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Calgary, Canada

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Re: Calgary, Canada


Raigor nods, a grunt issuing from his throat as he does so. "Speaking of Magnus, I would very much like to meet her. Do you know where she might be within the sanctuary?" he asks, still slowly thumping along the corridor aimlessly.
Re: Calgary, Canada

The voice that answered him didn't come from Juliara, but came from another woman who had appeared suddenly behind them, one who if Raigor knew enough about mythological human creatures, he would recognize as a Medusa.

"If she has returned, she would be in her main office probably. I could take you there, but first Chris wanted me to pass on a message to you both. Given you're the only new faces I could find, I'm betting that's the two of you. He wanted to apologize, but something has come up with Sally, our resident Mermaid. He's preparing to leave for Bermuda now, we have reason to believe that the Mer-folk there have been attacked."

Once they turned to see her, they would notice the welling bruise on her face where it looked like something large had struck her hard, and recently.

Raigor heard Juliara suck in a breath, and let it out slowly.

"My god ... I really hope they're alright, that's something like fifty half their known kind isn't it?"

"More. About sixty percent of their race lives there."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor turns to look at the source of the new voice, listening to her rather intently. "I would be moved if you were to show me to Magnus' office. As for those born of the sea, my deepest sympathies." he says, turning the rest of his body to face the Medusa.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah's face paled even more than usual upon hearing Chris's notice. "R-right... I-I'll let her know..." she mutters, lowering the phone.

Directed to Magnus, she speaks again. "Sally's lost contact with the pod in Bermuda. Chris is headed with Winona to investigate via the Nautilus."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Certainly." Winona answered, heading deeper into the sanctuary, to her own room. Originally sparse, the arachnid had spent the time to cover most every available surface in silk, most of the furniture having been removed and used elsewhere, short a wardrobe and dresser for her clothes. The seating had been replaced by hammocks, her own bed with a large bundle she slipped into at night, but for now, the more traditional furniture was her aim.

Moving quickly, she swapped out her current clothes for something a little more practical, and covering plenty enough of her to hide a one-piece swimsuit underneath, just in case.

Requiring little else, she started back towards the main lobby, taking one of the elevators situated around. Reaching the lobby, she glanced around for Chris, giving the man a nod and smile when she found him. "Ready when you are."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Helen's eyes widened, and John for his part stopped talking in mid sentence, looking like someone had punched him in the gut. It was Helen who replied though.

"Dear god, their species is rare as it is, that would be catastrophic if anything happened to them. Tell him go, and keep us in the loop as best as he can down there."

Sanctuary Corridors

Miranda nodded.

"I can do that, follow me please. Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Miranda."

Juliara smiled at her before replying, "Juliara."
Re: Calgary, Canada

While he said nothing, Victor was obviously reacting to the news. Granted, his expression was a mix between concern and mild confusion, but it was clear he understood that things weren't sounding that great.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Raigor." the abnormal states, thumping along behind Miranda, still looking to and fro with a hint of curiosity. "Do they know what has caused this problem with the water-born?" he asks, finally speaking up after thinking about the merfolk for some time.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah just shakes her head slowly, sighing a bit. "When it rains, it pours..." Picking her phone up, she speaks back to Chris. "Magnus says go for it. Good luck..."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Miranda shook her head.

"Not yet. Chris is heading out now to investigate, but ... we've no idea what they might be walking into down there. It could be a new abnormal predator, it could be something else. It can't be Lazarus, we've determined that for some reason they're immune to it, but we don't know why. That vision though ... it terrified Sally, enough that she did this to me as she tried to flee."

It would be now that Raigor and Juliara could see the large welt on the side of her face, going from the chin to the eye socket, and it was already turning purple.

Magnus' Office

"Copy that, we're on our way out. We'll communicate once we get there and have some kind of idea."

After a moment, he hung up with her, leaving her to talk with the others.

John meanwhile had also finished his call, and he did not look happy at all.

"That was Clara, she's asked for her and a new person to be picked up, but that isn't all. Our new friend, Zaleia, apparently had an encounter with not only the Cabal and had to fight for her life as well as another abnormals life, but she got help from a source she shouldn't have. According to her, Nikola is still alive."

Sanctuary Entrance

Shortly after Winona arrived, Chris did as well.

Nodding to her, he spoke quickly.

"We're teleporting to where the Nautilus is kept, then we'll set sail if you will. I have no idea what we're going to find down there, but let's hope it isn't too frigged up."

Placing a hand on her shoulder, they were gone in a flash.

((Making a Bermuda thread shortly)).
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Is it normal for her kind to be violent?" Raigor asks, noticing the welt as he followed Miranda. "I have met very few Abnormals in my life. The same goes for Humans. This is.......It is difficult to describe my feelings of this situation."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Both Miranda and Juliara replied at the same time "No."

Juliara shrugged, and Miranda continued.

"No, they're very peaceful, only would ever fight when they had to to survive against an attacker. They're never aggressive like this. Whatever has happened down there, it's messing with their brain balance and making them more aggressive. That alone is really, really bad."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Then they have my deepest sympathies. Unfortunately, I know nothing about them, only that they are born and die in the sea." he says, a small grunt following afterwards. "What of this..........Cabal? When last I heard of them, they called themselves the Third Reich. They wished to exterminate everything that was not their perfect image of what a Human should be." he says, his voice taking on a more serious tone, though that doesn't seem possible given how deep his voice naturally is.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"They want to control abnormal life, anything they can't control needs to die because it's a threat to them and world domination. The wiping out other humans for not fitting their perfect image was a cover to keep everyone focused away from their true goals, which was harnessing the power of abnormals for their own uses. Some of the experiments I've read up on that they did, well let's just say they definitely give me nightmares. They're definitely bad news, and I'm afraid that they won't listen to reason. Eventually, this will become a fight, and I'm betting it will be a very ugly one too. They've already launched the first salvo of it with Lazarus, but even before that, they tried attacking one of the U.S based Sanctuaries, the Los Angeles one. If it hadn't been for Chris showing up and the arrival of a new species looking to open communication with us when they did, the entire facility might have fallen and I wouldn't be here talking to you. That attack left me alone again, my mate was killed in that assault."

Juliara visibly winced at the mention of the L.A attack, seeming to have heard of it. Her eyes widened when Miranda mentioned having actually been there herself.

"My god, I heard about that attack. I'm sorry to hear about that."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor follows, listening to Miranda speak. "My sympathies to you, as well. I know not just how scarce your kind are, but losing a loved one is a terrible thing." he speaks, his voice lowered to a less resounding tone. "As for a fight, this Cabal has proven themselves an enemy of the Earth, and an enemy of me. Anyone who would defile the natural order must answer to me." he speaks, his totem's runes glowing rather brightly as he does so.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah gave a quiet sigh, hanging her head. "Great, is this 'everything go to bloody shit' day today!?! Really, can't we get a break or a head start? Fuckit! I can't keep standing around here, where do you need me to do?!?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Helen thought a moment before she spoke.

"John, go pick up Clara and this Zaleia. Nikola being alive, if he's not murderous still, may actually help us. Since you've already proven that anyone with source blood in them can't be infected, I believe it is time to call James in and head to Budapest. There's a place there where my father hid the last remaining vial of source blood, in the event an emergency ever arose. I would say this qualifies as one. Sarah, if you can, get Miranda and anyone else who is free to join you and go back up Ashley and Henry."

John for his part nodded, and then was gone in his customary red flash as he teleported.

Sanctuary Corridors

Both Juliara and Miranda nodded to him, clearly feeling the same way about the situation. After a few moments, Miranda paused.

"Well, this is the spot, one moment please."

Poking her head in, she knocked on the door which was open.

"Helen, it's Miranda. I have two people here who would like to speak with you if possible."

((Note: Raigor and Juliara are now directly in line of sight for Sarah and Victor.))
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah gave a nod to Magnus's words, turning towards the door. She halted as she saw the new people in the door. "Seems I'm not the only ones who needed to speak to you..." she mutters, moving to one side of the door to let the other people in.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Victor finally spoke again, flexing his fingers slightly. "Quick question. Any idea how effect the Cabal is about sharing information between their bases?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Helen responded to Victor first.

"Best as we know, quite well at it. They seem to have a constant network of updates going on. Henry has been trying to work on something that we could take advantage of that, but so far it's not looking good."

She turned to face Raigor and Juliara, and when she spotted Juliara, she blinked slightly.

"You look strangely familiar to me."

Juliara smiled slightly.

"You may have seen a picture of me or something then, Chris had one when he vanished."

"You knew Chris?"

"Knew him? You could say that. Before the Chicago incident, Chris and I were dating."

At that, Helen could only blink a few times.

"He never mentioned that at all."
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