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Calgary, Canada

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Re: Calgary, Canada

Victor hissed slightly. "Well... I may not be overly helpful against them for the moment, then. They know my... weaknesses pretty well. At least, how those matters stand at the moment."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor thumps forward slowly, stopping just in front of and to the side of Juliara, opting to remain silent until spoken to, though the rather large abnormal does cast a glance at Victor for a moment before focusing back on Magnus, the runes on his totem seeming to glow in a rotating pattern around the ends of his totem.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah raised an eyebrow at Juliara's comment, but didn't say much else herself, simply tapping her foot in irritation as the two talked.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara shrugged.

"I'm not surprised to be honest. Considering most of what I recently found out, I assume he thought he was protecting me from this Cabal. Speaking of which, I believe I heard it mentioned you could use some help with a base they have nearby? If you don't mind, I'd like to have a crack at them myself."

The last part of her words seemed to be directed at both Helen and Sarah, but mostly towards Sarah.

Helen for her part nodded towards Sarah, as if indicating it was her call on it, then turned to Raigor.

"I must also welcome you to the Sanctuary. How might I properly address you?"

Sanctuary Main Hall

John, Clara and Zaleia suddenly became whole again, materializing in a room at least triple the size of the one they had just been in.

"Welcome to Calgary Ms. Zaleia, and Clara ... welcome back home."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Whoaaaa that was kinda trippy actually. different ways different feels to them..Gotta say though definately faster then riding the lines."

She started turning around in place taking a look of the new room they were in.

"Soooooo what now? where to whadda we do?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor reaches his hands up for his totem, removing it from the cradle he carries it on and setting one end on the ground, resting his right hand atop it. "I am Raigor Stonehoof. Though most refer to me as "The Earth Shaker." he says, his head bowing in some semblance of respect. "It is.......Awkward, to say the least.....To be here." he says, turning his head to eye Viktor for a moment before turning back his attention to Magnus. "Chris, as he told me his name was, told me of this Cabal. I witnessed their violent and destructive tendencies firsthand, and can no longer sit by as they poison the land, and desolate the Earth from which I am born." he says, hefting his totem back onto his back and planting his fists on the ground.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Helen regarded him for a long moment before slowly nodding.

"I'm not sure what you would call your own species, but the term we would use is that you are an earth elemental, something that is exceedingly rare to actually set eyes on. From your words, am I to take it then you are looking for someone to work with who is willing to stand up to the Cabal and stop them?"

Sanctuary Main Hall

"We walk to Helen's office and have you speak with her. I teleported us a short distance from it, mostly because it was getting rather crowded there and it's never a good idea to materialize inside of another person my dear."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"ahhh ya see i dont have that problem withmine...i can at least see where i'm ending up when i come out off whatever i'm traversing. But i guess we all have our own benefits. I cant take other people with me like you can. Alrighty so which way is her office? I'm sure this will be a fun cnoversation considering this Tesla buisness."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor nods his head. "I would very much like that. Anyone who threatens the sanctity of the Earth must answer to me. One who is willing to assist me in dismantling them is a welcome ally." he says, raising his head slightly. "I was also informed that they are the remnants of a similar group of humans who I know of from my last, brief contact with their kind. I believe they were known as the Third Reich at the time, which would only solidify my belief in their evil." he says, the runes on his totem rotating around the ends once before going dim once again. "As for the matter of being an Earth elemental, you may refer to me as you wish so long as I am not treated with disrespect."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Victor glanced past the others, out the door of the office, then spoke up. "Excuse me a moment... Things seem to somewhat crowded, and possibly not getting much better soon."

With that, he pressed closer to some nearby shadows for a moment, before seeming to dissolve into them, almost as if he were made of smoke somehow.

His voice seemed to almost be an echo when it returned. "I'm still here, just taking up a bit less space."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara blinked slightly, then smiled.

"Well, that is impressive. Quite a useful ability you have there."

Helen nodded to both parts.

"Yes, you are quite correct they are, I suppose you could say, descendants of the Third Reich. We thought their ideology had been wiped out over the years after the end of the war, but it appears not. Some of us know them far too well I'm afraid. All of the five except for Nikola were present for D-Day, as well as the final day of the war, when it officially ended with them. As for respect, you will always get that here. I highly doubt anyone would disrespect you, however should that happen, let either myself, or the big guy know."

To that, a large being stepped forward. Raigor might recognize him as a Yeti if he knew of such things.

"That would be me. Trust me, my real name would make your ears hurt, big guy will suffice."

Sanctuary Corridors

"This way Zaleia. It isn't a terribly far walk. As far as Tesla goes, tell me, how did he look? The last time I saw him, well let's just say getting a fist through ones chest certainly brings a pleasant look of shock to someone's face."

To that Clara again shuddered, standing slightly closer to Zaleia now. She might get the distinct impression that it had been John who had done so to Nikola, and if he had been able to do that to a vampire, what else was he capable of?
Re: Calgary, Canada

"weelll he certainly didnt have any holes in him that i noticed. he looked rather well put together. in good sorts i would say. except for that moment when he got all monsterous and merced a few of those cabal guys at once. Also since meeting Nikola tesla i have been wondering..how well did the tesla coil work? I have had a nifty thought regarding them. Of course it all depends on how well those things do their job afterall."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor bows his head in respect to the Big Guy, before leveling it once more at Magnus. "I do believe I will fit right in here. Though I have one stipulation. Nobody. Touches my totem." he says, reaching his right hand up to tap the end of his totem twice. "I cannot guarantee the safety of anyone who does." he says, his voice taking on an extremely serious tone.
Re: Calgary, Canada

John laughed.

"Well enough my dear, and we'll leave it at that. Those of course are just the ones you know about, but we won't go there."

Clara had moved to walk next to Zaleia, and in doing so blocked Zaleia's view of John. As she did, she mouthed some words of warning to Zaleia.

"Careful with him, he used to be Jack the Ripper."

Stopping to stretch slightly, she turned back to John.

"I'll catch up in a bit, I'm going to grab something to eat quickly if we're going to be traveling soon. That and I want to see Will."

Walking off, Zaleia could hear John chuckle slightly again.

"Ah, young love. Hopefully hers turns out better than my own did, but I digress, that was many many years ago for me, before you were even born I'd wager."

Magnus' Office

Helen nodded again to Raigor.

"No one will touch it, I will get the word out to everyone so they know."

Juliara turned to Sarah, who was still quiet.

"What's say you and I go ahead and meet up with this Ashley and Henry, get them some backup hmm? And you know, stop taking up the space we are so these folks can get to what they need to do?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

"well i cant say i have dealt with any problems such as love myself. Doesnt bother me though; only ever needed myself to get by. A mini-scientist has been born today though. Never considered it before but i wonder how well i could transit about if i could take advantage of tesla coils."

She began tapping her fingers together like some mad scientist plotting insane things.
Re: Calgary, Canada

John simply grinned at that.

"I suppose there is only one way for you to find out hmm? We're almost at the office now, so you may want to look a little less ... occupied?"

((Still waiting on Caulder and Lurker for replies))
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor nods his head firmly. "My thanks be to you, Miss Magnus." he says, his fists finally relaxing as he seems to settle and loosen up. "My only concern now would be what I can do to assist you and yours in your endeavors." he says, one of his ears twitching as he speaks.
Re: Calgary, Canada

"alright so little less mad scientist plotting look more reasonable new nice girl look? I can do that. oooh..anything i should know? like something not to say so i dont accidentally get her mad at me or something?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

((Long enough.))

Helen thought for a moment as she studied Raigor before replying.

"For the time being you may want to let your wounds from earlier heal, and possibly learn what you can about this place, meet some of the residents. If you truly don't feel like just sitting around, you could join us on our trip to Budapest as soon as James arrives, which shouldn't be much longer now."

Nodding in respect to the group, Juliara departed to find Henry and Ashley, as well as this Cabal facility.

Sanctuary Corridors:

John simply laughed at her first comment, though he did pause to consider the second before he replied.

"Perhaps the only thing you might want to avoid bringing up is anything to do about me, and my past history with her. Perhaps some day you'll find out the reasons on that, but for now ... you're better off not knowing."
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