at them, the two massive fingers on his right hand tapping in an alternating pattern on the totem, pebbles near it rolling away with each tap. "I know you soft creatures speak this horrible tongue. Why have you come to accost me?" the creature bellows out, the very ground seeming to quake beneath the strange, soft creatures that had arrived via flying machine.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded to Sara.

"The Sanctuary. I just got some intel that the Cabal may have a crew up in the mountains west of us, someone spotted them in choppers, said rumors are going about that they're going to try and unleash Lazarus up there. We can't allow an outbreak of it here, bad enough they have it in the Himalaya's in the Yeti homelands."

The men blinked, possibly not having expected an abnormal here, or perhaps this was some strange plan? The leader of the group spoke to him though, his tone neutral.

"Actually, we didn't even know you were here until you just waltzed up. Since you're here though, perhaps you'd like to join with us? There's a war coming, one you don't want to be in between grounds of."

The man with the briefcase walked far around the hulking creature, heading towards the watering hole and opening his briefcase. Inside, should the creature look, he could see several syringe like devices that didn't look like something you'd check the water with, but rather to inject something into it.
Re: Calgary, Canada

The beast drums on the top of his totem, his eyes drifting to notice the contents of the briefcase. "You.......Humans, and your wars. You would do well to learn from the world around you that harmony is not so difficult to attain." The creature speaks in its booming voice, hefting the totem onto his back. "Your kind is also full of fear, and hatred. Many suffer at the hands of you Humans, the so-called masters of this world." he says, turning and slowly lumbering towards the lake, the vibrations in the ground from his movements apparent as he plants both his fists at the lake's edge. "So long as you go about whatever business you have and leave me to mine I have no quarrel, Human."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded to Sara.

"The Sanctuary. I just got some intel that the Cabal may have a crew up in the mountains west of us, someone spotted them in choppers, said rumors are going about that they're going to try and unleash Lazarus up there. We can't allow an outbreak of it here, bad enough they have it in the Himalaya's in the Yeti homelands."

"But of course, I can hold the fort here," she remarks with a nod and patting her bag. "Go do what's needed. If the Cabal gets here, they'll have to worry about me making a mess more than they do..."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Thanks, hopefully this won't take long. If Ashley gets back tell her I'll return soon, I hope."

With a flicker of red light, he was gone.


The man smiled at him rather widely.

"Oh we will, you can count on us doing what we need to. Also, I'm not human."

On that note, his features shifted to be more Reptilian, showing his abnormal side. As he did, the man with the suitcase began piecing together something that looked like an injector device, and inside the suitcase the hulking abnormal could see a symbol. If he had kept up, he'd recognize it as a multi-use symbol. It was Cabal, but it had also been used by the Nazi's in World War 2.

Elsewhere in the mountains, but near by, Chris appeared, immediately sensing the presence of other beings close by. Alerted to the possibility his intel was accurate, he began to move forward, 44 Magnum drawn.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"So you are another outcast. One who does not belong amongst humans." the creature stated, noticing the symbol on it and raising one large hand to scratch at his chin. "So. I take it the Humans who wish to tailor Humanity to a perfect image still exist?" he says, pointing one of his two large fingers at the symbol he had noticed. "When last I saw such a symbol, the entire world was in chaos. A madman had declared war on any who were not his perfect image. Thousands perished for his madness." he says, planting the hand back on the ground and looking over at the others who had descended from the chopper.

"Which leads me to believe you and your comrades are up to no good." he says, both hands reaching up as he rears back, grasping both ends of the totem and slamming it to the ground, a localized tremor shaking the ground as the inscriptions on the totem pulse with a bright orange glow. "Leave at once. I will not allow your kind to defile this earth any more than they did decades ago." the creature states, his voice echoing out as he hefts the totem over one shoulder, clutching it in his right arm as he digs his hooves into the earth.
Re: Calgary, Canada

The reptilian frowned slightly.

"Whatever happens here today, you will not stop us. Lazarus is already spreading. You have made your choice, now you must live with it. Kill him."

At that, several guns opened fire on him, bullets spraying everywhere.

Chris felt the tremor, eyebrow raising, at least until he heard the gunshots.

"Fuck, sounds like someone may have found trouble. Let's ..."

He paused as he peered down one side of the 'hill', growling to himself as he spied Cabal soldiers and a hulking abnormal. That was when he spotted the second chopper coming in, a mini gun aiming down to target the abnormal.

"Oh fuck no, you're first."

As the soldiers opened fire, the second helicopter arrived, a mini gun spinning up to fire on the Earthen creature. Suddenly though, it began to fishtail, and a human body in the same armor as the soldiers plummeted from the sky!

The Reptilian abnormal hissed.

"The fuck is this shit?"

((And now the fun begins)).
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah quickly nodded as Chris disappeared, only a slight twitch coming from the loud snap of displaced air. Sighing a little, she stretches a bit as she moves towards the Sanctuary Main Lobby. "Well, nothing better to do now, I guess..." she muttered a little, though her red eyes stayed wary and alert as she looked around for anything suspicious.
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Re: Calgary, Canada

"Feel the earth quake!"" the creature roars, charging forward on all fours, bullets tearing into his flesh as he leaps into the air, clutching his totem with his entire body and slamming it to the ground with an ear-splitting *CRACK*, a shockwave rippling outward from his totem and causing the very earth to buckle and flow as if it was nothing more than water in a pond, the creature standing and using his totem as a support, the momentary adrenaline wearing off and the full extent of his wounds hitting him as the shockwave eventually loses momentum, though not before barreling through at least half of the soldiers on the ground.
Re: Calgary, Canada

The shock wave was enough to cause some of the men to lose their balance and shoot their companions by accident, killing over half the soldiers right then and there. Meanwhile, the chopper had spun around and started firing on it's own people, taking out all but the reptilian leader, who fired some different kind of weapon, causing the chopper to explode on contact.

A moment later, a tall, powerfully built man just appeared out of thin air, a red light and snapping sound audible as he spoke with an angry tone.

"Fucker, I just bought that jacket too."

The soldier shot the guy in the stomach, or at least he tried to. Again he vanished, only to reappear behind him with a magnum to his head.

"Sorry, you lose."

The gun went off, blowing half the head of the abnormal clean off. Before the body even hit the ground, the new comer turned to the Earthen abnormal, holstering his weapon.

"How bad did they get you?"

Back at the Sanctuary

As Sarah reached the main lobby, she nearly bumped into Henry. He was muttering something angrily to himself, but when he saw her he jumped back and stammered, "Oh uh ... hey ... sorry about that."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary Lobby

The bump-in with Henry did catch Sarah by surprise, but it didn't send her sprawling. As soon as she was impacted, she quickly took a few steps back, one hand shooting towards the carpet bag before yet again she catches herself, quickly moving the limb behind her. "Oh, hey... Hrm. You seem agitated..." she comments, her head tilting in curiosity. "Something I can help with?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

With a grunt, the creature hefts the massive totem onto his shoulder, extremely wary of the newcomer, the inscriptions still glowing orange, and the creature's mouth formed into a scowl. "And who is this who comes to my aid?" he says, his booming voice dripping with anger, and, from the looks of his wounds, if he were a normal animal he'd likely be unconscious by now. "I'll be fine. From earth their bullets came, and to earth they shall return." he says, turning slightly and moving forward on all fours, towards the reptilian abnormal's corpse. "Such a strange creature, to be so far from what you Humans call 'Civilization.'" he says, planting both fists on the ground and sitting down with a thump, his hooves pressing together as he groans in what one might think is pain.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raising an eyebrow, the man spoke.

"My name is Chris. I'm with a network known as the Sanctuary, run by Helen Magnus. The men who attacked you were from another organization known as the Cabal, following some of the ideas Adolf Hitler had. To say the least, they're bad news. I don't know if you've heard of the Lazarus virus or not, but I had heard they were planning to dump it here, something that seems true judging from that briefcase. I came out here to stop them from doing that. The virus causes abnormals to go insane, lashing out violently to anyone near, before ultimately killing them painfully, and slowly. An engineered virus if you will. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I intend you no harm. You seem peaceful enough, and I doubt you'd attack anyone without just cause or without being provoked. Their group though likely has marked you, they'll try to come after you again. Our network was founded on the belief that abnormals have every much a right to live as humans do, and to protect both species from one another. We could offer you Sanctuary if you'd like, or at least a temporary place to call home until this mess is dealt with."

He chuckled at the last part.

"I haven't been human for almost a decade now. I made the mistake of trying to do the right thing and crossing paths with the Cabal. It cost me my former life. I've not lived amongst human civilization as you call it for years. I blend in easily enough because my gifts aren't to the point of making me appear like a non-human, so I don't draw attention. It helps when humans feel no pressure or don't have the primitive instinct of fear when dealing with them. Some, are able to look past that or at least not let it control them, though they are few and far between. I'm not a doctor by any means, but those wounds don't look terribly good. I could have a look at them, see if there's anything we can do to field dress them as it were?"


Henry grunted.

"Eh, it's just that John apparently decided to test out if he and the others of the five along with Chris are immune to the effects of Lazarus by exposing himself to it. Stupid, stupid plan but ... he's not infected or anything. Bastard was right."
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Re: Calgary, Canada

"I have lived much of my life alone. The Earth is my ally, and my guide." the creature says, standing and shaking his upper torso much like a wet dog would shake to dry his fur, a few drops of blood splattering the ground in front of him. "I survive this day. I do not believe I will survive another like it." the creature says, turning and thumping towards Chris, staring him in the eyes and pressing his lips together in thought. "If there are others like you, and like I, who are not Human, then perhaps I should see what this 'Sanctuary' you speak of is like." the creature says, though his stance suggests he's still on guard, and still wary.
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded.

"I reside in the Calgary Sanctuary. We've got probably close to two hundred different species of abnormals living there, everything ranging from Werewolves to Plant Type beings, a Yeti, a Pixie and even a Mermaid. We have two humans who work with us, both of whom are very good at what they do and helping others, be they human or not. In fact, Helen Magnus at one time was human herself. Like myself, she became an abnormal, though in her case she did so to better understand them. In my case, I think I may have reached that stage myself, but I had to much sooner than I probably was ready to. Have you ever heard of the source blood?"
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