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Calgary, Canada

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Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara sighed, not happy to hear that news apparently.

"The Cabal are a very powerful shadow organization who appear to be remnant Nazi's. We think some of the original Nazi's founded the Cabal, and their network of mindset has been passed down to this generation. Unfortunately, some of the Nazi's weren't human, a few were actually abnormals themselves. If they came after you, then they must have a base somewhere out here. I've done a fair bit of research on them over the last six months, though I still think Chris underestimated me and my ability to keep away from them. But that's another story for another time. What were they trying to do with that case is what I am wondering."

Ashley nodded to Sarah.

"I'll take Henry now and get a head start, try to get Miranda or Chris to join, if Chris isn't going to be heading to investigate whatever caused Sally to freak like that. Knowing him, he's already down there."

Sally's Tank

Swimming alongside Winona, the pair continued their search. Finally, they both spotted her, laying against the side of one edge of her tank. Getting closer, Chris pulled slightly ahead, cautious that she might still react badly to their presence, but it seemed that he was being too cautious. After a few moments both of them felt her voice in their heads, and it was tinged with sadness.

It was a warning. Something very bad has happened there. I think many may be dead. What would do that?

Chris shot a look over to Winona, both concern and disgust on his face. If Winona had looked into the mer-folks numbers, she'd know that they were very rare as a whole species, and that Bermuda had been the single largest contingent of them, over half their population. If they had been attacked and a number of them killed, it would be catastrophic to their population and continued existence. After a moment he shot back to Sally his own reply.

I will go and find out Sally, I promise you that. As soon as I can make arrangements to have the place looked after in my absence, I will go and take the Nautilus out there and find out. If someone did attack them, I promise you, I will figure out who and they will answer for it.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah nodded again. "Roger that. I'll catch up when I can."

With that, Sarah quickly headed towards Magnus's office, clutching the note she had written down.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"They did not specifically target me. They were attempting to infuse something into the nearby lake, and I would not stand for it." Raigor says, his voice taking on a tinge of anger. "The Earth does not tolerate those who would interfere with her grand design. When I tried to stop them, they shot me. Repeatedly." he says, and Juliara might notice some of the red streaks running down his chest. "But I am born of The Earth. It will take more than the weapons of Humans to stop me."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Victor's only response was something resembling a "hm."
Re: Calgary, Canada

As Sarah reached the last bend before Magnus' office, she nearly smacked straight into the Big Guy, who seemed to be coming from that direction. Reaching out carefully and keeping her from being bowled over, he looked at her with an amused look.

"What's the hurry Sarah? Wait, I know that look, what's wrong?"

Juliara was silent for a moment, then it seemed a light clicked on inside her brain.

"Oh god, was it like some kind of syringes or injection devices filled with something they were trying to use?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Yes. It was. He did not get the chance to use it before I struck." Raigor speaks, a shiver running up his upper body, and his totem wobbling back and forth on his back. "Is there some significance in what they were trying to do?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

An irritated huff leaves Sarah as she runs into yet another bunch of questions. "Group of Cabal nearby according to Allison, apparently they're hoarding abnormals there, she wanted Magnus to know. Is she in? Trying to inform so I can catch up to Henry and Ashley before they zip off to the place."

As much as she loved informing everyone BUT Magnus, even she had to admit this was getting ridiculous, she thought dryly to herself.
Re: Calgary, Canada

The Big Guy nodded.

"Not good, come with me, I'll take you to her. She just returned with a new potential ally we rescued earlier, we may have some new info on Lazarus as well, possibly a way to stop it. Come, come."

Juliara nodded slowly, a relived expression on her face.

"Yes, and good, I'm actually really glad you got rid of that one and stopped them. They were probably trying to inject the Lazarus Virus into the water supply and infect any abnormals in the area. It's what they did in the Himalaya's. Basically, the virus causes any infected abnormal to lose control over their mental functions, increasing anger and hostility, making them lash out against anything in range, though mostly humans. Eventually, it destroys enough of their brain that they become immobile, their motor functions all but permanently shot. They remain very sick for a few days after they can't move anymore, and ultimately it very painfully, and very slowly kills them. It's the only thing that Chris may have been right about my not being able to fight against, I shudder to think about if I became infected what might happen. If it ever does ... I'd want someone to kill me before I hurt anyone."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah nodded quickly, her grim expression still on her face as she quickly followed the much bigger figure.
Re: Calgary, Canada

After a few moments, Sarah was entering Magnus' office where she, John and the new guy stood. Upon seeing her, Helen frowned at her look.

"I don't think I like that look, what's wrong Sarah? Did something bad happen while we were gone?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah relaxed slightly as she finally reached Magnus. "To be blunt, this took a bit longer to reach here than I wished to. Allison sent a message a few moments ago, there's a Cabal base to the north where they seem to be shepherding abnormals into. Already on the way I had Ashley and Henry bug me about it, and they're planning on checking it out as well."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Then this Cabal is even more sinister than I thought." Raigor says in response to what the virus did, huffing out in annoyance. "I would shudder to think of what would happen to me if I was infected. Worse, what might happen to the surrounding area." he says, the runes on his totem glowing slightly as he continues his thump down the corridor, more wandering aimlessly than actually going in any set direction.
Re: Calgary, Canada

At Sarah's entrance, Victor shifted slightly as if moving to ensure he was out of the way. At the mention of a Cabal base nearby, though, he dropped his right hand into a shadowy spot nearby briefly.

When he pulled it back out, what looked like dark smoke seemed to follow and wrap around his fingertips. Then, the smoke seemed to gather there, apparently turning into some sort of black ink-like matter that dripped down his hand and arm towards his elbow. It stopped there, but once his entire hand and forearm were covered, the matter hardened into the gauntlet that he'd been wearing when Druitt teleported him the first time.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Winona nodded along with Chris as he spoke to the mermaid, waiting until he was finished to say her own piece. (I‘m not sure how much help I can be, but i will go as well. How about yourself though? That warning hit us all pretty hard, are you alright?)
Re: Calgary, Canada

Helen's face hardened.

"Bloody hell, in our own back yard. I wish they had waited though, it's saying something if they've been running a facility this close to us without our knowing."

John shook his head, seeming on edge.

"It sounds like a setup to me. I don't like it. How long have they been gone for?"

Sanctuary Corridors

Juliara nodded grimly.

"And now you know one of the major reasons these people oppose the Cabal. As far as I know, so far there isn't any cure, but if it's one thing I know for sure about them and Helen Magnus, they won't give up searching for one until they're dead."

Sally's Tank

I ... I'll manage. Somehow. There was so much emotion in that, fear, rage, things I've never felt from my species before. Whatever is happening there, I fear it may already be too late to help them. Please ... I have to know what's happened. Please go and find out as soon as you can.

Chris nodded before starting to swim off.

"You've got it. I'll be on my way with Winona ASAP."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Indeed. If we're heading out of the sanctuary, I may need to grab a few things. Won't take long, fortunately. She answered Chris, taking advantage of Sally's connection between them before they got too far off.

Once they reached the entrance again, Winona deftly climbed out of the tank, sluicing some of the water off herself before slipping on the clothes she had been wearing. "I'll just need a few minutes, five or ten. Meet up then? Where at?" She'd ask, giving the man a nod at his response before striding off, continuing to seem altogether shameless about her former nudity.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Not too long, I'm not even sure Ashley and Henry had left the place yet," she remarks, shifting a bit uncomfortably as Magnus suddenly turns sour. She ignored the antics of Magnus's guest, either used to the abnormalities by now or finding them unimportant for the moment.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded to her, pointing to himself then to Miranda to indicate he'd fill the Medusa in quickly.

Once they surfaced, he nodded.

"Main lobby, I need to fill in the two I brought back with me on what's going on and make sure Sarah informs Magnus once she returns of the situation."

Once she'd acknowledged and headed off, he quickly filled Miranda in, and she offered to inform Juliara and Raigor for him. Thanking her, he went and dried off, getting his phone and punched in Sarah's number, not wanting to waste time looking for her.

Magnus' Office

John shook his head.

"Oh by now I'm sure Ashley has dragged Henry out and they're on their way."

About that time both John's cell, and Sarah's started ringing at the same time ....
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah grumbled a bit. "Great..." she muttered. "Just freakin great!"

At that moment, her cellphone's ringtone cut in as she reached for her carpet bag. Her eyebrow raising slightly, she pulls it out, silencing the music track as she answers it and giving a 'one moment' sign with her finger. "Talk..." she grumbled.
Re: Calgary, Canada

John took his call as well, while Sarah heard Chris speak quickly, and with a little bit of tension in his voice.

"Sally tried to contact her people after losing touch with the ones in Bermuda. I'm guessing you saw the vision she projected out. Based on what she's told me, and what I saw in that vision, we think there's a very real possibility the Bermuda Mer-Folk are under attack, or have already been attacked. Now, Sally can't even sense them anymore, so something major has happened. Could you pass on a message to Helen that Winona and I are heading out there with the Nautilus to investigate please? I'm not sure when we'll be back, but I promised Sally we'd check into it. I just hope we aren't too late, that one pod of them is almost sixty percent of their kind."
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