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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael followed Clara, mentally running over everything that he'd read-through of the physical files he'd taken from the Cabal over the years.

Perhaps there'd be something that he could figure out once he saw the parts being brought in. Or not.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah literally pauses, giving a soft gulp. She didn't even want to think what would happen if she was incapacitated and the infection could somehow muck with her more undead attributes. "I'll... do what I can," she explains with a sigh, and quickly moves to Jack. "Hey, Jack! Hate to say it, but you're gonna have to stay in here with me, I'm about to put us in lockdown. Helen's concerned about the potential of carriers for this shit..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John nodded, an amused smile on his face.

"A wise precaution. I take it then Helen just told you about my ... unsavory past given you called me Jack. We should begin a series of tests on both my blood and your own, try to establish if we're infected, or carriers. If we're infected ... well ... we'll just have to figure out how to make sure we don't kill each other, or the others quickly."

((Waiting on replying to Wolf until after the lockdown establishes. Should provide some amusement.))
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"We'll worry about it once I get the shield on. That way, if you're infected and you do go like the others, you won't... well, you'll be isolated," Sarah explains slightly, looking unsure as she retreats to the buttons. Quickly, she taps in the code for the lockdown before retreating for the room again. Hope the lockdown helps, she worries to herself. Who knows if there was other Cabal packages left out.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John simply nodded, the idea not seeming to sit well with him of possibly becoming infected, but what choice was there but to wait and see? If they were, then there was no sense in allowing it to spread.

As soon as Sarah activated the shield and the lockdown, a short series of alarm sounds went off, indicating a bio-hazard lockdown in progress. After transferring control, she found John already working on blood samples he'd drawn from himself, as well as Miranda and the Big Guy. When he heard her come in, he spoke without turning.

"How long would you say between the time you met up with the Big Guy and the time he first began to show symptoms of infection? We need to figure out a baseline of how rapidly this affects people, and any information you can remember may be quite useful, if not to me, than certainly Helen."

Meanwhile the alarms went off right as Clara and Michael made their way into one of the main hallways. Almost instantly Clara let out a curse.

"Ah shit. Bio-contaminent warning, second floor lockdown. Not good."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael merely raised an eyebrow slightly at the alarms and Clara's reaction, followed by an extremely sarcastic sounding statement. "Fun."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Clara grumbled in response.

"Only thing that was supposed to be a possible hazard here right now would be what Ashley was bringing in from that Cabal attack site. This is not good."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael was silent for a moment, then spoke up again. "So that means that either there's something that went wrong... Or something sneaky happened."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah sighs, rubbing her temple, even as she readied her own blood sample. "Five... maybe ten minutes ago? I ran into him a short bit ago and he was still working fine before we ran into Miranda. Though honestly it wasn't that soon before you got here that he started brawling with her, which means the infection window's got to be pretty damn minuscule..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John nodded.

"That was my thinking as well. We're talking an alarmingly short incubation period, it's almost as if it's something taking over the mind rather than a virus. Yet, from what I can see, both of their bodies show signs of fighting off a viral infection, or trying to, and failing. For the moment anyway, I don't see any sign of it in my own."

She'd find none in her own as well.

Clara nodded.

"Let's get to the backup bay on Level 3. Guess we'll find out soon enough which it is."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged, and continued following.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Looks like I'm clean as well. Hopefully that's true if I wind up keeling over during all this," she snarks with a grumble. "Well whatever it is, finding a fix for it is going to be a priority... I'm not sure we stand much of a chance if Miranda and the Big Guy break free..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Not many people would. So far it seems we're not carrying it either, though I'd recommend we keep testing for at least the next several hours to be sure, it could influence us differently, and on different time frames. If we are immune though and unable to carry it, then the next question becomes why?"

Michael and Clara soon reached the backup medical center, where it seemed Helen was already at work. For the moment she hadn't noticed them.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael didn't say anything at first when he entered the lab. After a moment, it seemed like he was about to say something as Helen was putting down an instrument, when a high-pitched voice suddenly erupted from the instrument. "Hey, watch it!"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"A good bloody question. Maybe we're not, well, not-human enough? Would fit the Cabal's MO to go after more beastly looking or minded individuals, right?" Sarah theorizes. "Or, again, this thing reacts differently for different abnormalities. Because those are so drastic, they were near instant, and in our cases they're a lot more controlled or specific triggers?" Sarah's admittedly tossing random theories out in this case. "I mean I'm willing to turn myself to ensure that's not the case, but hopefully after we ensure we got a cure and all that shit dealt with first."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John thought for a moment.

"For you it may be simply bio-chemistry with all you have working inside you already. For me however, I'm beginning to suspect something far simpler is the cause, but I'm not quite willing to say for sure yet, not until at least a few more hours go by with no change."

Helen surprisingly didn't flinch, though she did let out an annoyed sound.

"I swear to god Walter, I'm going to ...."

She trailed off as she saw Clara and Michael there, blinking several times.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael chuckled slightly. "Sorry... That was me. Ventriloquism is such a useful skill for ambushing would-be ambushers."

He shrugged slightly. "And, well... I do have moments when the smartass part of my personality gets the better of me..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"It is a concern, but as long as it doesn't happen, I suppose it'd not matter what makes us immune that much." She shrugs lightly. "Right now, it's a bigger concern about the two near-rabid beasts, both of which could easily overpower us if we're not careful. I guess on the bright side, there was still enough Miranda left to want her to get to quarentine, so it's not a complete hyjack of the systems. Probably some sort of adrenaline burst combined with pressing towards the fight part of fight or flight?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John shrugged.

"Or she had enough mental control to resist it longer. Whatever the reason, I agree with you, the two of them if they get out are going to be problematic. In truth, I doubt anyone other than Chris could adequately deal with them if it became physical. I have an advantage with the teleportation, but only if the E.M shield is down. However, if I'm right about my being immune, and the reason why, we may already be a step closer to finding a solution."

Helen nodded slightly.

"I see. I'll have to introduce you to Walter at some point, you two would get along well. In the meantime though ... I'd like for you to assist me in a small experiment if you don't mind."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah glances to John, simply nodding. "Willing to hear anything at this rate. If we can figure out a workaround now, maybe we can save some time in case that wasn't the only package?"