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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John meanwhile had reloaded his own, firing a second dart just before Sarah did.

Miranda snarled at Sarah, rising to come after her when John's dart hit her. She stumbled for a moment, then lunged forward again, only to be met by Sarah's dart. She stumbled again, tried to move forward, and then finally collapsed to the floor, out cold.

After a moment, both John and the Big Guy moved over to make sure she truly was out cold, with John making the first observation to the both of them.

"Three darts. That should have killed her from overdose. And yet, she only just now went to sleep. Whatever is wrong with her ... we need to figure out quickly. With her entire body in this kind of hyper-state ... It could very well kill her by itself in what ... two weeks?"

The Big Guy grunted, lifting the prone Medusa up and carrying her to one of the restraint beds.

"Less. Medusae don't handle hyper-acceleration of organs as well as other abnormals or humans. Ten days at most, and it won't be quick. She'll suffer greatly unless we can figure out how to return her chemistry to normal."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

For much of his time since his last discussion with Helen Magnus, Michael Umbral had stayed in the library, although he'd also taken some time to borrow a room to actually sleep in, as well as taking breaks to eat... Or deal with other biological matters. It would seem that despite whatever the Cabal had done to him, the man still had at least the majority of normal biological needs.

As he cross-referenced his already collected materials with the Sanctuary's own files, it would also become apparent that the man was knowledgeable of numerous languages, as most of his own materials were not in English, but a sizable cross-section of other languages.

Aside from his previous paper-cut incident, no other signs of his abnormalities had surfaced, suggesting perhaps that they were some manner of actual abilities.


Unfortunately, in the mean time, when he wasn't dealing with the other problems, what little Henry would have managed to reconstruct from the physical file hadn't been very clear as to what had happened to Michael. One part of it suggests that they were in the middle of trying to make some changes to him, and another suggests that something unusual had happened before they could do anything. As for the part that had started to clarify the whole mess... That happened to be just off the fragment, along one of the burned edges.
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah curses a little as she loads the tranq gun and sets it nearby. "All that and her little heat cycle issue? God, that's got to be the worst timing for shit like this..." She shakes her head a little. "So what are we going to do about it? We can't just let her body tear itself apart like that..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

The Big Guy finished strapping her down so when she woke up she couldn't hurt anyone before responding.

"We get Magnus and try to figure out what we're dealing with. Then we stop it."

John nodded.

"We should contact her via the old intercom system and impose a lockdown until we know what we're dealing with. For all we know whatever has happened to her is infectious."

"Agreed. Protocol system to start lockdown is in this room, at least one of them is. I'll activate it, you two start doing blood samples."

Meanwhile Clara had gone to get Michael. Once she found him, she knocked on something to alert him to her presence before speaking.

"Michael Umbral right? Dr. Magnus wanted me to let you know we've gotten word that what might be a sample of project Lazarus is en route here in a biohazard transport. She thought you might be interested in having a look. Seems that whatever this thing is, it's been delivered with a missile strike in the Himalaya's and is affecting abnormals only. Basically ... they're attacking humans, humans they normally live in peace with."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"On it. If all else fails, there's also the pot the Cabal sent in her room. May have leftovers or something left that triggered it, someone better grab it too," Sarah reasons, and quickly gets to work checking on the currently-crazed patient.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John cursed.

"It'll have to wait until someone in full biohazard gear can do it. If I teleport out now I risk spreading it if any of us are infected. We ..."

He cut off as a sudden sound of items falling from the other room became audible, followed by a grunt, and a heavy thud of something hitting the floor. The sound had come from the direction the Big Guy had gone.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah curses. "Keep an eye on Miranda," she mumbles, quickly moving to the area Big Guy was. As a concern option, she grabbed a tranq gun.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John nodded in response.

Sarah found the Big Guy on the floor, having collapsed it seemed. Blood was coming from his nose, a fair bit of it, even as he staggered up to one knee. When she entered, he shook his head, holding up a hand to stop her.

"Something's wrong, I feel different. Might be whatever she has. There's a seal-able room just outside and to the left, I'd better get in there while I'm still me. Those darts won't pierce my skin, and if her strength was enhanced ..."

And that thought might terrify her. If Miranda had become who knew how much stronger than normal, what would happen with a Yeti? Clearly at least for the moment he was himself, but as he'd pointed out, how long would it last?
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Shit... ok, get in there and strap yourself in. I don't know what the hell we'll do if you somehow break out..." she gulps, but nods and goes to tell Jack the terrible, terrible news.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

He made his way in there, helping her as best as he could to strap him in.

"Shouldn't be possible to break out, but if so ... Chris is probably the only one who could handle it if it happens. Make sure he's warned."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah nods slowly. "I'll try... and I hope it don't come to that." She is looking drained, her emotions starting to fight with each other, trying not to break down as crisis after crisis piles down. And for once she felt like she could barely do jack shit. Still, speaking of Jack, once the Big Guy was safe and secured, she'd move to tell him first. He'd be the one to speak up quickly about this more than her, then she'd go for the intercoms to try and warn of the quarantine.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael groaned slightly, stretching. Seems he'd been in the position he was in when she arrived for a while...

"Lovely. I'll take a look and see if I can figure out anything from the delivery stuff... Not quite so good with the medical end, pretty much stuck to basic first aid there. Which I gather is likely pretty much useless when it comes to bioweapons."
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

By the time Sarah made it back to John, he seemed to be working with some kind of blood sample, and what appeared to be a microscope. As she entered, he glanced up slightly, frowning.

"I believe I may have an answer with regards to Miranda's sudden departure from sanity. I'll need Helen to verify what I suspect, she's a bit more ... medically inclined than I am."

Clara half shrugged.

"Be that as it may be, you were the one that brought us the information on it. I think Doctor Magnus is doing what she can to repay that and keep you in the loop."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged again as he stood up. "Well, might as well not keep her waiting..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah sighs, frowning. "Well, I'll get on the intercom. Should I tell the place about the quarantine and try to get Magnus's attention, or try to keep it on the down-low for now and just try to contact Magnus?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John shook his head.

"Get the word out. If I'm right, we have a viral infection loose here. Likely one the Cabal created, so you can be certain it will be nasty."

Clara smiled slightly.

"Alright, follow me then."

She'd duck out the door, heading for wherever they were going.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah curses a little at hearing that. "Right, lock down the floor and inform Magnus to contact us as soon as possible." She nods slowly, looking grim before moving quickly to the PA system.

Once there, she'd spark it out, speaking calmly but getting the information out as clear and as fast as possible. "Until further notice, the second floor isolation wards are under lockdown due to potential viral infection. All demihuman personal, stay as far as possible from this section as you can. Doctor Magnus, please get in contact with this floor as soon as possible."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

The reply from Helen came quickly over the radio itself, fortunately there was one in this room.

"Sarah this is Helen, do you have any details yet on what we might be dealing with? I'm on my way to the backup lab now on the third floor. In the meantime, there should be a panel with green, yellow, red and blue buttons next to the speaker system you used earlier. I need you to press blue, blue, red and then red in that order. That will automatically seal off the floor completely. It will also activate a backup E.M shield on that floor, so I'll have to get in touch with John and Chris and let them know not to teleport onto that floor. Both of them are in New York though, so it'll have to wait until I can get to a phone line in the lab."
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"John's up here with me," Sarah explained, readying to do as Helen explained before pausing and waiting to press the buttons. Better warn John first. "I got Miranda and the Big Guy both showing symptoms, origin source seems to be a box in Miranda's room, there's a Cabal symbol in the bottom of it. Miranda's showing signs of intense strength and feral attitude, she managed to kill a Halkar before we took her down with three high-grade Tranqs. Then Big Guy started feeling odd and secured himself. I'll take a second to warn John and then I'll tag in the lockdown," she explained, moving quickly to Miranda's room to do so.
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

There was a pause on Helen's part, followed by probably the last thing Sarah wanted to hear.

"Did you say Miranda managed to kill a Halkar and took three of the high grade darts to bring down? Dear god ... I don't think there's any doubt now as to what we're dealing with. Ashley is on her way back with a sample of a bio-agent, possibly a virus that has been causing abnormals in the Himalaya's to attack humans. Reports are that those infected are showing dramatic strength and endurance increases, feral behavior and are attacking to maim and kill. All indications are, it's a bio-weapon the Cabal has launched. I'm willing to bet what's infected Miranda and the Big Guy is the same thing. The Cabal have launched the first move of their endgame it would seem. If John is with you, I need you both to take as many samples from the two infected, and continue to check yourselves. Activate that lockdown and when it asks you, tell it yes to transfer authorization controls to lift lockdown to the external labs. I'll make sure the box in Miranda's room is dealt with. Sarah, listen to me, you may be immune, we can't be certain, but you could still be a carrier. Have John test for both infection, and dormancy within your blood. And pray that he isn't affected by it, because if he is, given his own past and his particular strengths and talents ... You're dealing with Jack the Ripper if he becomes crazed again."