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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged at the last part of Helen's reply. "Depends on the nature of the experiment."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John paused a moment before responding.

"It's possible I have an immunity due to the source blood. It does grant immunity to many different diseases, and can cure some others. If I'm right, then we might be able to synthesize a cure from Helen or even Chris' blood. If not ... we may need to re-acquire a certain sample."

Helen looked back to him.

"Based on the information they've already collected, this appears to be an extremely aggressive, but rather simplistic virus. It seems to affect it's host within minutes of infection, almost no incubation period at all. John's last report indicated there was still no sign of infection, or carrying within either him, or Sarah. With Sarah, I think I know why. With John, I have a theory that I'm going to test out using the remote robotics. I'll need someone else working on the other robotic arm as well, but I also need someone to watch for an interaction of any kind in the first few moments while my focus is on the robotic arms. What I'm going to try is testing this theory out by taking a sample of stored blood that was my own in the lab, and letting it come into contact with our virus. If nothing happens, John and I may be on to something. But if something does happen with it that is bad ... we know we have an even bigger issue at hand."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael glanced back at Clara. "So, either manipulation or observation? I could probably handle either of those."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah frowns, leaning into a counter. "Well, it's a theory. Hopefully that's the case for your case?" She sighs, shaking her head. "Though knowing my luck today, it's going to need that source..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John grimaced slightly.

"Which could be a bit of a problem for us if so. You see ... Helen's father hid away the original sample of source blood we used. He made a series of tests, ones that could only be completed specifically by each of the five. And if I have truly killed Nikola ... there may be no one capable of completing his test, and if that's the case ... we're one trial short of the full puzzle I'm afraid."

Clara thought for a moment before responding.

"I know these robotic systems well enough to work with them. From what I've heard from Henry on the intel you brought back ... you may be better with observation that I am. Less likely to miss something than I would be."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael nodded again, then turned back towards Magnus. "Alright, then. Might as well get started."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Joy. Then for all our sakes, let's hope we're lucky enough..." she admits with a sigh.
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Helen nodded and began to work on the machines, as did Clara. He'd watch as the samples were introduced to each other, and after some time, have to conclude that if anything was going to happen, it was happening at such an infinitesimal rate to be non existent. It would probably be prudent to mention that after a few more moments.

After an indeterminate time passed, John broke the silence with Sarah.

"I can find no evidence of any reaction whatsoever within my blood sample, I've even directly exposed it to one from Miranda, since we've established it's likely she gave it to the Big Guy. I'll wait for confirmation from Helen, but it would appear I'm immune, and not capable of being a carrier."

Chris, Zale and Gwen suddenly appeared in the Courtyard, Chris blinking slightly.

"The E.M shield must be up, we should have materialized inside the armory, which would be where any counter-attack would come from. There's a side entry over this way, though I don't see any sign of intruders do either of you?"

Gwen shook her head.

"No, nothing. What else would keep them from responding?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged after a moment of watching. "If there is a reaction happening... I'd almost be willing to bet that the next Ice Age will happen before there's any noticeable effects."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah sighs, having been leaned back in her chair and figiting with the equipment nearby- not enough to help really, but it kept her hands busy and mind on task.

"Yey," she deadpans. "One less concern... Not heard from Magnus yet though, so we're keeping the shield up. I just hope there wasn't any more of those packages laying about..."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

John sighed.

"Agreed on all accounts. There are quite a few abnormals here I'd not like to see what this would do to."

Helen managed to stifle a chuckle, though she did allow a small smile.

"Good to know. It would appear then John and I may be immune after all. Most likely any source blood creation would be. Now the question is if we need a pure source, or if one from any of us will do."

Clara chimed in at this point, seeming to have already thought of that.

"Time would be of the essence right? I'd suggest trying Chris' blood first. I mean ... you said it last year yourself, he's almost a pure blood right? At least more so than you or I or John, or even Nikola was?"

Helen paused a moment, slowly nodding.

"If it's going to work with a sample from any of us, then yes, his would be the most likely. Good thinking."

Chris shrugged, though as he did something above them caught his eye.

"Wait here one second ... I may have an answer."

He muttered something about tiny ledges, and then bent his knees, suddenly leaping up far enough to get on to one of the second story window ledges. After a few moments he jumped off, landing in a semi-crouch and springing back to his feet.

"Bio-Hazard lockdown on Level 2. That explains the E.M shield being up and the lack of attackers. Thing is ... we didn't have anything but what Ashley was bringing in that might be hazardous stored here, and she hasn't arrived yet, so it's not that. I've got a very bad feeling about this."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael half-shrugged, half-nodded. "So, the next step is finding out if he's done being an ER surgeon, then?"

If Clara reacts, he adds, "Apparently, there was an incident in New York with an electrically-charged person in critical condition needing emergency surgery."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah would stay silent at that, simply figiting with a frown as she keeps eying over Miranda's form to ensure she wasn't working free as she waited on Magnus's return call, the glance occasionally going for the radio she had dragged in with her.

(I guess unless things develop, I'll wait until Magnus gets back to the second floor.)
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Zale was still trying to get bearings with the new surroundings. She was looking around a bit as Chris did his bit of leaping and when he returned she could only frown at what he said only really able to offer a shrug.

"Considering I cant say I know what yall do here I got nothing...IF there is some sort of Bio-hazard going on should we be waiting out here for someone to explain or do we want to really push inside this place while its locked down?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Chris sighed, considering for a moment.

"If it's on Level 2 then the risks to any of us are virtually non existent. That floor was designed to completely seal away in the event of a breach, there's a special elevator we would use to bypass that floor, as well as a secondary stairwell that doesn't stop there. Even still, if we do go in, the two of you at least should be in hazmat suits. There's some at the back warehouse just for emergencies where we have to enter and don't have outside suits available. Unless you both really want to stay out here, at which point there's some benches on the way to the entry point I'll be taking. Unfortunately, either way, I HAVE to go in there. Of course then again, since we had nothing that would cause this inside, we can't rule out a bio-attack, at which point the outside might not be that much safer either."

Gwen had stayed mostly silent during the exchange, now she spoke.

"I for one think I'd rather take my chances going in there. Honestly ... if anyone comes outside, I don't know anyone, how am I to know if I ought to go electro on them on not until it's cutting too close?"

A beep from the monitors John had hooked into their two 'guests' broke the silence, with John looking one of them over for several moments.

"Odd ... Miranda's core temperature has increased to nearly one hundred degrees. Normal for a Medusa is only eighty. This ... disease isn't the sole cause, of that I'm sure given the Big Guy's temperature has only risen three degrees by comparison, and they seem to be affected the exact same way by it."

"Right ... I would try calling him, but the E.M shield is gonna block all cell reception. I'll have to grab a land line."

"With John and Sarah fully immune, there's no need to keep the shield up. Give me just a moment to contact them and let them know before I turn it off, then try your call."

She reached for the radio, pressing the button and then speaking into it.

In the med lab, right after Sarah finished whatever reply she'd have, the radio came alive.

"Sarah? It's Helen. It would appear both you and John are completely immune, we think the source blood in this case is providing an immunity. In a moment, I'll be lowering the shield, and then once we get Chris back here, you and I should work quickly to see if we can make some kind of cure or treatment from his blood. Over."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"Aw fuck fuck fuck..." Sarah mumbled, moving to Miranda's side. "She's going into her estrus season too, she pulled me aside to try and figure out some way to calm it. I thought I had figured out a band-aid situation with my core mutation serum, but I hadn't gotten to test it yet due to the situation with Sally's kin, then when I got home THIS happened..." she sighs in frustration.

And then the radio spoke up, making her dive for the radio and contact back with Magnus. "Well, it may be easier on the big guy, but with Miranda it may get complex. Er, tell me... what do you know about medusa, um... estrus cycles?"
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

There was a moment of silence before Helen replied.

"I suppose it's too much to ask for you to be kidding? Let me put it this way, if Miranda has gone into her cycle, it's several weeks early. Normally the hormonal changes are only just starting, and don't manifest for another few weeks. It's possible this infection has caused her to go into it early, and if that's the case ... We have two issues. Even if we cure it, she'll still need to find a mate within a week. If she doesn't ... it will kill her eventually. Her physical strength will also be increased as well, I'm not sure by how much more with this infection seeming to do the same. I would suggest a secondary set of restraints, one set may no longer be enough to keep her in place."
Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"The mate thing... might... be covered..." Sarah sighed, and quickly went over the side project that Miranda had talked to her about. "Untested at the moment, sure, but... well, it's something. Honestly though I'm more concerned about getting her and the big guy cured first, then seeing if I managed it first." She took the moment to work on the restraints, helping to gesture to Jack to assist doubling the medusa's restraints during the conversation.